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1、Service Manual130352-110/02Rev. DC IECE SERSCE SERIESCE SERIESCE SERIES P O EL U I AE SS IN M L FPROFESSIONAL AUDIO AMPLIFIERSModels:CE-1000, CE-2000(some units may have the model names: CE-1000A, CE-2000A, CE-2000TX,UT-1010, UT-2020, M120, M240, S2, and S3) 2002 by Crown Audio, Inc., P.O. Box 1000,

2、 Elkhart, Indiana 46515-1000 U.S.A. Telephone: 574-294-8000. CE Series amplifiers are produced by Crown International, Inc. Trademark Notice: Crown andMultiMode are registered trademarks of Crown International. Other trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库CE Ser

3、ies Service ManualRev. DThe information furnished in this manual does not include all of the details of design, production, or variations ofthe equipment. Nor does it cover every possible situation which may arise during installation, operation ormaintenance. If you need special assistance beyond th

4、e scope of this manual, please contact the CrownTechnical Support Group.Mail: P.O. Box 1000 Elkhart IN 46515-1000Shipping: 1718 W. Mishawaka Rd., Elkhart IN 46517Phone: (800) 342-6939/(574) 294-8200FAX: (574) 294-8301Web: PRVENIR LE CHOCLECTRIQUE NENLEVEZPAS LES COUVERTURES.RIEN DES PARTIESUTILES LI


6、THE RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THISEQUIPMENT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE!IRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 CE Series Service ManualRev. DRevision HistoryRevision NumberDateChangesRev. ARev. BRev. CRev. D3-982-995-9910-02IIInitial PrintingAdded Additional Module Documentation.Added Revision History.Added In

7、side Cover Page.Updated Cover Page and Table of Contents.Updated Graphic on Page 1-1.Updated Specifications on Page 1-2.Added Section 7, Module and Schematic Information.Added Section 8, Module Parts Lists.Moved existing Module Parts Lists from Section 6 toSection 8.Added Module Parts Lists for Modu

8、le CPNs:102139-11,102140-11, 127321-1, 127323-1, 127353-1, 127373-2,127354-1, and 127354-2.Added Section 9, Field Service Modifications.Added Section 10, Schematics.Moved all existing Schematics from Section 6 toSection 10.Added Schematics 102141M and 102142M.Updated Cover Page, Revision History and

9、 Table ofContents.Revised fan part no. from 125400-3 to 133551-1.Updated phone number area code.Updated sections 1.2, 1.3.6, 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.3,7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.4.1, 9.2, 9.4.Added Module Parts Lists for Module CPNs:102140-9 revB, 126883-2 rev B, 127321-2, 127323-2,127353-3, 127354-3, 127451-4 an

10、d 127452-4.Added Schematics 127451-4 and 127452-4.Added Assembly Parts List for CE1000A and CE2000ADomestic.Revised Crown logo.Updated Cover Page, Revision History and Table ofContents.CE Series Service ManualRev. DThis page intentionally left blankIII CE Series Service ManualRev. DTable of Contents

11、IV1 Introduction . 1-11.1 The CE-Series . 1-11.2 Warranty . 1-11.3 Specifications . 1-21.3.1 Performance . 1-21.3.2 Power. 1-21.3.3 Controls . 1-21.3.4 Indicators. 1-21.3.5 Input/Output . 1-21.3.6 Connectors . 1-21.3.7 Construction . 1-22 Maintenance. 2-12.1 Surface Mount Technology . 2-12.2 Caution

12、s and Warnings. 2-12.3 Troubleshooting . 2-12.3.1 Pre-AC-Checks. 2-12.3.2 Main Module Removal . 2-22.3.3 Static Checks . 2-22.4 Checkout/Adjustment Procedures . 2-22.4.1 Equipment Required. 2-32.4.2 Initial Conditions . 2-32.4.3 Test Procedure. 2-32.4.4 Service Kit Wire Extensions . 2-33 Circuit The

13、ory . 3-13.1 Front End Operation. 3-13.2 Balanced Gain Stage. 3-13.3 Variable Gain Stage . 3-13.4 Error Amp. 3-23.5 Voltage Amplification . 3-23.5.1 Voltage Translator . 3-23.5.2 Last Voltage Amplifier. 3-23.5.3 Bias Servo . 3-23.2.2 Output PCA . 3-33.6 Output Topology . 3-23.6.1 Pre-Driver . 3-33.6

14、.2 Driver . 3-33.6.3 Output Devices. 3-33.6.4 Flyback Diodes. 3-33.6.5 Output Terminating Network. 3-33.7 Power Supply. 3-33.7.1 Low Voltage Supply. 3-33.7.2 Bootstrap Supply. 3-33.7.3 High Voltage Supply. 3-4CE Series Service ManualRev. DTable of ContentsV3.8 Protection Circuitry. 3-43.8.1 Time Dep

15、endent VI Limit . 3-43.8.2 Temperature Protection . 3-53.8.3 Low-Frequency and Short-Circuited Protection. 3-53.8.4 Input Compressor. 3-53.8.5 Turn-On Delay. 3-63.8.6 Output Relay Muting. 3-63.8.7 Input Muting . 3-63.8.8 Auxiliary Output Jack . 3-63.9 Fan Control Circuitry . 3-64 Neutrik Connectors

16、. 4-15 Parts . 5-35.1 General Information . 5-35.2 Standard and Special Parts . 5-35.3 Ordering Parts . 5-35.4 Shipment. 5-35.5 Terms . 5-36 Exploded Views, Parts Lists . 6-1Assy. CE 1000 Domestic. 6-2Assy. CE 1000 PWA & Chassis . 6-4HS Assy. CE 1000 Isolated Ch. 1. 6-6HS Assy. CE 1000 Isolated Ch.

17、2. 6-8HS Assy. CE 1000 Non-isolated Ch. 1 . 6-10HS Assy. CE 1000 Non-isolated Ch. 2 . 6-12Assy. CE 2000 Domestic. 6-14Assy. CE 2000 PWA & Chassis . 6-16HS Assy. CE 2000 Isolated Ch. 1. 6-18HS Assy. CE 2000 Isolated Ch. 2. 6-20HS Assy. CE 2000 Non-isolated Ch. 1 . 6-22HS Assy. CE 2000 Non-isolated Ch

18、. 2. 6-24Assy, CE 1000A Domestic. 6-26Assy, CE 2000A Domestic. 6-287 Module and Schematic Information. 7-18 Module Parts . 8-1NOTE: In Section 8, page numbers are on component-map title pages only.PWA 102139-6 . 8-3Component Map. 8-17PWA 102139-8 . 8-19Component Map. 8-33PWA 102139-9 . 8-35Component

19、 Map. 8-49 CE Series Service ManualRev. DVITable of ContentsPWA 102139-11 . 8-51Component Map. 8-65PWA 102140-6 (102140 revH) . 8-67Component Map. 8-81PWA 102140-8 . 8-83Component Map. 8-97PWA 102140-9 revB. 8-100Component Map. 8-119PWA 102140-9 rev C. 8-122Component Map. 8-141PWA 102140-11 . 8-144C

20、omponent Map. 8-163PWA 102689 . 8-166Component Map. 8-169PWA 102690 . 8-170Component Map. 8-173PWA 126883-2 revB. 8-174Component Map. 8-177PWA 126883-2 revC. 8-178Component Map. 8-181PWA 127321-1 . 8-182Component Map. 8-200PWA 127321-2 . 8-203Component Map. 8-220PWA 127323-1 . 8-223Component Map. 8-

21、242PWA 127323-2 . 8-245Component Map. 8-262PWA 127353-1 . 8-265Component Map. 8-283PWA 127353-2 . 8-286Component Map. 8-304PWA 127353-3 . 8-307Component Map. 8-325PWA 127354-1 . 8-328Component Map. 8-347PWA127354-2 . 8-350Component Map. 8-369PWA 127354-3 . 8-372Component Map. 8-391PWA 127451-4 . 8-3

22、94Component Map. 8-412PWA 127452-2 . 8-415Component Map. 8-434CE Series Service ManualRev. DVIITable of Contents 9 Field Modifications.9-1 9.1 Fan Circuit Balast Resistors .9-1 9.2 Timing/Mute Capacitors.9-1 9.3 Modification for Noise/Oscillation Problem.9-3 9.4 Bootstrap Resistor Modification .9-4

23、9.5 Channel 1 Output to Channel 2 Speakon .9-5 10 Schematics .10-1PART ITechnical InformationCE Series Service ManualRev. DThis page left intentionally blank CE Series Service ManualRev. Dalso feature a proportional speed fan, which optimizescooling efficiency.1.2 WarrantyEach Reference Manual conta

24、ins basic policies asrelated to the customer. For further assistance pleasecontact the Crown Technical Support Group at:Crown International, Inc.Mailing: PO Box 1000Elkhart, IN 46515-1000orShipping:1718 W. Mishawaka Rd.Elkhart, IN 46517Toll Free: (800) 342-6939Phone: (574) 294-8000FAX: (574) 294-830

25、11 IntroductionThis manual contains service information for the CrownCE-Series power amplifiers. It is designed to be usedin conjunction with the CE-Series Reference Manual.Some important information is, however, duplicatedin this Service Manual in case the Reference Manualis not readily available.N

26、OTE: THE INFORMATION IN THIS MANUAL IS IN-TENDED FOR USE BY AN EXPERIENCED TECHNI-CIAN ONLY!1.1 The CE-SeriesThe CE-Series amplifiers are compact, audio poweramplifiers designed for professional use. These unitsprovide high-power amplification from 20 Hz-20 kHzwith minimum distortion. Features of th

27、ese amplifiersare both Balanced Neutrik Combo (1/4-inch and XLR)and Barrier Block Inputs, Signal, Clip and Fault indi-cators, stereo or bridged-mono capability, switchablesensitivity, and Neutrik Speakon Outputs. These units Web: CE 2000 front and back panelsIntroduction 1-1CE Series Service ManualR

28、ev. D1.3 SpecificationsCrown specifications are guaranteed for three years.Further, we guarantee that every Crown amplifier willmeet or exceed its published specs.1.3.1 PerformanceNote: Measurements made in Stereo, both channelsdriven into 8 ohms.Frequency Response: 0.1 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at1 w

29、att.Phase Response: 15 from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at 1 watt.Signal to Noise at 8 Ohms Rated Power: 105 dB AWeighted. 100 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): 0.5% from 20 Hz to 1kHz.I.M. Distortion (60 Hz and 7 kHz at 4:1): 400 from 10 Hz to 400 Hz.Crosstalk : 55 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kH

30、z.Common Mode Rejection (CMR): : : : 70 dB from 20-Hz to1 kHz.1.3.2 PowerOutput Power: (Max. average power at 1 kHz with 0.5%THD.)CE 1000 Stereo: 275 W/channel into 8 ohms, 450 W/channel into 4 ohms, 560 W/channel into 2 ohms,both channels driven.CE 1000 Bridged Mono: 900 W into 8 ohms, 1100 Winto 4

31、 ohms.CE 2000 Stereo: 400 W/channel into 8 ohms, 660 W/channel into 4 ohms, 975 W/channel into 2 ohms,both channels driven.CE 2000 Bridged Mono: 1320 W into 8 ohms, 1950 Winto 4 ohms.Load Impedance: Rated for 16-, 8-, 4-, and 2-ohm use.Safe with all types of loads, even reactive ones.AC Power CE 100

32、0: 120V/50-60 Hz 6.3 amps, 230-240V/50 Hz 3.5 amps, 100V/50 Hz 7.6 ampsAC Power CE 2000: 120V/50-60 Hz 9.5 amps, 230-240V/50 Hz 5.1 amps, 100V/50 Hz 11.4 amps1.3.3 ControlsFront Panel: An on/off rocker switch; also, a detentedrotary level control for each channel.Back Panel: A two-position input sen

33、sitivity switchlocated below the input connectors. Can be set to 1.4V for full output into an 8-ohm load, or set to a fixedvoltage gain of 26 dB; Some models have an internaljumper located on the Main PWA for setting optional0.775V sensitivity. A two-position mode switch locatedbelow the input conne

34、ctors. When turned to stereo,the amplifier operates as two independent channels.When in “bridge-mono” mode the amplifier bridgesthe two output channels for twice the output voltage.1.3.4 IndicatorsA green LED SIGNAL indicator for each channel, whichflashes when a very low level signal (40 dBm) is pr

35、esentat input.A red LED CLIP indicator for each channel which turns onwhen distortion becomes audible in the amplifier output.A red FAULT indicator which will blink under 5 differentconditions:1. When the amplifier is first powered up, until the unitis ready for operation.2. If the heatsinks reach a

36、 temperature above nor-mal working limits.3. If the transformer thermal protection circuit is acti-vated.4. If the load on the amplifier develops a short- cir-cuit.5. Should the amplifier ouput stage become non-op-erational.A green LED POWER indicator that turns on when the am-plifier has been turne

37、d on and has power.1.3.5 Input/OutputInput Stage: Input is electronically balanced and employsprecision 1% resistors.Input Impedance: Nominally 20 K ohms, balanced. Nominally10 K ohms, unbalanced.Input Sensitivity: 1.4 volts for standard 1-kHz power or fixed26-dB gain.Output Impedance: 20 milliohms

38、in series with less than 3microhenries in stereo mode.DC Output Offset: 10 millivolts.1.3.6 ConnectorsInputs: One Neutrik Combo connector for each channelwhich features a balanced 1/4-inch phone jack and a 3-pinfemale XLR connector, in parallel with a barrier striptermination.Outputs: Two Neutrik Sp

39、eakon NL4MP (mates withNL4FC) output connectors. Optional binding post andbarrier block output adaptors are available on the CE1000A and CE2000A, and are standard on some models.1.3.7 ConstructionRugged steel chassis formed into a durable package thatis coated with enviromentally friendly powder for

40、 long lifeand ease of maintenance.Introduction 1-2 CE Series Service ManualRev. DDimensions: Standard 19-inch (48.3-cm) rack mountwidth (EIA RS-310-B), 5.25-inch (13.34-cm) heightand 12.25-inch (31.11-cm) depth behind front mountingsurface.Weight: The CE 1000 weighs 32.6 pounds (14.79 kg).The CE 200

41、0 weighs 40.3 pounds (18.28 kg). Forshipping weight, add 6 lbs (2.7 kg) to each amp.Mounting: Standard EIA 310 front-panel rack mount.Introduction 1-3CE Series Service ManualRev. DLETHAL energy levels! Be very careful when makingconnections. Do not attempt to change output wiring untilthe amplifier

42、has been off at least 10 seconds.WARNING: This unit is capable of producing high soundpressure levels. Continued exposure to high soundpressure levels can cause permanent hearingimpairment or loss. User caution is advised and earprotection is recommended when using at high levels.WARNING: Do not exp

43、ose this unit to rain or moisture.WARNING: Only properly trained and qualifiedtechnicians should attempt to service this unit. There areno user serviceable parts inside.WARNING: When performing service checks with thepower off, discharge the main power supply filtercapacitors fully before taking any

44、 measurements ortouching any electrical components. A 300-ohm 10-Wresistor is recommended for this. Hold the resistor withpliers, as the resistor may become extremely hot.WARNING: Under load, with a sine wave signal at fullpower into both channels, the amplifier may draw inexcess of 30 amperes from

45、the AC service mains.WARNING: When performing tests in Section 2.3, do notconnect any load to the amplifier until instructed to do so.There is no danger to the amplifier in operating without anyload (open outputs).WARNING: Do not change the position of the Mode Switchwhen the amplifier is turned on.

46、 If the position of thisswitch is changed while the amplifier is powered,transients may damage your speakers.WARNING: Heatsinks are not at ground potential.Simultaneously touching either heatsink and ground, orboth heatsinks will cause electrical shock.CAUTION: Eye protection should be worn at all t

47、imes whenprotective covers are removed and the amplifier isplugged in.CAUTION: When performing tests in Section 2.3 thatrequire a load, the load must be resistive and must becapable of handling 1000 W (per channel).CAUTION: Disconnect the power cord before installing orremoving any cover or panel.CA

48、UTION: : Electrostatic discharge will destroy certaincomponents in the amplifier. Techicians must haveapproved ESD protection. Proper grounding straps andtest equipment are required.2.3 Troubleshooting2.3.1 Pre-AC-ChecksA number of checks can be made prior to powering upthe unit. These should be don

49、e in order to prevent anunwanted disaster when turning the unit on. Once thesechecks are made, power may be applied for furtherchecks. Note: It will be necessary to remove the toppanel for complete access to all modules.2 MaintenanceFundamentally, troubleshooting involves looking for anabnormal situ

50、ation. When a problem has been observed,it is obvious that something is not doing what it is ex-pected to do. A single part, solder joint, or trace is usu-ally the root cause, and testing for typical voltages andsignal tracing can usually result in a solution for most ofthe problem units. Unfortunat


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