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1、THE Hafler SE120POWER AMPLIFIERSERVICE MANUALHAFLERA DIVISION OFROCKFORD CORPORATlON613 SOUTH ROCKFORD DRIVE TEMPE, ARIZONA 85281RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库POWER AMPLIFIERSPECIFICATIONSPOWER RATING:Less than 0.006% total harmonic distortion at anypower level up to 60 watts continuous average power perch

2、annel into 8 ohms at any frequency between 20 Hz and20 kHz with both channels driven.IM DISTORTION (IHF):Less than 0.005% from 1 to 60 watts, each channel,into 8 ohms.TYPICAL THD AT 60 WATTS INTO 8 OHMS:20 Hz: 0.002%1 kHz: 0.002%20 kHz: 0.006%FREQUENCY RESPONSE INTO 8 OHMS:-3dB, 4Hz to 2OOkHz at 1 w

3、att.+OdB, -0.5dB, 1OHz to 4OkHz at 60 watts.TYPICAL CHANNEL SEPARATION:2OHz: 75dB1kHz: 85 dB20kHz: 65dBSIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO, UNWEIGHTED:Exceeds 1OOdB referred to 60 watts into 8 ohms.INPUT IMPEDANCE: 22,000 ohmsINPUT SENSITIVITY:1.1 volts rms for 60 watts into 8 ohms.DAMPING FACTOR:100to1kHzinto8oh

4、ms,50to1OkHzinto8ohms.POWER CONSUMPTION:60 watts both channels into 8 ohms: 300 VAQuiescent: 60 VASIZE: 3-1/4” high plus 1/2” feet, 17” wide, 9” deep.(83 mm high plus 152 mm, 432 mm wide,229 mm deep.)NET WEIGHT: 18 lbs. (8.2 kg)SHIPPING WEIGHT: 20 lbs. (9.1 kg)Stereo/Mono Channel Operation:The SE120

5、 delivers 60 watts continuous average power perchannel into 8 ohms. It can be bridged for single channeloperation producing up to 120 watts of power into 16 ohms.Input Mode Selector:This switch will allow the user to specify the input signal tothe amplifier.A. Stereo Mode:This allows the right and l

6、eft channels to reach theirdesignated amplifier channels. This mode will delivermore than 60 watts into an 8 ohm load.B. Mono Mode:The SE1 20 can be operated in a bridged mode which drivesboth channels with the same signal and combines to delivermore than 150 watts into 8 ohms. This disables the rig

7、htchannel input and routes the signal through the left channel.Construction:The simplified construction of the SE120 improves relia-bility and results in consistent performance. The heavyduty case construction on the SE120 will provide years ofdurability and trouble free protection.Gold Plated RCA I

8、nput Connectors:This provides the most accurate signal transmission andlowest possible loss. Gold-plated terminals are immune tosignal deterioration with time that can be caused by corro-sion in the connectors.Speaker Output and Power Connectors:For minimum loss power transfer, high definition andox

9、idization resistance.Protection System:The SE120 is equipped with a unique protection systemthat constantly monitors the temperature of the outputdevices and takes corrective action to prevent damage tothe amplifier as a result of excessive overheating.ALL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGEWITHOUT NOT

10、ICE. Copyright 1990. All rights reserved-l-RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库LINE CONNECTIONS AND SWITCHINGThe SE120 is normally wired for use on 12OV AC powerlines, as in the U.S.A. If your line voltage is different, youwill need the special Hafler export power transformerwhich accommodates many other line vo

11、ltages. Be sureyour amplifier is wired for your line voltage before you plugit in.The SEl2Os power switch may be left on, and theamplifier switched remotely by connecting its line cord tothe preamplifier (or other control center) which provides aswitched AC outlet. Make sure that the control device

12、cansupply a current of 5 amperes to the SE 120, in addition to thecurrent required by any other switched units. You mayinstead connect the amplifier directly to a wall outlet, andcontrol it with its own front panel power switch.CONNECTING CABLESGROUNDING:INPUT:Conventional shielded cables, often sup

13、plied with pre-amplifiers, may connect the control center to the amplifiersinput jacks. Be sure the cables are not frayed or looselyconnected to the plugs, and that the plugs outer shieldconnection is tight on the jack, to avoid hum. If you wish toinstall the SE120 more than a few feet from the prea

14、mpli-fier, the permissible cable length to avoid loss of highfrequencies is determined by the preamplifiers output im-pedance and the internal capacitance of the cable. If theoutput impedance is 600 ohms or less, as with Haflerpreamplifiers, and the cable capacitance is less than 50picofarads per fo

15、ot, up to 50- feet is acceptable. Ordinarystereo interconnecting cables often have higher capaci-tance, however, so a good quality low capacitance shieldedwire should be used. When making long runs, keep the leftand right cables close together, and avoid running themparallel to power wiring to reduc

16、e the likelihood of humpickup.OUTPUT:The wires which connect the speakers to the amplifiershould be of sufficient size to preserve the SEl2Os highdamping factor. Standard #18 gauge lamp cord is satisfac-tory for up to 15 feet if your speakers are of 8 ohms or higherimpedance. A heavier gauge (#16 or

17、 larger) wire should beused with 4 ohm speakers or 8 ohm speakers at a greaterdistance. Special loudspeaker cables which have adequatethickness to accommodate long runs are usually availablefrom audio dealers. The SEl2Os red and black outputsaccept standard banana plug connectors, including thedoubl

18、e ones with 3/4” spacing. These are the most conven-ient to use if you will be disconnecting the speakers occa-sionally. The terminals will also clamp a spade lug, or a barewire through the hole in the center post. Be sure there areno frayed wire ends which could touch adjacent terminalsor the chass

19、is. Tin bare wire ends with solder to secure allstrands.PHASING:Consistent phase relationships are important when con-necting speakers in order to enable full bass reproduction aswell as midrange and high frequency time alignment. Tobe sure all speakers in a system are wired in phase to theamplifier

20、, each ground or - speaker terminal should beconnected to its black ground tenninal on the SE 120 and thespeakers + terminal to the corresponding red binding post.Speaker connecting cable identifies one wire from the otherby the color of the wire, or by marking or coloring theinsulation. NOTE: In th

21、e special case of monophonicoperation of the SE 120, (described later) different speakerconnections are employed.The black output terminals of the SE120 are connectedtogether internally and grounded to the chassis. Thisfacilitates the use of external devices which use a commonground connection, such

22、 as some headphone junctionboxes.You must be sure that the ground or shield connection fromsuch a device goes to a black terminal on the SE1 20.NOTE: No such connection may be made when the SE120is connected for bridged mono operation.CONVENTIONAL STEREOCONNECTIONSIt is best to make all connections

23、with the SE120switched off. Each of the stereo speakers connects to onehorizontal pair of red and black outputs, as identified left orright on back of the SE 120. The input signals connect to thecorresponding input jacks, and the mono/stereo switchshould be set to stereo.CONNECTIONS FOR MONOPHONICOP

24、ERATIONWhen you wish to drive a single loudspeaker withincreased power capability, the SE120 can be operated ina bridged mode which drives both channels with the samesignal and combines their output to deliver more than 120watts into 16 ohms. In this arrangement, the speaker isconnected only to the

25、two red output terminals. The left redterminal is + and the right red terminal is the - connection.NO CONNECTIONS MAY BE MADE TO ANY BLACKTERMINAL! Set the Input Mode Selector switch tomono, and connect the input signal to the left channel inputonly. IMPORTANT NOTE: Never use a speaker with animpeda

26、nce of less than 8 ohms when operating the SE120-3-Standard #18 gauge lamp cord#16in the bridged mono mode. The increased current couldoverheat the amplifier.OPERATIONThe pilot lamp in the power switch will glow wheneverpower is applied to the SEl20. If it does not light, check fora blown AC line fu

27、se.The SE 120 is equipped with a unique protection systemthat constantly monitors the temperature of the outputdevices and takes corrective action to prevent damage tothe amplifier as a result of excessive overheating. Undermost conditions, the SE120 heatsinks will dissipate theheat required to main

28、tain safe operating temperatures, andthe unit will play continuously. If the amplifier is driven athigh volumes into speakers with an impedance of less than8 ohms, and/or there is inadequate ventilation, the heatsinkscould heat to a level that would cause the protectioncircuitry to shut off the ampl

29、ifier for a short time (normallyless than 15 seconds) to prevent damage. The SE120 willreturn to normal operation, and if the overheating conditionis still present, the cycle will repeat. In this case, check thesurroundings of the unit to insure sufficient air flow aroundthe heatsinks and through th

30、e vent holes. Otherwise, checkthe load impedance connected to the outputs to see if it isfar below 8 Ohms.FUSES:The SE120 is supplied with a 5 Ampere Slo-Blo AC linefuse and four power supply fuses. If one of these fails, it isusually indicative of a fault which will require professionalservice.Bias

31、 current adjustment for the SE 120 needs to beperformed in the following manner:1. No signal applied to the input, no load on the output ofthe amplifier.2. Line voltage to the amplifier should be set at thenominal value for the area.3. Adjust one channel at a time.4. With the unit off, remove either

32、 the + or - rail fuse5in the right channel. Insert the ammeter across thefuse holder. Make sure that the ammeter is set atits highest current scale.Turn the unit on and, after the unit has warmed upfor approximately one minute, adjust the ammeterreading for lOOmA. Turn the unit off. AlIow theunit to

33、 discharge before removing the ammeter andreplacing the fuse.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the left channel.TRANSISTOR VOLTAGE VALUES-DC volts with respect to circuit ground,no signal applied.NAMEEmitterBasecollectorQl-.755-.13051.5Q2-.756-.15951.7Q352.351.751.5Q452.351.851.8Q551.450.9-12.90Q652.151.5

34、50.5Q751.050.41.294Q8-1.157-.5321.314Q9-51.4-50.7-1.151QlO-.578-1.153-53.5Qll.7111.30353.5Q14-.737-.12651.5Ql5-.755-.13051.5Ql6-.756-.15951-7Q1752.351.751.5Ql852.351.851.5Ql951.450.9-12.90Q2052.151.550.5Q2151 .050.41.294Q22-1.157-.5321.314Q23-51.4-50.7-1.151Q24-.578-1 .I53-53.5Q27-.518-.088-53.8Q28-

35、.737-.12651.5Q12Ql3Q25Q26SourceGateDrain.778.08753.8-.518-.088-53.8.778.08753.8-.518-.088-53.8IC VOLTAGE VALUESICPIN #1.-48.92.-52.23.-49.74.-53.96.-52.17.-48.78.-38.5-DCV -54.0+DCV 54.04-ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTSYMBOL NOaRESISTORSR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R 1 1R12R13R14R15R16R17R18R19R20R21R22R23R24R25R26R

36、27R28R29R30R31R32R33R34R35R36R37R38R39R40R41R42R43R44R45R46R47R48R49R50R51R52R53R54R55R56R57R58R59R60R61R62R63R64R65R67CAPACITORSC 1c 2c 3C4c5C6c 7C8c9C 1 0C11C12C13C14C15C16C17C18C19C20c21C22C23C24C25C26C27C28C29PART DESCRIPTIONPART NO.1.1kOhms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film22.1 k Ohms, 1/4 w, 1% Metal Film4

37、7 Ohms, 1/4x, 5% Carbon Film47 Ohms, 1/4x, 5% Carbon Film10k OhmS, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film680 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film10 Ohms, 2w. 5% Metal Film680 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film2.2k Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film5.1 k Ohms, 5w, 5% Wire Wound22k Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film1 .Ok Ohms, 1/4w. 5% Carbon Film1.1kOh

38、ms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film22.1 k Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film10 Ohms, 1w, 5% Metal Film27 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film47 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film470 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film220 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Metal Film68 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film47 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Me

39、tal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film30 Ohms, 1/2w, 5% Carbon Film2.7 Ohms, 1w, Metal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Filml.lk Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film22,1 k Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film47 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film47 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carboon Film1Ok Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film680 Ohms, 1

40、/4w, 5% Carbon Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5%, Metal Film680 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film2.2k Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film5.1 k Ohms, 5w, 5% Wire Wound22k Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film1 .Ok Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film1.1kOhms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film22.1kOhms. 1/4w, 1%Metal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film27 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% C

41、arbon Film47 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film470 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film220 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film68 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film47 Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film30 Ohms, 1/2w, 5% Carbon Film2.7 Ohms, 1w, Metal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5%

42、 Metal Film10 Ohms, 2w, 5% Metal Film4.7kOhms, 1/2w, 5% Carbon Film100kOhms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film12.1 Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film10kOhms. 1/4w. 1% Metal Film33k Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film1Ok Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film33k Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon Film5.11 k Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal Film1 k Ohms, 1/4w, 1% Metal

43、 Film22k Ohms, 1/4w, 5% Carbon FilmRMPl4-1101RMPl4-2212RCl4470RCl4470RMP/4-1 W2RCl4-68 1RM2-1 Wtw4-681RCl4-222RWB5-SXZRCi4-223RCI4-102RMPi4-1101RMP/4-2212RM2-1WRC/4-270RCI4470RCI4471RM2-1 WRC/4-221RCi4-680RCi4470RM2-1 WRM2-1 WRC/2-300RMl-027RM2-1 WRM2-1 WRMPl4-1101RMP/4-2212RCl4470RCl4470RMPl4-lCKt2

44、RC/4-681RM2-1 WRCI4-681RCI4-222RW05-502RCI4-223RC/4- 102RMP/4-1101RMPl4-2212RM2-1 WRCl4-270RCI4470RCI4471RM2-1 WRC/4-221RCl4-880RCI4470RM2-1 WRM2-1 WRCL?-300RMl-027RM2-1 WRM2-1 WRCl2472RMP&lW3RMPl4-1212RMPi4-lW2RU4-333RU4-10RCt4-333RMP/4-5111RCI4-1 W2RCI4-2232.2 rnfd, m, 20%, Polypfcpybne220 pfd, 75

45、. 10%. Polflropylene330 pfd, 63Ov, 3%, Dii Mica100 tid, Non-Polar Radial47 pfd, 65Cv. 3%. Djwd Mica220 pfd, 75. 10% Polypwylene3pfd.5Wv.D)edMkaO-W1 tid, 25Ov, 1% Pofypropytene100 tid, 50. 209& Pofar/Electrolyric0.1 IT&l, 1Wv. 2Ix& Pofyester0.1 r&l, vxht, 20%$ PWesler0.33 rrtd, l%Ov, 10%. Polypqylene

46、0.1 tnfd* lWv, m PofyesIer100 rrfd, 50. 20% Pohr/ElecUolytic0.1 mfd, low, 20%$ PoIyeslef0.1 mfd, lUZv, m Pofyester220 pfd, 75. 10%. Polyprcpylene330 pfd, 63Qv, 3%. Dipped Mica100 nfd, Non-Polar Radial47 pfd, 65Cv. 3%. Dped Mica220 pfd, 75. 10%, Polypropylene3pfd.=O&DbpedMkaO-W1 tid, 25&, 10%. Pwene1

47、00 tid, 5u, 209& Polar/Electrolyric0.1 mfd, lWv, 209& Polyester0.1 mfd, 1Wv. zn& pofyester0.33 rrfd, 16Ov, 10%. Pe0.1 rw, loOv, 20% Pofyester1 W tid, 50. 20%. PotarIErotyticCPP-mCPP-221CM-331CERNP-107CM470CPP-221CM-CPP-102CER-107CCP-104ACP-104ACPP-333CP-104ACER-107CCP-104ACP-104ACPP-221CM-331CERNP-1

48、07CM470CPP-221CM-030CPP-102CER-107CCP-1wACP-104ACPP-333CP-104ACER-107CSYMBOL NO.C30c31C32C33C34c35C36Cl01Cl02TRANSISTORS01zQ4a 5:010Q 1 1012Q13a14Q15016a17018Q19Q20M lQ22Q23Q24Q25Q26Q27Q28DIODESCR1CR2CR3CR4CR5CR6CR7CR8CR9CR10CR1 1CR12CR13CR14CR15CR16CR17CR18CR19CR20CR21CR22CR23CR24CR25CR26CR27CR28CR

49、29CR30CR31PART DESCRIPTION0.1 mfd, 100v, 20%. Polyester0.1 mfd, 100v, 20%, Polyester68W mfd, 10/75% Polar/Electrolytic68W Mfd, 1 W5% Polar/Eiectrolytic2.2 mfd, WV, 20%., Polypropylene330 pf, 500. Mica Cap330 pf, 500. Mica Cap0.01 nfd, 1 WV, 20%, Polyester0.01 rrfd, 1 WV, 20%, Polyester2N5550 NPN Tra

50、nsistor2N5550 NPN Transistor2N5401 PNP Transistor2N5401 PNP Transistor2N5550 NPN Transistor2N5401 PNP Transistor2N5401 PNP Transistor2N2222 NPN Transistor2N5550 NPN Transistor2N5401 PNP Transistor2N5550 NPN Transistor2SK1056 N-Channel MOSFET2SJ160 P-Channel MOSFET2N5550 NPN Transistor2N5550 NPN Tran


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