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1、SERVICE MANUAL COMPACT COMPONENT SYSTEM No.20978 Jul. 2001 COPYRIGHT 2001 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LTD. MX-G50 MX-G50 Area Suffix US UW UY Singapore Brazil,Mexico,Peru Argentina Contents Safety Precautions Important for laser products Preventing static electricity Disassembly method Wiring connectio

2、n Adjustment method Flow of functional operation until TOC read Maintenance of laser pickup Replacement of laser pickup Trouble shooting Description of major ICs 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-20 1-21 1-25 1-26 1-26 1-27 1-3043 DISC SKIP VOLUME VOLUME + RMSMXG50U REMOTE CONTROL STANDBY/ON 123 456 789 10+10 SLEEP

3、 SUBWOOFER LEVEL SOUND MODE FM MODE TAPE A/B FADE MUTINGFM/AM AUX / CD TAPE zzzzzECHO CANCEL /DEMO PRESET COMPU PLAY CONTROL PLAY 5V) -Check the main PCB RIC1(L4959) -Check the front PCB UD13(IN4002) -Check the main PCB; RBD1(PBL403) RD8(IN5392) -Check the power PCB; Fuse P/T, RFS2, RFS5, RFS6 -Chec

4、k the main PCB; RR7, RC7, RZD4, RR6 RR5, RR4, RC8, RD3 Check the B+, B- power source RBD1, RBD2, RW2 Check the power PCB Fuse, P/T, RFS2, RFS5, RFS6, RFS7, RFS8 Front PCB Does UX1(6MHz) oscillate? Check the main PCB RIC1(L4959) Check the AMP PCB AIC1, AIC2 Check headphone jack soldering condition Ch

5、eck the front PCB UIC( -com), UIC2(M66010GP) Check the AMP PCB AQ2L, 2R, AQ1,5,6,7 Remove it with remoconIs mute selected? Headphone jack short? NoNo No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Replase -com Replase UIC2(M66010) Front PCB When the power is ON H display at pin no.15(UI

6、C2) AQ2L, 2R, AQ1,2,3,4 Emitter B+? AMP PCB AIC1, pin no. 4,8,9,12 B+,B- normal? UIC1( -com)pin79 check the H? MX-G50 1-28 2. Tuner malfunction (FM/AM) 3. Tape malfunction MX-G50 1-29 4.CD MX-G50 1-30 2. Block diagram 5L9290 (IC201) : Digital signal processor for CDP 1. Pin layout DPLL CLV Servo LOC


8、ital Filter C2PODATX SADTI LRCKI BCKI S5L9290X DSP+DAC 48-LQFP-0707 VSSA_PLL VCO1LF VSSD_PLL VDDD_PLL XIN XOUT EFMI LOCK SMEF C2PO JITB DATX VDDD3-5V VDDD2-3V SBCK SQDTSMON TESTV SMDS WDCK MUTE BCKI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 131415161718192021222324 4847464544434


10、 2VCO1LFOPump out for VCO1 3VSSD_PLL-Digital Ground Separated Bulk Bias for DPLL 4VDDD_PLL-Digital Power Separated Bulk Bias for DPLL (3V Power) 5VDDD1-5V-Digital Power (5V Power, I/O PAD) 6XINIXtal oscillator input (16.9344MHz) 7XOUTOXtal oscillator output 8VSSD1-Digital Ground (I/O PAD) 9EFMIIEFM

11、signal input 10LOCKOCLV Servo locking status output 11SMEFOLPF time constant control of the spindle servo error signal 12SMDPOPhase control output for Spindle Motor drive 13SMDSOSpeed control output for Spindle Motor drive 14WDCKOWord clock output (Normal Speed : 88.2KHz, Double Speed : 176.4KHz) 15

12、TESTVIVarious Data/Clock Input 16LKFSOThe Lock status output of frame sync 17C4MO4.2336MHz clock output 18RESETBISystem Reset at L 19MLTILatch signal input from Micom 20MDATISerial data input from Micom 21MCKISerial data receiving clock input from Micom 22ISTATOThe internal status output to Micom 23

13、S0S1OSubcode sync signal(S0+S1) output 24SQCKISubcode-Q data transfering bit clock input MX-G50 1-32 3. Pin function (2/2) NO.NAMEI/OFunction Description 25SQDTOSubcode-Q data serial output 26MUTEISystem mute at H 27VDDD2-3V-Digital Power (3V Power, Internal Logic) 28VSSD2-Digital Ground (Internal L

14、ogic) 28VDDD3-5V-Digital Power (5V Power, I/O PAD) 30SBCKISubcode data transfering bit clock 31JITBOInternal SRAM jitter margin status output 32C2POOC2 pointer output 33DATXODigital audio data output 34SADTOOSerial audio data output (48 slot, MSB first) 35LRCKOOChannel clock output 36BCKOOBit clock

15、output 37BCKIIBit clock input 38LRCKIIChannel clock input 39SADTIISerial audio data input (48 slot, MSB first) 40VSSD_DAC-Digital Ground for DAC 41VDDD_DAC-Digital Power for DAC (3V Power) 42RCHOUTORight-Channel audio output through DAC 43VSSA_DAC-Analog Ground for DAC 44VREFOReferance Voltage outpu

16、t for bypass 45VHALFOReferance Voltage output for bypass 46VDDA_DAC-Analog Power for DAC (3V Power) 47LCHOUTOLeft-Channel audio output through DAC 48VDDA_PLL-Analog Power for PLL (3V Power) MX-G50 1-33 BA4560 (AIC3, AIC4, AIC5, AIC6, AIC7, FIC4, JIC2, UIC3) : Op amp. 1.Pin layout + + 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5

17、 OUT1 IN1 + IN1 VEE VCC OUT2 IN2 + IN2 1ch 2ch KA9258D (IC301) : 4-ch Motor driver 2827262524232221201918171615 1234567891011121314 GND GND 10K REGULATOR 10K 10K VCCVCC 10K 10K T S D 10K 10K 10K 50K MUTE +- LEVEL SHIFT -+ LEVEL SHIFT MX-G50 1-34 KA22291 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314151617181920212

18、22324 14 13 12 11 23 2221820191815 24 16 9 1 17 10234576 PRE 100k B-IN A-AN MUTE MUTE REC PB NF(2) PB IN(2) R/P SW SW IN(2) ALC OUT(2) PB OUT(2) Vcc Vcc REC GND PB OUT(1) INPUT REC.BIAS RECORE I.REF PLAYBACK I.REF PB.BIAS INPUT PRE 100k N.F R/P SW ALC TIME CONSTANT 100k NF PRE INPUT REC NF(2) REC IN

19、(2) REC IN(1) REC NF(1) ALC DET PRE INPUT N.F 100k MODE CONTROL /BIAS CIRCUIT A/B SELECT SW B-IN A-AN PB NF(1) PB IN(1) A/B SW PB MUTE REC GND IN(1) OUT(1) KA22291(JIC1) : PB/REC pre amp. 1.Pin layout 2.Block diagram MX-G50 1-35 Pin NumberPin NameI/OPin Function Descriptio n 1GND-Ground 2VO1OOutput

20、1 3VZ1-Phase compensation 4VCTLIMotor speed control 5VIN1IInput 1 6VIN2IInput 2 7SVCC-Supply voltage (Signal) 8PVCC-Supply voltage (Power) 9VZ2-Phase compensation 10VO2OOutput 2 12345678910 GNDVO1VZ1VCTLVIN1VIN2SVCCVO2PVCCVZ2 KA3082 DRIVER OUT PRE DRIVER LOGIC SWITCH TSD BIAS 12345678910 GNDVO1 VZ1V

21、CTL VIN1VIN2SVCC PVCCVZ2VO2 KA3082 (IC401, IC402) : Bi-directional DC motor driver 3.Block Diagram 1.Pin layout 2.Pin function MX-G50 1-36 RF amp & Servo signal processor 2. Block diagram 4 12 RF AGC & EQ Control Focus OK Detect Defect Detect Mirror Gen Center Voltage APC. Laser Control & LPC Tracki

22、ng Servo Loop - Gain & Phase Compensation - Track Jump - Offset Adjust - TZC Gen. Tracking Error (RW) I/V AMP RF & Focus Error (CD-RW) I/V AMP Hardware Logic - Auto-Sequencer - Fast Search - Febias, Focus Servo, Tracking Offset ADJ. - Tracking Balance & Gain Adjust - Interruption Detect - EFM Muting

23、 System Sled Servo & Kick Gen Spindle Servo LPF EFM Comparator Micom Data Interface Logic Decoder Focus Servo Loop - Gain & Phase Compensation - Focus Search - Offset Adjust - FZC Gen. EQO PD LD LPFT TEIO TZC& SSTOP ATSC TEO TEM SLP SLO SLM FEO FEM SPDLO SPDLM EQI RFO RFM EQC VREF PDE PDF PDBD PDAC

24、ISTAT MCK MDATA MLT RESET WDCK CLVI LOCK ASY EFM 5 45 46 44 43 6 7 8 9 10 11 14131516171918202221 24 23 30 29 25 26 27 28 29 36 33 34 35 37 38 39 4140424748123 EFMI DCCI DCC0 MCP DCB VCC/ VDD FRSH FSET FLB FGD FSI TGU S1L9226X TEO TEM SLP SLO SLM ISTAT MCK MDATA MLT RESET WDCK CLVI LOCK ASY EFM SPM

25、EFMI VCC FRSH FSET FLB FGD FSI TGU EQO EQI RFO RFM PD LD37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 123456789101112 363534333231302928272625 SPO FEM FEO GND TZC/SSTOP TEIO LPFT ATSC PDAC PDF PDBD PDE DCB MCP DCCI DCCO VREF EQC KB9226 (IC101) : 1. Pin layout MX-G50 1-37 Pi

26、n No. SymbolI/ODescription 1RFMIRF summing amp. inverting input 2RFOORF summing amp. output 3EQIIRFO DC eliminating input(use by MIRROR, FOK ,AGC & EQ terminal) 4EQOORF equalizer output 5EFMIIEFM slice input. (input impedance 47K) 6VCCPMain power supply 7FRSHICapcitor connection to focus search 8FSE

27、TIFilter bias for focus,tracking,spindle 9FLBICapacitor connection to make focus loop rising band 10FGDITerminal to change the hign frequency gain of focus loop 11FSIIFocus servo input 12TGUIConnect the component to change the high frequency of tracking Loop 13ISTATOInternal status output 14MCKIMico

28、m clock 15MDATAIData input 16MLTIData latch input 17RESETIReset input 18CLVIIInput the spindle control output from DSP 19WDCKI88.2KHz input terminal from DSP 20LOCKISled run away inhibit pin (L: sled off & tracking gain up) 21EFMOEFM output for RFO slice(to DSP) 22ASYIAuto asymmetry control input 23

29、SPMISpindle amp. inverting input 24SPOOSpindle amp. output 25SLMISled servo inverting input 26SLOOSled servo output 27SLPISled servo noninverting input 28TEMITracking servo amp.inverting input 29TEOOTracking servo amp. output 30FEMIFocus servo amp. inverting input 31FEOOFocus servo amp. output pin 3

30、. Pin function(1/2) MX-G50 1-38 32GNDPMain ground 33TZC/ SSTOP ITracking zero crossing input & Check the position of pick-up wherther inside or not 34TEIOBTracking error output & Tracking servo input 35LPFTITracking error integration input (to automatic control) 36ATSCIAnti-shock input 37LDOAPC amp.

31、 output 38PDIAPC amp. input 39PDACIPhoto diode A & C RF I/V amp. inverting input 40PDBDIPhoto diode B & D RF I/V amp. inverting input 41PDFIPhoto diode F & tracking(F) I/V amp. inverting input 42PDEIPhoto diode E & tracking(E) I/V amp. inverting input 43DCBICapacitor connection to limit the defect d

32、etection 44MCPICapacitor connection to mirror hold 45DCCIOOutput pin to connect the component for defect detect 46DCCOIInput pin to connect the component for defect detect 47VREFO(VCC+GND)/2 Voltage reference output 48EQCIAGC_equalize level control terminal & capacitor terminal to input in to VCA Pi

33、n No. SymbolI/ODescription 3. Pin function (2/2) BA3837 (IC301) : Mic mixer 1.Block diagram 161514131211109 12345678 LOGIC SW2 SW1 R L + R L R L + + + + + + + + VCCMICLOUTFKTKLINBIASGND CBAROUTLPLPLPRIN MX-G50 1-39 L4959 (RIC1) : Voltage regulator 1.Pin layout 2.Block diagram 3.Pin function 5.6V, 25

34、0mA REGULATOR REF GEN 8.6V, 600mA REGULATOR SWITCHED 12V, 800mA REGULATOR SWITCHED 12V, 1.3A REGULATOR SWITCHED VS 2/10 GND 6 EN 8V 8 EN 12V(a) 7 EN 12V(b) 5 3 OUT 5.6V 9 OUT 8.6V 11 OUT 12V(a) 1 OUT 12V(b) D97AU569C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 8 OUT 12V(a) VS OUT 8.6V EN 8.6V EN 12V(a) GND EN 12V(b) N.C.

35、 OUT 5.6V VS OUT 12V(b) TAB CONNECTED TO PIN 6D97AU716A PinPinsDescription 1OUT 12V (b)12V/1.3A SWITCHED OUTPUT VOLTAGE 2VSSupply Voltage 3OUT 5.6V5.6V/250mA OUTPUT VOLTAGE 4N.C.not connected 5EN 12V (b)Enable 12V/1.3A SWITCHED OUTPUT VOLTAGE 6GNDGround 7EN 12V (a)Enable 12V/0.8A SWITCHED OUTPUT VOL

36、TAGE 8EN 8.6VEnable 8.6V/0.6A SWITCHED OUTPUT VOLTAGE 9OUT 8.68.6V/0.6A SWITCHED OUTPUT VOLTAGE 10VSSupply Voltage 11OUT 12V (a)12V/0.8A SWITCHED OUTPUT VOLTAGE MX-G50 1-40 LC72131M(IC02): PLL frequency synthesizer for electron alignment 1210 9876 2. Block diagram 5 4 15 19 3 13 CCB I/F 1 20 16 17 1

37、8 11 1 2 Reference Driver Swallow Counter 1/16,1/17 4bits 12bits Programmable Divider Power on Reset Data Shift Register & Latch Unlock Detector Phase Detector Charge Pump Universal Counter 1. Pin layout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 XOUT VSS AOUT AIN PD VDD FMIN AMIN 102 IFIN X

38、IN CE DI CL DO BO1 BO2 BO3 BO4 I01 14 2 3.Pin Functions Pin No. 1 13 Local oscillator signal input Symbol Functions Type Circuit configuration AMIN Xtal OSC FMIN14 Serial data input : FMIN is selected when DVS is set to 1. The input frequency range is from 10 to 160MHz. The signal is passed through

39、a built-in divide-by-two prescaler and then supplied to the swallow counter. A1 though the range of divisor setting is from 272 to 65, 535, the actual divisor is twice the setting since there is also a built-in divide-by-two prescaler. XIN XOUT20 Crystal resonator connection (4.5MHz/7.2MHz) Serial d

40、ata input : AMIN is selected when DVS is set to 0. Serial data input : When SNS is set to 1 : The input frequency range is form 2 to 40MHz The signal is supplied directly to the swallow counter. The range of divisor setting is from 272 to 65, 535 and the actual divisor will be the value set. Serial

41、data input : When SNS is set to 0 : The input frequency ranges is from 0.5 to 10MHz. The signal is supplied directly to a 12-bit programmable divider. The range of divisor setting is from 4 to 4,095 and the actual divisor will be the value set. Local oscillator signal input 2CE Chip enable Most be s

42、et high when serial data is input to the LC72131M (DI ), or when serial data is output (DO). S (1/2) MX-G50 1-41 Pin No. 19 VDD Symbol Functions Type Circuit configuration Ground Dedicated output pins The output states are determined by BO1 to BO4 in the serial data. Data=0:Open =1:Low The pins go t

43、o the open state after the power-on reset. An 8Hz time base signal can be output from BO1 when TBC in the serial data is set to 1. Note that the ON impedance of the BO1 pin is higher than that of the other pins (BO2 to BO4) (2/2) CL 4Clock Used as the synchronization clock when serial data is input

44、to the LC72131 (DI ), or when serial data is output (DO). DI 3 Input data Inputs serial data sent from the controller to the LC72131M. DO5Output data Output serial data sent from the LC72131M to the controller. The content of the output data is determined by the serial data DOCO to DOC2. S S Output

45、port 6BO1 15Power supply The LC72131M power supply (VDD=4.5 to 5/5V) The power on reset circuit operates when power is first applied. VSS The LC72131M ground. BO2 BO3 BO4 7 8 9 12 11 17 18 16 IFIN AIN AOUT Pins used for both input and output The input or output state is determined by bits IOC1 and I

46、OC2 in the serial state. Data=0:Input port =1:Output port When specified for use as an input port : The input state is transmitted to the controller through the DO pin. Input state=Low:data value 0 =High:data value 1 When specified for use as an output port : The output state is determined by bits I

47、O1 and IO2 in the serial sate. Data=0:Open =1:Low These pins go to the input port state after the power-on reset. IF counter The input frequency range is from 0.4 to 12MHz. The signal is supplied directly to the IF counter. The result from the IF counter MBS is output through the DO pin. There are f

48、our measurement periods: 4, 8, 32 or 64ms. L.P.F amplifier Tr The MOS transistor used for the PLL active Low-pass filter. PD Charge pump output IO1 S PLL Charge pump output When the frequency generated by dividing the Local oscillator frequency by N is higher than the reference frequency, a high lev

49、el will be output from the PD in. similarly, when that frequency is lower, a low level will be output. The PD pin goes to the high impedance state when the frequencies agree. 10 IO2 I/O Port 3.Pin Functions MX-G50 1-42 D0 D1 CLK CS Vcc S GND D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 GND M66010 (UIC2) : I/O control 1.Pin layout 2.Block diagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 32


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