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2、Two POWER SUPPLY 110-120 Volts AC TUNING RANGEChannels 2 thru 13 RATING: 1. 03 Amp. at 117 Volts AC INDEX Alignment Instructions 6 Block Diagram 13 Fine Tuning Cord Stringing 19 Parts List and Description 14,15,16 Photographs Cabinet-Rear View 10 Capacitor Identification 11,18 Chassis-Top View 3 Pho

3、tographs (continued) High Voltage Supply 10 RF Tuner 7 Resistor Identification 12,17 Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification. 4, 9 Schematic 2 Tube Placement Chart 5 Voltage and Resistance Measurements 8 HOWARD W. SAMS MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 34. arc 14 36.9MC CHANNEL Any CONNECT SCOPE Vert

4、ical amp. to Pin 1 6AU6 (V8) . Low side to chassis. ADJUSTREMARKS Check response pat- tern to see that mark ers appear as per Fig 1. If not, make sllaht adjustments of Al, A2, A3 and A4. RF OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT The RF Amplifier and mixer lines are pre-set at the factory and due to their stability no

5、rmally do not require adjustment. Since Channel 2 Oscillator Coil Is in parallel with all other osc. colls at their respective channels. Channel 2 must be aligned first. If Channel Z is readjusted at any time, it will be necessary to realign all the other channels. DUMMY ANTENNA 2 - 15CK carbon res.

6、 in series with each sig.gen. lead. SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING Across Distant1 antenna terminal strip. SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 57MC (10MC sweep) 63MC (lore sweep) 69MC (lore sweep) 79MC (10MC sweep) 85MC (10MC sweep) 177MC (10MC sweep) 183MC ( 10MC sweep) 189MC 10MC sweep) 195MC (10MC sweep) 201I1C

7、(10MC sweep) 207MC (10MC sweep) 213MC (10MC sweep) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 55.25MC (Picture) 59.75MC (Sound) 61.25MC (Picture) 65.75MC (Sound) 67 . 26MC (Picture) 71.75MC (Sound) 77.25M3 (Picture) 81.75MC (S_ound) 83.25MC (Picture) 87.75MC (Sound) 175.25MC (Picture) 179.75MC (Sound) 181.25MC (Pic

8、ture) 18S.75MC (Sound) 187.2SI1C (Picture 191.75MC (Sound) 193.25MC (Picture 197.75MC (SoundJ 199.25MC (Picture) 203.75MC (Sound) 205. 25K; (Picture 209.75MC (Sound) 211.25MC (Picture 215.75MC (Sound) CHANNEL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS CONNECT SCOPE Vert. Amp. to Pin 1 6AU6 (V8) Low side to chassis

9、 . ADJUST AS A6 A7 A8 A9 AID All A 12 A13 A14 A 15 A16 REMARKS Adjust to place pic- ture marker at 50% point on pattern as per Fig. 2. Check sound carrier to see if it appears at proper point as per Fis. 2. SOUND IF ALIGNMENT When adjusting the 4.5M3 trap and the primary of -the ratio detector colls

10、 (A17 Offi Offl INF - 2K2 - 13Kffl *10002 - 10002 Offl INF INF INF Pin 7 1002 OS 472 Offl 02 822 8.2KS2 10002 6.8K2 82ffl 15KS T400Kffl 432 292 42ffl 192 43ffl 432 INF 342 1.82 Pin 8 68ffl 23ffl 402 122 412 402 INF 432 190K2 9 10 11 12 28Meg. 33Meg. 33Meg. INF. Pin 9 TOP CAP 6802 13 14 INF. 32 T Mea

11、sured from pin 3 of V20. ? Measured from pin 4 of V20. 4 Measured from pin 8 of V21. * Measured from pin 5 of V20. * Measured from pin 3 of V20. 4- Measured from pin 5 of V17. 1. DC Voltage measurements are at 20,000 ohms per volt; AC Voltage measured at 1,000 ohms. 2. Pin numbers are counted in a c

12、lockwise direc- tion on bottom of socket. 3. Measured values are from socket pin to com- mon negative unless otherwise stated. 4. Line voltage maintained at 117 volts for volt- age readings. 5. Front panels controls set at minimum. 6. Where readings may vary according to the setting of the service c


14、TTOM VIEW-RESISTOR IDENTIFICATION i laaow Diivwoinv RadioFans.CN B+ iB+ i B- BIAS RECT st S. IF Cath. Bypass .sts. IF Decoupling Diode Load Cap. RF Bypass De -emphasis Audio Coupling Vol. Control Isolation Audio Coupling Audio Coupling Output Plate Bypass Video Coupling Sync. Coupling Integrator Net

15、. Integrator Net. ITEM No. R1A B R2A B C R3A B C R4 R5 R6 R7A B R8A B R9A B RATING RESIST- ANCE 500KB Switch 1 Meg. 250KSJ Shaft End 1000SJ 25KSJ Shaft End 5 Meg. 10 Meg. 10 Meg. 5 Meg. Shaft 5 Meg. Shaft 5 Meg. 3halt WATTS 1 ) f j ) 1 k REPLACEMENT DATA AUTOMATIC PART No. TRV-75 Not Req. f TRV-77 (

16、 I / TRV-76 TRV-79 TRV-78 TRV-78 TRV-80 Not Req. TRV-80 Not Req. TRV-80 Not Req. IRC PART No. Q13-133 76-1 Bll-137 Bll-130 E202 Bll-108 Bll-120 E202 Qll-141 Qll-143 Qll-143 Qll-141 TQ Qll-141 TQ Qll-141 TQ t M SI M M M Additional parts to be used with Concentrikit. ITEM No. RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R

17、16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 H42 R43 R44 RATING RESISTANCE 4700n 10% looon 5% 1 Meg. 1000 560S2 10% 5600 10% 390n 10% 4700SJ 10% IMeg. looon 27KT2 27KSJ 47n 11KS2 10% 150SJ 150S! ison 820 ison 10KS2 10% 82n ison HKSi 10% 82fJ

18、5% lOOKn 2.2 Meg. 5% lOOKn son 8200SJ 5% 1 Meg. lOKSi IMeg. 6800SJ mien SOB WATTS 1 1 1 2 2 REPLACEMENT DATA AUTOMATIC PART No. IRC PART N BTS-1000- BTS-1000 BTS-100K BTS-2.2M BTS-100K BW-2-47 BTS-8200- BTS-1 Meg BTS-10K BTS-1 Meg BTA-6800 BT-2-10K BW-2-47 PAGE 14 RadioFans.CN PARTS LIST AND DESCRIP

19、TIONS CAPACITORS CCONTO NOTES ir Electrolytic c Capacitors. IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES . Doubler i Filter - Filter Filter i Filter Filter A Filter . Filter Filter Filter Stabilizing Cap. Sync. Sep. Cathode Bypass Decoupling Ant. Coupling Ant. Coupling RF Coupling RF Screen Bypass RF

20、 Filament Bypass f RF Coupling Mixer Grid Cap. Mixer Decoupling IF Coupling RF Bypass t Mixer Filament Bypass f Osc. Coupling Osc. Feedback Osc. Feedback Osc. Filament Bypass t Osc. Filament Bypass t tch Bypass Switch Bypass AGC Filter 1st V. IF Decoupling 1st V. IF Fil. Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filte

21、r 2nd V. IF Decoupling 2nd V. IF Fil. Bypass 3rd V. IF Cath. Bypass 3rd V. IF Decoupling 3rd V. IF Fil. Bypass AGC Filter IF Coupling DAGC Diode Filter V. Diode Filter Del. Filament Bypass Video Coupling Decoupling Video Coupling S. IF Coupling 1st S. IF Cath. Bypass 1st S. IF Decoupling Diode Load

22、Cap. RF Bypass De -emphasis Audio Coupling Vol. Control Isolation Audio Coupling Audio Coupling Output Plate Bypass Video Coupling Sync. Coupling Integrator Net. Integrator Net. ITEM No. C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C81 C82 C83 RATING CAP. .01 .1 .0

23、5 .02 .005 .005 220 100 .01 100 .005 .005 .05 1000 360 1500 .1 500 500 .05 .1 1200 1500 VOLT 600 600 600 400 6000 6000 600 6000 6000 600 500 600 10000 10000 400 400 REPLACEMENT DATA AUTOMATIC PART No. AEROVOX PART No. P688-01 P688-1 P688-05 P488-02 7584-005 7584-005 1468-00025 1468-0001 P688-01 1468

24、-0001 7584-005 7584-005 P688-05 1464-001 1469-00035 1467-0015 P688-1 P488-05 P488-1 1467-0015 1467-0015 CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. OT6S1 GT6P1 GT6S5 GT4S2 DSTH60D5 DSTH60D5 5W5T25 5W5T1 GT6S1 5W5T1 DSTH60D5 DSTH60D5 GT6S5 2R5D1 1W5D15 GT6P1 GT4S5 GT4P1 1W5D15 1W5D15 ERIE PART No. GP2-335-01 GP2K-220

25、 GP1K-100 GP2-335-01 GP1K-100 GF2L-0015 410-500 410-500 GP2L-0012 GP2L-0015 SPRAGUE PART No. TM-11 TM-1 TM-15 TM-12 TVM-256 TVM-256 1FM-325 1FM-31 TM-11 1FM-31 TVM-256 TVM-256 TM-15 MS-21 1FM-215 TM-1 TM-15 TM-1 1FM-215 1FM-215 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Ver . MV Feedback Ver . Swee

26、p Coupling Ver . Discharge Ver . Sweep Coupling Ver . Sweep Coupling Ver . Sweep Coupling Diff rentiator Hor. MV Feedback Hor . Sweep Coupling Hor. Discharge Hor. Sweep Coupling Hor. Sweep Coupling HV Osc. Plate Decoupling Fixed Trimmer Fixed Trimmer HVOsc. Grid Cap. HVOsc. Fil. Bypass HV Filter HV

27、Filter Hor. Cent. Cont. Bypass Line Filter AGC Filter t V. Amp. Cath. Bypass * Parallel sections to obtain desired capacity, t Not used in all models. t Some models use 500MMF in this application. 5 Some models use 5000MMF in this application. Some models use 750MMF in this application. # Omit bypas

28、s section. CONTROLS ITEM No. R1A B R2A B C R3A B C R4 R5 R6 R7A B R8A B R9A B RATING RESIST- ANCE 500KSZ Switch 1 Meg. 250KB Shaft End 1000SJ 25KB Shaft End 5 Meg. 10 Meg. 10 Meg. 5 Meg. Shaft 5 Meg. Shaft 5 Meg. Shaft WATTS 4 i 1 J -*- I S I REPLACEMENT DATA AUTOMATIC PART No. TRV-75 Not Req. 1 TRV

29、-77 I ( TRV-79 TRV-78 TRV-78 TRV-80 Not Req. TRV-80 Not Req . TRV-80 Not Req. IRC PART No. Q13-133 76-1 Bll-137 Bll-130 E202 Bll-108 Bll-120 E202 Qll-141 Qll-143 Qll-143 Qll-141 TQ Qll-141 TQ Qll-141 TQ CLAROSTAT PART No. M-60-Z SW-A M-85-S M-86-S M-86-S INSTALLATION NOTES Volume Control Attach to R

30、1A per instructions Vert, hold control, front ) , Horiz. hold control, rearDual Concentric Attach per instructions in Concentrikit. Contrast control, front 7 Brightness control, rear j Dual Concentric Attach per instructions in Concentrikit. Horiz. Size control Vert, size control Vert, linearity con

31、trol Focus control Attach to R7A per instructions Horiz. centering control Attach to R8A per instructions Vert, centering control Attach to R9A per instructions * Additional parts to be used will) Concentrikit. RESISTORS ITEM No. RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 H26 H2

32、7 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 RATING RESISTANCE 4700S! 10% looon 5% IMeg. 1000, 560SJ 10% 560SJ 10% 390SJ 10% 4700SJ 10% IMeg. 1000S! 27KB 27KSJ 47n mm 10% 150SJ i5on 150SJ 82n ison lOKn 10% 82SJ 150SJ 11KB 10% 820 5% lOOKn 2. 2 Meg. 5% 100KS! son 8200SI 5% IM

33、eg. lOKn IMeg. esoon 10KB son WATTS I i 2 I A i I i i ai a z z I -I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 z i i | 2 i z i 1 2 2 REPLACEMENT DATA AUTOMATIC PART No. IRC PART No. BTS-1000-5% BTS-1000 BTS-100K BTS-Z.2 Meg-53 BTS-100K BW-2-47 BTS-8200-5% BTS-1 Meg. BTS-10K BTS-1 Meg. BTA-6800 BT-2-10K BW-2-47 IDENTIFICAT

34、ION CODES ALL RESISTORS ARE * 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED: RF Coil Shunt RF Decoupling RF Grid RF Cathode Attenuator Network See Note 1 Attenuator Network See Note 1 Attenuator Network See Note 1 Mixer Coil Shunt Mixer Grid Mixer Decoupling Osc. Grid Osc. Grid Osc. Cathode 1st Video IF Grid AGC Netw

35、ork AGC Network AGC Network 1st Video IF Cathode See Note 2 1st Video IF Decoupling 2nd Video IF Grid 2nd Video IF Cathode See Note 2 2nd Video IF Decoupling 3rd Video IF Grid 3rd Video IF Cathode AGC Reel. Load AGC Network Voltage Divider Filament Dropping See Note 2 Video Det. Diode Load Video Amp

36、. Grid Bias Network Bias Network Video Amp. Plate Video Amp. Screen Decoupling Filament Dropping See Note 2 ITEM No. R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 R76 R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 R83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 R90

37、 R91 R92 R93 R94 R95 R96 R97 R98 R99 R100 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 Rill RATING RESISTANCE 4700JJ 150KJJ 5% IMeg. esoon 10% 220KC1 5% 200KJJ 5600 5SOSI 82SJ 5% 47WJ 15KSJ 15K! 47KSJ 10 Meg. 390Kfi 470KJ! 6.8 Meg. esn 4700S2 150! 4700SJ 47000 looon 100KS! 470KJ2 3 Meg. 4.7 Meg

38、. 18KS! 150KSJ 5% 2.2 Meg. 820KB 10% 820KSI 10% 3 Meg. 5. 6 Meg. 10% 5.6 Meg. 10% 100KB 4700SJ 1000JJ 220KB 5% 1.2 Meg. 10KS! 10% 4.7 Meg. 4. 7 Meg. 47KSJ 10% 47KB 10% 4. 7 Meg. Wt 4. 7 Meg. 10% 43SJ 10% eon 7 500f! 5% esn 100O 68n looKn IMeg. 3 Meg. 3.3 Meg. 10% 3. 3 Meg. 10% 4. 7 Meg. 10% 4.7 Meg.

39、 10% 12000 3.9 Meg. 10% 3. 9 Meg. 10% 3 Meg. 3 Meg. 680n 18JJ WATTS 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 z z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Al Note 1. Use for local receptio Note 2. Not used in all model; NoteS. Some models use 180f ITEM No. Tl RATING PRI. 117VAC at . 05A SEC. 1 133VAC . 017ADC SEC. ITEM No. T2 RATING PRI. 1.

40、5SJ SEC. 1 6 son SEC. 38f2 RadioFans.CN ESCRIPTIONS )NTJ ERIE ART No. 335-01 C-220 :-ioo 335-01 :-ioo j-0015 00 00 j-0012 J-0015 SPRAGUE PART No. TM-11 TM-1 TM-15 TM-12 TVM-256 TVM-256 1FM-325 1FM-31 TM-11 1FM-31 TVM-256 TVM-256 TM-15 MS-21 1FM-215 TM-1 TM-15 TM-1 1FM-215 1FM-215 IDENTIFICATION CODE

41、S AND INSTALLATION NOTES Ver . MV Feedback Ver . Sweep Coupling Ver . Discharge Ver . Sweep Coupling Ver . Sweep Coupling Ver . Sweep Coupling Differentiator Hor. MV Feedback Hor. Sweep Coupling Hor. Discharge Hor. Sweep Coupling Hor. Sweep Coupling HV Osc. Plate Decoupling Fixed Trimmer Fixed Trimm

42、er HV Osc. Grid Cap. HVOsc. Fil. Bypass HV Filter HV Filter Hor. Cent. Cont. Bypass Line Filter AGC Filter t V. Amp. Cath. Bypass LS INSTALLATION NOTES Dual Concentric Concentrikit. Volume Control Attach to R1A per instructions Vert, hold control, front ) Horiz. hold control, rear)01 Concentric Atta

43、ch per instructions in Concentrikit. Contrast control, front Brightness control, rear Attach per instructions it Horiz. Size control Vert, size control Vert, linearity control Focus control Attach to R7A per instructions Horiz. centering control Attach to R8A per instructions Vert, centering control

44、 Attach to R9A per instructions IDENTIFICATION CODES iESISTORS ARE *20% UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED: il Shunt coupling id thode lator Network See Note 1 lator Network See Note 1 ator Network See Note 1 Coil Shunt Grid Decoupling Jrid Jrid :athode eo IF Grid etwork etwork etwork eo IF Cathode See Note 2

45、eo IF Decoupling ieo IF Grid ieo IF Cathode See Note 2 ieo IF Decoupling ieo IF Grid ieo IF Cathode ect. Load etwork ; Divider nt Dropping See Note 2 )et. Diode Load .mp. Grid stwork 3twork Vmp. Plate imp. Screen Decoupling nt Dropping See Note 2 RESISTORS CCONT. 3 ITEM No. R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R

46、51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 H67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 H74 R75 R76 R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 H83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 H90 R91 R92 R93 R94 R95 R96 R97 R98 R99 R100 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 Rill RATING RESISTANCE 470WJ 150KT! 5% IMeg. 68000

47、 10% 220KTC 5% 200KS2 560n 560SJ 82S2 5% 470O i5Kn i5Kn 47KSJ 10 Meg. 390KIZ 470KR 6.8 Meg. 68S2 4700B 150SJ 4700n 4700S! looon 100KS! 470KS2 3 Meg. 4. 7 Meg. 18KSJ 150KSJ 5% 2.2 Meg. 820KT! 10% 820KS2 10% 3 Meg. 5. 6 Meg. 10% 5.6 Meg. 10% 100KSJ 4700S2 1000SJ 220KS2 5% 1.2 Meg. 10KI! 10% 4.7 Meg. 4

48、.7 Meg. 47Kn 10% 47KB 10% 4.7 Meg. 0i 4.7 Meg. 10% 43n 10% eon 7 soon 5% 68SJ 100S2 68S2 100KSJ 1 Meg. 3 Meg. 3.3 Meg. 10% 3.3 Meg. 10% 4. 7 Meg. 10% 4.7 Meg. 10% 1200S! 3.9 Meg. 10% 3.9 Meg. 10% 3 Meg. 3 Meg. 680SJ im WATTS i a 2 1 s f I 4 Y fi A I 2 4 is i I T 3 1 I I I 1 i I I 1 1 1 1 1 A I i i 2

49、 1 1 1 1 1 10 i i 2 i 1 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 .1. 1 5 REPLACEMENT DATA AUTOMATIC PART No. IRC PART No. BTS-4700 BTS-150K-5% BTS-1 Meg. BTS-6800 BTS-220K-5% BTS-180K BTS-560 BTS-560 BTS-15K BTS-15K BTS-47K BTS-10 Meg. BTS-390K BTS-470K BTS-6.8 Meg. BW-i-68 BTS-4700 BW-i-150 BTS-4700 BTS-4700 BTS-1000 BTS-100K BTS-470K BTS-3.3 Meg. BTS-4.7 Meg. BTS-18K BTS-150K-5% BTS-2.2 Meg. BTA-820K BTA-820K BTS-3.3 Meg. BTA-5.6 Meg. BTA-5.6 Meg BTS-100K BTS-4700 BTS-1000 BTS-220K-5% BTS-1. 2 Meg. BTA-IOK BTS-4.7 Meg. BTS-4.7 Meg. BTA-47K BTA-47K BTA-4.7 Meg. BTA-4.7 Meg. B


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