1、 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 7. SPEC|F|CAT|ONS Amplifier Seaion Continuous power output (both chsnnsl driven, mea6urd bv Audio Spectrum Analy2er) 20 Hz to 20 kHz. THD O.OO9 % 8 O Cl6*s 8/Class A.-.-. 11OW x 2t2O W x 2 OIN power lboth chnn6ls d.iwn) 1 kHz, 0.7%, 8 O Cla38 8/Class
2、A.,. 125 W x 2t25 W x 2 Oynamic power (ElA tst signgl) Class B 8 0. . t70w 4 0. . 3oo w 2 Il. . 32s w Harmonic diatortion (Mss!rcd by Audio Spctrum Anslyzor) 20 Hz - 20 kqz, 50 W, I O Class B . O.oo5% Input terminrls lsnsitjvity/lnput impdancl CONTROL AMP INruT, CD DIRECT INRJT, UNE OTRECT tNruT. .
3、1 V/40 m Frqlency respons CONTROL AMP INRJT, CD OIRECT INruT, LINE DIRECT INPUT, 5 Hz - 150 kHz. :9 dB SN rstio (shon circuit, A n6two.kl CONTROL AMP INRJT. CO DIRECT INruT, L|NE DTRECT |NRJT. . 120d8 Powor 3oction, etc. Pow6r requiremqnts. a.c- 22OY -,5O/6OHZ Power consumption. . I.OOO W E.tqnal dimonsions ,. 459 Wl x 424 (Dl x 163 lH rr|In wdght . . 20.9 kg Acc6sso.i6s Oprsting lrutuctions Pln-plug cord Spaca sr. OTE: . Specifrcatidrrs and desbn subject to pass,le modillcatioh wlthout noticc. due b impmvenenE.