1、ThismanualiseitheranoriginalscanfromtechswhoworkedatCarvercorp,donatedbyforummembers,orboth.ThesemanualsareNOTintendedforresale.IfyoupurchasedaCarverManualsdisconebayoranotherauctionsite,andithasthismaterialonit,youwererippedoff!PRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库DIGITAL TIME LENSCOMPACT DISC CHANGER TLM-3600S
4、w and Flutter:Output:Sampling Frequency:5Hz-20kHz1OOdBnominal90dBnominal1kHzLess than 0.015%1kHzbelow measurablelimits1.8V/1k ohm352.8kHz(8Xoversampling)Specificationsare subjectto change withoutnotice.Quantization:OpticalPick-Up:Power Supply:Power Consumption:DimensionsWeight:18 bits3-beam 790nmlas
5、er120V, 60Hz15W4.S7Hx19Wx13.27D11Ibs.,14oz.A pick-up that emits a laser beam isused in this compactdisc player.LASER OUTPUTCAUTION -USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTSOR PERFOR-MANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIEDHEREINMAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUSRADIATIONEXPOSUREThe conditionsforlaserbeamemissionfr
6、omthepick-upare the satisfactionof all twoof the follow-ing points.PICK UPr-.,IIC101CXA1081M1.0 mW Max. (CW)DANGER- Invisiblelaserradiationwhenopenand interlockfailedor defeated.AVOIDDIRECTEXPOSURETO BEAM.a.CONDITIONSFOR lASERBEAMEMISSIONFROMTHE PICK-UP(a)A magazinemustbe installed.(b)The operationb
7、uttonmusthavebeen pressed,thetraymusthavebeenputoutfromthemagazine,and chuckingmusthavebeencom-pleted.DI5CSELECT-:=-i-i-rIIMOTORLOADING MOTOR1-9.,=-CHUCKINGSW15W2-S352)IC302TMPIC820FInputOutput56210HHLLLHoj.LHHLHL-1-LASER BEAM INFORMATION-_Operation ExplanationsThe operation sequencefrom magazineins
8、tallation to laserbeamoutput is explained below.(1) When a magazineis installed with inserted power plugand the power switch (5901) set to ON, 5356,357becomesON, and IC302 detects that a magazinehasbeeninstalled.(2) When an operation button(pLAY /PAUSE, INTROSCAN, RANDOM PLAYI is pressed,this is det
9、ected byIC302, MECUP=L,MECDWN=His obtained,and=Ln,=Hnis reachedfor IC305.Then the disc selection motor runs and the mechanismassemblyrises.(3) Passageofthe gear slot is detected by PH1 withPHOTO=Lduring rise of the mechanismassembly,and asthe position of the first disc is reachedwhen thishas occurre
10、d twice,MECUP=MECDWN=Hisobtained,(1)=Lis reachedfor IC305, andthe disc selection motor and the mechanism assemblystop.(If the disc selection key is pressedbefore step (2), themechanism assemblymovesto that position.)(41Next, TRYIN=Hand TRYOUT=Lis obtainedfor IC302.Then=Land=H is put outbyIC304, the
11、loading motor runs, and the tray ispulled out from the magazine.(5) When the tray has been pulled out from a magazinecompletely and chucking hasbeencompleted, 5353 be-comes ON. When this is detected, TRYIN=TRYOUT=His reached,(3)=Lis reachedforIC304, and the loading motor and the loading mecha-nism s
12、top.(6) Next,LDON=Lis reached by IC302.Then theAPC circuit of IC101 operates,power issuppliedto LDfrom Q101, and a laserbeamis emitted.Protection Operation(1) After completion of play and before the tray isstoredin the magazine, LDON=His reachedby IC302,and the LD laseroutput is stopped.(2) Afterite
13、m(6) of the above operation explanation,IC302 reachesLDON=Hafter severalsecondsif itisdetected that there is no disc on the tray.LASER BEAM DESCRIPTIONAND HANDLINGOF MAINPARTS_PICK-UPHANDLING,REPLACEMENTANDSERVICENOTESPreparationsThe compact-disc player incorporates a great many ICsand LSls, as well
14、 as the pick-up (laser diode).Because these componentsare extremelysensitive tostatic electricity and therefore can be damaged by a high-voltage concentrationof static electricity,the greatestcare is necessary for their handing. In addition, many high-precision components, such as the lens, are used
15、 in thepick-up.flesist.nee (1Mnl(1)The compact-discplayer and its components mustnever be repaired or stored in places where thetemperatureor humidityis high, in places wherethere is a strong magnetic field, or where there is ex-cessive dust.(2)Before making any replacement of a component, firstdisc
16、onnect the power cords plug from the electricaloutlet.(3)Allequipment,measuring instrumentsand othertools must be grounded.(4)The workbenchmust be covered by a conductivesheet and grounded.(5)In order to prevent AC leakagefrom a soldering iron,metallic tools must be grounded.(6)Workers must be groun
17、ded.(7)The laser beam from thepick-upmust never be per-mitted to enter the eyes directly, and should not beallowed to contact the skin.-2-LASER BEAM DESCRIPTIONANDHANDLINGOF MAINPARTS,_(a)UnpackingIn order to prevent damage by staticelectricityduringshipment,the pick-upis packedin aspecial conductiv
18、ebag. The pick-upshould beleft in this bag until immediatelyprior to use.Storage in :conductive bagAvoid impact shocks.(b)Magnetic fieldsA powerful magnet is used in the pick-up.Takecare not to bring magnetic materials nearby.(c)Places that must not be touchedPick-uplensPick- up screwsPrinted-circui
19、tboard patternYour eyes can be injured if the laser beam is allowed toenter them.Take the greatestcare to absolutelyavoid eye contactwith the laser beam!Never switchON the power to a pick-upif its laser out-put port (object lens, etc.) is damaged.Never look directlyat the laser beam, and do not allo
20、wthe beam to contactyour skin.Cleaning the lens surfaceIf dust gets on the lens surfaceUse an air brush (such as used for cleaninga cameralens) to blow away the dust.The lens is held by a supportspring.If thelens surfacebecomesdirty,use a softcottonswabor similar tool dampenedwithisopropylalcoholto
21、clean it, taking care not to apply excessive force anddamage the lenss supportspring.Never attemptto disassemblethe lens.DISASSEMBLy_FRONTPANELREMOVALMECHANISMREMOVAL-3-CDPLAYERADJUSTMENTS_a.MECHANISMADJUSTMENTNote that the mechanism of the compact-disc playeris very delicate.It is very important th
22、at the spindle motor (whichrotates the disc), and the sled motor (which causesthe disc signals to be tracked). as well as the gearand other components. operate smoothly, withouteccentricity.When handlingthe pick-up, take care not to exert ex-cessive force, and particular care should be takennot to t
23、ouch the lensor the drive circuits printed-cir-cuit board pattern.(a)Replacement of the spindle motorFirst, prepare the new turntable and new specialwasher for replacement.The removed turntable will be deformed by the heatof the soldering iron, and cannot be reused.Preparedial-type calipers.(1) The
24、attached bonding material can be dissolved by us-ing a 60W soldering iron to heat the shaft at the lowerpart of the turntable (P11) for about one minute.(2) The turntable can then be removed from the shaft byvery carefully applying force upward at the center ofthe lower surface of the turntable.(3)
25、Removethe two screws (PY3)and remove the spindlemotor (P2)(4) Attach the special washer (PY6) to the spindle motor.(5) Apply a small amount of a mixture of theThreeBond2001 and 2105F bonding materials to the motorsshaft.(6) Install the turntable as shown in the figure.(7) Secure the turntable by pre
26、ssing gently.Be sure to wipe away (by using a piece of cloth, orsimilar material) any bonding material coming out ofthe hole.(b) Replacement and lubrication of the pick-up(1) Before replacement of the pick-up, be sure to carefullyread the section regarding the pick-up when the unit ismoved or transp
27、orted.(2) Removethe four screws (PY1) holding the spring plate(P10), and then take out with the shafts (P9 and P8)still attached.(3) If the pick-up is reconditioned or replaced, be sure towipe the rails clean and also apply a coating of FLOll(G-474B) to theirentire circumferenceand entirelength.(4)A
28、fterreplacement, installtheshaft asbefore,andtighten the four screws (PY1) for the spring plates(P10).tt!IP11CFPl-EEPY2-iIP120P1-4-CDPLAYERADJUSTMENTS_(BE SURE, AT THIS TIME,NOT TO TOUCHANY OTHER PART.)(e) Checkingthe operationof the CD mechanism(1) Disconnectthe socket(for the sled motor powersupp-
29、ly) from the printed-circuitboard.(2) Applya voltageofDC 1.7V to thesled motorster-minal.(3) Measure the currentduringsled motoroperation.Thedirectionofmovementofthepick-up(outergrooveor inner groove)can be changedby changingthe batterypolarity.(4) The currentduringsled motoroperationvariesaccor-din
30、g to the positionalrelationshipof the pick-upac-tivatorgear (P6) and the gear (P12).If thecurrentis equivalenttoor exceedsthevalueshown in the table, tightenthe screws(PY5) so the in-stallationpositionof the gear (P6) moves slightly.(If the currentexceeds34 mA,s!ightlyincreasethedistancebetweenthesc
31、rews(PY5)andthegear(P12).)b.RESETTING THE PICK-UP TO THE HOME POSITION(a) The limitswitchis switchedON by the projectionofthe rack gear securedto thereturnedpick-up,afterwhichthe sled motorcontinuesto operate(by the cir-cuit) for approximately30 milliseconds;thereis thenagain a reverse operation,and
32、 movementto the posi-tion at whichthe switchis switchedOFF.P7FP12!-P6PYSDirection of pick-upSled motor currentmovementOuter groove34 mA or lessInner groove34 mA or lessRotation continues for about 30 milliseconds after theswitch is switched OFF,and then the pick-up stops athome position.-5-CDPLAYERA
33、DJUSTMENTS_a.PREPARATION FOR ADJUSTMENTS(a)Measuring instruments, tools and filter1(1)Test disc blo.1 F30L-50146 (Poly Gram) etc.No.2 YEOS-7 (Sony)(2)Oscilloscope:S55711(10MHzordualphenomenon)or,Memoryscope:05S6521(Storagescope)(3)Automatic distortion analyzer 725 (Shibasoku)orAC voltmeter(-SOdB,inp
34、ut impedance 1MQ ormore)(4)AF-oscillator (400Hz, 500mV RMS)(5)Frequency counter (5 MHz; or more)(6)Screwdrivers (non-metalic) for adjustments.(7)Band pass filterb. PARTS LOCATIONooC603C604TPBFA-11TP10 GTP9TA-?:!ic201oSVR203(PLLVCO)IC402SVR202 SVR201 T.GAINF.GAIN!JSVR102_/F.OFFSETSVR101 TP1RF.T.BALAN
35、CEDtfK1mTP4GNDoTP6 ASYo0TPSEFMAIC401VOTP7PLCKlClC5INBAND PASS FILTERooOUTNOTE:1. All measurements are referred to TP 4 (GND).2. AdjustSVR1 01, SVR102, SVR201-SVR203,SVR351andSVR352are initial setting position, as shown in the il-lustration.3.DTL Button:OFFposition.-6-II).(/)a:l(/):EuuCl.ClN.It)MIt)a
36、:Ma:(/)(/)raCD PLAYER ADJUSTMENTS_c. ADJUSTMENTSAdjustmentTestMeasuringInputOutputAdjustmentAdjustmentItemdiscinstrumentconnectionconnectionlocationvalue(a) PLL VCOFrequencyTP 7 (PLCK)4.55 MHzfree-run.SVR203adjustmentcounterTP4 (GND)( O.05MHz)(b) TrackingTP 3 (TE)WaveformbalanceNo.1Oscilloscope.SVR1
37、0lsymmetricaladjustmentTP 4 (GND)referred to OV.Voltage during(c) FocusOscilloscopeTP 2 (FE)PLAY andoffsetBand pass.SVR102voltage duringadjustmentfilterTP 4 (GND)STOP=samevoltage value(d) Focus gainMemory scopeTPB(FA)TP 2 (FE)adjustmentOscilloscopeTP 4 (GND)TP 4 (GND)SVR202230m Vp-pOscillator(e) Tra
38、cking gainBand passTP 9 (TA)TP 3 (TE)SVR201230m Vp-padjustmentfilterTP 4 (GND)TP 4 (GND)(f)MSBNo. 2OscilloscopeadjustmentTrackSVR352 (L-ch)-79.5dBAC Digital.LINE OUTfor D/A con-No. 21voltmeterSVR351 (R-ch)(0.5dB)verter-BOdB(g) Checking theNo.1OscilloscopeTP 1 (RF). Eye11pattern.eye patternTP 4 (GND)
39、(a)PLLveofree-run adjustment(1)Connect a frequency counter to TP7 (PLCK).(2)Switch ON the units power.(3)Set the player to STOP mode.(4)Short TP4 (GND) and TP6 (ASY) electrically.(5)Adjust SVR203 (PLL)until the VCO frequency on TP7is 4.55 MHz (0.05MHz)(6)Disconnect TP4 and TP6.TP7(+)FREQUENCYCOUNTER
40、TP40-o(-)L-(b) Tracking balance adjustment.(1)Connect an oscilloscope to TP3 (TE).(2)Play the test disc.(3)Push the FORWARD SEARCH button.(4)Keep thebuttonpushed and adjustSVR101(T.Balance) until the track-jump TE-waves on TP3 aresymmetrical referred to OV.TP3(TE)(c) Focus offset adjustment(1)Connec
41、t an oscilloscope via the band-pass filter toTP2 (FE).(2)Play the test disc.(3)Record the DC offset voltage read-out at this time.(4)PRSS STOP.(5)AdjustSVR102so thattheoscilloscopevoltageTP2readingisthe same as thevalue measured at step (3)above.TP4lV.SEARCH.(+ )10K 0.,1.u(+ )IN0.022u*OUTSCOPE(-)(-)
42、B P F-7-CDPLAYERADJUSTMENTS_(dl Focus gain adjustment(1)Connect an oscilloscope via the band-pass filter toTP2(FE).(2)Play the test disc.(3)Connect an AF-oscillator via a 270k ohm resistor toTP8 (FG).Frequency=400Hz, amplitude=500 mV RMS.(4)Adjust SVR202(F. Gain) until the average 400 Hz FE-signal a
43、mplitude on.TP2, measured through the band-pass filter, is 230m Vp-p.(e)Tracking gain adjustment(1)Connect an oscilloscope via the band-pass filter toTP3 (TE).(2)Play the test disc.(3)Connect an AF-oscillator via a 1.2M ohm resistor toTP9 (TG).Frequency=400Hz, amplitude=500 rnv RMS.(4)Adjust SVR201(
44、T. Gain) until the average 400 Hz TE-signal amplitude on TP3, measured through the band-pass filter, is 230mVp-p,(f) MSB Adjustment for DrA converter(1)Connect a automatic distortion analyzer to LINEOUTsocket.(2)Play the trach No. 21 (-80dB) of the test disc 2.(3)Adjust SVR352 (L-CH) or SVR351 (R-CH
45、) until theAC-voltage on LINE OUT is -79.5dB.1000kHzSOOJ.lSo1000kHzSOOJ.lSx(g)Checking the eye patternThe adjustments (a)-(f) complete the adjustments ofthe compact-disc player.Next, check the eye pattern wavetorm.8400Hz500mVRMSTP8O-1.J!I.(;.+.:)-a270KnTP40-.()(-)B P FTP2. .(+)10K 0.1).1(+ )IN-T-OUT
46、SCOPEO.022).lT(-)(-)TP4TP4400Hz500mVRMS(+ )TP9()-1.J!I.:-O1.2Mne(-)B P FTP3. . .(+ )10K 0.1).1(+ )v-IIN0.022).1TOUTSCOPE(-)(-)TP4L H-(+)AUTOMATICLINE-0vDISTORTIONOUTR-CHANALYZERSCOPE-(L.P.F.:GND(-)30KHzON)TIt/l1OPENINGEXPANDEDbMeasuringTestOutput connection Eye patternJnstrumentdiscpoint Check to be
47、surethat theeye pat-Oscilloscope1TPl (RF)tern is at the center of the waveformTP4 (GND)and that the diamond shape is clear-ly defined.(+ )TPIvn-oSCOPETP4url-O(-) L-8-I(0Im194010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR2204010260607CARBON270JA 1/6WR2214010252305CARBON150KJA 1/6WRZ224010268108CARBON4.7 JA 1/6W-12-Ref.
48、PartNo.DescriptionNo.R2274010195909CARBON4.7 JB 1/4WR2284010195909CARBON4.7 JB 1/4WR2314010195909CARBON4.7 J81/4WR2324010195909CARBON4.7 JBli4WR2334010195909CARBON4.7 JB 1/4WR2344010195909CARBON4.7 JB 1/4WR2424010273003CARBON56K JA 1/6WR2434010251605CARBON1.5K JA 1/6WR2444010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR
49、2454010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR2514010127009CARBON10K JA 1/4WR2524010248001CARBON1M JA 1/6WR2534010247707CARBONlOOK JA 1/6WR2544010275908CARBON68K JA 1/6WR3014010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR3024010248001CARBON1M JA 1/6WR3034010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR3044010195909CARBON4.7 JB 1/4WR3054010195909CARBON4.7
50、 JB 1/4WR3064010185801CARBON330KJA 1/4WR3144010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR3154010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR3164010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR3174010247400CARBON10K JA 1/6WR4014010247707CARBONlOOK JA 1/6WR4024010246700CARBON100 JA 1/6WR4034010249701CARBON12K JA 1/6WR4044010127009CARBON10K JA 1/4WR41040102646