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1、 Gallery Court Hankey Place London SE1 4BB UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7940 2200 Fax: +44 (0)20 7940 2233 DVD89 Issue Date: 27th February 2006 SERVICE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS: Disc Types DVD, DVD-A, DVD-V, CD-RW CD-R, CD-DA, DIVX, SACD Audio Formats 5.1 and Stereo Downmix LPCM 16 bit 44.1kHz Dolby Digital 5.1 2

2、4 bit 96kHz DTS Output (Digital Audio Out Only) DVD Audio 2 Channel 24 bit 192kHz DVD Audio 5.1 (MLP) 24 bit 96kHz Video Composite Video (CVBS) S-Video (SVHS) RGB DVI-D & HDMI Component (YCbCr) PAL/NTSC Interlaced / Progressive Scan THD (unweighed) 100dB Frequency Response 20Hz 20kHz Video Amplitude

3、 1.0V pk-pk (75 ohms) S-Video Amplitude Y:1.0V pk-pk n (75ohms) C: 0.286V pk-pk (75 ohms) Power Supply 100-240V AC50/60Hz Max Power Consumption 40W Dimensions mm (H x W x D) 55 x 430 x 263 Weight (kg) 2.56 kg AP19841/1 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 DVD89 SERVICE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Precautions

4、 3 Front Panel Illustration 4 Prevention of Static Electricity Discharge 5 Mechanism Unit Exploded Diagram 6 Bracket Exploded View and Parts List 7 Protection of the Laser Diode 8 Video Output Confirmations Luminance & Chrominance Signal 9 HY57V641620HG Pin Configuration & Description (U211) 10 HY57

5、V641620HG Functional Block Diagram (U211) 11 MT1392 Pin Definitions (U203) 12/13/14 MT1392 System Configuration & Functional Block (U201) 15 MT1392 Functions (U201) 16 MT1392 Pinout Diagram (U201) 17 MT1389 Pinout Diagram (U201) 18 MT1389 Block Diagram (U201) 19 MT1389 Pin Function (RF Interface) (U

6、201) 20 MT1389 Pin Function (Analog Monitor Output) (U201) 21 MT1389 Pin Function (General Power / Ground, Micro Controller & Flash Interface) (U201) 22 MT1389 Pin Function (Micro Controller & Flash Interface) (U201) 23 MT1389 Pin Function (Audio Interface) (U201) 24 MT1389 Pin Function (Video Inter

7、face) (U201) 25 MT1389 Pin Function (DRAM Interface) (U201) 26/27 MT1389 Pin Function (DRAM Interface & JTAG Interface) (U201) 28 Front Panel & VFD Schematic 29 Front Panel & VFD Board Layout 30 Power Supply Schematic 31 Power Supply PCB Layout 32 Main PCB Board (Main Processor) 33 Main PCB Board (M

8、emory, Reset & Main Clock) 34 Main PCB Board (Audio DACS, Output Filters & Mute) 35 Main PCB Board (DVI & HDMI) 36 Main PCB Board (Video Outputs) 37 Main PCB Board Layout 38 Power Board Parts List 39 Main Panel Parts List 40 Decode Board Parts List 41/42 Serviceable Parts List 43 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好

9、者资料库1. When servicing, observe the original lead dress. if a short circuit is found, replace all parts which have been overheated or damaged by the short circuit.2. After servicing, see to it that all the protective devices such as insulation barrier, insulation papersshields are properly installed.

10、3. After servicing, make the following leakage current checks to prevent the customer from being exposed to shock hazards.Some semiconductor(solid state)devices can be damaged easily by static electricity. Such components commonly are called Electrostatically Sensitive(ES)Devices. Examples of typica

11、l ES devices are integratedcircuits and some field-effect transistors and semiconductor chip components. The following techniques should be used to help reduce the incidence of component damage caused by electro static discharge(ESD).1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor component or semi

12、conductor-equipped assembly, drainoff any ESD on your body by touching a known earth ground. Alternatively, obtain and wear a commercially available discharging ESD wrist strap, which should be removed for potential shock reasons prior toapplying power to the unit under test.2. After removing an ele

13、ctrical assembly equipped with ES devices,place the assembly on a conductive surface such as alminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge buildup or exposure of the assembly.3. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder ES devices.4. Use only an anti-static solder removal device.

14、Some solder removal devices not classified as anti-static(ESD protected)can generate electrical charge sufficient to damage ES devices.5. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ESdevices.6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its prote

15、ctive package until immediately before you areready to install it. (Most replacement ES devices are packaged with leads electrically shorted together by conductive foam, alminum foil or comparable conductive material).7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the leads of a replace

16、ment ES device, touchthe protective material to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be installed.CautionBe sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit, and observe all other safety precautions.8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged replacement ES devices. (

17、Otherwise harmless motionsuch as the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your foot from a carpeted floor cangenerate static electricity(ESD).COPYRIGHT NOTICE. 2005 Audio Partnership PLC. All rights reserved. Cambridge Audio is a registered trademarks of Audio Partnership PLC.

18、This document may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without the express written prior permission of Audio Partnership PLC.Alteration or removal of any trademark, copyright, or other notice from this content is prohibited.Information provided in this docu

19、ment is provided solely for the use of official service agents in repairing and servicing Audio Partnership PLC products.Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD PlayerSafety PrecautionsCambridge Audio DVD89 DVD PlayerFront Panel IllustrationPOWER switch65STOP buttonPLAY/PAUSE buttonSkip/Scan button423Display wind

20、ow7Disc trayOPEN/CLOSE button52376486-756-8687998Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD PlayerPrevention of Static Electricity DischargeThe laser diode in the traverse unit (optical pickup) may break down due to static electricity of clothes or humanbody. Use due caution to electrostatic breakdown when servicing

21、 and handling the laser diode.Some devices such as the DVD player use the optical pickup(laser diode)and the optical pickup will be damaged 2. Worktable groundingPut a conductive material sheet on the area where the optical pickup is placed, and ground thesheet.Use the anti-static wrist strap to dis

22、charge the static electricity from your body.3. Human body grounding4. Handling of optical pickup5. To keep the good quality of the optical pickup maintenance parts during transportation and beforeinstallation, the both ends of the laser diode are short-circuited.After replacing the parts with new o

23、nes,remove the short circuit according to the correct procedure. (See this Technical Guide).6. Do not use a tester to check the laser diode for the optical pickup .This will damage the laserdiode due to the power supply in the tester.7. Handling precautions for Traverse Unit (Optical Pickup)8. Do no

24、t give a considerable shock to the traverse unit(optical pickup)as it has an extremely high-precise structure.9. When replacing the optical pickup, install the flexible cable and cut is short land with a nipper. See the optical pickup replacement procedure in this Technical Guide. Before replacing t

25、he traverse unit, removethe short pin for preventingstatic electricity and install a new unit. Connect the connector as quickley aspossible.10. The flexible cable may be cut off if an excessive force is applied to it. Use caution when handling the cable.11. The half-fixed resistor for laser power ad

26、justment cannot be adjusted. Do not turn the resistor.safety_3 (1577x409x2 tiff)1. Grounding for electrostatic breakdown preventionSome devices such as the DVD player use the optical pickup (laser diode) and the optical pickup will bedamaged by ststic electricity in the working enviroment. Proceed s

27、ervicing works under the workingenviroment where grounding works is completed.Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD PlayerMechanism Unit Exploded Diagram Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD PlayerBracket Exploded View and Parts List 1) Bracket 2) Belt 3) Screw 4) Belt Wheel 5) Gear Wheel 6) Iron Chip 7) Immobility Mechan

28、ism Equipment 8) Magnet 9) Platen 10) Bridge Bracket11) Screw 12) Screw 13) Big Bracket 14) Front Silicon Rubber 15) Back Silicon Rubber 16) Pick Up 17) Pick Up 18) Switch 19) Five Pin Flat Plug 20) Screw 21) PCB 22) Motor 23) Moto Wheel 24) Screw 25) Tray86-756-8687998Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD Play

29、erProtection of the Laser Diode Laser Diode Protection Shorts (Replacement Parts)Cautions on assembly and adjustment Make sure that the workbenches, jigs, tips, tips of soldering irons and measuring instruments are grounded, For replacement optical pickups open the LD short lands quickly with a sold

30、ering iron after Refrain from operation and storage in atmospheres containing corrosive gases (such as H2S,SO2,NO2 and Cl2)or toxic gases or in locations containing substances(especially from the organic silicon,cyan,formalin and phenol groups)which emit toxic gases.It is particularly important to e

31、nsure that none of the above substances are present inside the unit.Otherwise,the motor may no longer run. and that personnel wear wrist straps for ground. circuit is connected.86-756-8687998Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD PlayerVideo Output Confirmations - Luminance & Chrominance Signal Do these confirma

32、tions after replacing a P.C.B. - (Luminance Signal)Purpose:To maintain video signal output compatibility.1.Connect the oscilloscope to the video output terminal and terminate at 75 ohm.2.Confirm that luminance signal(Y+S)level is 1000mVp-p30mVMeasurement point Video output terminalColor bar 75%PLAY(

33、Title 46):DVDT-S15PLAY(Title 12):DVDT-S01ModeDiscMeasuring equipment,tools200mV/dir,10sec/dir1000mVp-p30mVConfirmation value (Chrominance Signal)Purpose:To maintain video signal output compatibility.1.Connect the oscilloscope to the video output terminal and terminate at 75 ohm.2.Confirm that the ch

34、rominance signal(C)level is 621 mVp-p30mVMeasurement point Video output terminalColor bar 75%PLAY(Title 46):DVDT-S15PLAY(Title 12):DVDT-S01ModeDiscMeasuring equipment,toolsConfirmation valueScrewdriver,Oscilloscope200mV/dir,10sec/dir621mVp-p30mVCambridge Audio DVD89 DVD Player(U211) HY57V641620HG Pi

35、n Configuration & DescriptionPIN CONFIGURATIONPIN DESCRIPTIONPINPIN NAMEDESCRIPTIONCLKClockThe system clock input. All other inputs are registered to the SDRAM on the rising edge of CLKCKEClock EnableControls internal clock signal and when deactivated, the SDRAM will be one of the states among power

36、 down, suspend or self refreshCSChip SelectEnables or disables all inputs except CLK, CKE and DQMBA0,BA1 Bank Address Selects bank to be activated during RAS activitySelects bank to be read/written during CAS activityA0 A11AddressRow Address : RA0 RA11, Column Address : CA0 CA7Auto-precharge flag :

37、A10RAS, CAS, WERow Address Strobe, Column Address Strobe, Write EnableRAS, CAS and WE define the operationRefer function truth table for detailsLDQM, UDQMData Input/Output MaskControls output buffers in read mode and masks input data in write modeDQ0 DQ15Data Input/OutputMultiplexed data input / out

38、put pinVDD/VSSPower Supply/GroundPower supply for internal circuits and input buffersVDDQ/VSSQData Output Power/GroundPower supply for output buffersNCNo ConnectionNo connectionVSSDQ15VSSQDQ14DQ13VDDQDQ12DQ11VSSQDQ10DQ9VDDQDQ8VSSNCUDQMCLKCKENCA11A9A8A7A6A5A4VSS123456789101112131415161718192021222324

39、252627545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231302928VDDDQ0VDDQDQ1DQ2VSSQDQ3DQ4VDDQDQ5DQ6VSSQDQ7VDDLDQM/WE/CAS/RAS/CSBA0BA1A10/APA0A1A2A3VDD54pin TSOP II400mil x 875mil0.8mm pin pitchCambridge Audio DVD89 DVD Player(U211) HY57V641620HG Functional Block Diagram1Mbit x 4banks x 16 I/O Synchrono

40、us DRAMX decodersState MachineA0A1A11BA0BA1Address buffersAddressRegistersMode RegistersRow PreDecodersColumn PreDecodersColumn AddCounterRow activeColumnActiveBurstCounterData Out ControlCAS LatencyInternal Row counterDQ0DQ1DQ14DQ15refreshSelf refresh logic& timerPipe Line ControlI/O Buffer & Logic

41、Bank SelectSense AMP & I/O GateCLKCKECSRASCASWEUDQMLDQM1Mx16 Bank 3X decodersX decodersMemoryCellArrayY decodersX decoders1Mx16 Bank 01Mx16 Bank 11Mx16 Bank 2Cambridge Audio DVD89 DVD Player(U203) MT1392 Pin DefinitionsPin number Symbol Type Description 1 DVSS GND Digital ground 2-9 C0-C7 I, PD Norm

42、al : Digital chroma input VDAC test : DAC test mode 0:7 input. BIST mode : BIST data input 10 DVDD33 VDD Digital power, 3.3V 11 VCK I Clock of digital video input 12 DVSS GND Digital ground 13-20 Y0-Y7 I, PD Normal : Digital luma input VDAC test : DAC test data 0:7 input. BIST mode : BIST address in

43、put21 SSCK I Normal : Slave serial interface clock input SCAN mode : scan reset, active low22 SSD IO Slave serial interface data input/output 23 DVDD18 VDD Power of digital core, 1.8V 24 PWDN# I, PU Power down, actiev low 25 RST# I, PU Reset, active low26 XTAL I Normal : clock input 27 INT O 28 DVSS

44、 GND Digital ground29 A7/GPO0 IO,PD 30 A6/GPO1 31 TRAP2/GP02 0 1 1 BIST 34 MSCK/GPO5 O MasterI2C on : Master serial interface clock output BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output VDAC test: VDAC test clock imput Interrupt outputPower On: Serial interface address 7 BIST mode : SR

45、AM fail output Normal : General purpose outputIO,PD Power On: Serial interface address 6 BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose outputIO,PD Power On: Hardware trap bit 2 BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output TRAP1/GP03IO,PD Power On: Hardware trap bit 1BIST mode

46、 : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output TRAP0/GP04IO,PD Power On: Hardware trap bit 0BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output Trap Modebit 2 1 0 0 0 0 Normal, with master 12C disable1 A1 A0 Normal, with master 12C enableA(1:0) : EEPROM device address select 0 0 1 Test

47、 scan mode0 1 0 VDAC test modemodeCambridge Audio DVD89 DVD Player(U203) MT1392 Pin DefinitionsPin number Symbol Type Description MSD/GPO6 IO,PU MasterI2C on : Master serial interface data input/output BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output 36 GPO7 IO,PD PowerON : EPROM word-ad

48、dress type. 1 : 16bit , 0 : 8bit BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output 37 GPIO8 IO BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output / HDMI test input / down-mixed audio input 38 GPIO9 IO BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output / V-sync inout /

49、HDMI test input VDAC test : PLL test enable 39 GPIO10 IO BIST mode : SRAM fail output Normal : General purpose output / H-sync inout / HDMI test input VDAC test : PLL test calibration 40 HTPLG I,PD HDMI Hot-Plug detection 41 AVSS GND Analog ground 42 PLLC0 A PLL Capacitor ground 43 PLLC1 A PLL Capac

50、itor 44 AVDD VDD Analog power, 3.3V 45 AVDD VDD Analog power, 3.3V 46 AVSS GND Analog Ground 47 AVSS GND Analog Ground 48 TCK- AO HDMI Tx clock 49 TCK+ AO HDMI Tx clock 50 AVDD VDD Analog power, 3.3V 51 TX0- AO HDMI Tx channel 0 52 TX0+ AO HDMI Tx channel 0 53 AVSS GND Analog Ground 54 TX1- AO HDMI


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