《Pioneer-PL100X-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Pioneer-PL100X-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf(21页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、;EefticecUlanualSTEREO TURNTABLEFL-lcIcIPL-IcIc|X(DrrroruEErlRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MODEL PL-lOO COMES IN SEVEN VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS:TypeVoltageRemarksKUAC 120V onlyU.S.A. model (with cartridge)KUTAC 120V onlyU.S.A. model (without cartridge)KCTAC 120V onlyCanada model (without cartridge
2、)WEAC220V -240VEurope model (with cartridge)WBAC220V -240VUnited kingdom model (with cartridgelWPAC220V -240VOceania model (with cartridge)RAC 1 1 O-1 20 I 22O-24OV (switchabt e )General export model (with cartridge)o This service manual is applicable to the PL-loo/wE, wB, wP, PL-100 x/wE, wB. For s
3、ervicing of theother types, please refer to the additional service manuat.CONTENTSA1. SPEC|F|CAT|ONS.2. PANEL FACILITIES3. DISASSEMBLY3.1 Panel and Base Plate3.2 Arm Base and Sub-Panel . . . . .4. MECHANISM DESCRIPTION . . .5. ADJUSTMENT5.1 Auto-return Adjustment5.2 F.G. Motor Adiustment5.3 Arm-elev
4、ationAdjustment .6. TROUBLE SHOOTING6.1 Auto-return Does not Work .6.2 Return is Fast (Return at lmm Pitch) . . . . .7. PRECAUTIONS FOR REASSEMBLY7.1 Areas That Require Lubrication7.2 Precautions for Attachment of Partsand Reassembly . .8. EXPLODED VIEWS8.1 Exterior8.2 Sub-panelSCHEMATIC DIAGRAM. P.
5、C. BOARDSCONNECTION DIAGRAM AND PARTSLIST9.1 Parts List 169.2 Schematic Diagram 179.3 P.C. Boards Connection Diagram 18PACKING 193312159.456888I1 01 01 110.lRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库61. SPECIFICATIONSMotor and TurntableDrive System . BeltdriveM o t o r . . . . F c s e r v o m o t o rTurntable Platter
6、. 31Omm diam. aluminum alloy diecastS p e e d s . . . . 3 3 - 1 / 3 a n d 4 5 r p mSpeed Control Range. . . x2o/Wow and Flutter . Less than O.O41yo (WRMSISignal-to-Noise Ratio . More than 70dB (D|N-B)(with Pioneer cartridge model PC-l35)TonearmType . . Static-balance type, S-shaped pipe armEffective
7、 Arm Length .221mmOverhang. .15.5mmUsable Cartridgeweight . . 4g (min.) to 99 (max.)SubfunctionsAuto-return mechanism, Anti-skating force control, Stylus pressuredirect-readout counterweight, Cueing device, Strobe light , Free stophi ngesSemiconductorst c . . . . . . . . 1Transistor -. . . . . .1D i
8、 o d e . . . . . . . . . 12. PANEL FACILITIESPlatter/R ubber platter matSpeed checking window) SPEED SELECTOR BUTTON45 . . . . When this button is depressed, the platter willrotate at 45rpm. Depress for playing 45rpmrecords, singles or EPs.33 . . . . When this button is set to the released position,
9、the platter will rotate at 33-1/3rpm. Releasefor playing 33-1/3rpm records like LPs. SPCEO ADJUSTMENT KNOBTurn this knob when finely adjusting the speed of theplatter. The speed of platter will increase when the knobis turned to the left in the direction of +; it will de-crease when turned to the ri
10、ght in the direction of -.PL-1 clclMiscellaneousPower Bequirements:WE, WB, WP models . . . AC Z2O-24OV -, 5O,6OHzP o w e r C o n s u m p t i o n . . . . . . . 4 WD i m e n s i o n s . . . . . 4 2 O ( W ) x 9 6 ( H ) x 3 6 b ( D l m m16-t l2(Wl x 3-13/16(H) x 14-3l8(Dl in.Weight 5.2kg/11 tb 8 ozPC-1
11、1 0/l I SpecificationsTYPe . .Moving magnet typeStylus . .0.5 mil diamond (PN-1 10/tt)Output Voltage . 3.5mV (1kHz, 50mm/s Peak velocity, LAT)Tracking Force . . 1.5g to 2.5g (proper 2.2g)Frequency Response . 15 to 25,OOOHzRecommended Load . . . Soks +1 70 - 3OOoFAccessoriesE P A d a p t e r . . . .
12、. . . . . 1Operating Instructions (French and Germanfurnishedon model forWE) . . . . .lNOTE:Specifications and design subject to possibte modification withoutnotice. due to improvements.Anti-skate knob ARM-ELEVATION LEVERUP (!): When this lever is set to this position, thetonearm will rise. Set it t
13、o UP before recordplay and when you want to stop record playwhile a track is being played or when youwant to change over to a different track.DOWN (l ): When the lever is set to this position thetonearm will be lowered. lf it is set toDOWN for record play. the tonearm will belowered onto the surface
14、 of the record. andplay will begin.r33. DISASSEMBLY3.1 PANEL AND BASE PLATE1. Undo the 4 screws O securing the insulator2. Move the tonearm across to the center.raise the panel a little.3. Disconnect the circuit board connector (2-Pin).Powerassy2-Pinconnectorcase,andIDamper ruuber-f,Ftoat rpring-p(B
15、LK) eInsutator case -)CIIotl -II(-=4-v,.)Yc-DRuIog-v/)a(-)f,uIoJUB-rlort rpringP (VLT)G)flopanel and base plateFloat spring (GRE)Float spring(vLT)Remove the4Fig. 3-1PL-1 clcl3.2 ARM BASE AND SUB-PANEL1. Undo the 5 screws O securing the arm base.2. Undo the 2 screws O securing the sub-panel.3. Undo t
16、he 3 screws O securing the center shaft.TonearmassyAat.Fig.3-2 Remove the arm base and sub-panel/O 6-t-.: 1-.e-.(J (1+- 4. MECHANISM DESCRIPTIONPL-1OO MECHAN ISM OPERATI NGThe PL-100 is equipped with auto-return only.Fig. a-t shows the PL-100 in the stationary statewith the tonearm back in the arm r
17、est.Fig. 4-1 Mechanical parts name* Start of Play1. When the tonearm is moved across to the disc,the PU plate located below in the arm base isalso moved.2.Lever A is moved over by pin A connected tothis PU plate, resulting in lever B being un-locked (Fig. -3).3. At the same time that lever B is unlo
18、cked, themicroswitch is turned on (power on), and themotor commences to rotate (Fig. -3).PU platePin BFig. 4-3 Start of play* AUTO-RETURN DETECTIONl.When the stylus nears the center shaft, pin Bcontacts plate A (Fig. A-q.2. Plate A pushes plate C by an amount direcilyproportional to the amount of mo
19、vement ofthe tonearm (Fig. a-5).3. Plate D atop plate C is moved toward gear Bby the movement of plate C.EiGear ALever BLever APin AFig.4-2 PU platePin BFig.4-4 Auto-return detection 1Plate CFig.4-5 Auto-return detection 2PL-1 Clcl4. The front end of plate D moves approximately0.1mm when the stylus
20、is advanced 1mmtoward the center shaft by one revolution ofthe record.5. The tooth of gear B has the dimensional dif-ference shown in Fig. 4-6.6. Plate D is pushed back by this dimensionaldifference at a stylus movement of within 1mmper revolution of the record.7. When the stylus enters the lead-out
21、 groove inthe record at the end of the performance, it ismoved 4mm toward the center shaft by onerevolution of the record.8. The end of plate D contacts the protrudingsection of gear B (Fig. -7).9. Gear B and gear A are engaged, and gear A isturned by rotation of the turntable.* AUTO-RETURN1. Gear A
22、 and B are engaged each other by theauto-return detector and gear A consequentlyis turned in the counter-clockwise direction.2.Plate B is then shifted across towards the tone-arm due to the groove in the underneath of gearA.3. The edge of plate B pushes against lever C toforce the arm elevation upwa
23、rds.4. Plate B continues to shift across to pushagainstpin B on the PU plate, thereby returning thetonearm back to the arm rest.5. At this stage plate B commences to return to-ward the center shaft guided by the groove ingear A.Gear BfGearAFig.4 Auto-return 16. When the edge of plate B separates fro
24、m leverC, the arm elevation is lowered to drop thetonearm back into the arm rest.7. And at the same time that the tonearm isreturned to the arm rest, pin A returns lever Aback to the stationary state.sAPlate D(fi,Fig. 4-6 Auto-return detection 3Fig.4-7 Auto-return detection 48. Plate B continues to
25、move toward the centershaft and pushes against pin C on lever B. LeverB thus switches the microswitch off (poweroff), and is then locked by lever A, therebybringing a complete operation cycle to an end.Fig. 4-9 Auto-return detection 25. ADJUSTMENT5.1 AUTO.RETURN ADJUSTMENT1. Turn the auto return adj
26、ustment screw fullaround clockwise.2. Move the tonearm right across toward thecenter.3. When the auto return adjustment screw isturned back a little at a time counter clockwise,the tonearm will commence to return to theouter circumference.4. Stop tuming the adjustment screw once thestylus tip is 33m
27、m away from the center shaft.5. Once the above adjustment procedure has beencompleted check that the tonearm returns auto-matically as designed.5.2 F.G. MOTOR ADJUSTMENT1. Twn the power on and start the turntable plat-ter rotating.2. Turn the speed adjustment knob around to themechanically center po
28、sition.3. Adjust VR2 and VRB in the motor assemblyso that the stroboscope appears to be stationary.Again this adjustment is performed from below.4. Adjust VR2 for 33rpm speed, and VRB for45rpm.5.3 ARM-ELEVATION ADJUSTMENTTo proceed with the elevation sheet heightadjustment, insert the hexagonal wren
29、ch (for 3mm) into the hole at the front of the EV sheet androtate it clockwise to reduce the height and coun-ter-clockwise to increase the height. The heightof the stylus tip from the record surface is 7+2 mm.Fis. 5-2Motor adjustmentElevation sheetFig. 5-1 Auto return adjustmentFig. 5-3 Armclevation
30、 adjustmentPL-1 ctcl(6. TROUBLE SHOOTINGUse the following directions to find the causeof each type of breakdown. Improperly adjustedunits should be completely readjusted.6-1 AUTO.RETURN DOES NOT WORKA?tProcedure for Deating with ltem OAfter performing the return operation, if thecurved section of th
31、e plate C and curved sectionof the plate D are not in contact with surfaces and respectively of the cam, reset will beincomplete and the starting position will be late.As a result, the return function may not operateat times. In this case, bend the plate C (Q so thatdimension A is 0.5mm or larger.Ge
32、ar A 0.5mmFig. 1-6 Incomplete plate D and plate C.STARTChange in starting position adjust-ment.Plate D does not follow the plate CAfter starting, incomplete reset ofthe plate C. See OToo much grease between the plateC and the gear A.The curved section of the plate Cis deformed.Inner diameter of the
33、plate D bear-ing is small.The inner areas of records can notbe tracked.Protrusions on the caulkof the plate D bearing.Arm lead wire is caught on some-thing.Not enough grease between theplate D and plate C.PU cord is touching the PU plate.Looseness in the PU plate attach-ment.PU plate is touching the
34、 leaf spring(plate D)Operation of the plate A is notsmooth.0.5mm6.2 RETURN lS FAST (RETURN AT lmm PITCH)Protrusions on the pinion gear sec-tion. See Procedure for Dealing with ltem OIf there are rough areas of plastic protrudingfrom the section of the protruding section ofthe pinion gear, the return
35、 function may operateat a pitch of only lmm. In this case, remove theplastic protrusions completely (Fig. 6-2).Gear B(pinion gear)protrudingsectionFig. 6-2 Elimination of piniongear protrusions.7. PRECAUTIONS FOR REASSEMBLYFollow these directions and precautions whenreassembling a unit after complet
36、ing repairs. Besure to lubricate as required, make no mistakeswhen attaching parts, and avoid all other carelessmistakes that may be the cause of trouble later on.7.1 AREAS THAT REoUIRE LUBRICATIoNNOTE:Types of lubricants and areaslisted in table 1.where they are used areTable 1Type of OilAreas used
37、Silicon Oil t60000raising shaftGYA.OOSall other areasLubrication points are specified for oils otherthan GYA-008. Never use a different type of oil.o Cam SectionApply oil to the heart-shaped grooved section(rear side of the cam) and lock plate sliding sectionin order to minimize wear on the sliding
38、sectionand the burden on the mechanism.o Driving Plate AssemblyDecrease the burden on the mechanism and thewear on the sliding section.sides, top, and bottom surfaces(sliding section of autotopsides surfacemechanism)(sliding section ofauto-stop mechanism)top and side(sliding section ofautotop mechan
39、ism)EV cam side surface(sliding section of elevation cam)Fig.7-1 Driving panel assembly section Switch LockerSection1 0o Switch Locker SectionApply oil to the switch locker (opening) andsub-panel base sliding section to decrease theburden on the mechanism.When applying oil to the opening (shaft hole
40、),do not apply any oil 2-3mm from the bottomsurface. If oil is applied 2-Bmm within thebottom surface, it may come out the bottom andgo between the switch lever and sub-panel basecausing the switch lever to operate ineffectively.switch lockeropenrngFig.7-2 Switch locker sectiono EV Lever Unit Sectio
41、nApply oil to the sliding sections of leaf spring(A) and EV lever unit to decrease the burden onthe mechanism.leaf spring (A)sliding sectionEV lever unitEV lever unitsliding sectionarm baseFig. 7-3 EV lever unit section(o Elevation Cam SectionApply oil to the elevation cam and sliding sec-tion of th
42、e raising shaft to decrease the burdenwhen operated.Fig. 7 -4 Elevation cam sectionr EV Sheet SectionApply oil to the raising shaft andsliding sectionof the bearing to assure stability in the elevationlowering speed.apply all aroundat a width of 1mmhalf of the groovedEV sheet assemblyFig. 7-5 EV she
43、et section7.2 PRECAUTIONS FOR ATTACHMENT OFPARTS AND REASSEMBLYo Gam Assembly AttachmentThe cam assembly is attached by letting thelock plate go in the direction as shown in figure1-6.Fig. 7-6 Cam assembly attachnento PU Plate AttachmentPush the PU plate into place so that the PUplate bearing sectio
44、n touches the revolution shaftattachment nut. Installation direction is as shownin figure 7-7. Note that there is a difference be-tween auto-retum and fully automatic models.PL-1 clclFig. 7-7 PU plate attachmento Anti-Skating Knob AttachmentWhen installing the AS knob, put the AS knobrib against the
45、 AS knob revolution control stopper(attached to the arm base) and affix with thescrew. As the stopper may break, be sure to pressthe AS knob down firmly when installing it.Fig. 7-8 AS knob attachmento Arm Base AttachmentWhen attaching the arm base section to themechanism section, put the mechanism s
46、ectionswitch locker and switch lever in the locked position and verify that the tonearm is in the arm restlocation. Also be sure to put the manual elevationlever in the up position and check that the PUplate shaft is in the position shown in figure 7-9.afaSwitch lever Switch locker7-9 Arm base attac
47、hmentadrivingFig.8. EXPLODED VIEWS8.1 EXTERIORParts listKey No. Part No.DescriptionNOTE:c Parts without part number cannot be supplied.o The A marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of thesafety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identi-cal de
48、signation.Key No. Part No.Description1. PNX-1512. PAM-O683. PAM-O694.5. PNX-0516.7. PAC-0438. PAC-0479.10.11. PNR-l4012. KEB-00413. PEB-15014. PYY-07115.16. PEB-17217. PBA-1 1218. PBA-10819. PBA-10920. PPD-60321 . PXA-79222. PBA-9o523. PNX-1 5224. PAC-04525. PNX-05426. PNX-05527. PBH-23628. PBE-O1 2
49、29. PBF-00530. PX8-09431 . PXB-10732. PBH-23733. PXT-38234. PNX-05935. PBH-23836. PBK-04237. PXT41338. RNX-06039.40. PNX-06141 . PBH-259Aqz prr-l0743.A +. PDG-021RDG.O22PDG.O2O45. PEC-056PanelName plateName plateLens holderLensMirrorPush buttonKnobBase plateSub-panel assemblyTurntable platterBeltRub
50、ber matMotor assemblyMotor pulleyRubber cushionScrewScrew M3x25ScrewArm assemblyHead shell assemblyScrewArm baseAS knobAS washerBase leverAS springAS spring washerAS knob washerArm rest assemblyEV sheet assemblyEV springEV lever unitEV camEV cam springEV plate spring AEV plate spring (B) unitPU plat