Technics-SLPD687-cd-sup1 维修电路原理图.pdf
《Technics-SLPD687-cd-sup1 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Technics-SLPD687-cd-sup1 维修电路原理图.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、ORDER NO. AD98O1OO5SOceManLalServlCompact Disc ChangerCompact Disc ChangerSL-PD887Golour (K) . BlackTypeAreasP . U.S.A.PP . U.S.A. and Canada.E . Europe.EB . Great Britain.EG . Germany and ltaly.GC . Asia, Latin America,Middle Near Eastand Africa.GN . Oceania.- I Applicable Serial Number SuffixI How
2、 to distinguish in GD unitI InterchangeabilitySL-PD349I This document is supplementary to theSL.PD687following Service Manuals:Model No.Area CodeOrder No.sL-PD349(P)AD9404110A1SL-PD665(PP)4D9401023A1SL-PD687(E) (EB) (EG) (GC) (GN)4D9502043C8SL-PD887(E)(EB)(EG)4D950206642(GC) (GN)4D950206743The NEW T
3、raverse Deck (Assy) (RAEO152Z) and the FORMER Traverse Deck (Assy) are interchangeable.Even if the CD unit has the former servo P.C.B., only the traverse deck is changeable to the new one.A WARNINGThis service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for us
4、e by the general public. ltdoes not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product.Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt toservice or repair th
5、e product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious f njury or death.1998 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying anddistribution is a violation of law.SL-PD665CD servo P.C.B.I PurposePlease be informed of that
6、the Traverse Deck (Assy) and CD ServoP.C.B. of the CD unit have been changed on production.Model No.SL-PD349sL-PD665SL-PD687SL-PD887SerialNo. SuffixlromKonward fromlonward fromFonward fromFonwardCD unit is shown in this olaceof CD servo P.C.B.TechnicsRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库sL-PD349/665t687t887I Shem
7、atic Diagram (New CD Unit)A OPTICAL PICKUP CIRCUITEl co sERVo ctRcutrSERVO AMPTP4fP12* FTPI.AYddftlifitlB-YICZO3 COtUTRACKING COIVTMVERSE MOTOR/SPINDtr MOTOR DRIVE$r* $R=TP3|:F:TP31TP32JILtr: CD signal line . r: Positive voltage linesi.t*T* g 8EiV/ l*9 = q oItsqd . !=IE+
8、 EHPLAYr$ftri+trlg:;TPJl2ITPl_fY Iq lt s lq lc7s3470PPF+lsml(REST) PMCKZ - X E F Z J r uI E E E + s E e r E E g i E e E,erqi ifl., ; rvxrtn. l|*t g-.)SwlTcHlNG zmi. olrvjrilv-(sv)TPzIrt- lI-t_ v .oz- 3 -)z=;SL-PD349/665t687t887I Printed Circuit Board Diagram (New CD Unit)Note: This printed circuit b
9、oard diagram may be modified at any time with the development of new technology.-A-TgI CD Unit Parts Location (New CD Unit)IIIGD?vlz./lIeldf-xtl g iIRTil:I t lte lI)AgC7 w d* o v YX,.-T- 5 -SL-PD349/66516871887I Replacement Parts List (New GD Unit)Re f. NoPart No. Part Nare & DescriptiotRemarksl 6RA
10、Eor 522TRAVERSE DECK ASSYII l0-lsHGDl I 3-lLOATIIIG RUBBERr6-2silsD38SCRETInrE0l 09:r0rtrc sPRtilG(r)I ERTE(I 12FLoATttG SPRllrc(2)IRTR()69E-|(TRAYENSE CHASSISr20Rrs0627TNAVERSE FIXED PIII(I)t 2 lRrs0350-rTNAYERSE FIXED PII(2)22(lv2+6GiCRET224Tt2+6GicnEfc70l:CEA0JKA330 |i.3Y 33Uc702:cuztEl01rBil 25V
11、 0. rUc703:cEA()JXAl 0l I3V l00uc704:cuzilEr 01rBll25V 0. lUc706:cuvtH?72xBt50v 2700Pc707:cuvtE273K8tr5v 0.027uc70E:cuvr H392K8t ifv 3900Pc709icuvr E563K8rrsv 0.056uc7r 0:cuvl Hl 5r Kctli()v l 50Pc?lr,l2 :cu$rEl0lzFlttsv 0. luc7r 3:CUZIEl 04I81tsY 0. uc7l 4:CEA0JKAI 0l I.3V r00uIL t I t:CUVI HI E2KB
12、IIiov r E00PIc7t 6tcuvlHS2tKBti()Y 820P1c717:cutilEl 01zFrlsY 0. ruI 1 8:cuvltc224KBtl 16V 0.22UIc12l,22 :cuvlnl 50Jl50v r 5P2c723:cEAtAKAz2l It0v 220uIcr24:cuztEr 04rBr25Y 0. lUIc72s,26ECUEI Hl 02K8i 50l, | 000Pc727,28ECEAI HPK()I OIsOY IUc730ECUftEt 04ZFtl25V 0. rUIc73r. 32ECEA,JKA22I I6.3V 220Uc7
13、33ECUZiEl 04I81 25V 0. lUIc734ECEAIAKAz2I It0v 220uc735-37ECUftEr 01ZFlt25Y 0. tUc73E:cuzlEt 04r8125V 0. ruc739icuvtHlo3KBlli0v 001uct42:cuvtE273KBtl tsv 0.027Uc713icufilEr 0lzFrtsv 0. rucl 44:cuvlEl 23KBtlt5v 0.0r 2uc745:cuEr c173KBX r6l/ 0.047uc7 41:cuv1H22l KBI50v 220Pc749:cuvlH222K8t50v 2200Pc75
14、0,5r :cuzEr 04l8tl5Y 0. ruc753:CUVI H47I KBT50v 470Pc751:cuEl H47lK8ll50Y 470Pc76r,62icuEr H17lK8l50v 170Pcil701rJU035t0l 5-tiocKEf (r 6P)cll702rJsrA6723-rQ;0ililEcT0R (23P)lc70rIEE37SBEItctc7021x66271t RPAtcI c703r87E0S8E2tcQ70r2SB709STXtRAts I sT0RIQ702)TCl I 4YKAI 46 TRAIS I ST0RIR70l:RJ6CEYi4n7V
15、t/10t 4.7IR702:RJ6GEYJ822Vl/t0t E.2KIR703ERJ6GEYJ823Vt/l0t 82KIR701ERJ6GEYJI02Ar/r0f lKIn705ERJ6GEYJ I 24Vr/r0f r 20KIR706ERJ6GEYJIO2Ar/r0t tKIR707ERJ6GEYJ47lVr/l0r 470r(R708:RJ6GEYJ I 54Vt/r0r r 50KR709:RJ6GEYJ473Vr/r 0f 47KR7l 0:RJ6GEYJIO3Vr/r0f r0 xR7l I:RJ6CEYJ151Vr/r 0t r 50KR7l 2:RJ6GEYJ22IY1/
16、t0r 220R7l 5RJ6GEYJI22Vr/r0f l.2Kn7t 7-20:RJ6GEYJIO2Ar/r0f lK.1Yl-,P.Re f. NoPart No.Par tNane& DescriDtiolRemarksn72l:RJ6GEYJlOIVr/l0f r00IRT22:RJ6GEYJ473V1ltlt 17KIR723:RJ6GEYJ I 52Vr/r 0r r. 5KIn?2,:NJ6GEYJ333Vl/l 0f 33KIR725:RJ6GEYJI 22Yt/10r t.2KIR726iRJ6GEYJ393Vr/r0t 39KIR727,28 ERJ6GEYJ682Yl/
17、r0f 6.8KR729ERJ6GEYJ562Vl/l0t 5.6KR731ERJ6GEYJ6E2Vr/r0f 6.8KR734-36:RJ6GEYJI()IVr/l0r 1003n73E:RJ6GEYJ223V1ltot 22KR74l -13iRJ6GEYJ562Vr/r0f 5.6r(3R714:RJ6GEYJI )lV t/l0f l00KR715:RJ6GEYJI55Yt/10t l.5rR748:RJ6GEYJI 52Vr/l0r r.5KR719:RJ6GEYJ682Yr/r 0r 6- 8KR752:RJ8GEYJ22OVt/8r 22RJT(I:RJ6GEYON|()A:HI
18、P JUTPERRJ702-r 0:RJSGEY()R()AH IP JUTPENRJ72r-2E:RJ6GEY(ROOA;H IP JUTPERRJ75|,:RJ6GEYOR|)()A)HIP JUTPERs70rtsHrA013-uifIIJT()I:YF8CU)HIP CL IPIx70ltsxzr619I0rf )sct LLAT0nI- 6 -Printed in JapanH98011 0500 TN/HH,ServlceMarudlCompact Disc ChangerSL.PD469SL.PD665SL.PD687SL-PD787SL.PDBBTSL-PD987Colour(
19、K) . Black TypeNote : This Supplement Service Manual is intended to provideadditional information or correction to the existingservice manualfor model No. SL-PD469, SL-PD665,SL-PD687, SL-PD787, SL-PD887, SL-PD987.Be sure toIMASH is a trademark of NTT.ICD SECTION : RTRAVERSE DECK SERIESA wnRnlncThis
20、service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. lt does not containwarnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to servce a product. Products powered by electricty shouldbe servi

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- Technics-SLPD687-cd-sup1 维修电路原理图 Technics SLPD687 cd sup1 维修 电路 原理图