Heathkit-AR14-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
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1、CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONEach major section of the Receiver will be changed, is used as an AFC (automatic fre-described separately in the following Circuit quency control) voltage to lock-in the localDescription. For ease of explanation, the Source oscillator frequency with the station beingswitch will be
2、 described in the FM position. tuned in.Follow the circuit on the Block Diagram (fold-out from Page 66) and on the Schematic (fold-out from Page 79) while reading the CircuitDescription. The letter-number designations(R4, C115, R212) for all resistors, capacitors,and diodes have been placed into the
3、 followinggroups to make them easier to locate on thechassis and Schematic.1 - 99100 - 199200 - 299FM tuner section.Amplifier section.Power supply section.The oscillator frequency is locked-in by the AFCvoltage in the following manner: The capacitancebetween the elements of diode Dl changes whenthe
4、AFC voltage that is applied to it changes.This capacitance is connected in series withcapacitor C19. and these two capacitances areconnected in parallel with part of coil L4. Thus,when the capacitance of diode Dl is changed bythe AFC voltage, the total capacitance acrosscoil L4 is changed. This chan
5、ge in the tunedcircuit capacitance changes the frequency of theoscillator in such a way as to maintain propertuning.FM TUNING UNITThe FM signal from the antennaisappliedto theprimary of balanced input transformer Tl in theFM tuning unit. The secondary of transformer Tlforms a tuned circuit with trim
6、mer capacitor Cland capacitors C2 and ClA (antenna section oftuning capacitor). The signal selected by thistuned circuit is coupled through capacitor C3 toRF amplifier transistor Ql.The signal is amplified by transistor Ql. The RFtuned circuit of Ql selects the desired signaland couples it through c
7、apacitor C8 to the baseof mixer transistor Q2. The RF tuned circuit con-sists of coil L2, trimmer capacitor C6, and ca-pacitors C7 and C6A (RF portion of tuning capac-itor).The oscillator and the received FM signals aremixed in transistor Q2 to produce a 10.7 mc IF(intermediate frequency) signal, th
8、at is coupledthrough transformer T2 and capacitor C21 tothe first IF amplifier transistor, Q4. Theamplified IF signal from the collector of tran-sistor Q4 is coupled through transformer T3to the base of second IF amplifier transistorQ5. This IF signal is again amplified by tran-sistor Q5, coupled th
9、rough transformer T4,and amplified by transistor Q6. From Q6 thesignal is coupled through transformer T5 andamplified by the fourth IF amplifier transistorQ7.The local oscillator transistor, Q3, operates at afrequency that is 10.7 mc higher than the receivedFM signal. The oscillator frequency is de-
10、termined by a tuned circuit composed of coil L4,trimmer capacitor C14, and capacitors Cl3 andC14A (oscillator portion of tuning capacitor). Theoutput signal from this oscillator is coupledthrough capacitor Cl0 to the base of mixertransistor Q2.A portion of the signal voltage is taken from thecollect
11、or of transistor Q6 and rectified by diodeD2 to produce an AGC (automatic gain control)voltage, This AGC voltage, which increases anddecreases with the strength of the received FMsignal,is coupled through resistors R14 andR12 to the base of transistor Q4, where itautomatically controls the gain of t
12、he IF signal.A small DC voltage is coupled from the ratio de-tector circuit through resistor R5 to diode Dlin the collector circuit of the oscillator. ThisDC voltage,which changes as the tuning isThe AGC voltage is then coupledfrom the emitterof transistor Q4, through resistor RlO, to the baseof RF
13、amplifier transistor Ql. This automat-ically controls the gain of the FM signal inthe tuner section.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Figure 11All, or only one of the IF amplifier stages mayoperate as limiters. For a very weak signal,only the fourth IF amplifier Q7 may be limiting,and transistors Q4, Q5, and Q
14、6 would beamplifying the IF signal. For a very strongsignal, all four IF amplifiers may be acting aslimiters. This limiting action removes ampli-tude modulation from the FM signal. Limitingaction is also provided by the self-limitingcharacteristics of the ratio detector circuit.RATIO DETECTOR CIRCUI
15、TFrom the collector of transistor Q7, the IF signalis coupled through resistor R26 and ratio de-tector transformer T6 to the ratio detector cir-cuit. This circuit, which separates the audio sig-nal from the 10.7 mc IF signal. is shown re-drawn for greater clarity and simplified in Fig-ure 11. Transf
16、ormer T6 is represented in thisfigure by primary coil Ll, a center tapped sec-ondary composed of coils L2 and L3. and a thirdor tertiary winding. L4. L4 is just a few turns ofwire tightly wrapped around the bottom of pri-mary Ll. NOTE: In the actual circuit, choke L5and coil L6 are also connected in
17、 series withcoil L4, resistor R31, capacitor C39, and re-sistor R39,Consider a separate voltage to be induced by theprimary into each of the windings, L2, L3, andL4. L4, which is closely coupled to the primaryintroduces a voltage that is in series with bothL2 and L3. This voltage across L4 is relati
18、velyconstant in amplitude as long as the voltageacross Ll does not change. (Remember, thevoltage across Ll will stay relatively constantdue to the limiting action of transistor Q7.)Notice that each diode has its own separate loopthrough which its current flows (indicated by thearrows). Current flowi
19、ng in diode D3 is con-trolled by the voltage induced in L2 and L4 whichcharges capacitor C33. The current flowing indiode D4 is controlled by the voltage inducedin coils L3 and L4 which charges capacitor C34.Current flows through L4 in both directions,since this coil is common to both current loops,
20、The two currents flow through capacitors C33and C34 in the same direction. Electrolyticcapacitor C35 is connected across both of thesecapacitors through resistors R27 and R30.This large capacitor keeps the total voltageacross these two capacitors from changing, thus,any amplitude changes on the IF s
21、ignal aredamped out by this capacitor.The audio output signal from the ratio detectorcircuit is applied to the base of Q8. Note thatthe two loop currents are flowing in oppositedirections through coil L4, resistor R31, capac-itor C39, and the input resistance of Q8. At theFM IF center frequency of 1
22、0.7 mc, the diodecurrents are equal, thus they cancel each otherout and no voltage appears across the input re-sistance of Q8.When the IF frequency deviates from 10.7 mcdue to FM modulation (audio signal), the currentin one diode loop increases while the current inthe other loop decreases. These cha
23、nges arecaused by a change in phase relationship in thesignal current across coils L2 and L4. and L3and L4. Now current flows through the inputresistance of Q8 in the direction of the largersignal,and an output voltage is developedRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库RICHT signal RFigure 12across the input resist
24、ance of Q8, The ampli-tude of this output voltage is determined byhow far the IF frequency deviates from thecenterfrequency of 10.7 mc. The frequencyof this audio output voltage is determined byhow often the frequency deviates from 10.7 mc.-The slug in the secondary of coil T6 is used tobalance the
25、ratio detector circuit. CapacitorC36 and L5 removes any remaining 10.7 mc IFsignal from the audio signal. Resistors R28 andR29 are load resistors for diodes D3 and D4.FM STEREO MULTIPLEX CIRCUITFigures 12A and 12B show two sample signalsthat might appear from the left (L) and right(R) channel microp

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- Heathkit-AR14-rec-sm 维修电路原理图 Heathkit AR14 rec sm 维修 电路 原理图