Heathkit-AA15-int-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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1、595-1196 011-19-69to 1968ompanyrights mtrvedMODEL AA-1SSOLID-STATE STEREO AMPLIFIER*-,. . ,1N3WV1IJ300H1V-CioaiNoo)a313IOUN31OdaoiiovavoOllAlOaiO313 nsM0dHV(3H0D 1 I Iul 03a3aMOd 13iavisnray)i | |01 1N33AOKN ) I I3dOO dO NOI1O3 41 i I_UlC I Wi9q;Ta uiojj uojjEJ9dojoj pajjAT aq ueo jatujojsuEj; jaod

2、Ajnp AAEaqsjtttojto jaTjTjdaiv snojJEA aqj oj sSejioasapjAOJd jjnojjo Ajddns jaAod aqj,aojAjas ajqEpuadap Suojsnjd uotjdejstjes puE ajnsEajd Sujuajsjj jo iEapnoA satS jjtat jaTjTjduiv TEuojjdaoxa sjq3H1aq jou JJTAV sjJEd aqj jje os suoijoasojui papiAtp st iettuejm sjq; jo jJEd AjqtuassE aq#s;jEd jo

3、a3EOEd jeje-das e saqojEiu jsiq sjjecJ qoa 9TJTliuvjo uoijoas jEq; joj suoijonjjsui Ajqiuassv-g-dajgpuE jsiq sjJE sutejuoo uoijoasatutj auiES aqj je eje jo. jttoA uo jno pEajdsuojjEJado Ajjttej asnEO jo sjuauoduiooSeuiep pjnoo jEqj sjjttej jaqjo jo sjtitojto jjoqsJTEdajpire ajEOOjnoA djaq t.9qj jo u

4、ojjEJado jadojd ajnsmojsjpaqoutnqSupiEtxipuE paiidd-e sjij stuaqA duiEi sa e Suisn (paiqddB st J3M.od-aq) saoiresisaJiETtui3uioaq3 joj ajnpaoojd esaqiJOsapiEnuEXM 9q ut uooas nooaq iettuiue jqarassEinEui aq pa;aidtuoo aAEq no ja;jyHBATHKITRefer to the Kit Builders Guide for additionalinformation on

5、unpacking, parts identification,tools, wiring, soldering, and step-by-step assembly procedures.from package #5 to complete each assemblysection.To avoid intermixing parts, do not open any of theparts packs until directed to do so at the beginning of one of the Parts Lists. Any part that ispackaged i

6、n an individual envelope with a partnumber on it, should be placed back in its envelope after it is identified, until that part iscalled for in a step.The Amplifier packaging consists of the largeshipping carton, which contains smaller packages and a number of loose parts. Some of thesmaller package

7、s have numbers 1 through 5stamped on them (#1, #2, etc.). After thesenumbered packages have been removed fromthe large carton, the remaining parts in thecarton will be part of package #5.You will be directed to open each of these packages as they are needed. Each of the assemblysections of the Manua

8、l contains its own PartsList and Step-By-Step instructions. At thebeginning of each Parts List you will be instructed which numbered package to open. You willalso be directed to remove some of the partsUNPACKINGirnviaoioid siavdSolderpart number.)Manual (See front cover forBlue and white labelParts

9、Order FromKit Builders GuideboardPhono preamplifier circuit1111! 1391-34597-260597-30885-165-ITEMS FROM PACK 5Small sleeving2N3859A2N5232A122346-1417-135(5)417-91TRANSISTORS-SLEEVING.22 (0.22) .F Mylar0091 juF (9100) Mylar.0033 fiF (3300) Mylar*,-100 jllF electrolytic, 30 V100 .F electrolytic, 10 V1

10、0 fxF electrolytic, 15 VDESCRIPTION222V27-8527-69(4)27-6825-14625-56(3)25-54CAPACITORSPer KitPARTSNo.PARTDuPont Registered Trademarkiyellow)470 kft (yellow-violet-yellow)390 kft (orange-white-51 kft (green-brown-orange)24 kft (red-yellow-orange)22 kft (red-red-orange)390 ft (orange-white-brown)22222

11、25% Low-Noise120 kft (brown-red-yellow)12 kft (brown-red-orange)4700 ft (yellow-violet-red)2700 ft (red-violet-red)100 ft (brown-black-brown)DESCRIPTION122224-334-324-404-244-23(2)4-121/2 Watt1-1211-1091-161-13(Dl-31/2 WattRESISTORSPer KitPARTSNo.PARTits envelope after it is identified, until thatpa

12、rt is called for in a step.To order replacement parts, refer to theReplacement Parts Price List and use the PartsOrder Form furnished with this kit.Unpack the package marked 1 and check each partagainst the following Parts List. The numbers inparentheses are keyed to the numbers on thePhono Preampli

13、fier Parts Pictorial. Any partthat is packaged in an individual envelope witha part number on it, should be placed back inPARTS LISTPHONO PREAMPLIFIERCIRCUIT BOARDOXAaiAI3SSV d3S-A9-d3_LSapino sjapnng r 9m jo(1 puB x XT saB(j) suoixoas Suxjapxog puBSui;uno/ sJB P-og xinojt3 am pBaj ox ajnsaq Axquias

14、sB pjBoq xtnajto am XJms noA ajojag m asi/AJamo paajxp ssaun2/x asn. *9poo jojoo pu-e (o O u )am Aq ;no paxieo aqjo d ui)J9ahs ostp) 9d; pire (rf jo9m uouaqj, II Iopig ui uM.oqs sbjaijixduiBajd ouoqd ampjBoq xi7I64I31I2I1IYaPICTORIAL 1-1PROCEED TO PICTORIAL 1-2.NOTE: Set aside the remaininglength of

15、 sleeving: it will be usedlater.Solder all leads to the foil andcut off the excess lead lengths.(U lkn (brown-red-orange).22 kn 5%(red-red-orange), low-noise.(*-) ip6 n (brown-black-brown).kn 5% (yellow-violet-wllow), low-noise.(/) 24 kn 5% (red-yellow-orange),low-noise.Y) 390 kn 5% (orange-white-ye

16、llow), low-noise.1/2700 n (red-violet-red).() 390 n 5% (orange-white-brown),low-noise.() 51 k 5%(green-brown-orange).low-noise.T 4700 n (yellow-violet-red) athole 1.( 4700 n (yellow-violet-red) athole 3.NOTE: When installing the resistors in the next two steps, use 3/4lengths of small sleeving on th

17、e indicated leads. As each resistor isinstalled, solder the leads to thefoil. /CONTINUE( ) Solder all leads to the foil sideof the circuit board. Do not fillthe unused holes with solder.After soldering, clip off the excess lead lengths. 120 kfl (brown-red-yellow),/) 12 kn (brown-red-orange).22 kn 5%

18、(red-red-orange), low-iise.y) 100 n (brown-black-brown).r ) 470 kn 5% (yellow-violet-/yellow), low-noise.kn 5% (red-yellow-orange),low-noise.7 390 kn 5% (orange-white-yflow) low-noise.2/00 n (red-violet-red).390 n 5% (orange-white-brown),low-noise.51 kn 5%(green-brown-orange),low-noise.CAUTION: When

19、 soldering parts onthe circuit board, do not use toomuch solder. This could cause a solder bridge between two foils thatshould not be connected together.If a solder bridge should occur,reheat the connection and quicklybrush away the solder between thefoils. Also, after soldering severalcomponents, w

20、ipe the tip of the soldering iron with a cloth or a dampsponge. Keeping the tip clean willinsure better solder connections.STARTPage 11ZpjBoq jq; uo paaajai jijbui (+) aAiisodaojiDBdBO am uo pua (+)aApisod aq qoBui sAbmib sdasaqj ui saotOBdBO oijAiaq Suiunow uaqv :axON0N3 i + )3 AlllSOd( )ri 001 ( )

21、A 01 (ooee) art eeoo* ( )(0016) art 1600 ( )ri 001 ( )A 0 # ( )ripBai ssaoxa aq jjo nopub noj a 0 spBai v apios ( )art 00TA 01 (ooee) a seoo*(00T6) a1 1600*(ggo) ZVpauotsod aJB spua (+) aAijisodam aans aBiu o sjoiOBdBO3aij am loaqoaHpB9i ssaaxa aq jjo jnoPub noj aq 0 spBai hb aapioss-i ivraoxoid ox

22、aaaooPICTORIAL 1-3FINISH) Be sure all leads are soldered tthe foil. Then set the circuiboard aside until it is called folater.( ) Recheck the transistors to makesure the leads were installed ithe correct holes.( ) Transistor 2N3859A (Part #417135) at Q2L.( ) Transistor 2N3859A (Part #417135) at Q2R.

23、( ) Transistor 2N5232A (Part #41791) at Q1L.( ) Transistor 2N5232A (Part #41791) at Q1R.NOTE: Install the transistors in thefollowing manner, as shown; Firstline up the flat on the transistor withthe outline of the flat on the circuitboard. Then insert the transistorleads into their correct holes wh

24、ichare indicated by C, B, and E. Position the transistor 1/4 above thecircuit board. Then solder each leadto the foil and cut off the excess leadlengths.STARTPage 13jT-.-HLHPrm.-a.nviaoioid siavdaavoa xinoaio Aiddns aa/wod?;. TDloo15HKATHKIT Power supply circuit board85-207-1.22 (0.22) juF Mylar100

25、juF electrolytic,30V100 juF electrolytic,70V500 juF electrolytic,75VS2091TA7311Connector pin (1 extra)115Zener, 27 VSilicon, 750 milliampereSilicon, 3 ampere(8)56-4722 2 (red-red-black)(9)57-27150 2 (brown-green-brown)(10)57-421500 2 (brown-green-red)12 k2 (brown-red-orange)51 k2 (green-brown-orange

26、) _TptAnyftn-5600 2 1 watt (green-blue-vl2) 417-203red)(13)259-2043 2 2 watt (yellow-orange-black)330 2 5 wattITEMS FROM PACK 5NSISTORS-CONNECTOR PINSDIODESDESCRIPTIONPARTSPer KitDESCRIPTIONPARTSPer KitRESISTORS1/2 Watt(1)1-491-661-111-1091-65Other Resistors(2)1-57-1 1(3)1-25-21(4)3-19-51CAPACITORS(

27、5)27-602(6)25-1461(7)25-172i25-1731Any part that is packaged in an individual envelope with a part number on it, should be placedback in its envelope after it is identified, untilthat part is called for in a step.Unpack the package marked 2 and check eachpart against the following Parts List. The nu

28、mbers in parentheses are keyed to the numbers onthe Power Supply Circuit Board Parts Pictorial.PARTS LISTPOWER SUPPLYCIRCUIT BOARD9TAT9IAI3SSV d31S-Aa-d31SUTuaqx Zns jaod aqaqjoj jojoauuooaqj aapjos uaqxpjBoqjxnojxoaqjjsuxB3B Ajlujxjsi a3pxj dojs aqj jijun sajoqaqj ojux sjojoauuoo aqj qsnguAioqs sb

29、j,j puB gi z ITsapq ux sjojoauuoo jxioj hbjsui ( )103NN330 1(30IS 310301 M 3Q3OSspuq jo puBq b qjxwsx pua apoqjBO aqx uoqssb apoxp aqj jo pua apoqjBOaqj uoxjxsod oj ajns agSONVB MOQNV9mopuBq ao pua.ioioo b aqjxa qjx paqjBiu sx puaapoqjBO aqx uMoqs sb pua apoqjBOaqj uoxjxsod oj aans aq sapoxp uooxjxs

30、3uxAouojaqj SuxjibjsuiQN3motoo0NV9aonooeoeasapoxp uooxjis (sosa(LZ-LUpuBq b qjJ paJBtu sx pua apoqjBOaqxuAoqssB pua apoqjBO aqj uoxjxs-od oj aans aq sapoxp uooxjxs 3uxaqj 3uxnjsux uaqA :gxONU03TITSajoq jaajjoo aqj ux paiiBjsux sipBaj apoqjBO qoBa aansoj sapoxp jq3xa aqjsjojoauuoo pjBoqjna jou oa :31

31、ONsqjSuaj pBaj ssaoxa aqj jjo jnopuB jxoj aqj oj spBaj jjb aapps (UAVoqsqoajp jno puB ipj aqj oj pBaj qoBajapps pjBoq jxnojp aqj iuojj,/T jojsisubjj aqj uoxj3 Pu 9 O Aq pajBOipux3JB qoxq/A sapq joajjoo Jiaqjojux spBai jojsxsubjj aqj jjasuxpjBoq jxnojxo aqj uo aoBdsaqj qjx/A spBaj jojsxsubjjaqj uaa/A

32、jaq aoBds apiAi aqj dnauxq spEai jojsxsubjj aqj uaaxj-aqaoBdsapiA aqj ajou uaqx 3puB sJajjai uaaAjaq pjBoq jxno-jxo aqj uo aouds apiAi aqj ajoujsjjx :uAioqs sb JauuBtu 3ux-Avoipjaqjux gogT60ZSUSiVlsqjuaj pBaj ssao-xa aqj jjo jno puu jioj aqj oj pEajqoBa japps uaqx PJoq jxnojxoaqj aAOqB ,/i jojsisubj

33、j aqjuoxjisog #;5apqoiui pEaj Jajuaoaqj puB a puB g sapq ojux joj-sxsuBJjaqjpspBai pua omj aqjjjasux uaqx uAoqs sb apis jbijApjajdiuoo aqj qjifl jojsisubjjaqj uoxjxsod jsjjx (JauuBiu Suisapq jojjoo a ux-ux aja/vx spBai aqj ajnso sjojsisubjj o/yxj a qoaqoag ( )i-i ivraoxDid 01 aaaooHdPICTORIAL 2-2FIN

34、ISH( ) Carefully inspect the foil side ofthe circuit board and solder anyconnections that might havebeen missed. Then set this circuit board aside temporarily.( ) Solder all leads to the foil andcut off the excess lead lengths.( ) Recheck the three electrolyticcapacitors to make sure thepositive (+)

35、 ends are positionedcorrectly.( ) 150 Cl (brown-green-brown).( ) 51 kfi (green-brown-orange).(J ) 12 kfl (brown-red-orange).3/8 SMALSLEEVING( ) 330 fl 5 watt. Place a 3/8length of small sleeving on eachlead. Then install the resistor,solder the lead to the foil, andcut off the excess lead lengths.(f

36、/ 500 pF electrolytic.100 F 70 V electrolytic.pF 30 V electrolytic.( A 100NOTE: When mounting the electrolytic capacitors in the followingsteps, always match the positive(+) mark on the capacitor with thepositive (+) mark on the circuitboard.CONTINUEPage 17( ) Solder all leads to the foil andcut off

37、 the excess lead lengths.(/) .22 (0.22) pF Mylar.) .22 (0.22) pF Mylar./ 43 n (yellow-orange-black) 2I watt. ( i 1500 (brown-green-red).(./ ,22 n (red-red-black).(/)/5600 fi (green-blue-red) 1 watt.START8Tanviaoioid siavd mundwv u3MOdMillooool19HBATHKIT*Power amplifier circuitboard85-164-3ITEMS FROM

38、 PACK 5470 1 watt (yellow-violet-brown).67 ft 5 watt11 ft 5 watt2N3393 transistor40408transistor40409transistor40410transistorZener diodeConnector pin(11)417-118(12)417-136(13)417-137417-138(14) 56-44(15)259-20TRANSISTOR$-DIODES-CONNECTOR PINSiors2.7 pF disc270 pF disc.001 jF disc330 pF silver mica.

39、1 juF Mylar2.2 juF electrolytic(may be marked 2R2)10 juF tantalum50 jiF electrolytic100 F electrolytic250 /xF electrolyticCAPACITORS /(5)21-14921-1721-14(6)20-139(7)27-47(8) 25-180(9)25-220(10)25-12625-15325-175DESCRIPTIONPARTSPer KitPARTNo.4.7 ft (yellow-violet-gold)100 ft (brown-black-brown)270 ft

40、 (red-violet-brown)330 ft (orange-orange-brown)1000 ft (brown-black-red)4700 ft (yellow-violet-red)10 kft (brown-black-orange)-Noise1800 ft (brown-gray-red)2200 ft (red-red-red)3300 ft (orange-orange-red)33 kft (orange-orange-orange)270 kft (red-violet-yellow)330 kft (orange-orange-yellow)(4)3-24-53

41、-7-5Other Resis(3)1-1-1Zt1) )11 500 jiF electrolytic.0022 juF Mylar.047 juF Mylar.1 (0.1) juF Mylar.47 (0.47) JJ.F Mylar270 2 (red-violet-brown)620 2 (blue-red-brown)1000 2 (brown-black-red)1500 2 (brown-green-red)3300 2 (orange-orange-red)3900 2 (orange-white-red)4700 2 (yellow-violet-red)5600 2 (g

42、reen-blue-red)10 k2 (brown-black-orange)22 k2 (red-red-orange)27 k2 (red-violet-orange)47 k2 (yellow-violet-orange)100 k2 (brown-black-yellow)220 k2 (red-red-yellow)390 k2 (orange-white-yellow)CAPACITORS(2)27-70i27-73t27-47227-61(1)4-534-144-154-414-184-194-204-544-224-234-254-274-344-294-32RESISTOR

43、S1/2 Watt 5% LoW-NoiseDESCRIPTIONPARTSPer KitPARTNo.DESCRIPTIONPARTSPer KitPARTNo.PARTS LISTUnpack the package marked 4 and check each partagainst the following Parts List. The numbers inparentheses are keyed to the numbers on the Control Preamplifier Circuit Board Parts Pictorial.CONTROL PREAMPLIFI

44、ERCIRCUIT BOARDonSXHVd XHVd(L)62,-69(11)6L-ZIQL-Zl(Ol)U-ZT(6)ZIZ-0TX8)OS-SI-SI8OZ-88NOixdiHosaa09TTZX86S8NZ6Z8V6ZXiojjuoo xnp ujiOSiojjuoo yemp yiggpajuoo inp ujjggIojjuoo aanjennui sijmo.noaqj xyyi/. pasnjuooaqjoupjnoqs jj *3jtav pajjns-m ptios axp o; saajaj aaiA.drtsiooq, uuaj aqj, :gxONA19IAI3SSV

45、 d31S-Aa-d31Saqj uo dajs qoiea ajaidtuoo uaqx *3utavbp uotjui UAoqs se jaquinu jJBd aqj qjiM.jinoaio aaijiidiuaad xoajuoo aqj uotjtso,jaq oj pxeoq jtnono aqjjo 8JB aqj s/woqs iBuojoi qoia jo doj aqj yeSuiJtp uoijeoijrjuapi aqx auitj e ye pajquiasssi poq jinojio aqj jo uoijjod e Ajuo :3X0MPICTORIAL 4

46、-1PROCEED TO PICTORIAL 4-2.( ) Solder all leads to the foil andcut off the excess lead lengths.(V) 220 k!2 (red-red-yellow).12 (brown-green-red).27 k!2 (red-violet-orange).220 k!2 (red-red-yellow).27 k!2 (red-violet-orange).( ) 15OO2 (brown-green-red).100 k!2 (brown-black-yellow).( ) 1Q0 k!2 (brown-

47、black-yellow).Solder all leads to the foil anddA off the excess lead lengths.O: OAoooPART NUMBER IDENTIFICATIONDRAWING1500 12 (brown-green-red).() 6lO 12 (red-violet-brown).1500 12 (brown-green-red).(red-violet-orange). ) 27cl2 (red-violet-orange).I /390 k!2 (orange-white-yellow).(v/) 390 k!2 (orang

48、e-white-yellow).( solder all leads to the foil and(it off the excess lead lengths.3900 12 (orange-white-red).r )/3900 12 (orange-white-red).(1100 k!2 (brown-black-yellow).100 k!2 (brown-black-yellow). yt7 /iF Mylar.electrolytic.10,047 ii F Mylar.047 pF Mylar.(A 0 (iF electrolytic.) 10 /iF electrolyt

49、ic.STARTPage 31ZZaSgo;no-pjoj)sda;s Suiavoxxoj aq; jojsda;s Suiavoxxojaq; jo auo ui pjBoqptBO aq; asn o; pa;ana;s-ui aq xXTv no suoisuauiip aq; aoj V8Xju;aa jo a d J9J0H uo;jbo SuijfOBdaq; jo ;bxj aq; uiojj pjBoqpBD jo aoaidb ;no sxoj;uoo aan;Biuiui aq; xisui o;sda;s Suiavojxoj aq; o; Suipaaooad aao

50、jagAxa;BuixxoaddB) ga P11 Va s;jBqs o;uoABAv;aBd a;Bxduia; aq; aoB;d uaqx *V8XJB;aa jo o ;JBd ui uAoqs sb pua paoBds-apiAvaq;q;iAi ajBjdiua; xojjuoo aq; uoi;isod (/)Iioj aq; o;sSrq aaq; aq; uaq; pub ;sjij sqB; 3ui;unomoav; aq; aapxog pJBoq aq; o; JBxnoipuadaadaq pjnoqs ;jBqs aqj pjBoq ;inoJtio aq; o


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