Technics-ST610L-tun-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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1、ServlceMzt :RERanLC3uzr,nrZ SynthesizerLW/MW/FM Stereo TunerSPECIFICATIONS(DrN 45 s00)r FM TUNER SECTIOhI . Frequency rangeSensitivitys/N 30 dBs/N 26 dBslN 20 dBtHF 46 dB stereo quieting sensitivityTotal harmonic distortlon MONOSTEREO20 Hz-15 kHz, t0.5 dB-1.5 dBAlternate channel selectlvity normal t

2、400 kHz6s dBCapture ratlo 1.0 dBtmage releitlon at 98 MHz 45dBlF reiectlon at 98 MHz 90 dBSpurious respons rejection at 98 MHz 75dBAM suppresslonStereo separation t fnz10 kHzCarrier leak 9 kHz38 kHzChannet balance (250 Hz-6,300 Hz)Limiting pointBandwidth lF ampliierFM demodulatorAntenna terminalsTun

3、ers/NFrequency response87.50-108.00 MHz (50 kHz:step9)1.5 pV (lHF, usable)1.3 pV (7so)1.2 rrV 0sA)0.e pV (7so). 28 pvt7soo.15%O.3o/o70 dB (78 dB, tHR. 65 dB (70 dB, tHRColor(R(s). BlackType. . SilverTypeArear AM TUNER SECTION . . !;r.Frequency rangeMW 522kHz-1611 kHz (9 kHz-steps) 530 kHz-1620 kHz (

4、10 kltz-steps)LW 155 kHz-353 kHz (9 kHz-steps)153 kHz-351 kHz (-2 kHz shift)MONOSTEREOsensirivity (s/N 20 dB) MwLWselectivity (+9 kHz) MW (at 999 kHz)LW (at 254 kHz)lmage reiectlon MW (at 999 kHz)LW (at 254 kHz)lF rejectlon MW (at 999 kHz)LW (at 254 kHz)r GENERALOutputvoltagePower consumptlonPower s

5、upplyFor Great pritain:For others:Dlmensions (WxHxD):Weight:5T.61OL20 pV,300 pV/m50 PV50 dBs0 dB40 dB40 dB60 dB. 60dB0.3v(0.6vtHR9WAC 50 Hzl60 Hz,Z4OVAC 50 HZJ6OHz,220Y430 x69x290 mm(16t s/r oX 223/sz xl17Aa)2.4k9 (s.3lb.)s5 dB40 dB30 dB-30 dB (-35 dB, tHF)-45 dB (-50 dB, IHF)+1.5 dB1.21tY1 80 kHz10

6、00 kHz. 7SA (unbalanced)Notes:1. Specifications are subject to change without notice.2. Weight and dimensions are approximate.3. Total harmonic distortion is measured by the digital specrumanalyzer (H.P. 3045 system).Matsushita Electric lndustrial Go., LtCentral P.O. Box 288, Osaka 530-91, Ja!ItIIIC

7、ountryCodeAreaColor(E)Continental Europe(K) (s)(EB)Great Britain(K) (s)(EnFrance(RTechnicsRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库r CONTENTS- tl:i.-l-. .:.PageACCESSOHIES . . .;. . ?CONNECTIONS. .:.2LOCATTONSOFCONTROLS .3DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS . . 4MEASUREMENTSANDADJUSTMENTS .5,6DESCRIPTION OF FL PANEL . . . . . 6

8、FUNCTIONS OF CTERMINALS . . . .,. 7SCHEMANCDIAGRAM .8-11r ACCESSORIESoAC power supply cordFor EBarea only (SJA193)For others areas (SFDAC05E03)oStereo pin cord . . ; . . . . . .(sJP2276)oFMindoorantnna .:.(ssA270M)I CONNECTIONSNote: An outdoor antenna should be installed by a competent technican onl

9、y.(Necessary in mounlainous reQions, insidereinorced-concrete buildings. etc.)Stereo connection cable (included)(Necessary in mountainousregions. inside reinorced-concrete builctings, etc.)Use 5 - 12 m (16 - 40 t) ovinyl-covered wirehorizontally at the window.TERMINALGUlDE OF IC!S,TRANSISTORS AND DI

10、OOESCIRCUIT BOARDS ANDWIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM . . 12. 13BLOCKDIAGHAM . 14,15REPLACEMENTPABTSLIST . . 16-19EXPLODED VIEWThe indlcation AM used here includesboth MW and LW.Page11rackor.ot. ttach o . *21l,iusing tack or tape) acingihorection .obest receptiqrt -,. . .: :. _. . : ;.,. Tak shoulct ho co

11、ntact internal antenna wir: r Foi best reception sound quality. an FM outdoor anten-. . :. ,. -na is recommended. Disconnect this antenna if an FM outdoor antenna is in-stalled.AC power supply cord(included) HouseholdAC oullet.f/Fit a Suitable plug to the ACpower supply cord.To tuner input terminals

12、o the ampliiell this antenna is not property installed,AM broadcasts will not be received.Be sure to connect the AM loop antennaeven when an outdoo antenna is used.12 m (16 - 40 t.)Vinyl-covered wire (option)-2-RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库I LOCATIONS OF CONTROLSpower only.The unit is in the standby condi

13、tion when this switch is setto the standby cb posilion. Regardless o the switch setling,the primary circuit is always live as long as the power cordis connected to an electrical outlet.Power standby /on(power/r standbY _This switch switches ON andswitchon)oFF the secondary circuitFM stereo indicator

14、 (stereo)This indicator automatically illuminates whenan FM stereo broadcast is being received.Note:lt will not illuminate i the FM mode selector isset to the monaural mode.The lndlcatlon AM used here lncludesboth MW and LW.Band selectors (band)FM:Press this button to listen to an FM broadcast.MW:Pr

15、ess this button to listen to an MW broadcast.allocatlon:This butlon is also used to select a requencystep o either 9 kHz or 10 kHz.When the MW button is pressed tor about 4seconds, the MW requency step will change to10 kHz pe step.ohis step is set to 9 kHz beore shipment.)Set to the appropriate posi

16、tion ot your locality.ln order lo return to the original requency indica-tion, press this button or about 4 seconds a9ain.LW:Press.this button to listen to an LW broadcast.req shlt:When the LW butlon is pressed or about 4seconds during reception o an LW broadcast,the LW requency will decrease by 2 k

17、Hz.So, or example, to receive 153 kHz tune lo l55kHz, and then press this button.n order lo return to the original requency indica-tion, press lhis button or aboul 4 seconds again.Digital requency displayThe reception requency o the FM or AM broadcastselected by using the tuning buttons or the peset

18、-tun-ing butlons is indicated by a digital-type display.Quartz-lock indicator(quartz lock)This indicator illuminates when tunedprecisely to an FM or AM station.Memory indicator (El)This indicator illuminates when thememory butlon is pressed.Channel displayThe channel number seected by the pesettunin

19、g buttons is displayed.Signal-strength indicators (signal )These indicators show the relative strength o broadcastsignals being received by the antenna. The best condi-tion or reception, or FM and AM is when the indicatorsilluminate completely to the right.Tuning buttons (tuning)These buttons are us

20、ed or tuningto the desired broadcast station.Memory button (memory)This button is used when preset memory settingo the preset-tuning buttons is made.FM mode selector (FM mode)This unit automatically switches into the stereo modewhen a steeo broadcasl is received. Press this buttonlo listen in the mo

21、naural mode. The slereo indicator willnot illuminate in the monaural mode.Preset-tuning buttons (1-0)(24 channel random presst tuning)These buttons are used to preset FM and AM broadcaslrequencies into the memoy o this unit, arrd are also pressedlo select the desired preset requencies.Note:Fleer to

22、page 6 or inormation concerning presel memoy.I DISASSEMB LY INSTRUCTIONS.ATTENTION SERVICERSome chassis components may have sharp edges. Be carefulwhen disassembling and servicing.Ref. No.1Removal of the CabinetHe. No.2Removal of the Front PanelProcedure1Cabinet6l ,.- ,/Procedure1+2-N-rRemove the 5

23、screws (O-O).Frontpanel io1. Remove2. Removethe 2 screws (O, O).tlte ront panel in the direction o the arrow.Re. No.3Removal of the Operation SwitchP.C.B. and LED P.C.B.Re. No.4Removal o the Main P.C.B.Procedure1+2+3LEDProcedlire1+4 .1.2.Remove the 2 connector (eN701, CN702).Remove the 4screws (D:).

24、oT3. Remove the 4 screws (O-O).4. Remove the main P.C.B. in the direction of the,r1|r LED P.C.B.oRemove the 1 screw (Q).I Operation Switch P.C.B.oRemove the 4 screws (O-g).Ref. No.5Removal of the FL Drive P.C.B.Procedure1-+5o123Remove thRemove thRemove the 2 connector (CN701, CN702)

25、.e 3 screws (O-O).e FL drive P.C.B. in the direction of the arrow.FL Drive P.C.B.o Replacement of the Foot.1. Remove the 4 heat melted posts on the chassis with a pair ofnippers or similar tool.2. To replace the oot (RlG0009-1) on the chassis melt the 4 postswith a soldering iron.Foot(RlG000e-1)I ME

26、ASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTSr FM ADJUSTMENTConlrol porltlonr rnd equlpmenl ured. FM signalgenerator (FM-SG) o Choke coil (100pH)I Stereo modulator . Resistor(100k0)o Distortion analyser o Frequency countero Oscilloscope o DC electronic voltmeter(EVM)Note: For Z201and7202, they are supplied as adjusted

27、 parts. So, do not tum the cores o the parts.FM MONO DISTORTION ADJUSTMENTi.test equipment connection is shown in igure.2.Set the unit to Fll mode.3.Set the radio requency display and signal generator to100.10MH2.4.Adjust the coreot T2O1 so that the voltage measured insignal mode is OmV (0t20 mV) in

28、 300 mV range.S.Adjust T2O2 so that the distortion factor of L-CH isminimized.6.Repeat steps 4 and 5.7.Make sure that the distortion actors o L-CH and R-CHare nearly the same and minimum.Note: The adjusting screwdriver used should be made oresin.MPX VCO ADJUSTMENT1.Test equipment connection is shown

29、 in igure2.Set the unit to auto position.3. Set the radlo frequency dlsplay and slgnal genarator to1fil.l0ilHz4.Adjust vR30 for 19kHzt3OHz on frequency counterreading.USING ALTERNATE SYSTEM1.Apply stereo signal rom generator or receive the stereobroadcast.2.Adjust VR301 until stereo indicator lights

30、 up. Fix the armo VH301 as shown in figure.FM SIGNAL GENERATOR CONDITIONModulation .100%Modulation frequency .1 kHzOutput level .66d80c EYramFI_s6 . Unil l / llag;l ffi|:T.TJ l,:iifuili 75o l_a-T7 r_al;!*_=+=-l; lll llo*o-v llll-:./;-FM SIGNAL GENEBATOB CONDITIONModulation . .0%Modulation requency .

31、0 kHzOutput |eve|. 66dB,-r*x- g ffilralffiil ol I hmrolB-l;-*l l- T:91*:looo il l FllAL(7to) lcu.rwili_:s_:ll-J- -.) ,o, -,O-O. Storoo OFF posltlon-. Storoo ON posltlon(lndlcator llghtlng). AdJuot polnt o pllotclrcultfr.s-5-DJUSTMENT POINTSDEsRlPTloN oFGRID ASSIGNMENTAM LooP ANT FM ANT.t!L32nO UTPUT

32、 -lp300O1 p 75OrAMANTI ll oHo/L322nu r-r , FM FRoNT-END mC6=rel i-l t-llo sl I lHz2202lli6 rEEa I I/rqIETFM offsetFL PANEL FLsOl (SAD8MTIOZYK)Note: The grid of 3G and 8G are used for external connection.PIN CONNECTIONL324FM MPX VCO(19 kHz )hq uartz lockfEl :lch. -lPINNO.1234567II101112131415161718CO


34、13: Divided requency dataFlO-R2: Reerence requency data3CL4CE5PC3Not usednthisunit6NCNot usednthis unit.7OUTPUT. PDOAutolmono changeover terminal. (auto - 0V, mono * 5V)IOUTPUTPD1Computer drive terminal.9PD2Not used in this unit.10PD311PEO12t14-22t25OUTPUTPE1IPE3PFOtPF3Digital signal terminat or dis

35、play.Terminal or key return signal to external key matrix.15IN PUTRESReset terminal.16TESTGround terminal.17Vss18NCNot used in this unit192AINPUTosclConnecting terminal or crystal oscillator.21OUTPUTosc226I2931I34OUTPUTPGOtPG3PHOtPH3Segment signal terminal or display.30NCNot usedlnthisunit35NCNot us

36、ed in this unit36OUTPUTP11Muting signal terminal. (Muting * High level)37INPUTHOLDTerminal for power failure detection.38IN PUTINTTerminal for remote control cord.39IN PUTVooPower supply terminal of device.Voltage o 5V is supplied during operation of device.40IN PUTPAOtPA3IKEY MATRTXITerminal or key

37、 return signaI toexternal key matrix.Pin No.4511tll10t4cH.cH3cH2cHt22cH0cH7cH6cH523cH0cH921AMFM25MOOEMMoRYUPoowN41444542a43NCNot used in this unit.46INPUTPBOIPB.2Stereo signal terminal.47SD signal terminal.48Tuner select terminal. (Ground connectlon)-7 -MAIN CIRCUITaTSrlxrroBIxrztol Fx FnoxT Exo Pac

38、x-lnLoooel!_ _ - -esxs+q_ -2s-c2_78M _ll i r p z.? FM lxER lU7Yl0wr 52vltLO iTSiozoz l- -*-0.?v(olo2vu99vlo .vlo2vlOaOl.zoZ ,1 1 ru /2sc2787LTA L .,-FL lF AXP O2!alv/Dlv.lclo ILM700lPLL FREAUEXCYSYIITHESIZER2SCt675 ILIL2 IFT B.F ioIAM ANJrr0 t -2IIt_tI FM osc-, rIr,. AFILOOP ANT IJ lol. l Loot tloSv

39、tl 560oro l. tozzSCr740SOSTAFra LooP FiLERfl oeennloN swrrcH ctRculT59Olill5904trfllv0v-?2t5x)9t9l-J-2SCr740SOSTALEO OerVEr9aa tyto9072SCt740SOSTAswlcx l to( NESETIs9t!lLls9l?llrtI09ttLxOl la,a 2r- -!El tt DRrvE crRcurr-B-2SCr740SOSTArvlLlr LooP F|LERo9l oroj lI ;l1.,. 1 ,I 920thFtI rgozllgotl rvt;

40、x -16!.ffi, rrG. ?20r-a IL90l l0lll0lYxlt?, uFM +B LINEo2!t -F2SA933SORST 4j;.2;lwlLwsYrtcHtMl lzotl rr rr;j%rctol11 A irzv_r U LIPC.2:r.lV/01Y.lo-Ilx cE cL ol2SCr740SOSTADTCII4YST,*u,*J9tzcz .!,nQ209OTA I44ESTPPOWEN SUPPLYlF,r /Ll/yvt,-+ zsclT4ososTA rll-u r9 EuFFER AxP -sr-*Ji aLW/rWt I al- o;ioDT

41、CIZ4ESTP rl srGNL REcErv El Iisz roox 0706eEt PEo to3 PGI mr EilO LC PCI CE CL onrr PtlPrz ,/ P82 Ifro .P! i- rv sDI r.uF3 _-J-.6y srrat rat!r! !rlnoto706DTAII4YSTPPOW R SUPPLY- 09t96s?9l. i7r6 rooAM +B LlE ;o2072SCI740SOS TAFOYER gJFP.Y .co l.tt3ffiffiA-=l oEEcoil o2o!l tri:i tii*l I!1ltc20ttc20raN

42、72BWfl/ a,rt tFArf,0EFM ojsatvoIfoqr iC.Vit -r:r QJQifgfpPOF t $fn_Y- : cEloiIIIl_l*;Jii,t-;.-iiltELl*.L:oL -.iE:Eo90306rL l3LE60cleLltctllc-9-AF Srgno Ic220 l6v1o filol 9o3or. ro?25DI45ORSTTALloluvl l lvl tswlfu iELit ro2vl / oztzj/aiiY zsctT4osostrAN Q2I2 AUFFER AxP!rBg.L-J-i ,rl onoI oistortin oo

43、i.,lx!o1LchRchJ,_lLlo222rAFM o5eYoltogc(OmV)odl.-iatvo 70r2SC3940AQSTAREGU LATORcTlr loot(21,6v)OTOl rzr.svr:5v ?!.2vFM MPXvCO odi.- -0-.-_s_.r-.,t. .: II| . .lf SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (parts rtston pases 16-18)flhis schematic diagram may be riin.a iny iime witn nedevelopment of new tecinology.)Notes:oS7

44、01 : Power source switch in ol position.oS901-910: Presettunings,witches.ssot: CHl, 5902: CH2 5903: CH3, 5904: cH4)I ssos, cHS, s9o6: cHs, st7: cH7, sgoo: cHB, Il-ssos, cH9, S91o: cHo )oS911-S913: Band selector switches.(5911: FM, 5912: MW, 5913: LW)oS914: Memory setswitch.oS915: FM mods selector sw

45、itch.S916, S917: Tuning sritches.(S916: down,5917: UP)olndicated voltage values are the standard values for the unitmeasured by the oC electronic crcuit tester (high-impedance)with the chasss taken as standard. Therefore, there may existsome erorc in the voltage volues, depending on the intemalimped

46、ance othe DC cirilittester.( ): AM voltage,-i: MUTINGvoltage. - Positive vollage lins5 .- Negative voltage linectrtrtrD FM OSCrrrr) AMOSCr+ AM signal.:r*a_$&!i!. AF signal lineso l mportant saety noticeComponents identified by A marX have specialcharacteristicsimportant or safety. When replacing any

47、 o these components,use only manufacture/s specified parS.CautlonllC and LSI are sensitive to static electricity.Secondary trouble can be preventd by taking care during repair.Cover the parts boxes made o olastics with aluminum coil.Ground tha soldering iron. Put a conductive mat on the work table-.

48、Do not touch the legs o lC or LSl with the fingers directly.r TERMINAL GUIDE OF ICS, TRANSISTORS AND DIODESoUse o ceramlc llterc in pairsThe ceramic filters (CF201 cF202) for FM-lF circuit are available nthree ranks. For this orcuit. be sure to use the ceramics of the samerank in a pair.At repairing

49、 and replacement, pay closa attention to the resistors(B907, R908) or use as diferent resistors must be used dependingon each rank o the ceramic ilters.Color making(Red, Blue or Orange)RANK(colo8908R907cENERFBEOUEICYOrangeox10.72 MHzRcdxx10.70MH2Bluexo10.67 MHzNolr: O mert: Resisloris used.x mart: R



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