《JBL-ARCSUB8-pwr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《JBL-ARCSUB8-pwr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf(16页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、S E R V I C EM A N U A LJBL Consumer Products Inc.250 Crossways Park DriveWoodbury, N.Y. 11797A Harman International Company1112-ARCSUB8 Rev A 10/98S E R V I C EM A N U A LARC SUB 8Discrete Output, High Current8 Powered SubwooferRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1Powered SubwooferARC SUB 8TABLE OF CONTENTSSPEC
3、M .12PRIN? ED CIRCUI?BOARD ? ? OP VIEW? .1?SCHEMA? IC DIA? RAM 1.1?SCHEMA? IC DIA? RAM 2.15SPECIFICATIONSAmplifier Power RMS.80 Watts ? 1? ? HDDrivers .8 with high-polymer-laminated coneInputs.Line level and High LevelOutputs? .High level with High-Pass filter at 180H?Crossover ? re? uency.50-150H?
4、continuosly variable? re? uency Response.? 5H?to 150H? determined by crossover setting?Input Impedance .20k ohmInput Sensitivity.220mVExternal Dimensions (Inches)Height.9 ?Width.1? Depth.12 ?Weight .18 lbsExternal Dimensions (mm)Height.2? 5 mmWidth.? 5?mmDepth.? 18 mmWeight .8.1 kg? High-Level ? spe
5、aker? outputs are active only if high-level input are used.Occasional refinements may be made to e? isting products without notice, but will always meet or e? ceedoriginal specifications unless otherwise stated.This Product is Part of the ARC CINEMA II SYSTEMRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2Powered Subwoofer
6、ARC SUB 8WARRANTY? his amplifier is warranted against defects in material andworkmanship for a period of 90 days from date of shipment,when installed in accordance with the owner? s manual in aclean, dry, interior home environment.? HIS AMPLI? IER ISNO?SUI? ABLE ? OR OPERA? ION OU? SIDE OR IN HARSHE
7、NVIRONMEN? S.During the warranty period, themanufacturer will, at its option, either repair of replace productswhich prove to be defective.? or warranty service or repair, this product must be properlypacked and returned to a service facility designated by themanufacturer.Buyer shall prepay shipping
8、 charges to thedesignated facility and the manufacturer shall pay shippingcharges to return the product to buyer. However, Buyer shallpay all shipping charges, duties and ta? es for productsreturned to the manufacturer from another country.? he manufacturer does not warrant that the operation of the
9、product will be uninterrupted or error-free.? he Buyer mustdetermine the suitability of the product for his or her purposes.LIMITATION OF WARRANTY? he foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting fromimproper or inade? uate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-suppliedinterfacing, unauthori? ed mo
10、dification or misuse, operationoutside of the environment specifications for the productincluding inade? uate ventilation, or improper site preparation,installation, or maintenance.NO O? HER WARRAN? Y IS E? PRESSED OR IMPLIED. ? HEMANU? AC? URER SPECI? ICALLY DISCLAIMS ? HEIMPLIED WARRAN? IES O? MER
12、 ANY O? HERLE? AL ? HEORY.SAFETY SYMBOLS? he following symbols are used throughout this manual and inthe product. ? amiliari? e yourself with each of the symbols andits meaning before servicing this amplifier.Instruction manual symbol.? he product will bemarked with this symbol when it is necessary
13、for theuser to refer to the instruction manual in order toprotect the unit against damage.Indicates dangerous voltages are present. Bee? tremely careful.? he CAUTION sign denoted a ha? ard.It callsattention to a procedure which, if notcorrectly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to ordes
14、truction of the amplifier.Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION sign until the indicated conditionsare fully understood and met.? he WARNING sign denotes a ha? ard. It calls attention to aprocedure which, if not correctlyperformed or adhered to could resultin in? ury or loss of life.Do notproceed beyond a
15、WARNING signuntil the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSTHIS UNIT DOES NOT HAVE A POWER SWITCH;HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT WITHIN THEUNIT WHENEVER IT IS PLUGGED IN.? here are voltages and hot components at many points in theamplifier which can, if cont
16、acted, cause serious in? ury.Bee? tremely careful. Any ad? ustments or service procedures thatre? uire operation of the amplifier out of its enclosure should beperformed only by trained service personnel.3Powered SubwooferARC SUB 8CONTROLS AND THEIR FUNCTION1. Output Level - ? he Output Level ad? us
17、tmentdetermines volume level strength.2. Crossover Frequency - ? he Crossover ? re? uencyad? ustment determines the highest fre? uency theARC SUB 8 will reproduce. It allows a seamlesstransition from the subwoofer to the satellitespeakers.? . On (LED) - ? his LED will light green when the unit isplu
18、gged in and is receiving signal. When instandby mode the LED is red.? . Low Level Input - ? hese left and right Line LevelInputs are normally used when thereceiver/processor has line-level ? pre-amp out ?or ? subwoofer out? ? acks.5. High Level Inputs - ? hese High Level Inputs are forreceivers that
19、 do not have line-level ? pre-amp out?or ? subwoofer out? ? acks. When a pair of main orsatellite speakers are attached to the OU? PU?terminals, fre? uencies below 180 H?are attenuatedby the high-pass filter.4Powered SubwooferARC SUB 8TEST PROCEDURESGeneral FunctionUU?Unit Under ? est1.Connect both
20、right and left line level inputs ? RCA? to signal generator and UU? . Use Y-cable if necessary frommono source. VOLUME control should be full counterclockwise.2.? urn on generator, ad? ust to 50mV, 50 Hz.? .Plug in UU? ? red LED should be ON. ? urn VOLUME control full clockwise.? .LED should turn ?
21、reen? immediate bass response should be heard and felt from port tube opening.5.? urn off generator, turn VOLUME control fully counterclockwise, disconnect RCA cables.? .Connect one pair of speaker cables to either high level input terminal on UU? . Cables should be connected toan integrated amplifi
22、er fed by the signal generator.7.? urn on generator and ad? ust so that speaker level output is 2.0V, 50 H? . ? urn VOLUME control full clockwise.8.? reen LED should light, immediate bass response should be heard and felt from the port tube opening.Sweep Function1.? ollow steps 1-?above, using a swe
23、ep generator as a signal source.2.Sweep generator from 20H?to ? 00H? . Listen to the cabinet and drivers for any rattles, clicks, bu? ? es or anyother noises. If any unusual noises are heard, remove driver and test.Driver Function1.Remove driver from cabinet? detach ?and - wire clips.2.Check DC resi
24、stance of driver? it should be 3.2 ohms.? .Connect a pair of speaker cables to driver terminals. Cables should be connected to an integrated amplifier fed bya signal generator and ad? ust so that speaker level output is 5.0V.? .Sweep generator from 20H?to 1kH? . Listen to driver for any rubbing, bu?
25、 ? ing, or other unusual noises.5Powered SubwooferARC SUB 81. TROUBLE SHOOTING BEFORE OPENINGCheck connections, control settings, driver and other possiblee? ternal problems. If there is Output, determine if all controlsand Inputs function properly. Rotate Pots over full range whileapplying lateral
26、and vertical oscillating forces to locate possibleintermittent function. High Level Inputs should be testedindividually both differentially ? signal from - to ? with normaloutput? and in common mode ? signal from low level ground toboth ? and - shorted together, giving virtually no output? .While pa
27、ssing a signal, corner drop the enclosure a few inchesto e? pose possible intermittent problems.Check woofer forrubbing of voice coil or tears in cone or surround.Checkcabinet forloose e? traneous articles which may have beenpushed into front port.2. REMOVING THE AMPLIFIER.? here are voltages and ho
28、t components at many points in theamplifier which can, if contacted, cause personal in? ury.Bee? tremely careful. Any ad? ustments or service procedures thatre? uire operation of the amplifier out of its enclosure should beperformed only by trained service personnel.Refer to PCBdrawings for location
29、s of ha? ards and familiari? e yourself withtheir locations before starting.A.Remove the subwoofer grille.B.Remove the ? ? ? 1? Black PPH screws attaching thewoofer to the cabinet.C.Remove the woofer, unplug the two connectingwires.D.Remove the ? 8? ? screws black pph screwsattaching the ampifier as
30、sembly to the cabinet.E.Remove the ampifier assembly.F.? or access to the input panel, first remove the threeouter screws. Remove knob and nuts frompotentiometers. Cut away the sealant securing thecover to the faceplate. ? he input PCB should nowpull out completely.3. TROUBLE SHOOTING AFTER REMOVALV
31、erify AC plug is disconnected. See WARNIN? S in section 2.? o prevent loose hardware from reducing safety spacings, it isessential that all hardware be replaced in the same manner asit was removed, with lock washers under all nuts, proper tor? ueon screws and thread locking sealer on the transformer
32、 nuts.If line core or strain relief are replaced, it is necessary to sealthem completely to panel with an approved conformal coatingto prevent air whistling through any openings from wooferpressure.? o reduce the risk or electric shock and/or fire,replace items as marked on schematic with thesafety
33、marking only with the e? act replacementslisted in the safety component list, section ? . Ife? act replacements are not available, order them from thefactory or an authori? ed service center.A.Check fuse ? 1. If blown visually check transformerfor discoloration, and large capacitors ? C1, C2? forbul
34、ges or venting. Check for shorts with anOhmmeter, ? see schematic? .B.With ohmmeter, verify voice coil of woofer is? .2 ohms, and windings of transformer arecontinuous.C.E? amine board and wiring for obvious damage,broken or poorly soldered connections, ordiscoloration.D.Repair or replace items iden
35、tified above.E.? or live power testing, attach a ?ohm 100 wattresistor to the output wires.F.If the LED is not on, check for fuse continuity andthen for cold solder ? oints on CMC1 and bridgediode.G.With a signal present at the input, the output to thepower amp is at pin ? 8 of U1. If the signal is
36、notpresent at pin 8, there is a problem with preampsection. Most likely, a cold solder ? oint will be theproblem. ? rack back the signal path to locateproblem.CAUTIONS AND WARNINGSBEFORE THIS AMPLIFIER IS PLUGGED IN, make sure its rated voltage corresponds to the voltage of the AC power sourceto be
37、employed.Failure to use the correct voltage could cause damage to the amplifier when the AC power cable isplugged in. Do not exceed the rated voltage by more than 10%; operation below 90% will degrade performance or cause theunit to shut off.6Powered SubwooferARC SUB 8H.If signal present at pin 8, b
38、ut still no sound, checkfor cold solder ? oints on all power resistors, R? a andR? b and the the power amp module. If C2?isblown, C?is not soldered or is defective. Check thesignal at R2. On the down signal side, the voltagesignal should be very small. If signal is similar onboth sides of R2, the am
39、p module is likely defective.I.If you hear a mechanical clicking noise from the ampmodule, this indicates that the short circuit protectionhas been engaged. Check that ? ? , ? ?and ? 5 aresoldered correctly. Also check that ? ?is not shortedto power amp case.J.If you have to replace the power module
40、, be very,very patient with the solder removal from this singlesided PCB. COMPLETELY REMOVE SOLDERBEFORE TRYING TO REMOVE THE MODULE!K.Assembly notes. ? op side soldering as below?J5: solder both endsJ3: solder both endsJ1: solder both endsR48: solder GND endAt junction of C7a/C7b: Pin to GNDCrossov
41、er pot Gnd wire from PDB pad to POTbarrel. (Only physical contact required betweenpot body and faceplate).After repair, inspect for possible safety ha? ards, includingloose hardware, missing lock washers, correct fuse and leaddress of primary wires ? these must be held in position withcable ties so
42、that they cannot touch secondary components? .With ohmmeter, check that panel is connected to signalground.It is essential that the following safety insulation test beperformed prior to returning the Power Sub-Woofer to thecustomer, using one of the following methods.A) Insulation Resistance TestWit
43、h a 500VDC Insulation ? ester, Checkinsulation from the outer metal contact of theRCA ? ack ? chassis? to the line neutral of ACcord. Resistance should be ? 100M.B) Hi-Pot TestIf a UL approved Hi-Pot tester is available, testline ?neutral of AC cord to outer shell of RCA? ack ? chassis? at 1100VAC f
44、or 2 seconds.Observe all of instrument manufacturer? sinstructions and safety warnings in performingthis test.Connect sub-woofer system to a music source. Play at highlevel while checking for air leaks around panel edge, driver,panel ? acks and controls, and voice coil problems such asrubbing or loo
45、se turns. With the crossover fre? uency set to50H? , very little of the voice content should be heard.4. REASSEMBLY? ollow all disassembly instructions in reverse order.If theinput plate has been removed, it must be re-sealed with a smallbead of silicon seal or air leaks may result.5. LIST OF SAFETY
46、 COMPONENTSREQUIRING EXACT REPLACEMENTS? 1? use SLOW BLO 0.5A 250v ?typeUL approvedCMC1mc? ? ? 8 Neosid 28-52, 2?2.2mH? 2?awg ? 2?2?L1mc? ? ? ?Neosid ? 2-19 200uH? 18SNSR ? ? 1? ransformer ? ? ? 00, Use only factoryreplacementPWR CORDSP? -2 better with polari? ed plug,UL appoved wired with the hot s
47、ideto fused side. Use with UL approvedpanel strain relief only.BDRBridge Rect. 200V ? A Use only factoryreplacement.C1, 2? ? 00u? , 50V Electrolitic Radial.Be sure replacement part is at least thesame working voltage and capacitancerating. Also the lead spacing isimportant. Incorrect spacing maycaus
48、e premature failure due to internalcabinet pressures and vibration.C?10u 50V Electrolytic Radial.R29? 70 0.25 ? -1? MetalS5? AMIPower Amp Module7Powered SubwooferARC SUB 8ARC SUB 8 AMPLIFIER BLOCK DIAGRAM8Powered SubwooferARC SUB 8CABINET EXPLODED VIEWR? ? ?C?C1, 2307013300F 50V +/-20%2ELECTROLYTIC
49、RADIALC330501.1F 50V +/-20%1MONO-CERAMIC AXIALC4, 5, 9, 17, 2430502.1F 50V +/-20% BIPOLAR5MONO-CERAMICC63070510F 50V +/-20% BIPOLAR1ELECTROLYTIC RADIALC7, 2530503.0022F 50V +/-10%2MONO-CERAMICC7A, 7B30505.1F 100V +/-20%2METAL POLYESTER RADIALC8, 10, 14, 18,30504.1F 50V +/-10%619, 20MONO-CERAMICC1130
50、702100F 35V +/-20%1ELECTROLYTIC RADIALC12307034.7F 35V +/-20%1ELECTROLYTIC RADIALC1330506.001F 50V +/-10%1MONO-CERAMICC15, 1630704200.F 50V +/-20%2ELECTROLYTIC RADIALBIPOLARC2130508.01F 50V +/-10%1MONO-CERAMICC2830507.01F 50V +/-20%1MONO-CERAMIC?DBR50100BRIDGE RECT 200W 4A1D1501011N5256B 30V +/-5% 1