1、SUPPLEMENTSupplementPart Number 181812-S41997 Bose CorporationRev00 08/97Model 1800V ProfessionalStereo Power AmplifierThe thermistors RT100 and RT200 used in the 1800V protection circuit have changed. The resis-tors R41 and R84 had to be changed to match the new thermistors. The thermistors RT100 a
2、ndRT200 are located on the amplifier PCB. The resistors R41 and R84 are located on the I/O PCB.Refer to the 1800V service manual, part number 181812, for disassembly procedures, schematics,and PCB layouts. Refer to the figures on the back of this page for the location of the thermistorsand resistors
3、. The tables below list the proper resistor and thermistor combination. It is not neces-sary to change these components unless they have failed. Insert this supplement into the 1800Vservice manual, part number 181812 REV 00.New ThermistorOld ThermistorReferenceDesignatorDescriptionNew Part NumberRT100, 200Thermistor, NTC,1/2W, 5%, 1k195253R41, 843.32k, MF, 1/4W,1%195252ReferenceDesignatorDescriptionOld Part NumberRT100, 200Thermistor, NTC,1/2W, 5%, 1k182785R41, 842.21k, MF, 1/4W,1%182908RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库