《Pioneer-PL500X-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Pioneer-PL500X-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、$eftice nualSTEREO TURNTABLEPLIE OOX(DrrroNeERRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MODEL PL-5OOX COMES IN TWO VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS:TypeVoltagRmerk3HET22OV and 24OV (Switchable)Europe model (Without cartridge)HBT22OV and 24OV (Switchable)United Kingdom model (Without carrridgo)CONTENTS1 . S P E C | F
2、| C A T | O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. PANEL FACILITIES. 43. DISASSEMBLY3.1 Cabinet. . 63.2 Tonearm 74. ADJUSTMENTS4.1 D.D. Motor Operation Adjustment I4.2 Mechanism Adjustments. 95. PACKING6. EXPLODED VIEWS ANO PARTS LIST6 . 1 C a b i n e t . . . . . . . . . 1 10 . 2 S u b p a n e l . . . .
3、. . . . . 1 46 . 3 D . D . M o t o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 67 . S C H E M A T I C D T A G R A M . . . . . . . . . 1 78. P.C. BOARD CONNECTION DIAGRAM8. 1 P a rt s L is t o f P. C . Bo a r d As s e m b l y . . . . . . . 2 1For description of the D. D. motor, refer to thePL-630 service manual
4、(ART-314) and for full automechanism, refer to the PL-3000 service manual(ART-350).RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库PL-5ClCx1. SPECIFICATIONSMotor and TurntableDriv System . Direct-driveMotor . . . . . . . Ouartz PLL Hall motorTurntable Platter . . . . . . . . .33omm dism. atuminum alloy die-c6stlvloment ol l
5、nertie 3ookgm? including plalter matlS p e e d s , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 1 / 3 a n d 4 s r p mWow and Flutter . Less thsn 0.025% (WRMS)Signsl-to-Noiso Ratio. . More rhan 75dB (DlN-Bl(wilh Pioneer cartridge modl PC-200)Rotational CharacteristicaBuild-upTime . . Wirhin 120 rotation ar 331/3rpmSp
6、oed Deviation. . Less than 0.002%Speed vs. Load Characteristics . Srabte up to 1 50 gramsdrag loadSpeed Drift . . . . . Less rhan O.OOOOS%/h at 33-1/3rpmLess than 0.00o03%/dgree temp. ch6nge at 33-1/3rpmTransistors.D i o d e s . . . . . . . .Hall Elements .MiscellaneousPower RequirementsPowr Consump
7、tionDimensionsWeightAccessories. . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . 3. 22O|24OV - (switchable),s0,60H,. . . . . . 1 0 w. 440(W) x 140 H x388(D mrn17-15/16(W) x s-1/2H) x l5-1/4(D)in. .9.1ks/201brAEP AdapterScrewdriverCarlrjdge mounting partsCarlridge mounting screws.Cartridge mountrng nut
8、s .C6rtridge mounting washers .Operating Instructions (French and German furnished onrnodels for HET)NOTE:. 1. 11Specifications and design subiect to po$ibte modification withoutnotice. clue to improvements.SubfunclionsFull auto mechanism, Anti-skating force controf, Stylus pressuredirect-readout co
9、unterweight, Cueing device, Srrobe light, Free srophrngesSemiconductorslCs).,vLINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR SWITCHThe line voltage selector switch is located on the top surfaceof the cabinet of this turntable, Before your turntable isshipped from the factory, the switch is set to the power re-quirements of
10、the turntables destination, check that it isst properly before plugging the power cord into the outlet.lf the voltage is not properly st or if you move to an areawhere the voltage requirements differ. adjust the selectorswitch as follows:1. Oisconnect the Dower cord,2. Provide yourself with a medium
11、-sized screwdriver. Insertthe tip of the screwdriver into the groove of the selectorswitch and turn it so that the power voltage marking ofyour area points to the white mark by the arrow on thelabel.Scrwdriver2. PANEL FACILITIESf-rEO srnnr BUTToNWhen this button is depressed, the power is turned on
12、tothe turntable, the strobe light comes on and the platterstarts to rotate. with the REcoRD slzE SELECToRset at one of the positions - 30, 25, or I7 - the tonearmmoves automatically to the record disc as the platter startsrotating, thus starting record play REPEAT BUTToNPush this button when you wan
13、t to listen to the same re-cord again. Press the button once more to release.NOTE:All you have to do fot repeat play is to prcss the REqEAT button.Therc is no need to push the START and CJT button again. CUT BUTToNlf this button is depressed whil the record is playing, thetonearm automatically retur
14、ns to the arm rest. and thepower to the turntable will be cut off. RECORD sIzE SELECToRThis selector selects the size of the record for automaticplay and also selects manual play.717 . . . . For the automatic play of 17cm (7-inch)LP and EP records.1025. . -. For the automatic play of 25cm 1o-inch)LP
15、 records.1230. . . For the automatic play of 30cm (j2-inch)LP records.MANUAL. For the manual play of records.NOTE:The toneam will not be actuated when the RECORD SIZESELECTOR is at the MANUAL posiaion fot play, even if theSTART button and tha REPEAT button are pushd. SPeeo SELECToR BUTToN45 . . . .
16、. When this button is depressed, the platter willrotate at 45rpm. Depress for playing 45rpmrecords, singles or EPs.33 . . , . . When this button is set to the release position,the platter will rotate at 33-1/3rpm. Releasefor playing 33-1/3rpm records like Lp,s. STROBE LIGHTThis light comes on when t
17、he tonearm moves awav fromthe arm rest toward the platter. lt irradiates the strobo-scope around the outside of the platter.O TONEARMThis tonearm is designed to apply the correct trackingforce to the cartridge and to keep this force at the precjselevel for faithful tracking of the record grooves.PL-
18、EclCX ARM-ELEVATION LEVERThis lever controls the ascent and descent of the tonearm.UP !) . Thetonearm rises.OOWN (l) . . The tonearm descends gently.Set to this position for auto play, autorepeat and other automatic operations.NOTE:When the ARM ELEVATION lever is set to the UP positionfor automatic
19、play, the toneam will move over as fal as thelead-in groove on the record but it will not descend and therccord will therefore not be played. ANTI.SKATE KNoBThis knob is used to cancel out the harmful skating forcewhich is geneiated during record play.For further details, see ANTI-SKATING ADJUST-I4
20、E NT . nnru REST/CLAMPERThe arm rest supports the tonearm when it is not beingused. Set the tonearm on its rest when it is not playing re-cords. Clamp it into position if you dont have any im-mediate plans to play records.O PLATTER/RUBBER PLATTER MATWhen the tonearm is moved and power is supplied to
21、 theturntable, the platter will start rotating at the set rotationspeed. The rubber platter mat stabilizes the records andalso absorbs external vibration. DUST coVERKeep this closed unless operating the controls or tonearm,or changing over records. This serves to keep dust fromadhering to the record
22、s during record play. When fullyopened and pulled straight up, this dust cover can be re-moved from the cabinet.r53. DISASSEMBLY3.1 CABINET (See Fig.3-ll1. Remove the dust cover.2. Undo the 4 screws securing the top cover.3. Undo the 4 screws located in the rubber feet.4. Move the tonearm over towar
23、ds the centershaft as shown in the diagram.5. Disconnect the connectors when lifting off thecabinet.Cabinet securing screwsIuIuFis.3-1A3.2 TONEARM1. Undo the 4 screws securing the arm base andthe sub-panel (see Fig. 3-2).2. Undo the 2 screws securing the arm base to thesub-panel (see Fig. 3-2).3. Di
24、sconnect the tonearm lead wires from thePU board (see Fig. 3-2).Note that some of the lead wires have beensoldered to the PU board, and must be dis-connected with care.4. Loosen the setscrews with a hexagonal wrenchto remove the PU plate under the arm base(see Fig. 3-3).5. Undo the screw securing th
25、e tonearm to thearm base (see Fig. 3-3)f tg. J-zPL-5CclxArm base securrg. J-J4. ADJUSTMENTS4.1 D.D MOTOR OPERATION ADJUSTMENTl. Rotate the tumtable platter.2. Connect a dual-image oscilloscope (or synchro-scope) to the TP3 and Q2 terminals of ttre cir-cuit board assy.3. Adjust VR1 (for 33-1/3 rpm) a
26、nd VR2 (for45rpm) on the circuit board assy in order tobring the rising edge of the TPb terminal wave-form within the width of the TP6 terminalwaveform as shown in Fig. 4-2.Fiq.4-102 (tc=pA2oo4)Fis. 4-2,aTP31 YJ4.2 MECHANISM ADJUSTMENTSPrior to commencing any adjustments, checkthat the PU plate shaf
27、t moves along the center axisof the slot in the sub-panel as shown in Fie. 4-4.Fis. 44o Tonearm lowering positionTonearm lowering position is adjusted by tum-ing an adjustment screw located in the hole at thebase of the tonearm (see Fig. 4-5).Tum the screw clockwise to move the loweringposition inwa
28、rds.Tum the screw counterclockwise to move thelowering position outwards.This adjustment may be simplified by using atest record .Fis.4-6o Tonearm misoperationIf the tonearm should happen to stop midwayduring the lead-in operation, adjust the nut shownin Fig. 4-7.This nut should be neither too tight
29、, nor too loo6e.Fis. 4-7r Short switchThe short switch gap should be 0.5mm duringrecord play. This gap may be adjusted by thescrew shown in Fig. 4-8 below.Screw driverAdjusting screwShort switchRotatory camPU plate screwrLowering positiontoo far outdt-IJt-oFis.4-5r Auto-return position1. If the tone
30、arm retums too earlv. screw the PUplate screw outwards (see Fig. 4-6).2. If the tonearm retums too slow. screw the PUplate screw inwards.Lowering positiontoo tar ingi)Fig. 4-8PL-5ClCX5. PACKINGParts ListKey No. Part No.Doscription6. PHA-0772. H56-6033. PBA-0794. PRW-O385. PHG-369PHC-069N9
31、3.603KEX,OO2PRB.135PRD4611, PEA3212. 822426t3. PXA-72014, PXA7615. PXB-125Caution labelCover45 adaptorDriveroperating instructions (English )Operating instructions(French/German)Rubber mat assmblyHadshell assemblyCsrtridge mounting screw assembly6. EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST6.1 CABINET#V56*#efi:,
32、N. F: 6 ? 1 b , tat/ 84./Araro4P - _ -9:i&g&Htld,PL-5ClC,x.rPARTS LIST OF CABINETNO?ES. Parls uithout part number cannol be supplied.K6y No. P.rl No.o The I marh found onsafely loclor ol the part.desiEnation.Doscriptionsome component parts ind.icotes the importance of theTherefore, uhen replocing, b
33、e sure to use parts of id.enticalKey No. Part No.Description1. PEA-0322. PNR-0894.5. PNX-0806. PAC-O247.8 . . . . . . . . .10.1 1 .12.13.14- PNW-47315. PAG-00116. PNW-47217.r8. PNX-078A 20. PTr-09321., 22.24.27. PXB-I0330.Rubber mal assemblyTurntable platterTaprito P screw 3x8CoverPanelPush buttonPS
34、A 3x554. XWM3355.36. PAG02037. PSF-o1239. PNV-01440.41. PEC-o5|42. PEC-o5143.44. PDE-04445, PDG-O21 (HElPOG_022 (HB)46.47. PNW-475ra.49. PNW-47450. P8H-213AngleTaprite P screw 3x10Speed selector assemblyLensMirrorHolderTaptite P screw 3x10Neon lamp holderTaptite P screw 3xl0Power lransformerTaptite
35、P screw 4x 10SpacerOutput terminalPSA 3x12EW3PSA 3x5Sub panel assemblyPush button unirTaptite P screw 3x l0Button basePush buttonStart buttonPSA 3x15Oust coverPSF 3x8Strain reliefStrain reliefAngleOutput cordAC power cordSelector leverSelector camSpringSteel ball 5/32Selector base unitTaptite P scrw
36、 3x10Circuit bosrdTaptite P screw 3x10Taptite screw 4x8Hinge assemblyHedahell assemblyTonearm assemblyWeight assomblyArm rest assemblyElevation sheetAS knobHexagon socket headless iel screw 4x8Plastic screw 3x8AS spring washerAS camTaptit screw 3x6ShatrEV springEW4EV lever unilEV springAS leverAS sp
37、ringEias leverPU plare assemblyPU plateHexagon socket headless set screw 4x6EW2 (SUS)EW3 (SUS)AS washrAdjust shaftSpringPlastic screw 3x l2SpringPSA 4x10D.D. motorBasDamper cushion AHolderR ing56.57.59.rPAC-O2461. PXA-72062. PXB-00263. PNW-57764. PAC-02665.67.68. PNX-08869. PBEOT 270, PNW-37971.72.
38、PLA-39613. PBH-20174.15- PXT-30176. PBK43011.78. PNC-O6879. PBA-08580. PBH-2508t. PNB46042.83. PXB-00183-1.83,2.83-3.83-4.83-5. PN8-22483-6. PNB-51983-7. PXT-l0983-8. PXT-20183-9. PBH-04583,10.83,11. PBH-19384.85. PXBOl086.47. PEB-10288. PNW,48489. PNW-37590. PYY-024f/.-.It31.34.AAA)Key No, Part No.
39、DescriptionKey No.Ptrt No.DercriptionNO?ES:o Parts without part number cannot be supplied.64,%61#91. PBA-09692. PBH-I9793. PBH-I9694. PBH-19895. PBH-19896. PNW-57797. PNT-51698.6.2 SUB PANELScrewSpringSpringSpringSpringEV sheetSheet cushionFW31 61 71 81 999.100. PAC-023101. xwx-01 3102. PXT-314103.
40、PBK-027104. PXT-296105. PBF-005Aroo. PEc-os2FW3KnobSwitch assemblyActuator DActuator BActuator AAS knob washerI nsu lators,l&.W,q&;sstt52-50513r,34&o)+.-s8hxr4t)=57=-se2225444r42-411 4*-.u#*,PARTS LIST OF SUB PANELFL-5ClC,xNO?Sr. Parts without part number cannot be supptied.Koy No.Part No.Oo3criptio
41、nKoy No. Part No.De.cription,a1 .2. PXT -2973.4. N5t-7866. PXT-2191.8.A 9. PX M-o8o10.A rr. PEc52A rz. PsFogA rs. PsFog14. PXT-12416. PBK-0291 1 .18. KNA-10119.20.2 1 .22. PNB-I 1223.24.25. P8H-09626.21. PNW-47628.30.31. KSN-00132.33.34. PBH,19435. PNW7736.38. PNB-s1939.40.41. PNB-51942.43. PXT-3104
42、 83360948. PXT-30849. PAKO0650. PBF0351. PXT-30052. KLA-I5953.54.56.57. PXT.3r 258. 833-63559.60. PLA-40461. PBH-09762. PNW-49063. PNW-47864. PBH-2006s. PBH-l9566. lever unitNutEW2Stopper unitPM 2.6x6StopperTaptite screw 3x8Stopper rubber unitPolyethylene washer 4.10 x0.2
43、5tTrptit screw 3x5Timing motorSub panel unitlnsulalorMicroswitchMicroswilchPolyethylene washer 4.1Oxo.25tPolyethylene washer 4.10 x0.25tEW3LeverEW3Taptite screw 2x2.6CamEW2Lock lever springPM2.6x8CollarSpringEV camEV cam springEV lever springEW3PSA 3x25Connector assemblyff.r LSwitchFW2.6PM2.6x5Sprin
44、gSelector plateEW3EW3EW3EW3SpringRotor u nirSpringI1 5F,7II,-l/-qr-Ag/-titY/PSA3XlO-aFey No. Part No.6.3 D.D. MOTORParts ListPllz.6xDescriptionPl!2.6xr0Key No.;It1 31 4NO?ES:o Parts without part number cannot be supplied.Part No.Descriptionl .2. PE F-0013.4. PTL-0035.6.7.8. PHEO3OFA9.10.Rotor assemb
45、lySteel ballSpeed detector assemblyCore unitPositional detector assemblyP. CBBaseHall elementCord fixerAngle1 1 .12. MNT-00113. MNW-00114.15. PDE-O3816.BaseRingPlateCoverConnector assemblyTaptite screw 3x81 67. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMarJytrzzl xwtra -O33CONTROL10n6+Q I PD1003Q2 PA2004x- +Rlrau Ha.7l t - _
46、 v v lc2 R256p 1kX-TALPSS-OO3cI1 0.47/35to(r.t!o ouu o()v,af,Ixc12 0.t8U-. L d Hfid !OIGd Hp l ! OE,lr,FE9I L Zo(JtuJ|r)zu,lrJ (9G l R 3Lloo)c9o.o4t|lc8100/6.3(NP)S EId Pi ;Ne|!rfErE OI ( 93EAC POWER CORDR02II-JTP3TP2TPll-ls5I SPEEDD1 SI RBAlO(Pcx-oro)- - - - tor lN4OO5PSG-Or5swtTcHs5Assy XWX- 01 3Q
47、42SC945-Pro52sD234DZ YtZ-Z$rQ6Rt13 4Q6 2 S C+tc23100/35AC POWERCORDLINE VOLTAGEECTORA p66l-oztrxos r aSTART/ REPEATPSF-ol25 2 ACUT(STOP)PSF-Or2R14820BRNr- -lo*s4 s4 MtcRo ( sroP) iA PsF-ooe ir-1 51 888l-IHlrr fl3PHE - 3O3FAFL-5OCIX,BLK/WHTi/lMoroR assy IPxB - olo IRr68.2 k(2w)o6R13 4.7kQ6 2SC1279-S1
48、 . R ES ISTO RS:f ndicated in Q , t/oW, t5% tolerance unless otherwise noted k : kCl,M : Ma, (F) : !1o/o, (G) : t2o/o, (K) : t 10% tolerance2. CAPACITORS:Indicated in capacity (!F)/voltage (V) unless otherwise noted p : pFIndication without voltage is 50V except electrolytic capacitor.3. VOLTAGE, CU
49、R RENT:U : DC voltage (V) at no input signalfr mA: DC current at no input signal4. OTHE RS: : Adjusting point.The A mark found on some component pafts indicates the im-portance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing,be sure to use parts of identical designation.SWITCH ES:SI : ST
50、ART/ REPEAT ON - OFF32 : CUT(STOP) ON - OFF53 : MICRCXSTART/REPEAT) ON - OFF54: MICRO(STOP)ON - OFF55 : SPEED SELECTOR 331/3rp 45rpm58 : LINE VOLTAGE 551E9198UG.24OVThe underlined indicates the switcfr positi6n-This is the basic schematic diagram, but the actual circuit may varydue to improvements i