《LCAudio-Zappulse2_2SE-pwr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《LCAudio-Zappulse2_2SE-pwr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf(21页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、ZAPpulse 2.2 Special EditionZAPpulse amplifiers represent the best inPWM (Pulse Width Modulation)amplifiers. Based on a single integratingmodulator stage, the ZAPpulse has theshortest feedback delay of any PWMamplifier available on the market,allowing for best possible sound quality.These modules ar
2、e ultra efficient at some96% of the applied power is usable audiopower! This means almost no heatsinkingis necessary. Despite the small sizethese modules are incredibly rugged andwill drive 2 Ohms and even lowerimpedances with no hazzle! Powerexceeding 1 kW per module is fullysupported! The input st
3、age is fullybalanced, without conversion circuits, soboth balanced and unbalanced signalsare equally usable. Sound quality is onlevel with market leading Class A amps!L C Audio Technology Inc.COOKBOOKP u l s e F i e l dT e c h n o l o g yAnd ZAPpulse 2.2 Standardup to 580 Watts RMS in 4 OhmsCredit C
4、ard sized footprint!Assembled and tested PWM Amplifier module for DIY Audio!RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库This booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or noncommercial use. No copying for commercial purposes is allowed.
5、 Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.More Informations: 2198111475179204177319181916612Content.Bridge Tied Load, and disabling of protectionCompensated ModeComplete Amplifier SchematicCooling RequirementsMechanical propertiesMore ZAPpulse techtalkMinimalist SystemPassive Volume ControlPrinc
6、iple of OperationProfessional use (PA)Table of Output pow er vs. Power Supply VoltageTechnical DataActive Crossover w ith ZAPpulse 2.2supplyEffects of switching frequencyShopping ListSurround SystemSyncronous ModeConnection of input / outputConnection of powerL C Audio Technology ApSZAPpulse 2.2SE21
7、. Sound Quality vs. VersionZAPpulse Emissions vs. Version2.1SE2.1SE2.2SE2.2SEIDEHarddiskL C Audio Technology IncRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Principle of Operation.3OutGnd+60V-60VFilterIntegratorDifferentialComparatorGate DriverPower StageOutput FilterP u l s eF i e l dT e c h n o
8、l o g yGnd+ZAPpulse 2.2SEThis booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or noncommercial use. No copying for commercial purposes is allowed. Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.In a conventional amplifier
9、the inputsignal is amplified through variousanalog stages to a progressively higheramplitude. In the final stages of theamplifier, the output stage, high currentcapability is added to enable theamplifier to drive loudspeaker loads.When current is drawn out of the outputstage to the load, heat is dis
10、sipated inthe output stages, since the loadcurrent multiplied with the voltage dropover the output device gives a powervalue (of average 60% of the max.output power) that needs to dissipate inheat sinks. 60% is not the power lossAfter the output devices the squarewave need to be filtered with a chok
11、eand capacitor. This filter regenerates ananalog signal that can be fed to theloudspeakers. The choke andcapacitors quality is paramount in orderto get a good sound quality, so we usean oversized (1.5 kW) ultra high speedferrite core with silver conductor andTEFLON insulator. This choke has avery lo
12、w impedance (only 5 milli Ohms),and allows for a good damping factor inany speaker load. To get an outputsignal of say 30V, the output devicesare made to switch high 75% of time,and 25% of time low. In this casethe Pulse Width is 75%. SinceV+ to V-voltage is 120V, the output voltage seenfrom V- is 7
13、5% of 120V = 90V as seenfrom the minus rail. Translating to 30V,above GND. (As wanted in ourexample. Operating from +60V to -60Vallows for any output voltage in thisrange, including 0V. Thus a total DCcoupled system for highest possiblesound performance. Pulse WidthModulation is often shortened to P
14、WM.A very important stage in a PWMamplifier is the modulator. It can bemade i various ways, with differentproperties. We have selected andoptimized the balanced integrating type.at maximum output power, but theaverage heat dissipated at variousoutput power levels (except very smalllevels below 1W).
15、So a 100 Wattamplifier will as average need todissipate 60 Watts power into heatsinks. The ZAPpulse operates in adifferent way, the output devices areeither off or on with no significantvoltage drop. So even when the loaddraw large amounts of current, there isonly minimal power to be dissipated. Toc
16、ontrol the signal amplitude, the pulsewidth of the output square wave iscontrolled very accurately.L C Audio Technology Inc4More ZAPpulse Techtalk!ZAPpulse 2.2SEThis booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or non
17、commercial use. No copying for commercial purposes is allowed. Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.The heart of the ZAPpulse amplifier is abalanced integrating PWM modulator. Itbasicly integrates the DC level of oneswitching cycle of the output stage,including any switching noises, slopedif
18、ferences etc. Then this value iscompared, and corrected in the nextswitching cycle to create an outputsignal of exactly 0 Volt. This correctionis performed every switching cycle,which is about 500.000 times persecond.The input signal is injected directly intothe integrator to keep signal paths ultra
19、short. No signal conditioning, such asDC blocking, HF blocking or otherlimiting factors are present on theZAPpulse module. So if this is requiredby your application, you have to addthese functions outside the module.When signal is applied to the input, theintegrator no longer corrects the outputsign
20、al level to 0 Volts, but to the audiosignal.The feedback group delay is kept verylow, only around 1 uS, to allow for TIMfree operation. The analog integratingfeedback loop has a lower group delayof any completely digital (DSP based)feedback loop. And since outputswitching noise products are the same
21、no matter the modulator type, theanalog feedback loop gives a muchbetter rejection of noise products than atrue digital approach. Its all aboutspeed, and how fast the noise can becancelled.The output square wave has a basefrequency of typ. 460 kHz, and risetimes of some 10.000 V/uS. The slopesare mi
22、nimised to around 80nS to keepswitching losses low at heavy speakerloads. However at low signal amplitudesthe main power loss comes fromcapacities in the MOSFETs, sotransitions are slowed to reduce EMI,noise and idle loss. This is controlled bythe PulseField circuit in the Gate driver.A simple rule
23、says that at no signal, aZAPpulse loses some 9.5 Watts powerto capacities in the MOSFETs, and atfull power it loses another 9.5 Watts toserial resistance. So at 500 W out youonly have to dissipate around 19 Wattsto the heat sinks.One great advantage PWM amplifiershave over conventional analogamplifi
24、ers is, that PWM amplifiers haveexceptional ability to expand the soundstage with added sound level. Ananalog amplifier would typically collapsethe soundstage at higher levels,depending on the size of the powersupply (why we have huge powersupply banks in all our analogamplifiers). The PWM will play
25、 with wideand deep sound stage at any listeninglevel, even with a very (almost too)small power supply. We have madetests with a 2 x 250 W RMS ZAPpulseamp, running with only two 2200 uF100V main caps. And it still has plentyof bass control, definition, width anddepth.Opportunities for interestingexpe
26、riments in this field are obvious.L C Audio Technology Inc5+60V+60V-60V-60VPowerGNDPowerGNDPowerGNDPowerGNDOUTOUT10.000uF63V10.000uF63V10.000uF63V10.000uF63VConnection of a Power SupplyExternal Gate Drive.There is no need to use huge capacitor banks, likewith Class A or A/B amplifiers. Almos all the
27、 powerof the PSU will be translated to audio power, sosmaller caps will work just as well. 10.000 uF isadequate for driving 2 channels at full power.+60V+60V-60V-60VPowerGNDPowerGNDSHORT!SHORT!SHORT!SHORT!SHORT!SHORT!ZAPpulse 2.2SE+Gate DriveRemovebubbleThe ZAPpulse 2.2SE module has an on-board Gate
28、 Drive regulator. It derives itsvoltage from the negative -60V rail (why the negative rail has a higher consumptionthan the positive rail). By feeding a separate gate drive voltage from the power supply(15-20 V DC 200 mA) you can reduce the idle loss of a ZAPpulse module from 9.5Wto 5W. This will ma
29、ke your amplifier even cooler! IMPORTANT! The Gate drive voltage(minus) must be tied to the -60V rail NOT to GND!This booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or noncommercial use. No copying for commercial purpos
30、es is allowed. Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.L C Audio Technology IncTo make ZAPpulse 2.2SE work, simplyconnect a typical Audio Power Supplyof +/-35V to +/- 72V. (max. 60 V for thestandard version). The output powerdepends on the voltage of the powersupply. The 2.2 standard version us
31、es63V capacitors, on the board, while the2.2SE uses 100 V caps. This is why theSE can be made to deliver much higherpowers than the standard modules. Inthe standard version, the sound qualityof the main caps must be considered.The midrange and treble sonicproperties of these caps, will interactwith
32、the overall sound performance ofthe amplifier, so we recommend usingvery high quality caps with standardmodules. With the SE modules the midand high frequency performance is fixedat the highest level by the BC Vishayseries RLI136 (100uF 100V). So PSUcaps only need to have good bassprops. Always use
33、short and heavywire between PSU caps and modules(less than 4-5 inches).6You can also Bridge-tie your speakerloads to get higher output power. Forthis you need 2 ZAPpulse modules peraudio channel.Output Power vs. Power Supply Voltage.2URTransformer AC V2 x 24 V AC2 x 27 V AC2 x 33 V AC2 x 36 V AC2 x
34、40 V AC2 x 42 V AC2 x 45 V AC2 x 50 V ACTransformer AC V2 x 24 V AC2 x 27 V AC2 x 33 V AC2 x 36 V AC2 x 40 V AC2 x 42 V AC2 x 45 V AC2 x 50 V AC: Not recommended for safe operation of modules.noteDC Voltage+/- 32 V DC+/- 36 V DC+/- 45 V DC+/- 49 V DC+/- 55 V DC+/- 58 V DC+/- 62 V DC+/- 69 V DCDC Vol
35、tage+/- 32 V DC+/- 36 V DC+/- 45 V DC+/- 49 V DC+/- 55 V DC+/- 58 V DC+/- 62 V DC+/- 69 V DC8 Ohms Power60 W78 W119 W144 W180 W200 W230 W286 W8 Ohms Power219 W286 W448 W542 W682 W758 W879 W1100 W4 Ohms Power106 W137 W222 W266 W340 W380 W438 W548 W4 Ohms Power397 W526 W837 W1019 W1291 W1439 Wnotenote
36、P =ZAPpulse 2.2SEThis booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or noncommercial use. No copying for commercial purposes is allowed. Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.L C Audio Technology IncThe Output p
37、ower can be calculated asa function of the max. signal amplitude,which depends on the supply voltage.At +/- 60V Supply Voltage the amp canideally deliver 120 Vpp. To calculate theoutput power we need the RMS value,which is simply 120 / 2pi = 120 / 2,82 =42,6 Vrms (in this example).Output power is th
38、en calculated usingOhms Law:P = Output Power RMSU = RMS Voltage (42,6)R = Speaker Impedance (8)In this example 223 watts RMS.This was ideal values, in ZAPpulse thepractical values are corrected with aserial loss of 1 - 3 VDC depending onload impedance (1 V 8 Ohms).At +/- 60 VDC you will get a practi
39、caloutput power of: some 210 Watts RMS.See below for output powers at othertransformer voltages, and loadimpedances.Bottom table shows bridge modeZAPpulse modules operating at veryhigh power!7Connection of In- and Outputs.Here you can see how inputs and outputs are connected to the ZAPpulse module .
40、+Out+Out+Out-Out-Out-Out+60V-60VPowerGNDOUT+60V-60VPowerGNDOUT+60V-60VPowerGNDOUTUnbalanced Input.Balanced InputPassive Volume control123XLR FEMALEChassis plug asseen from rear side.If you want to ensure safe operation of your ZAPpulse module, dont let the input wires close to loudspeakercable,power
41、 line cable, power transformers or the Ferrite coil. Dont leave long input wires unconnected.STRIPLINESTRIPLINEPotentiometer 22k log.Seen fromFRONTZAPpulse 2.2SEThis booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or non
42、commercial use. No copying for commercial purposes is allowed. Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.L C Audio Technology Inc8Bridge Tied Load and disabling of Protection system.Thanks to ZAPpulses true balanced modulator it is very easy to BLT the modules.Due to the increased load on each mo
43、dule, you may experience pumping orfallout in the signal, this comes from the protection circuit. To avoid pumpingsimply disable the protection system as shown below.+Out+Out-Out-Out+60V-60VPowerGNDOUT+60V-60VPowerGNDOUT+60V-60VPowerGNDOUT+60V-60VPowerGNDOUTSHORT and HEAVY !SHORT and HEAVY !Balanced
44、 InputUnbalanced Input123XLR FEMALEChassis plugas seen fromrear side.ZAPpulse 2.2SEAdd BubbleAdd BubbleThe two bubbles should only be addedif you wish to disable the protactionsystem.The two bubbles should also be addedhere if you wish to disable the protectionsystem .This booklet is intended for no
45、n commercial use by DIY audio constructors. Contents may be copied and distributed freely for private or noncommercial use. No copying for commercial purposes is allowed. Copyright 2004-2005 L C Audio Technology Inc.L C Audio Technology Inc9Effects of the Switching Frequency.Remote Shutdown.The Swit
46、ching Frequency is the numberof switching cycles per second. It isNOT the same as the bandwidth of theamplifier! Higher switching frequenciesmay theoretically lead to higherresolution in the treble regions, but mayalso add switching noise and extradistortions. The free running frequencyof a ZAPpulse
47、 2.2SE is 460 kHz +/- 20kHz. We recommend leaving themodule in the free running mode unlessthere are special factors speaking for anexternal frequency control. This may beto have the module run syncronouslywith a D/A converter, or if you haveseveral channels in the sameenclosure.In this case on or m
48、ore of the modulesmay interact with the others to create abackground noise. In this case you cansyncronize the modules with a commonclock, to eliminate the high pitch noise.More about this later.In our experience there is really noincentive to run the modules at higherfrequencies, as it will most pr
49、obably notadd to your sound quality.ZAPpulse 2.2SE+60V-60VPowerGNDOUTSt.ByGndStandbyZAPpulse 2.2SE (og ZAPpulse 2.2) can be remotely turned on or off to a standby mode. In standby themodule is halted, so the modulator stops, but the analog circuits are still active. The consumption instandby mode is
50、 roughly 4 Watts per module.To let the module run, do nothing. To turn it off, connect St.By. terminal to GND with a switch, relay orcollector of an NPN transistor (1mA). Several St.By. terminals m ay be connected directly to each other.This booklet is intended for non commercial use by DIY audio co