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1、PnoroFAcr- FolJ.rlgsfHsCt lrJtr- (/llnJ|Ilrrg=g9l-E$-fil(o=r9do()49- -4-oGENERAL I NFORMATIONGrundig Majestic ModelsTK830, TK830E, and TK830U taperecorders canrecord andplayback on l/ 4 tape. The two-track systemis employed so that thefull length of tapemay beusedtwice. The recorders can record and

2、play back in both directions.Tape speeds are 1 l/ 2 and 3 3/ 4 ips, giving a playback time of approximately one hour forstandardtape at 7 L/ 2 ips and two hours at 3 3/ 4 ips. Electromagnetic changeover from Track Ito Track II takes approximately 1. 5 seconds at l i/ 2 ips and less than one second a

3、t 3 3/ 4 ips;thus, virtuallycontinuous track-to-trackrecording canbe made. Threetypes of high-impedanceinput connections with push-button selection are avallable.Two recordingand twoerasing headsare used, offset forthe respectiveTrack I and TrackII positions. The Trick button (Loudspeaker/ Eraser Cu

4、t-out button), together with the Temp-orary Stop/Safety button and Recording button depressed, enables a second recording to besuperimposed upon a previous recording.Supplied by:Majestic I nternational Sales Corporation743 West La Salle StreetChicago 10, lllinoisoaF*g6d(.) g96i=ODGJbr$f!6=G) fie5L l

5、ttF(aGRUNDIG MAJESTIC MODEI.STK83O. TK83OE. TK83OUThis moferiol compiled and pvblished byHOWARD lA/. SAfrrS & CO., INC., INDIANAPOtIS 6, INDIANAc3 78asAl5-Tlo(?rflvlCopyright 1959 . All Rights ReservedDATI 3 - 59stT 434TOLDTR 5RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库SPECIFICATIONSTape Speeds:33/4and7V2iPsTape Direct

6、ion:Both directions vritlout inverting tape reelsTape Reels:Madmum, 7 reels.Running Time per Tape (Standard 1200-ft. tape):I l/ 2 ips-30 minutes each track3 3/4ips-60 minutes each trackInputs:Outputs:and contact 3 of input socket.Amplifier Output:6 watts (double-ended push-pull output stage)FastForw

7、ardandRewindTime(Standardl200-ft. tape): Fuses:Loudspeaker:3 permanent dynamic speakers, 18 x 13 cmTrbes:EF 86, ECC81, ECC83, 8L95, 8L95, EL95,EM ?1, and 4 selenium rectiJiers.TK83OAC Voltage:Suitable for 50 cps AC only; 117 (110-127), 150,200, 220, and 240 voltsConsumption:Approximately 85 wattsCon

8、sumption:At b0 cps, approximatelY 90 watts.At 60 cps, approximately 100 watts.5 x 20 mm, Din 415?1, surge resisting.AC fusesl U? volts-l.6 ampsl 150 volts-l.25amps; 200-240 volts-l.0 amp.HT fusel 0.125 amp.TK830V60 cpsSuitable for 60 cpe AC only; 1l? (110-12?), 150,200, 220, and 240 volts.Approximat

9、ely 65 wattsFuseg:5 x 20 mm, Din 415?1, surge resisting.AC fuses; l1? volts-I.6 amps; 150 volts-l._amps; 200-240 volts-l.0 amp.Microphonel l. 5 millivolts/ 300K, contact I of Fuses:lnput socket.5 x 20 mm, Din 415?1, surge resisting.AM-FM tunerl 5mi1livolts/250K, contactlof AC fusesl ll?volt-.2b amps

10、; lbO volts-.0lnput socket. amp; 200-Zl0V-.09 amps.Radio-TV-Phono; 100 millivotts,/ lmeg, contact HT fuse; 0. 12b amp.3 of input socket.TK83OUExternal speakerl 12 ohms, contact 1 of output AC voltages:socket- Suitablefor 50and 60cps, convertibte. AConlvAmplifler;0.6vo1t/ 5K, contact3ofoutputsocket 1

11、1? (110-12?) 150 200 220 and 240 volts7 /2 ips-130 secondsAutomatic Stop Swttch:ElectromagneticTape Run System:Recordingandplaybackin bothdirections, oper- AC Voltages:ated by track buttons.Frequency Range:At 7 l/ 2 ips-50 to approximately 15r 000 cps Consumplon:At 3 3/ 4 ips-50 to approximately 10,

12、000 cpsRecording Level Indicator:Magic eyeRemote Control:PAGE 2Foot svritch222 for start, stop, and backspacing HT fusel 0.125 amp.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库onczEIo3Drtttta=n3o(ll|FlaoGoxoG,toIlIxoGocFIG. I TOP VIEW OF MECHANISM WITH TOP PLATE REMOVED.FUNCTION OF CONTROLSSpeed SwitchSet the Speed swltc

13、h before the recordlng isstarted, although its positlon can be altered while thetape ls moving. Never switch durlng fast renrind fromfast (? / 2 ips) to slow (3 3/ 4 ips) tape speed. How-ever, swltching from slow to fast speed is possiblelto the rlght for 7 l/ 2 ips, to the left for 3 3/ 4 ips.Recor

14、ding Level Control. TheRecordlng Level knob controlsthe qualityofthe recording.lnput SelectorThe three discs on the left side of recorder areused to select any one of the three different inputs.The marking above the buttons corresponds to theappropriate sockets at the back of the recorder. Anyor all

15、 of the lnput leads can remain connected to theinput socket at the rear of the recorder at all tlmes.To select one of the lnputs, pull the notch of the discforward. A white fietd indicates the on positlon, a redfleld, the off posltion of the particular input selectlon.The input selector does not fun

16、ction during playback.Volume Control 0n-Off SwitchThe Off position is marked by a red dot. Duringrecording, this control ls used for monitoring and foradjusting the volume in the buitt-in speakers or ear-phones. During playback, this switch controls thevolume.Tape CounterThe tape counter reglsters r

17、t000t to 999. Thereadlng may be noted while recordlng, ild referenceto any glven polnt on the tape may be rapidly made.After a recorded tape has been logged or referenced,always zero the indicator before playingthe recorderand before the tape ls threaded on the reel.Multi sonic Tone ControlThe Multi

18、sonic tone control ls used only whenplaying back through the built-in speakers or throughan external speaker. The left-hand disc of the Multi-sonic tone control emphaslzes the bass boost, the right-hand disc, the treble boost. By means of the middledlsc, all notes between thetwo extremitiesof the ba

19、ssand treble notes are controlled.TloIrrtnl.tlPAGE 3FIG. 2 FROM VIEW OF MECHANI SMStop BarTtreStop bar stopsthe motor and returns all de-pressed buttons except the track buttons to neutral.Safety Button/Temporary Stop ButtonThis button prevents accidental erasure. Movingthe depressed Safety button s

20、lightly forward locks it.The tape will not move until this button is released.The same button also serves as a temporary stop,halting the recorder ineither record or playback onlyas long as the button is depressed.Trick Button- Speaker ControlThe Trick button permlts blending of voices,sound effects

21、, or music into previous recordlngs.The same button also cuts off the speakers. Depress-ing the button switches off the built-in-speaker. De-pressing and moving the button slightly forward willlock it.Recording ButtonThe Recording button is used with the Safetybutton to place the recorder in the Rec

22、ord position.Playback Buttonfire Playback button places the recorder in thePlayback position.PAGE 4Track ll ButtonThe Track II button starts the recorder operatingon Track II, with the tape moving from right to left.The recorderwill either recordor play back, accord-ing to which button has been depr

23、essed.Track I ButtonSame as Track tr button, excepttape moves fromleft to right.Fast Wind ButtonsThese two buttons are used to find thebeglnningof aparticular recording. They startthe reelsturningrapidly. The entlre tape can be wound from one reelto the other in approximately two mfulutes,NOTE: If e

24、itherFastWind buttonsare in use, theStopbar must be depressed before changing functions.In other words, dont go from Fast Wind to Re-cording or Playback withoutfirst depressingtheStop bar. When using either of theee buttons,depress and release them immediately.Voltage SelectorTo set the voltage sele

25、ctor to another voltage,pull out voltage tappingplug (83) in voltage setector (84)and reset so that the voltage closest to the power supplyvoltage is visible in the tiny window of voltage tappingplus (83).FIG. 3 REAR VIEW OF MECHANISMOPERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONSoJFe26rE96*=oDGJEF5fld=Hgf- ElFlaThreading

26、 the Tapel. Tworeels aresupplied, one full andthe otherempty.2. The full reel fits on the left-hand spindle, theempty one on the right.3. Hold full reel in left hand with loose end oftape hanging down left side of reel. Nowplace the reel on the left-hand spindle. Trrnthe reel slightly until lt falls

27、 into place and isheld securely by the ridges on the spindle.4. Place empty reel on right-hand spindle.5. Placetape into soundchannel andslip thefreeend lnto slot in empty reel. Trrn empty reelcounterclockwise until tape is secured to reel.N0TE: : The tape has a shiny and a dult slde. Alwaysbe sure

28、the shlny side faces the buttons.Turning Recorder 0nOnce the voltage selector has been adjusted toagreewlth rating of wall receptacle, the recordermaybe pluggedin. Trrn Volume Control/On-Off switch tothe right. After a few seconds (while the tubes warmup), the recorder is ready to record or playback

29、.To Record from Microphonel. Depress Track I button.2. Depress the small Safety button on the left ofthe Recording button and then depress theRecording button. Keep Safety button de-pressed (or locked). Set Volume control tolow level.3. Talk into microphone, holding it about lg in-ches from the mout

30、h. The Magic Eye willstart to flutter. Adjust Record Level controluntil Magic Eye just closes on the loud partsof speech. If the Volume control is too high,the recording will be distorted.4. Release Safety button. Tape will move fromleft-hand to right-hand reel, and any soundentering the microphone

31、will be recorded ontape.NOTE: To switch tothe second track, ddpress TrackII button. The tape will move in the opposltedirection, and the recording can be continuedonother half of tape.To Record f rom AM-FM Radio,1. Connect lead 23? to tape recorder socket ofradlo and to input socket of tape recorder

32、marked AM-FM Tuner.2. Operate middle input selector wheel.3. Depress and lock Safety button. DepressRecord button and tune accurately to broad-casting station.Troc7mnrrPAGE 53tImiIIffii-IIiIrttt,n*.:!IqIUdr*-rt!$!ttt, IItf: i,tI6,.til&-Jtlt;Inbd,FIG. 4 BONOM VIEW OF MECHANISM4. Trrn Recording Level

33、control clockwise un-tilthetwo sectlonsof green lightof the MagicEye just begln to meet at the loudest passages.5. Rel.ease Safety button.6. At end of recording, depress Stop bar andmark the reading of the tape corurter.NOTE Lead 23? has 3-way ptugs on both endsl there-fore, the radio must have a co

34、rrespondin!socketfor proper connection. See Tnstalling SoiketforConnecting Tape Recorder to Radio. iTo Rmord from Phonographl. Connect the leads from the pickup arm ofrecord player to the red and btack bananaplugs of connection lead 238.2. Connect the 3-prong plug to socket markedRadio-TV-Phono or r

35、ecorder.3. Fasten the ground of the pickup to the sleeveof the plug.4. Operate outside lnput selector wheel.5. Start the record player.6. Place recorder in Record position.PAGE 6To Record a Telephone ConversationThe Grundig TelephoneAdaptor 243T is a smallcoil htdden in a plastic case. Thls coll pic

36、ks up themagnetic field from the coils wtrich form part of alttelephones. With the coll, both incomlng and outgoingconversatlons can be recorded.fireplugof the adaptorftts intothe socket markedAM-FM Trner. Slighily molsten the rubber dlsc onthe bottom of ,the Adaptor-to lmprove its sticking power,an

37、d press onto the telephone.Dlfferent tlpes of telephones requlre a dlfferentposition of the Adaptor. Ilere is how to find the bestposition for each tlpe:1. Plugthe Adaptor lntothe socket marked AM_FM Ttnerat rear of recorder, and swltch onrecorder.2. Proceed as for recordlng, dtr the AM-FMTrner disc

38、 (middle selector) selected. TrrnRecordlngLevel eontrol to a convenient level. Liftthetelephonereceiversothat thedialtonecan beheard. MovetheAdaptor slowlyaroundthebaseof the telephone, with the rubberdiscjust touching the telephone. The Magic Eyewiil oscillate, and the dial tone will be heardtlroug

39、h the speaker. Do not forget to adJustthe monltor control. When the Magtc Eyeregisters lts madmum deflection and the dialtone is loudest, the best posltion has beenreached. Fastenthe Adaptor to the telephoneat thls polnt.NOTE: The Adaptor ls sensitive to all klnds of mag-netlc fields and should be u

40、sed at least four andone-half feet from the recorder.IMPORTANT: : It ts against the law to record a tele-phone conversatlon, except under certaln con-ditlons. See your local authorities about tlesecondltions before recordlng a conversation.Never record a conversation wtthout tte caller spermleslon u

41、rder any clrcumstances.To Play Recordingsl. fitread tape as described rnder ThreadingTape. 2. Set the two-speed selector knob to the speedat whlch the recordlng was made.3. Depress the Playback button.4. AdjustteVolume control andturn thewheelsof the Multisonlc tone control for desiredtonelevel.Auto

42、matic StopMetal fotls at both ends of the tape automaticallyswltchoff the motor. Ttre motor is switched off at theend of each track whether the recorder is recording,playingback, orfastwinding. To start tapeagain afterthe motor has been switched off by the metal foils,depress the track button (which

43、 is already depressed)further.High-Speed Fast WindToplayacertain portlonof tape agaln, the entirereelneed not berewound. Depress thecorrect button,dependlng on which direction the tape must be trans-ported. The Fast Wtnd (right to left) button is next totheTrack I button, andtheFastWlnd(left to rlgh

44、t)but-ton is next to the Trick Button-Speaker control.To Edit and Splice TapeNOTE: Shce one track cannot be edited and splicedwithout affecting the other track, recordings tobe edited should be llmited to one track only.1. The tape may be edited by cutting out unwantedportions or by ioining selectio

45、ns into anothersequence. Annormcements, etc., may be in-serted between selections. Unused sectionsof tape can be spliced for re-use.2. Forbestresults, cuttape at aslight diagonal,join ends with splicingtape on the glossy side,and trim any excess width.lnstalling Socket for Connecting TapeRecorder to

46、 RadioFor high-quality recording from a radio, aworthwhite improvement may be obtained by feedingthe recorder directly from the detector diode. Thismakes the level of a recording independent from thesetting of the radio volume control and bypasses thedistortion of the output stage. The diode connect

47、ionconsists basically of a potential divider, which shouldbe mounted as close as possible to the radio volumecontrol. If DC is present on the volume control, ablocking capacitor should be added in series. Thevalue of 1-2 megohms is based on a radio deliveringapporximatety 100 millivolts to the diode

48、 load. Wherethe voltage varies considerably from this figure, thevalue in megohms may be calculated by multiplying thevoltage in volts by 17 (i. e. , 200 millivolts requires 3. 4megohms).Flg. 5 shows the measurements for the cutoutin the rear of the chassis.FIG. 5 REAR CHASSIS CUTOUTFig. 6 shows the

49、 wiring. Both resistors areconnectedtocontact 1(recording) of socket. Contact 2is lead-to-ground connection of Volume control. Forplayback, contact 3 (playback) will be connected tophone socket. For this connection, use shield wireonly if distance between connection points is large.Generally, the so

50、cket is ground by fastening it to thechassis, but the top of the socket housing can also besolderedto the chassis. Connectionlead 23?, equippedwith 3-way plugs at both ends, is used to connect thetape recorder to the radio. The part number of the3-way socket is No. 5784 (Din 41524.otFa2G,t El96*=ODG


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