Sharp-CDBA200-cs-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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3、nd only parts identical to those specified beused.SERVICE MANUALThis document has been published to be usedfor after sales service only.The contents are subject to change without notice.SHARP CORPORATIONCD-BA200 Mini Component System consisting of CD-BA200(mini unit) and CP-BA200 (speaker system).Ra

4、dioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库CD-BA200 2 FOR A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION OF THIS UNIT, PLEASE REFERTO THE OPERATION MANUAL.IMPORTANT SERVICE NOTES (FOR U.S.A. ONLY)BEFORE RETURNING THE AUDIO PRODUCT(Fire & Shock Hazard)Before returning the audio product to the user, perform thefollowing safety ch

5、ecks.1. Inspect all lead dress to make certain that leads are notpinched or that hardware is not lodged between the chassisand other metal parts in the audio product.2. Inspect all protective devices such as insulating materials,cabinet, terminal board, adjustment and compartment coversor shields, m

6、echanical insulators etc.3. To be sure that no shock hazard exists, check for leakagecurrent in the following manner.* Plug the AC line cord directly into a 120 volt AC outlet.* Using two clip leads, connect a 1.5k ohm, 10 watt resistorparalleled by a 0.15F capacitor in series with all exposedmetal

7、cabinet parts and a known earth ground, such asconduit or electrical ground connected to earth ground.* Use a VTVM or VOM with 1000 ohm per volt, or higher,sensitivity to measure the AC voltage drop across theresistor (See diagram).* Connect the resistor connection to all exposed metal partshaving a

8、 return path to the chassis (antenna, metal cabinet,screw heads, knobs and control shafts, escutcheon, etc.)and measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor.All check must be repeated with the AC line cord plug connectionreversed.Any reading of 0.3 volt RMS (this corresponds to 0.2 milliamp.AC.)

9、or more is excessive and indicates a potential shockhazard which must be corrected before returning the audioproduct to the owner.TO EXPOSEDMETAL PARTSCONNECT TOKNOWN EARTHGROUNDTEST PROBE0.15 F1.5k ohms10WVTVMAC SCALE GeneralPower source:AC 120 V, 60 HzPower consumption:185 WDimensions:Width; 10-5/

10、8 (270 mm)Height; 13 (330 mm)Depth; 14 (355 mm)Weight:19.2 lbs. (8.7 kg) Amplifier sectionOutput power:100 watts minimum RMS per(Except for Canada)channel into 6 ohms from 60 Hzto 20 kHz, 10 % total harmonicdistortionOutput power:RMS; 200 W (100 W + 100 W)(For Canada)(10% T.H.D)Main speaker (woofer,

11、tweeter and supertweeter);80 W (40 W + 40 W),Subwoofer;120 W (60 W + 60W)Output terminals:Speakers; 6 ohmsHeadphones; 16-50 ohms(recommended; 32 ohms)Input terminals:Video/Auxiliary (audio signal);500 mV/47 kohms Compact disc player sectionType:3-disc multi-play compact discplayerSignal readout:Non-

12、contact, 3-beam semi-conductor laser pickupD/A Converter:1-bit D/A converterSpecifications for this model are subject to change withoutprior notice.SPECIFICATIONSCD-BA200Frequency response:20 - 20,000 HzDynamic range:90 dB (1 kHz) Tuner sectionFrequency range:FM; 87.5 - 108 MHzAM; 530 - 1,720 kHz Ca

13、ssette deck sectionFrequency response:50 - 14,000 Hz (Normal tape)Signal/noise ratio:55 dB (TAPE 1, playback)50 dB (TAPE 2, recording/playback)Wow and flutter:0.3 % (WRMS) Speaker sectionType:4-way type 5-1/4 (13 cm) subwoofer, 5-1/4 (13 cm) woofer,2 (5cm) tweeter and supertweeterMaximum input power

14、(Total):200 WRated input power(Total):100WImpedance:6 ohmsDimensions:Width; 10-5/8 (270 mm)Height; 13 (330 mm)Depth; 10-3/8 (264.6 mm)Weight:10.3 lbs. (4.7 kg)/eachCP-BA200RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 3 CD-BA200NAMES OF PARTS Front panel1. (CD) Disc Tray2. Extra Bass Indicator3. Spectrum Analyzer/Volume

15、Level Indicator4. (CD) Disc Number Indicators5. (CD/TUNER) Memory Indicator6. (TAPE 2) Record Indicator7. (CD) Play Indicator8. (CD) Music Schedule Indicators9. (CD) More Tracks Indicator10. Sleep Indicator11. FM Stereo Mode Indicator12. (CD) Random Play Indicator13. (CD) Pause Indicator14. (TAPE) P

16、lay Indicator15. (CD) Repeat Indicator16. FM Stereo Indicator17. Timer Record Indicator18. Timer Play Indicator19. Memory/Set Button20. (CD) Track Down/Review Button(TUNER) Preset Down Button(TAPE 2) Rewind Button21. (CD) Track Up/Cue Button(TUNER) Preset Up Button(TAPE 2) Fast Forward Button22. Equ

17、alizer Mode Selector Button23. Timer Set Indicator24. On/Stand-by Button25. Clock Button26. Timer/Sleep Button27. Function Selector Buttons28. Dimmer Button29. Volume Control30. (CD) Disc Number Select Buttons31. Headphones Socket32. Tuning and Time Up/Down Buttons33. (TAPE 2) Record Pause Button34.

18、 (CD/TAPE) Stop Button35. (CD) Play/Repeat Button(TAPE) Play Button36. Extra Bass/Demo Mode Button37. (CD) Disc Skip Button38. (CD) Open/Close Button39. (TAPE 1) Cassette Compartment40. (TAPE 2) Cassette CompartmentCD-BA2001678102451112141516 17183391340392921232425262728303134 35 36 37 383233192022

19、3124 Rear panel1. AC Power Lead2. FM/AM Loop Aerial Socket3. Speaker Terminals4. Video/Auxiliary (Audio Signal) Input SocketsCD-BA200 4 Front speaker1. Super Tweeter2. Tweeter3. Bass Reflex Duct4. Woofer5. Subwoofer6. Main Speaker (Woofer, Tweeter and Super Tweeter)Wire7. Subwoofer Wire Remote Contr

20、ol1. Remote Control Transmitter LED CD Control section2. Disc Number Select Buttons3. Memory Button4. Pause Button5. Clear Button6. Track Down/Review Button7. Track Up/Cue Button8. Disc Skip Button9. Play/Repeat Button10. Stop Button11. Random Button Tuner control section12. Preset Up/Down Buttons T

21、ape control section13. (TAPE 1) Play Button14. (TAPE 2) Record Pause Button15. (TAPE 1/2) Stop Button16. (TAPE 2) Play Button17. (TAPE 2) Rewind Button18. (TAPE 2) Fast Forward Button Common section19. Equalizer Mode Selector Button20. Function Selector Buttons21. On/Stand-by Button22. Extra Bass Bu

22、tton23. Volume Up/Down ButtonsCP-BA20012364751234891011127651413151922201817162123 5 CD-BA200OPERATION MANUALRESETTING THE MICROCOMPUTERReset the microcomputer under the following conditions:To erase all of the stored memory contents (clock and timersettings, and tuner and CD presets).If the display

23、 is not correct.If the operation is not correct.1Press the ON/STAND-BY button to enter the stand-by mode.2While pressing down the button and the X-BASS/DEMObutton, hold down the ON/STAND-BY button for at least 1second.CLEAR AL will appear.Caution:The operation explained above will erase all data sto

24、red inmemory including clock and timer settings, and tuner and CDpresets.X-BASS/DEMO POWER ON/ STAND-BY/SETTING THE CLOCK POWER ON/ STAND-BYCLOCKMEMORY/SETTUNING/TIME( )AM 12:00AM 0:000:0023476589In this example, the clock is set for the 12-hour (AM 12:00) sys-tem.1Press the ON/STAND-BY button to en

25、ter the stand-by mode.2Press the CLOCK button.3Within 5 seconds, press the MEMORY/SET button.4Press the TUNING/TIME ( or ) button to select the timedisplay mode.AM 12:00 The 12-hour display will appear. (AM 12:00 - PM 11:59)AM 0:00 The 12-hour display will appear. (AM 0:00 - PM 11:59)0:00 The 24-hou

26、r display will appear. (0:00 - 23:59)Note that this can only be set when the unit is first installedor it has been reset.5Press the MEMORY/SET button.6Press the TUNING/TIME ( or ) button to adjust the hour.Press the TUNING/TIME ( or ) button once to advancethe time by 1 hour. Hold it down to advance

27、 continuously.When the 12-hour display is selected, AM will change auto-matically to PM.7Press the MEMORY/SET button.8Press the TUNING/TIME ( or ) button to adjust theminutes.Press the TUNING/TIME ( or ) button once to advancethe time by 1 minute. Hold it down to change the time in 5minute intervals

28、.The hour setting will not advance even if minutes advance from59 to 00.9Press the MEMORY/SET button.The clock starts operating from 0 second. (Seconds are not displayed.) And then the clock display will disappear after a few seconds.To see the time display:Press the CLOCK button.The time display wi

29、ll appear for about 5 seconds.Note:The clock display will flash on and off at the push of the CLOCKbutton when the AC power supply is restored after a powerfailure occurs or after the AC power cord is disconnected.If this happens, follow the procedure below to change the clocktime.To change the cloc

30、k time:Press the CLOCK button.Within 5 seconds, press the MEMORY/SET button.Perform steps 6 - 9 above.To change the time display mode:Perform steps 1 - 2 in the section RESETTING THEMICROCOMPUTER, on page 15.Perform steps 1 - 9 above.(Main unit operation)11223CD-BA200 6 MINI COMPONENT SYSTEMQuick Gu

31、ide/Gua rpidaCD-BA200Remote control x 1Controlador remoto x 12 “AA” batteriesDos pilas “AA”Remote SensorSensor remoto2Preparation for use / Preparacin para su uso1Check the supplied accessories / Compruebe los accesorios suministradosFM/AM loop antenna x 1Antena de cuadro deFM/AM x 1Batteries are no

32、t included.Las pilas no estn incluidas.8” - 20 (0.2m - 6m)0,2m - 6mSpeaker connectionConexin de los altavocesAntenna connectionConexin de las antenasFront speaker(Right)Altavoz delantero(Derecho)Front speaker(Left)Altavoz delantero(Izquierdo)AM Loop AntennaAntena de cuadro de AMFM AntennaAntena de F

33、MAC 120 V, 60 Hz120 V de CA, 60 HzBlueAzulRedRojoSwitching between power-on and stand-by modeCambio entre la conexin de la alimentacin y elmodo de reservaRemote controlControlador remoto1515BlackNegroNever mistake the connection to the MAIN and the SUBWOOFER terminals.Wrong connection may damge the

34、main unit or the speakers.No equivoque nunca las conexiones a los terminales MAIN ySUB WOOFER. La conexin incorrecta podra daar el aparatoprincipal o los altavoces.3Listening to a CD / Audicin de discos CD4Listening to a tape / Audicin de una cinta5Listening to the radio / Audicin de la radio6Record

35、ing from CDs / Grabaciones de discos CD7Sound control / Control del sonidoLabel facing upEtiqueta hacia arribaTo stop the playbackPara detener la reproduccinTo stop recordingPara detener la grabacinLoad the disc to be recorded.Introduzca el disco que va a grabar.CD recording starts.La grabacin de CD

36、 empieza.VolumeVolumenExtra bass (X-BASS)Graves extra (X-BASS)Pre-programmed equalizerEcualizador preprogramadoFLATROCKPOPSJAZZCLASSICVOCALTo stop the playbackPara detener la reproduccinTAPE 1TAPE 2TAPE 2TAPE 2TAPE 1 7 CD-BA200DISASSEMBLYCaution on DisassemblyFollow the below-mentioned notes when di

37、sassemblingthe unit and reassembling it, to keep it safe and ensureexcellent performance:1. Take cassette tape and compact disc out of the unit.2. Be sure to remove the power supply plug from the walloutlet before starting to disassemble the unit.3. Take off nylon bands or wire holders where they ne

38、ed beremoved when disassembling the unit. After servicingthe unit, be sure to rearrange the leads where they werebefore disassembling.4. Take suffcient care on static electricity of integratedcircuits and other circuits when servicing.Figure 7-2Figure 7-3CD-BA2001Top Cabinet1. Screw . (A1) x47-12Sid

39、e Panel1. Screw . (B1) x87-1(Left/right)3CD Player Unit/1. Turn on the power supply,7-2CD Tray Cover open the disc tray, take out the CD cover, and close. (Note 1)2. Screw . (C1) x13. Hook. (C2) x34. Hook. (C3) x25. Socket . (C4) x24Rear Panel1. Screw . (D1) x97-25Main PWB1. Screw . (E1) x37-22. Soc

40、ket . (E2) x38-23. Flat Cable . (E3) x14. Tip Wire. (E4) x16Power Supply PWB1. Screw . (F1) x28-22. Socket . (F2) x43. Flat Wire. (F3) x18-37Front Panel1. Screw . (G1) x28-28Display PWB1. Screw .(H1) x148-32. Socket . (H2) x19Tape Mechanism1. Open the cassette holder.8-32. Screw. (J1) x510Headphones

41、 PWB1. Screw . (K1) x18-311Turntable1. Hook. (L1) x28-42. Cover . (L2) x112Disc Tray1. Turn fully the lock lever in the7-3arrow direction.2.While holding the lock lever,rotate8-1the cam gear until the cam gearrib engages with the clamp lever.3. Push the slide holder backward to8-5engage the claw wit

42、h the grooveand remove it in the directionof the arrow. .(M1) x613CD Servo PWB1. Screw . (N1) x18-6(Note 2)2. Hook. (N2) x23. Socket . (N3) x414CD Mechanism1. Hook. (P1) x29-12. Hook. (P2) x315Loading Motor PWB1. Hook. (Q1) x59-1STEPREMOVALPROCEDUREFIGUREFigure 7-1CD-BA200(B1)x43x10mm(B1)x23x10mmRea

43、rPanel(B1)x23x10mmSide Panel(Right)Side Panel(Left)(A1)x23x12mm(A1)x23x12mmTop Cabinet(E1)x23x10mm(E1)x13x6mm(C3)x1(D1)x23x10mm(C1)x13x10mm(D1)x73x10mmCD PlayerUnitDC Tray CoverRearPanelPull(C3) x1(C4)x2(C2) x3112Main PWBCD ServoPWBNote 1:How to open the changer manually. (Fig. 7-3)1. In this state,

44、 turn fully the lock lever in the arrow directionthrough the hole on the loading chassis bottom.2. While holding the lock lever, rotate the cam gear anticlockwiseuntil the cam gear rib engages with the clamp lever. (Fig. 8-1)3. After that, push forward the CD slide holder.Note 2:1. After removing th

45、e connector for the optical pickup from theconnector, wrap the conductive aluminium foil around thefront end of the connector so as to protect the optical pickupfrom electrostatic damage.Note 3:1. Be careful not to break the claw of the CD mechanism.2. When fining back the cam gear assembly, let it

46、lock by frontmovement.LOCK LEVERCD-BA200 8 Figure 8-1Figure 8-2Figure 8-3Figure 8-4Figure 8-5Figure 8-6CLAMP LEVERCAM GEAR RIB(F1)x13x6mm(G1)x23x10mm(F1)x13x10mm(F2)x3(F2)x1(E3)x1(E4)x1(E2)x2Main PWB(E2)x1PowerSupplyPWBPowerSupplyPWB(H1)x143x10mm(H2)x1(J1)x53x10mm(K1)x13x10mm(F3)x1Display PWBHeadpho

47、nesPWBOpenCassetteHolderTapeMechanismTurntableDisc Tray(L2) x1CD Player Unit(L1) x2132(M1) x3(M1) x3(N3) x2(N2) x2(N3) x2CD ServoPWBCD PlayerBase(N1)x13x8mm 9 CD-BA200CP-BA2001Front Panel1. Net. (A1) x19-22. Rubber . (A2) x43. Screw . (A3) x44. Tip . (A4) x29-32Woofer1. Screw . (B1) x49-33Subwoofer1

48、. Screw . (C1) x49-34Tweeter1. Screw . (D1) x29-35Super Tweeter1. Screw . (E1) x29-3STEPREMOVALPROCEDUREFIGURECP-BA200Figure 9-2(A1)x1(A2)x4(A3)x44x20mmScrewDriverDriver shouldbe pried awayfrom SpeakerBox.FrontPanel(D1)x23x10mm(C1)x44x16mm(E1)x23x10mm(B1)x44x16mm(A4)x2SuperTweeterTweeterWooferSubwoo

49、ferFigure 9-3Figure 9-1(P2) x3(P1) x1(Q1) x5(P1) x1LoadingMotorPWBCDMechanismCD-BA200 10 REMOVING AND REINSTALLING THE MAIN PARTSTAPE MECHANISM SECTIONPerform steps 1 to 7 and 9 of the disassembly method toremove the tape mechanism.How to remove the record/playback and eraseheads (TAPE 2) (See Fig.

50、10-1)1. When you remove the screw (A1) x 2 pcs., the recording/playback head and three-dimensional head of the erasinghead can be removesd.How to remove the playback head (TAPE 1)(See Fig. 10-2)1. When you remove the screw (B1) x 2 pcs., the playbackhead.How to remove the pinch roller (TAPE 1/2)(See


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