Sphinx-Project8-pre-sm1 维修电路原理图.pdf

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2、.5Input functions .5Channel imbalance.5Remote Control.56. SPHINX REMOTE CONTROL.6Buttons and LED indication .6Operation.7Selecting without switching.7Learning the commands.7Changing a command.7Erasing all commands of one component.7The LED during Normal mode.8The LED during Learn mode.8Batteries.8Ot

3、her things worth knowing. .8Encountering problems.87. MEASUREMENTS .9General set-up.9Necessary Equipment.9Audio signal distortion measurement.9Set-up .98. OUTPUT DC-OFFSET ADJUSTMENT.10Set-up .10Adjustment.109. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS.1110. DIAGRAMS AND PARTS LISTS .12Figure 1: Front panel .12Figure

4、2: Rear panel.12Index of diagrams and drawings.13Figure 3: Connection Diagram for testing the Project Eight.14Figure 4: Display Board Schematic Layout.15Figure 5: Construction Drawing for top cover plate.16Figure 6: Schematic Operational Diagram Project Eight .17Figure 7: Schematic Overview of all r

5、elevant potentiometers.18Figure 8: Disamp-96 .19Figure 9: Functional Schematic .20Figure 10: Left Power Supply.21Figure 11: Right Power Supply .22Figure 12: Input/Output.23Figure 13: Left Volume Control.24Figure 14: Right Volume Control.25Figure 15: Left Output Amp.26Figure 16: Right Output Amp.27Fi

6、gure 17: Left Input Amp .28Figure 18: Right Input Amp.29Figure 19: Power Supply Unit .30Figure 20: PCB drawings.31Parts List.32RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库SPHINX Project Eight Service Manual3 The Sphinx Project Eight designThe Sphinx Project Eight was designed for theever-increasing group of quality-cons

7、ciousaudiophiles.We are very proud of the tradition connected withthe SPHINX name, especially concerning audioquality perfection.This service manual will help you to optimallyservice and repair the Sphinx Project EightReference Pre-Amp.This Reference pre-amp uses the newesttechnologies and refined d

8、esigns and is extremelysimple to operate.Features include ultra-linear extremely low-noiseClass A audio circuits, built from the finest hand-selected parts.The signal path is completely balanced from inputto output, and left and right are totally separated.Volume and balance controls are achieved by

9、means of precision relays, as is the input selection.All settings and controls can also be accessed fromthe supplied Sphinx Remote Control.To obtain the maximum quality from this pre amp itis necessary for it to be properly aligned and to beused with top quality audio components, preferablyother Sph

10、inx components.1. UNPACKINGBefore leaving the factory every Project Eight issubjected to stringent and extensive technical andexterior quality inspection. This ensures the usermany years of high quality audio from a perfect-looking product.We recommend owners to ship the Project Eight inits original

11、 carton.After unpacking the Project Eight we thereforerecommend you carefully check it for any transportdamage.If you find any damage and the product has notbeen shipped in the original carton the ensuringrepair costs will not be covered by the warranty.2. SPHINX WARRANTY CARDTo be entitled to any w

12、arranty repairs the ownermust have send the filled out warranty card toSphinx or a distributor where it has been registered.Other regulations may apply in your specificcountry: when in doubt, please consult the properauthorities.3. CONTACTING THE MANUFACTURERIn case of any problem not covered in thi

13、s manualor if you have other questions you may contact theSphinx International Service Department in TheNetherlands (local time: GMT +1h) during officehours at the following numbers:Telephone(+31) 35 602 0302Fax(+31) 35 602 2806E-mailaudionleuronet.nlIt is always very helpful and efficient if you ha

14、ve allrelevant information about the specific product andthe problem ready.Please also refer to the User Manual of theProject Eight for information about functionsnot described in this manual.It is important to familiarise yourself with thespecial functions, operation and possibilitiesof the Sphinx

15、Project Eight.SPHINX Project Eight Service Manual4 4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSBandwidth0 - 500,000 Hz (+0/-3 dB)Phase response error1Gain20 dB max.THD+N (IHF-A)0.008% (2nd harm., 100 kHz and 6 V into 600 ohm)0.0015% (2nd harm., 10 20,000 Hz and 6 V into 600ohm)IMD110 dBChannel separation110 dBInputs

16、2x XLR balanced6x WBT cinch unbalanced Level, nominal (for 1 V output)0.16 V (-18 dBV) ImpedanceXLR: 10 kohm / cinch: 50 kohm Sensitivity (programmable for each input)adjustable between 9 dB and +9 dBOutputs2x XLR balanced1x WBT cinch unbalanced1x cinch Tape level10 V max. (20 dBV) (1 - 100,000 Hz,

17、THD 0.001%) impedance1 M)? 2x non-inductive load resistor 8 / 250 W? 1x harmonic distortion analyser(internal distortion 60 MHz)? 1x connection unit / switch box(to connect resistors and amp outputs todistortion meter)Note: See drawing 4. for construction details.? 2x shorting connector(for balanced

18、 pre-amp inputs)? 2x balanced cable set(to connect distortion meter, pre-amp andpower amp)? 1x special top cover plate (preferablytransparent) with holes for adjustment toolsNote: See drawing 5. for construction details.? A two channel DC-coupled power amplifier (e.g. Project Eighteen)Audio signal d

19、istortion measurementBefore adjusting the Project Eight please firstmeasure the total harmonic distortion at the audiooutput. The measured value is an indication of thecurrent state of the Project Eight.Set-upFor the correct measurement set-up please refer tofigure 3 at page 14.? Set the oscillator

20、output level to 0.775 V(0 dBu).? Adjust the pre-amp volume control so thatoutput level equals input level (0 dBu).? THD should now be 0.1% unweighted (or0.013% IHF-A).? Now set volume control to maximum (fullyclockwise).? Increase the oscillator output of the distortionanalyser to set the pre-amp ou

21、tput just beforeclipping.? THD should now be 0.12% unweighted (or0.005% IHF-A).SPHINX Project Eight Service Manual10 8. OUTPUT DC-OFFSET ADJUSTMENTProper DC-offset adjustment is very important.A simple trick will greatly increase the accuracy ofthis critical adjustment (see also the drawing titled“

22、Connection Diagram for testing the Project Eight”at page 14 ).By connecting a DC-coupled power amp to theProject Eight outputs and measuring the offset atthe speaker outputs, the offset is boosted to around30 times the original value!Note: We strongly recommend that you use apower amp with a very lo

23、w DC-offset, such as theProject Eighteen.Note: The pre-amp and the power amp should beswitched on at least 1 hour before performing thisadjustment so they can reach optimum workingtemperatures.Set-up? Connect a distortion analyser input and a DCmV-meter to a pre-amp output (or to the powerampifier).

24、 The correct pre-amp output will bementioned later.? Connect the distortion analyser output to a pre-amp input, the correct input will be mentionedlater.? Switch off the oscillator of the analyser, this willshort-circuit the pre-amp input.? Remove the top cover of the Project Eight andreplace it wit

25、h the special cover plate (withadjustment holes, see figure 5 at page 16).AdjustmentFor the actual adjustment you may refer to Figure20 (Main PCB drawing) at page 29 and Figure 7(Schematic overview of all relevant potentiometers)at page 17.In Figure 6 (Schematic operational diagram ofproject Eight)

26、at page 16 you will find the placementof all amps:Connect the (muted)distortion analyser output to anunbalanced input of the project eight and select thecorrect input at the front panel.Connect the power amplifier (or, if no poweramplifier is used, the distortion analyser and mV-meter) to the unbala

27、nced output of the projecteight.The unbalanced signal will only be processed bydisamp A1 & A3 (left channel) and disamp B1 & B3(right channel). The remaining disamps have noeffect on an unbalanced signal.? Turn the volume of the project eight to off . Theoffset currently visible on the mV-meter is t

28、heoffset of disamp A3(left channel) and/or disampB3(right channel).? This offset can be adjusted by potentiometerP1 & P2 of disamp A3 for the left channel, andby potmeter P1 & P2 of disamp B3 for the rightchannel.? Turn the volume of the project eight fully open.The offset currently visible on the m

29、V-meter isthe offset of disamp A1(left channel) and/ordisamp B1(right channel)? This offset can be adjusted by potentiometerP1 & P2 of disamp A1 for the left channel, andby potmeter P1 & P2 of disamp B1 for the rightchannel.The distortion analyser output must now be connected to a balanced input of

30、the project eight.The correct input must also be selected at the frontpanel.The power amplifier (or, if no power amplifier isused, the distortion analyser and mV-meter ) mustnow be connected to a balanced output of theproject eight.The total offset of all disamps is now visible on themV-meter, but s

31、ince the offset of disamp A1 &A3(left channel) and disamp B1 & B3(right channel)has already been adjusted, the offset visible is theoffset of the remaining disamps(A2&A4 andB2&B4).Notice: do not commence with the followingprocedures before the procedures mentionedabove have been completed.? Turn the

32、 volume of the project eight to off . Theoffset currently visible on the mV-meter is theoffset of disamp A4(left channel) and/or disampB4(right channel).? This offset can be adjusted by potentiometerP1 & P2 of disamp A4 for the left channel, andby potmeter P1 & P2 of disamp B4 for the rightchannel.?

33、 Turn the volume of the project eight fully open.The offset currently visible on the mV-meter isthe offset of disamp A2(left channel) and/ordisamp B2(right channel)? This offset can be adjusted by potentiometerP1 & P2 of disamp A2 for the left channel, andby potmeter P1 & P2 of disamp B2 for the rig

34、htchannel.Repeat the offset adjustment proceduces a fewtimes for a perfect adjustment. When this is done,the offset adjustments are completedSPHINX Project Eight Service Manual11 9. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONSAt the moment of writing the Project Eight has oneknown specific problem.If in the future you en

35、counter any problem(s) youmay enter the info in this table. This table can thenbe used for future reference.Please also send (by fax or e-mail) the specificinformation to the Sphinx International ServiceDepartment (see page 3): this info can then beadded to the general database to aid others.Problem

36、CauseSolutionRefer topageVolume control doesn t workproperlyIC U15, U16, U17 or U18 maybe defective.Replace the defective one.Page 24Page 25SPHINX Project Eight Service Manual12 10. DIAGRAMS AND PARTS LISTSThe next pages contain the front and rear panel lay-out and a complete set of schematic drawin

37、gsincluding the associated parts lists (if applicable). Figure 1: Front panel Figure 2: Rear panelSPHINX Project Eight Service Manual13 Index of diagrams and drawingsPageDescription14Connection Diagram for testing the Project Eight15Display Board Schematic Layout16Construction Drawing for top cover

38、plate17Schematic Operational Diagram Project Eight18Schematic Overview of all relevant potentiometers19Disamp-9620 Functional Schematic21Left Power Supply 22 Right Power Supply 23Input/Output24 Left Volume Control25Right Volume Control26Left Output Amp27Right Output Amp28Left Input Amp29Right Input

39、Amp30Power Supply Unit31 PCB drawingsSPHINX Project Eight Service Manual14 Figure 3: Connection Diagram for testing the Project EightRightLeft(+)(+)(-)(-)Amplfier (30 x)ABAMPLIFIERout1out2inp2inp1gndTHDAmplitudeFrequencyOscillatorTHD out(+)(-)(+)(-)RightLeft(+)(+)(-)(-)Pre-amplfier (3x)AB(+)(+)(-)(-

40、)PRE-AMPLIFIERout1out2inp2inp1ScoopSWITCH-BOXxyinp2time/divinp1gndSPHINX Project Eight Service Manual15 Figure 4: Display Board Schematic LayoutXtal10EXtal11MD112MD013NMI14VCC15STBY16GND17P4019P4120P4221P4322P4423P4524P4625P4726nc18P5027P5128P5229P5330P5431P5532P7033P7134nc35P7236P7337P7438P75/WR39P


42、20nV+2D1GND3IRIR1IRICR35R62R461K9InputVolumeStandbyPresetsPolarity123456789101112131415161718CN118PIND0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D0.7S0S1S2S3S4S5S6S0S1S2S3S4S5S0.5VCCENCLTO MAINBOARD UCNSC4220nVCC1234567891011121314151617181920CN220PIND0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7VCCRESRESTO VFD-DISPLAYVCCC73U3/63VR568K1CLEN

43、CS1DI3nc6DO4nc7CLK2U493C46VCC+C8C47U/16V+C9470U/16VC5220nC6220nVCCJ1J2D11N4148J3P65P65IR-receiverJ1J2J3JUMPERCLOSEDOPENXXXNORMAL JUMPER SETTINGSSPHINX Project Eight Service Manual16 Figure 5: Construction Drawing for top cover plateAll sizes in millimeters4803153433664848484812216230Top ViewFrontBac

44、kFor holes use drill size ofapprox. 6 mm66Holes use same spacing as theones shown belowSPHINX Project Eight Service Manual17 Figure 6: Schematic Operational Diagram Project Eightmodule 5module 7module 8module 1module 2module 3module 4fronttop viewproject eight main boardleftrightdisampdisampmodule 6

45、disampdisampdisampdisampdisampdisampA4A2A1A3B4B2B1B3SPHINX Project Eight Service Manual18 Figure 7: Schematic Overview of all relevant potentiometersA3A1A4A2(+)(-)(+)(-)B3B1B4B2(+)(-)(+)(-)LEFTRIGHTDISAMP DISAMP DISAMP DISAMP DISAMP DISAMP DISAMP DISAMP (+)(+)(+)(+)(+)(+)(+)(+)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(

46、-)VCCVCCVCCVCCVCCVCCVCCVCCVDDVDDVDDVDDVDDVDDVDDVDDP1P1P1P1P1P2P1P2P2P1P2P1P2P2P2P2SPHINX Project Eight Service Manual19 Figure 8: Disamp-96T9K389T10J109R31100RR26100RR27100RR28100RLD1LD3T11C2240T7C2240T8A970T12A970R182K21R192K21R202K21R212K21T13A970R29243RR162K21LD5LD6T14C2240R232K21R3433K2R33243RR3


48、A1145P250RLD44mA4mA+24V (+/- 1V)-24V (+/- 1V)LED Voltage approx. 1.8V 13mA 7.5 mA 7.5mAR5 = 2R7 OP INPUT MODULE+C11+C12+C925V/47U+C10C25V/47U+C725V/47U+C825V/47USPHINX Project Eight Service Manual20 Figure 9: Functional SchematicL+24VL-24VL+38VL-38VLEFT CHANNEL PP REG.P08LPR.SCHL+24VL-24VL+38VL-38VR




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