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1、PHOTOFACT* Folder EMERSON MODELS 6OO, 639 (Ch. 12OTO3B) CONTRAST VOLUME OFF-ON SW. HORIZ. CHANNEL VERT. SELECTOR HOLD FINE TUNING EMERSON MODEL 600 TRADE NAME Emerson Models 600, 639 (Ch. 120103B) MANUFACTURER Emerson Radio and Phono Corp., 111 Eighth Ave., New York 11, New York TYPE SET Televlson R

2、eceiver TUBES Twenty One POWER SUPPLY 110 - 120 Volts AC or DC TUNING RANGE- Channels 2 thru 13 RATING . 98 Amp. at 117 Volts AC Alignment Instructions 6, 7 Block Diagram 13 Disassembly Instructions 13 High Voltage Adjustment 13 Parts List and Description 14,15,16 Photographs Capacitor Identificatio

3、n , 11,18 Chassis- Top View 3 RF Tuner (General Instrument) 19 INDEX Photographs (continued) RF Tuner (Standard Coil) 10 Resistor Identification 12,17 Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification . . 4 , 9 Schematic . . 2 Schematic (General Instrument Tuner) 20 Tube Placement Chart 5 Voltage and Re

4、sistance Measurements 8 o m AC Volfage measured at 1,000 ohms. 2. Pin numbers are counted in a clockwise direc- tion on bottom of socket. 3. Measured values are from socket pin to com- mon negative unless otherwise stated. age readings. 5. Front panels controls set at minimum. 6. Where readings may

5、vary according to the setting of the service controls, both minimum and maximum readings are given. RadioFans.CN R9J (L2) RF TUNER-RIGHT SIDE-STANDARD COIL C16) (C14) (R17) (R12) (R14) (RIB) (C12) v_ v_/ v_ L v_y vix v_x RF TUNER-BOTTOM VIEW-STANDARD COIL PAGE 1O RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-CAF

6、 PAGE 18 RadioFans.CN V-CAPACITOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 11 RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VEW-RESI PAGE 12 RadioFans.CN -RESISTOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 17 RadioFans.CN HIGH VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT Turn the brightness control to maximum counter-clockwise. Connect a VTVM with high voltage multiplier probe between

7、 pin 9 of the picture tube socket and B- Adjust the high voltage trimmer (Bl) to read 6000 volts . The line voltage should be set at 117 volts for this adjustment . DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove three push-on type control knobs. 2. Remove six phillips head screws holding rear cover. Remove cove

8、r. 3. Loosen two antenna terminal screws. Remove antenna lead in lugs. 4. Remove four phillips head screws holding chassis. Remove chassis. O o RFAMP CONVERTE i R 1 vi B V2 B 1st. VIDEO AMP. V4 2nd. VIDEO AMP. V5 3rd. VIDEO AMP. VD AGC It llMV , ( L. DTSrRTMINATnR 1/2 VII 1 Jj VIDEO HET K- AGC V7 I

9、f . HOR PHASE DET. Vlfi Jjj fn I Fm AUDIO OUTPUT V12 WrlB m VIDEO AMP 1/2 VS B VIDKO OUTPUT V9 B | VERT. AMP V15 B g. 1 1 1 ZJ I Pi- ll HUH. uuipui vn 2 o Q OB BLOCK DIAGRAM PAGE 13 RadioFans.CN TUBES (SYLVANIA or Equivalent) PARTS LIST AMI CAPACITOI ITEM No. VIA B V2A B V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 Vll

10、 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 USE RF Amp. RF Amp. Converter Mixer Oscillator 1st Video IF 2nd Video IF 3rd Video IF Video Det. -AGC Rectifier Video Amp. -Sync. Sep. Video Output Limiter Disc. -AF Amp. Audio Output Hor. Phase Inv. Vert. Multivibrator Vert. Amp. Hor. Phase Det. Hor. Osc. Ho

11、r. Output HV Osc. HV Rectifier Picture Tube REPLACEMENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 800535 800536 800536 800536 800536 800533 800533 800533 800541 800026 800490 800420 800015 800490 800026 800039 800350 800541 800039 800490 800490 800450 810008 STANDARD REPLACEMENT 6AG5 6J6 6J6 6J6 616 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5

12、 12AU7 25L6GT 6SH7 6S8GT 25L6GT 12AU7 12SN7GT 6SL7GT 6AL5 12SN7GT 25L6GT 25L6GT 1B3GT 7JP4 RMA BASE TYPE 7BD 7BF 7BF 7BF 7BF 7BK 7BK 7BK 6BT 9A 7AC 8BK 8CB 7AC 9A 8BD 8BD 6BT 8BD 7AC 7AC 3C 14G NOTES Tune 470470 (Standard Coil Tuner) Tune 470492 (GI Tuner) Tune 470470 (Standard Coil Tuner) Tune 4704

13、92 (GI Tuner) Tune 470492 (GI Tuner) ITEM No. C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C81 C82 C83 C84 CSS RATING CAP. 1500 1000 1000 1500 .01 .25 820 1000 1500 10 .001 .001 .05 .05 1500 2200 .1 .05 .0005 .005 .25 .05 .05 VOLT 500 500 200 200 500 500 500 6000 6000 200

14、200 500 200 400 6000 6000 200 400 400 REPLACEMENT t EMERSON PART No. 928006 910211 910211 928006 920570 920575 910037 910140 928006 928002 920503 920503 923068 923068 928006 915000 923067 923062 920505 920504 920575 923062 923062 AEROVOX PART No. 1467-0015 1467-001 1467-001 1467-0015 P488-01 P488-25

15、 1468-001 1467-0015 1468-00001 P288-05 P288-05 1467-0015 P288-1 P488-05 6089M-005 P438-25 P488-05 P488-05 CORNE DUBILII PART r- 1W5D15 1W5D1 1W5D1 1W5D15 GT2S1 GT2P2e 1W5D1 1W5D15 5W5Q1 PTE60I PTE60I GT2S5 GT2S5 1W5D15 GT2P1 GT4S5 PTE601 PTE60I GT2P2S GT4S5 GT4S5 CAPACITORS Capacity values given in

16、the rating column are in mfd. for Electrolytic and Paper Capacitors, and in mmfd. for Mica and Ceramic Capacitors. CON ITEM No. CIA B C2A B C C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CIO Cll C12 CIS C14 CIS C16 C17 CIS C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C

17、44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 RATING CAP. 120 150 80 120 40 100 1500 1500 5 1000 120 100 10 20 1000 1000 1000 5 1000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 62 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 5 10 1500 .1 1500 .1 .1 4.7 100 1500 1500 100 1500 1000 .002

18、 220 .01 .01 .1 1500 .005 .005 1500 .008 .1 .1 100 .005 .0047 .005 VOLT 150 150 150 150 150 25 200 400 400 500 500 600 400 400 400 200 200 400 200 600 3000 200 6000 6000 REPLACEMENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 925154 925153 925156 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 92800

19、6 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928006 928039 928002 928006 920573 928006 923064 923064 923004 928106 928006 928006 928013 928006 928003 923088 928011 923061 923061 923064 928006 920576 920576 928006 923087 923067 923064 928041 923089 920504 920504 AEROVOX PART No. AFH2430D AFH24168D 1467-0015

20、1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1467-0015 1468-000005 1468-00001 1467-0015 P288-1 1467-00(5 P488-1 P488-1 1468-000005 1468-0001 1467-0015 1467-0015 1468-0001 1467-0015 1468-001 P688-

21、002 1468-00025 P488-01 P488-01 P488-1 1467-0015 P688-005 P688-005 1467-0015 P288-1 P688-1 P688-005 6089M-005 CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. UP9BJ1038 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5D15 1W5DI5 1W5D15 5W5V5 5W5Q1 1W5D15 GT2P1 1W5D15 GT4

22、P1 GT4P1 5W5V5 5W5TI 1W5D15 1W5D15 5W5T1 1W5D15 1W5D1 GT6D2 5W5T25 GT4S1 GT4S1 GT4P1 1W5D15 GT6D5 GT6D5 1W5D15 GT2P1 GT6P1 GT6D5 PTE60D5 PTE60D5 ERIE PART No. GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 NPOK-5 GP2K-120 GP1K-100 N750K-10 NPOK-20 GP2L-001 QP2L-001 GP2L-001 NPOK-5 GP2L-001 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0

23、015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 NPOK-5 GP1K-IO GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 NPOK-4. 7 GP1K-100 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP1K-100 GP2L-0015 GP2L-001 GP2M-002 GP2K-220 GP2-335-01 GP2-335-01 GP2L-0015 GP2M-005 GP2M-005 GP2L-0015 GP2M-0

24、05 SPRAGUE PART No. 29C4 29C4 29C4 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-215 MS-55 MS-41 1FM-215 TM-1 1FM-215 TM-1 TM-1 MS-55 1FM-31 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-31 1FM-215 1FM-21 TM-22 1FM-325 TM-11 TM-11 TM-1 1FM-215 TM-25 TM-25

25、1FM-215 TM-1 TM-1 TM-25 TVM-256 TVM-256 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES . Filter i Filter . Filter Filter A Decoupling V. Output Cathode Bypass Ant. Coupling Ant. Coupling Fixed Trimmer RF Fil. Bypass RF Decoupling RF Coupling Fixed Trimmer Osc. Grid Cap. Conv. Filament Bypass RF Bypass

26、Conv. Plate Decoupling Fixed Trimmer Filament Bypass RF Bypass AGC Filter RF Bypass 1st V. IF Supp. Bypass 1st V. IF Decoupling 1st V. IF Fil. Bypass 2nd V. IF Grid Filter 2nd V. IF Cath. Bypass 2nd V. IF Decoupling 2nd V. IF Fil. Bypass Fixed Trimmer 3rd V. IF Grid Filter 3rd V. IF Cath. Bypass 3rd

27、 V. IF Fil. Bypass 3rd V. IF Decoupling V. Diode Filter V. Diode Filter IF Coupling AGC Filter AGC Filter V. Det. -AGC Fil. Bypass Video Coupling Video Coupling S. IF Coupling S. IF Coupling RF Bypass Limiter Decoupling RF Bypass RF Bypass De-emphasis Audio Coupling AF Amp. Plate Bypass Audio Coupli

28、ng Output Plate Bypass Sync. Coupling RF Bypass Integrator Net. Integrator Net. Vert. Sync. Coupling Vert. MV Feedback Vert. Discharge Vert. Sweep Coupling Vert. Sweep Coupling Voltage Divider Vert. Sweep Coupling Vert. Sweep Coupling ITEM No. R1A B R2A B C R3A B R4A B R5A B R6 R7 R8 RATING RESIST-

29、ANCE sooon IMeg. 50KSJ IMeg. Shaft End 100KSJ Shaft 500KO Shaft 5 Meg. Shaft 4 Meg. 5 Meg. 5 Meg. WATTS I 2| z a I 1 | 5 REPLACEMENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 390086 ( 390087 EI87 * j Qll-128 RQ Qll-133 RQ Qll-141 RQ CLARO: PART 390086 390087 AM-49- KSS-3 t AM-58- KSS-3 t AM-85- KSS-3 t 390092 390093 39

30、0093 * Additional parts to be used with Concentrikit tt File slot in shaft to duplicate original. RES) ITEM No. R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 RIB R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 RATING RESIST

31、ANCE 3900O 20% 47KSJ 20% 10KS1 20% 22001! 20% 4700S2 220KS! 20% 10KJJ 20% 4700H looon 470! 20% 5600! 82S1 47on 2on 470SJ 20% 22KS1 470! 20% I80B 470SJ 20% 10K!1 10KS2 470ft 20% 18 Of! 470S! 20% 470! 20% 470O 20% 3900! I Meg. 20% 1 Meg. 20% 2200! lOOOf! I80KO 2200S! 47KSi 560KH 2200!J 20% 1 Meg. 20%

32、1500S! 10KH 5600SJ 100KS! 15Kf! 100KS! 100KS! 68K!1 20% WATTS 2 1 21 Z i i | 2 i 2 i | Z 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 i i 1 z1 2 i i | | 1 2 i 1 i 2 1 2 1 2 REPLACEMENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 350412 340672 340232 350412 350412 340812 350412 340312 350412 340732 340732 350412 340312 350412 350412 350412 340632 35121

33、2 351212 340572 340492 341032 340572 340892 341152 350572 351212 340532 340732 370672 340972 350772 340972 340972 350932 IRC PART No. BTS-3900 BTS-47K BTS-10K BTS-2200 BTS-4700 BTS-220K BTS-10K BTS-4700 BTS-1000 BTS-470 BTS-5600 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-390

34、0 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1 Meg. BTS-2200 BTS-1000 BTS-180K BTS-2200 BTS-47K BTS-560K BTS-2200 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1500 BTS-10K BTA-5600 BTS-15K BTS-100K BTS-100K BTS-68K PAGE 14 RadioFans.CN PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS CAPACITORS CCONTO .andard Coil Tuner) I Tuner) :andard Coil Tuner) I Tuner) I Tuner) Electroly

35、tic Capacitors. IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES . Filter i Filter . Filter Filter * Decoupling V. Output Cathode Bypass Ant. Coupling Ant. Coupling Fixed Trimmer RF Fii. Bypass RF Decoupling RF Coupling Fixed Trimmer Osc. Grid Cap. Conv. Filament Bypass RF Bypass Conv. Plate Decoupling F

36、ixed Trimmer Filament Bypass RF Bypass AGC Filter RF Bypass 1st V. IF Supp. Bypass 1st V. IF Decoupling 1st V. IF Fil. Bypass 2nd V. IF Grid Filter 2nd V. IF Cath. Bypass 2nd V. IF Decoupling 2nd V. IF Fil. Bypass Fixed Trimmer 3rd V. IF Grid Filter 3rd V. IF Cath. Bypass 3rd V. IF Fil. Bypass 3rd V

37、. IF Decoupling V. Diode Filter V. Diode Filter IF Coupling AGC Filter AGC Filter V. Det. -AGC Fil. Bypass Video Coupling Video Coupling S. IF Coupling S. IF Coupling RF Bypass Limiter Decoupling RF Bypass RF Bypass De-emphasis Audio Coupling AF Amp. Plate Bypass Audio Coupling Output Plate Bypass S

38、ync. Coupling RF Bypass Integrator Net. Integrator Net. Vert. Sync. Coupling Vert. MV Feedback Vert. Discharge Vert. Sweep Coupling Vert. Sweep Coupling Voltage Divider Vert. Sweep Coupling Vert. Sweep Coupling ITEM No. C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 CIO C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C8I C82

39、C83 C84 CSS RATING CAP. 1500 1000 1000 1500 .01 .25 820 1000 1500 10 .001 .001 .05 .05 1500 2200 .1 .05 .0005 .005 .25 .05 .05 VOLT 500 500 200 200 500 500 500 6000 6000 200 200 500 200 400 6000 6000 200 400 400 REPLACEMENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 928006 910211 910211 928006 920570 920575 910037 91014

40、0 928006 928002 920503 920503 923068 923068 928006 915000 923067 923062 920505 920504 920575 923062 923062 AEROVOX PART No. 1467-0015 1467-001 1467-001 1467-0015 P488-01 P488-25 1468-001 1467-0015 1468-00001 P288-05 P 288 -05 1467-0015 P288-1 P488-05 6089M-005 P488-25 P488-05 P488-05 CORNELL- DUBILI

41、ER PART No. 1W5D15 1W5D1 1W5D1 1W5D15 GT2S1 GT2P25 1W5D1 1W5D15 5W5Q1 PTE60D1 PTE60D1 GT2S5 GT2S5 1W5D15 GT2P1 GT4S5 PTE60T5 PTE60D5 GT2P25 GT4S5 GT4S5 ERIE PART No. GP2L-0015 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP2L-0015 GP2-335-01 GP2L-001 GP2L-0015 GP1K-10 GP2L-0015 SPRAGUE PART No. 1FM-215 1FM-21 1FM-21 1FM-215 T

42、M-11 TC-2 1FM-21 1FM-215 MS-41 TVM-216 TVM-216 TM-15 TM-I5 1FM-215 TM-1 TM-15 TVM-356 TVM-256 TC-2 TM-15 TM-15 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Hor. Sync. Coupling Hor. Sync. Coupling Hor. Sync. Coupling Hor. Feedback AFC Filter AFC Feedback Hor. Osc. Grid Cap. Hor. Discharge Hor. Sweep C

43、oupling Hor. Feedback Hor. Sweep Coupling Hor. Sweep Coupling HV Osc. Decoupling HV Osc. Screen Bypass HV Osc. Grid Cap. Fixed Trimmer Bias Filter HV Chassis Isolation HV Filter HV Filter Picture Tube Cath. Dec. Line Filter Line Filter CONTROLS ITEM No. R1A B R2A B C R3A B R4A B R5A B R6 R7 R8 RATIN

44、G RESIST- ANCE 50UOS2 1 Meg. SOKfi 1 Meg. Shaft End lOOKH Shaft 500KS! Shaft 5 Meg. Shaft 4 Meg. 5 Meg. 5 Meg. WATTS 8 1 REPLACEMENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 390086 f 390087 E187 * ) Qll-128 RQ Qll-133 RQ Qll-141 RQ CLAROSTAT PART No. 390086 390087 AM-49-S KSS-3 ft AM-58-S KSS-3 ft AM-85-S KSS-3 ft 390

45、092 390093 390093 INSTALLATION NOTES Contrast control Volume control and switch Horiz. hold control, front Vert, hold control, rear Attach per instructions in Concentrikit. Brightness control Attach to R3A per instructions Horiz. size control Attach to JR4A per instructions Vert, size control Attach

46、 to R5A per instructions Focus control Horiz. centering control, tapped at 2. 5 Meg. Vert, centering control, tapped at 2. 5 Meg. Additional parts to be used with Concentrikit. t File slot in shaft to duplicate original. RESISTORS ITEM No. R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R

47、24 R25 R26 R27 n28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 RATING RESISTANCE 3900S! 20% 47KS1 20% 10KS! 20% 2200SJ 20% 4700SJ 220Kf! 20% 10KO 20% 4700SJ 1000SJ 470SJ 20% 5600SJ 82Q 470SJ 20B 470S! 20% 22KS1 470SJ 20% 18 OSJ 470SJ 20% 10KSJ 10KS

48、J 470S2 20% 18 OSJ 470SJ 20% 470SJ 20% 470J1 20% 3900SJ 1 Meg. 20% 1 Meg. 20% 2200SJ 1000S2 180KSJ 2200SJ 47KO 560KSJ 2200S! 20% 1 Meg. 20% isoon lOKn 5600SJ 100KSJ 15KSJ 100KS! 100KSJ 68Kfi 20% WATTS 1 2 I 2 1 S 2 i i | 2 2 2 i 1 T 2 I 2 2 | I 1 I 1 Z 2 i a 1 I 2 I 2 5 2 J 2 % I 2 1 i I 2 i REPLACE

49、MENT DATA EMERSON PART No. 350412 340672 340232 350412 350412 340812 350412 340312 350412 340732 340732 350412 340312 350412 350412 350412 340632 351212 351212 340572 340492 341032 340572 340892 341152 350572 351212 340532 340732 370672 340972 350772 340972 340972 350932 IRC PART No. BTS-3900 BTS-47K BTS-10K BTS-2200 BTS-4700 BTS-220K BTS-10K BTS-4700 BTS-1000 BTS-470 BTS-5600 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-470 BTS-3900 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1 Meg. BTS-2200 BTS-1000 BTS-180K BTS-2200 BTS-47K BTS-560K BTS-2200 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1500 BTS-1


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