JVC-XVN50BK-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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1、SERVICE MANUALCOPYRIGHT 2003 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITEDNo.A00412003/04XV-N50BK,XV-N55SLDVD VIDEO PLAYERA0041200303XV-N50BK,XV-N55SLTABLE OF CONTENTS1Important Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2、. 1-32Disassembly method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-83Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3、 . . . . . . . . . 1-154Description of major ICs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25213546879010+10TITLE/GROUPTV/VIDEOCANCELRETURNVOLVOL+ CH+CHVFPZOOMAMPVOLAUDIO3DPHONICSUB TITLEANGLEDIMMERREPEATOPEN/CLOSET


5、sian FederationUF - ChinaRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库XV-N50BK,XV-N55SL1-2 (No.A0041)SPECIFICATION Specifications and appearance are subject to change without prior notice. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Manufactured

6、 under license from Digital Theater Systems, Inc. “DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are registered trademarks ofDigital Theater Systems, Inc.GeneralReadable discsDVD VIDEO, DVD-R (Video format), DVDRW(Video format),+RW (Video format),SVCD, Video CD, Audio CD (CD-DA),MP3/WMAformat,JPEG, CD-R/RW(CDDA,S

7、VCD,Video CD, MP3/WMA format, JPEG)Video formatNTSC, 480i (Interlaced scan) / 480p(Progressive scan) selectableOtherPower requirementsAC 120 V, 60 HzPower consumption11 W (POWER ON), 0.7 W (STANDBYmode)Mass2.1 kg (4.7 lbs)Dimensions (W xH x D)435 mm x 45 mm x 270.5 mm (17-3/16 inch x 2-13/16 inch x

8、10-11/16 inch)Video outputsCOMPONENT (pin jacks)Y Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm)PB/PR Output: 0.7 Vp-p (75 ohm)VIDEO OUT (pin jack)1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm)S-VIDEO OUT (S jack)Y Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm)C Output: 286 mVp-p (75 ohm)Horizontal resolution500 lines or moreAudio outputsANALOG OUT (pin jack)2.0 Vrms (

9、10 kohm)DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL)0.5 Vp-p (75 ohm termination)DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL)-21 dBm to -15 dBm (peak)Audio characteristicsFrequency responseCD (sampling frequency 44.1 kHz):2 Hz to 20 kHzDVD (sampling frequency 48 kHz):2 Hz to 22 kHz(4 Hz to 20 kHz for DTS andDolby Digital bitstream signals)DVD (

10、sampling frequency 96 kHz)2 Hz to 44 kHzDynamic range16 bit: More than 98 dB20/24 bit: More than 100 dBWow and flutterUnmeasurable (less than + 0.002%)Total harmonic distortionless than 0.006%RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库XV-N50BK,XV-N55SL(No.A0041)1-3SECTION 1Important Safety Precautions1.1 Safety Precaut

11、ions(1) This design of this product contains special hardware andmany circuits and components specially for safety purposes.For continued protection, no changes should be made to theoriginal design unless authorized in writing by the man-ufacturer. Replacement parts must be identical to thoseused in

12、 the original circuits. Services should be per-formed by qualified personnel only.(2) Alterations of the design or circuitry of the product shouldnot be made. Any design alterations of the product shouldnot be made. Any design alterations or additions will voidthe manufacturers warranty and will fur

13、ther relieve themanufacture of responsibility for personal injury or propertydamage resulting therefrom.(3) Many electrical and mechanical parts in the products havespecial safety-related characteristics. These characteris-tics are often not evident from visual inspection nor can theprotection affor

14、ded by them necessarily be obtained by us-ing replacement components rated for higher voltage, watt-age, etc. Replacement parts which have these special safetycharacteristics are identified in the Parts List of Service Manu-al. Electrical components having such features are iden-tified by shading on

15、 the schematics and by ( ) on theParts List in the Service Manual. The use of a substitute re-placement which does not have the same safety character-istics as the recommended replacement parts shown in theParts List of Service Manual may create shock, fire, or oth-er hazards.(4) The leads in the pr

16、oducts are routed and dressed with ties,clamps, tubings, barriers and the like to be separated fromlive parts, high temperature parts, moving parts and/orsharp edges for the prevention of electric shock and firehazard. When service is required, the original lead routingand dress should be observed,

17、and it should be confirmedthat they have been returned to normal, after reassembling.(5) Leakage shock hazard testing)After reassembling the product, always perform an isolationcheck on the exposed metal parts of the product (antennaterminals, knobs, metal cabinet, screw heads, headphonejack, contro

18、l shafts, etc.) to be sure the product is safe tooperate without danger of electrical shock.Do not use a line isolation transformer during this check. Plug the AC line cord directly into the AC outlet. Using aLeakage Current Tester, measure the leakage currentfrom each exposed metal parts of the cab

19、inet, particular-ly any exposed metal part having a return path to thechassis, to a known good earth ground. Any leakage cur-rent must not exceed 0.5mA AC (r.m.s.). Alternate check methodPlug the AC line cord directly into the AC outlet. Use an ACvoltmeter having, 1,000 ohms per volt or more sensiti

20、vity inthe following manner. Connect a 1,500 ohm 10W resistorparalleled by a 0.15 F AC-type capacitor between anexposed metal part and a known good earth ground.Measure the AC voltage across the resistor with the ACvoltmeter. Move the resistor connection to each exposed metal part,particularly any e

21、xposed metal part having a return path tothe chassis, and measure the AC voltage across the resistor.Now, reverse the plug in the AC outlet and repeat eachmeasurement. Voltage measured any must not exceed 0.75V AC (r.m.s.). This corresponds to 0.5 mA AC (r.m.s.). 1.2 Warning(1) This equipment has be

22、en designed and manufactured tomeet international safety standards.(2) It is the legal responsibility of the repairer to ensure thatthese safety standards are maintained.(3) Repairs must be made in accordance with the relevantsafety standards.(4) It is essential that safety critical components are r

23、eplacedby approved parts.(5) If mains voltage selector is provided, check setting for localvoltage.1.3 CautionBurrs formed during molding may be left over on some partsof the chassis. Therefore, pay attention to such burrs in the case of pre-forming repair of this system.1.4 Critical parts for safet

24、yIn regard with component parts appearing on the silk-screenprinted side (parts side) of the PWB diagrams, the parts that areprinted over with black such as the resistor ( ), diode ( )and ICP ( ) or identified by the mark nearby are critical forsafety. When replacing them, be sure to use the parts o

25、f the same typeand rating as specified by the manufacturer. (Except the JC version)XV-N50BK,XV-N55SL1-4 (No.A0041)1.5 Preventing static electricityElectrostatic discharge (ESD), which occurs when static electricity stored in the body, fabric, etc. is discharged, can destroy the laser diode in the tr

26、averse unit (optical pickup). Take care to prevent this when performing repairs.1.5.1 Grounding to prevent damage by static electricityStatic electricity in the work area can destroy the optical pickup (laser diode) in devices such as DVD players. Be careful to use proper grounding in the area where

27、 repairs are being performed. (1) Ground the workbenchGround the workbench by laying conductive material (such as a conductive sheet) or an iron plate over it before placing thetraverse unit (optical pickup) on it.(2) Ground yourselfUse an anti-static wrist strap to release any static electricity bu

28、ilt up in your body. (3) Handling the optical pickup In order to maintain quality during transport and before installation, both sides of the laser diode on the replacement opticalpickup are shorted. After replacement, return the shorted parts to their original condition. (Refer to the text.) Do not

29、 use a tester to check the condition of the laser diode in the optical pickup. The testers internal power source can easilydestroy the laser diode. 1.6 Handling the traverse unit (optical pickup)(1) Do not subject the traverse unit (optical pickup) to strong shocks, as it is a sensitive, complex uni

30、t. (2) Cut off the shorted part of the flexible cable using nippers, etc. after replacing the optical pickup. For specific details, refer to thereplacement procedure in the text. Remove the anti-static pin when replacing the traverse unit. Be careful not to take too longa time when attaching it to t

31、he connector. (3) Handle the flexible cable carefully as it may break when subjected to strong force. (4) I t is not possible to adjust the semi-fixed resistor that adjusts the laser power. Do not turn it.XV-N50BK,XV-N55SL(No.A0041)1-51.7 Importance admistering point on the safety C701 C706 C761 C76

32、2 C902 C904 C905 C907 C908 C913 C914 C918 C950 C951 C952 C953 C955 C957 C958 C959 CN901 C963 C964 C965 C966 C967 C970 C973 C988 B112 CN904 CP951 B401 B201 D701 D901 D902 D903 D904 D951 D952 D953 D954 D955 D956 D957 D960 EP951 FC901 FC902 IC901 IC952 J603 J702 L709 L710 L901 L951 L952 L953 L954 L955

33、P704 P901 PC901 Q753 Q754 Q951 Q953 R901 R903 R906 R910 R912 R913 R915 R951 R954 R966 S901 S902 T901 X701 CN651 EP910 B16 B17 B18 CN902 CN903 C906 B803 B301 B107 C808 B802 C802 B1 B4 B601 B9 B8 B12 B10 B11 B19 B104 B103 B7 B206 B501 B102 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP952 EP

34、952 B302 B204 B303 B304 B202 B15 B105 B14 B111 B13 B110 B901 B902 B203 B804 B205 B101 B801 B602 B2 B129 B6 B207 B402 B404 B403 WC801 B109 WC802 B106 B108 B603 B604 B128 B55 EP953 B3 Full Fuse Replacement MarkingGraphic symbol mark (This symbol means fast blow type fuse.)should be read as follows ;FU


36、AR UN FUSIBLE DU MEME TYPE ;Le symbole graphique (Ce symbole signifie fusible de type a fusion rapide.)doit etre interprete comme suit ;XV-N50BK,XV-N55SL1-6 (No.A0041)1.8 Important for laser products (1) CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT(2) DANGER : Invisible laser radiation when open and interlock failed or de

37、feated. Avoid direct exposure to beam.(3) CAUTION : There are no serviceable parts inside the Laser Unit. Do not disassemble the Laser Unit. Replace thecomplete Laser Unit if it malfunctions.(4) CAUTION : The compact disc player uses invisible laserradiation and is equipped with safety switches whic

38、h prevent emission of radiation when the drawer is open andthe safety interlocks have failed or are de feated. It is dangerous to defeat the safety switches.(5) CAUTION : If safety switches malfunction, the laser is ableto function.(6) CAUTION : Use of controls, adjustments or performance ofprocedur

39、es other than those specified herein may result inhazardous radiation exposure.CAUTIONPlease use enough caution not to see the beam directlyor touch it in case of an adjustment or operation check.VARNINGOsynlig laserstrlning r denna del r ppnad och sprren rurkopplad. Betrakta ej strlen.VAROAvattaess

40、a ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina nkymt-tmlle lasersteilylle. l katso steeseen.ADVARSELUsynlig laserstrling ved bning, nr sikkerhedsafbrydere erude af funktion. Undg udsasttelse for strling.ADVARSELUsynlig laserstrling ved pning, nr sikkerhetsbryteren er avs-lott. unng utsettelse for strl

41、ing.REPRODUCTION AND POSITION OF LABEL and PRINTWARNING LABEL and PRINTCAUTION: Invisible laser radiation when open and interlock failed or defeated.AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM. (e)ADVARSEL: Usynlig laser-strling ved bning, nr sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude af funktion. Undg udst-telse for strling (d)

42、VARNING: Osynlig laser- strlning nr denna del r ppnad och sprren r urkopplad. Betrakta ej strlen. (s)VARO: Avattaessa ja suo-jalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina nkymttmlle lasersteilylle. l katso steeseen. (f)The inside of a chassis baseXV-N50BK,XV-N55SL(No.A0041)1-71.9 Precautions for Service1.9.1

43、Handling of Traverse Unit and Laser Pickup(1) Do not touch any peripheral element of the pickup or the actuator.(2) The traverse unit and the pickup are precision devices and therefore must not be subjected to strong shock.(3) Do not use a tester to examine the laser diode. (The diode can easily be

44、destroyed by the internal power supply of the tester.)(4) To replace the traverse unit, pull out the metal short pin for protection from charging.(5) When replacing the pickup, after mounting a new pickup, remove the solder on the short land which is provided at the center ofthe flexible wire to ope

45、n the circuit.(6) Half-fixed resistors for laser power adjustment are adjusted in pairs at shipment to match the characteristics of the optical block.Do not change the setting of these half-fixed resistors for laser power adjustment. 1.9.2Destruction of Traverse Unit and Laser Pickup by Static Elect

46、ricityLaser diodes are easily destroyed by static electricity charged on clothingor the human body. Before repairing peripheral elements of the traverse unit or pickup, be sure to take the following electrostaticprotection:(1) Wear an antistatic wrist wrap.(2) With a conductive sheet or a steel plat

47、e on the workbench on which the traverse unit or the pick up is to be repaired, ground thesheet or the plate.(3) Please be sure to make the switch of a relay board into the SHORT side before drawing out a wire from the connector CN101on a servo control board,when taking out a mechanism assembly from

48、 a main body.And please be sure to make a switch into the OPEN side after connecting a wire to CN101, when it mounts a mechanism as-sembly in a main body.(4) After removing the flexible wire from the connector (CN1), short-circuit the flexible wire by the metal clip.(5) Short-circuit the laser diode

49、 by soldering the land which is provided at the center of the flexible wire for the pickup. After completing the repair, remove the solder to open the circuit.Short circuitCN1Relay boardShort circuitThe procedure for protecting a pickupIn case you assemble, please do all work conversely.The switch o

50、n a relay board is changed from OPEN to SHORT.A wire is extracted from the connector CN101 on a servo control board.It solders to the short circuit part on a flexible wire, and it is made to short-circuit.A flexible wire is extracted from the connector CN1 on a relay board.XV-N50BK,XV-N55SL1-8 (No.A


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