Zenith H723Z1 operating guide 电路原理图.pdf

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《Zenith H723Z1 operating guide 电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Zenith H723Z1 operating guide 电路原理图.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。

1、0lsrnting $uiils TO HE t P Y O U ENJOY YOUR NEW * -LL/r- c e-rL A M - F M R A D I O R E C E I V E R tYloDEL H723Zr AND OTHER TIODEUi USING RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 G E N E R A L This new Zenith Table Model Radio offers complete radio reception at its best. It is designed to pr

2、ovide Frequency Modulation (FM) on the FM band, as well as standard broadcast reception. A number of important new features which add to the tone quaiity and performance have been perfected by Zenith engineers for this receiver. The receiver circuit utilizes an entirely new type of filter system and

3、 the new Selenium Rectifier, both of which help to provide increased output for better rrcrformancc. P O W E R S U P P T Y This rccciver may be operated on 50 to (r0 cycle 117 rolt Alternating Currcnt (AC.) or from ll7 volt Direct Current (DC). NOTE: If receiver does not operate within one minute wh

4、en connected to Direct Current, the po*er plug should be roersed in the wall socket. This procedure should also be followed if a hum is apparent when the receiver is operated on Alternating Currcnt. F R E Q U E N C Y I T O D U T A T I O N Radio broadcast transmissions are of two types, Amplitude Mod

5、ulation (Standard Broadcast) and Frequency Modulation (FM). RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Frequency Modulation provides a tremendous improvement in the re- rluction of interference or static. In most installations, particularly those not too distant from the transmitting station, s

6、tatic of all types is entirely absen t. Frequency Modulation allows the transmission of not only a greatly in- creased tonal range, resulting in hearing musical instruments and sounds which preiously have been unheard, but also a greatly increased dynamic range that allows thc loudest and softest fa

7、ssages to be heard in their true p roportions. A N T E N N A For STANDARD BROADCAST - Your receiver is equipped with a built- in 7aemagnet which eliminates the need for an external antenna under aYerage conditions. If hum is apparent when operating the receiver, reverse the AC plug and move the AC c

8、ord away from the NTavemagnet. r cRouND TERM|NAT ,.- F.M. ANTENNA l-r TERMTNAI s hL ,. . ,*, ANTENNA Figure I - Anlenno Conneclionr on bock of Wovenognel RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 For FREQUENCY MODULATION - The special built-in Line Antenna is dcsigned for IircqLrency Modulatio

9、n reception and in average locations r.here fairly strong signals are received from the transmitting station, this antenna system will providc excellent reception. Be sure the AC cord is stretched out in back of the receiver. Do not coil or bunch it up. Also try the plug both ways in the power socke

10、t for the position which gives best FM reception. In locations where eiectrical interference is experienced, particularly close to areas with hear.y automobile tralhc, or in locations distant from the transmitting stations aZenith FM Antenna Kit S14188 should be employed. This Antenna Kit may be pur

11、chased from your Zenith Dealer. To connect the lead-in from the FM Antenna Kit S14188 to the receiver, first remove the line antenna (blue wire) from the F terminal (see Fig. l). Connect one side of thc lead-in to the F terminal and the other side to the terminal rnrrked G. D I A L C A L I B R A T I

12、 O N SANDARD tsROADCASI BAND:Ihc bottom dial scalc is thc broadcast portior.r of the dial, and is calibratecl in kilocycles, minus the l4st zero. For exarnplc, a station listed as operating on 650 kilocycles will be found at 65 on iour dial scale. A station listed at f.i50 kilocycles will be tuned i

13、r.r irt l-i5 - ancl so on. Usc tiris scrlc when the Band Switch is set to AM 1)osl t tou FREQUIINCY MODULATION BAND: Thc station channcl of thc I:reclucncy Modulation band cxtends from 88 to 108 mcgacycles. To covcr this rangc thc Zcnith clial has onc IM scalc. This scalc is used when thc Band Switc

14、h is set to l;M position. It is calibratcd from 88 MC to 108 MC. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 T U N I N G STANDARD BROADCAST BAND: I:igure 2 sho*s the position of Tr,rning antl Volume Control knobs. To place the instrument in operation, tr,rrn thc Volume Control knob to the right.

15、 This will turn on the set. Allo*about l0 scconds for thc tubes to reach operating temperature. Set thc Jlnri Srlitch to thc AM position. To tr-rne the rcceiver, turn the Tuning Control knob slowly to the de- sirccl station and rcacljust the Volume Control knob to the right or left to the clcsircd v

16、olumc. To turn thc receiver OFF, rotate the Volume Control knob as far as it will go to the left, until a click is heard. Figure 2 - Fronf Ponel View FREQUENCY MODULATION BAND: The receiver is turned ON and OFF in the same manner as in standard broadcast operation. The Band S*itch nrrst bc sct to lM

17、 rrosition. TUNING THE RECEIVER ON THE FREQUENCY MODULATION BAND !yILL REQUIRE MORE CARE THAN ON THE BROADCAST BAND. A hissinq sound may be noted when tuning between Frequency Modulation stations. This is normal, and will disappear as the station is tuned in. After a station is located, the pointer

18、should be moved back and forth over it until the point of quietest reception and best tone quality is found. Correct tuning is indicated by the disappearance of background noise. Although Frequency Modulation stations are heard over great distances on rare occasions, do not expect to tune in other t

19、han your Iocal stations. The nature of Frequency Modulation transmission limits reception to areas within the approximate horizon. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Wa/rrntdf Z e n i t h R a d i o C o r p t r r a t i o n w a r r a n t s c a c h n e w . Z e n i t h radio recciver, phono

20、graphic reprducer ()r combrnatlon thereof, and cach ncw Zcnith Quality Tuhc t. he free from defects in sttrkmanship and materiirl arising from normal usagc. Its obligation under this uarranty is lim- ited to replacing any part )r partr ilf thc reccivcr repro- ducer orcombinatiirn, or rcplacing tubes

21、 phich, within ninety (90) days from datc of purchase, -shall be.rcturncd to tlac iluthorizcd dcaler frrtm whtttn the purchase was made and which shall be found to have been thus defec- tive in accordrtnce with tlre policies cstablished by Zenith Radio Corporatron. The obligation ttf Zenith Radio Co

22、rporation is limited io rnaking replacement parts available to the purchaser, and does not include eithcr the making or the furnishing o f a n v l a b t r r i n c o n n e c t i l n w i t h t h e i n s t t r l l a t i o n o f s u c h rcplafement parts nor does it include responsibility fti -. - any t

23、ransportation expense. , - 2enith Raclio Corporation assumes no liability . and trt sh:rll not be liable in an1 respect for failure to periorm I 1 or deliry in performing its obligations with respect. to the above warranty if suih failure or delay results, directly o r i n d i r e c t l y , i . . ,

24、. u n y p r e f e r e n c e , p r i o r i t y o r - a l I c r c a t i o n order issued by the Government, or because of any other i. : act of thc G6vernment or by war, conditions of war, -1 inadeouate transportation facilities, conditions of weather, 7n acts o? God, strikes, lockouts, Sovernmental c

25、ontrols, tlr Zeniths reasonable requirements for manufacturing pur- posest or any cause beyond .its control or occurring with- irut its fault, whether the same kind or not. Condifionr ond Erclurions This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other agreements and warranties, expressed or implied, and

26、Zenith Radio Corporation neither assumes nor authorizes any repre- sentative or other Person to assume for it any other lia- bility in connection with the sale of Zenith Radio re- reivers, phonographic reproducers, or combinations thereof, or Zenith Quality Tubes. The warranty herein shall not apply

27、 to any receiver or parts thereof which have been repaired or replaced by inyone other than an authorized Zenith dealer, service contractor or distributor or which have been subiect to alteration, misuse, negligence or accident, or to the parts of any receiver which has had the serial number or name altered, defaced or removed. ZENITH RADIO CONPORATION zo2-898 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库


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