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2、fl10l 00t3 b e I tr dl.5l -.I o :Lr !l c-!.rtsF1_#trL c! ll?rrqlr1 2e- a-. q toe, s -z-J!-i f-oa UfJIH,lfll v rt+itttl -L - -f- - l F+t roulNo3 lr,qlri d i )si000l a; -. lbotvseY it#rilil:( lw2 zrta sF, IN Jd lnl l iYEl F? 1 #)l dnrr I (!)l _ t, 3* i(-I LO :N O Fr- iro Eco FO rH 3N r 3N F. fo YP IT

3、. l00L i 7JU t)001e - - ,vr 5/,v C i -1 + r Y,$ :+flr ;tltffi I )A0tv NT.t, iE(i),If, lr) N o F. rO () O tll F- X N s -1 I (6) I 1o) - rorl SF d = is Es # = iSl g - I Pf;E.,5gp QSg-u* -q= gfs=g =- ;.f; ! = a I jinE= :Q! .oq rlr rit I 08 ss J= QIO iir l e(o P uS EP :b .! ii )r :i z oq p: ft81 !a = :z

4、 LO doa 4 aq : = u3 : =il! lt E 5: =i F 6ll -J ; fr; i i F !- =: I I 12 :i 53= 5 I-o !lu, S Xs=? ie i - * c ; d qul 6-s + uEds=,Q ft OFL-v- = - :, 1 qs 5q*aSie SS :illjtE $: - ilil= a J ftxoP =( l E ol ,11 :l 3* t,t ;8.1 A E a0L 9 ogi/ 6eN A +Yqs da o S rE = tr do gco EN. l- T .is NS Y 3x 09f n1zt6

5、,8 v-)t009 sea/ =o F qi Srb S Gs, - *= li9g ujlo eF-P 4-,t-1 a!a:- ou *_qdai-=i 6irhE-e= ;E sdi3l9SL*= 5+Ss;Ff;$SH ;F!eqaad l*-vbbro- 4/tlJJ-JJJ!4 qqqqqqq+ tr) NL- o F- cri -=Ij (J -l Nt- IFJ N3 l-xoo L1 tosttorc ,-yggg wlt?u o (o z o f- o d ,111- -N B-)t00s t, qraA !ttvgd x l1jzEJ - ei !ua - :t e ;

6、a 5*3=.+ 5i I E!Fo-., tr=5t: 4f 5z= :ief: A;SSS UA 5 -NO$q *do6 sl ro z O /d 3R ? tr) O O LLI o (o S I J lr) o O L! d Pco sO P eqq E (a q(o 6 z(O s (o LLJ m (o s L l tol L (o s X?l v . z1sE lil rf) O () L! o (o = l.- O (0 s I i00r0s j st3 ,l* TE f-t =L _r o tl (I o I x l,l RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Cl

7、lB TRIBIIcltl srttcT0R ct8 stsscfl:a Elss t00t TAPt il0ilrT0R fir0fl CllT FUSE lt0r0r SPIAl(IR SPTAI(IR OUTPUIS II,IPTADTIICT sfr.tcTtR SX_ 82 vsott/z6cc7 l;?. vsoz 72 6Ae8 1;1. -AG. tptroa re Tgj-l:I AMT-I3 I l I ,ortrroo lflT$tA III PUTS Iraee Reconorn coNNEcroR rs arrncneo I l_ rnov srnrnl No 146

8、0r ro up ) (urr I auoro oureur J (nrcnr ) lauDro ouTPUT,l LO CUT NtIfRv0tlJillt rTlJllllG 0il*ltf BLOCK Vsoz l/2 6Ae8 DIAGRAM T5oi Ds 0A8lx4 38 Kc 67(c SCA F I LTER Uttt VO tTAG I strtcI0R v.ot /2 6cG7 CHANNEL /x-nr- I uo. | ,o. I or* (x-rn r- I uoo I to* I l. aux CHANNEL B , ,r I (Pr I vt t2ax7 I J

9、 .oualrzeR l- L . I IEF rir V6.V?7189-A NFB V5 64N8 CHANNEL -do#,u i u (sPEAKER) I PHASE (rru rr,lnx oureur) (auorb ournrr) v! t/z l2ax7 T2 vB 6846 lOTMc Ta RATIO DISCRI FM ANTENNA 3000 AM ANTENNA 2NO IF AMP W*R6f 5ot u.,liou f sog Y/ I m lrdTsiii o*i#,l l#AtAt rrroror6ft, (sceil lsosv,/ /v _-,/ ,r*

10、, /AlLgtoil Iltltt /,lstPlPAllol 6l vcr lr,r- (2J vc, rrl i fd) vco om * lgJvc rr-l l (Avcs m) II sJ lr2 AM ItRRITi r00P TNTIIIIA B HH8 gtrEima:*Bj. a:;8 SEPARA- TION CONTROL vztzax? 6Fx-i) ryr4-l i/= | ItolrrM E I | | on-o.t mtDNEssT I r-l Ei i I r, - - - -r sEr-ec roR I - I LEVEL coNTRoL I FM Vro

11、6CW4 Vtr 6AQ 8 88-lo8Mc T-.l - ! TONE CONTROL AMP lssalrt- j 98 7 VN 6AQ8 VE6BA6 AM 535- t605rc lO.7Mc AC l15/23OV 5060cps RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 ATIGNMENT INSTRUCTION Please read these Instructions with extreme care before attempting alignment. + Test Equipment 1) Stand-ard- Signal Generator 2) VT

12、VI, DC, AC 1) Aud-io Oscillator 4) Oscilloscope 5) fl, Multiplex Generator + Attention on Alignment 1 ) Signal Generator Input: 1n every case , use the minimum generator input that will- obtain a satisfactory output ind-ication. 2) Mhen connectlng the test equipment to the input, use the shield-ed w

13、ire as short as possible + VTVI/I and Oscilloscope should- be connected. in parallel at the output. + Alignrnent of 4lll Secti_on + Note: Posi-tion of Switch; SEIECTOR AIVI MODE STEREO NORVTAL Position of Volume Control; III1IIIMUM p -B) I Signal Generat cmutoc I LJ rl:tr *.1 I - C oupl lng Pin 1 of

14、 V- L2 ( 6ra6 ) a , ,l; -. W then ad-just to to BROAD, ad-just SHARP position. Pin 7 (5m6) of Vrn :1 ;or fnpu Freq. 455kc rst set ;et a cu: to fig 455kc L tJ ;- Mod-u l_ I | 1kc I tV the t rve si 1-B lkc 1q Dial setting Point of no inter- ference as near as 515 kc *d *idth = milar to f1 From step 4

15、il Connect VTVM - Audr-o output 12 elector F 9,1-A , el , (sl-e) il T,-, r- a tJ top and- bottom Al ignment - Ad-just lRemarks Ad-just to ge t IITAX Ceflection witch (sl-e) to SHARF, ter that set the (Si,-A should be set at Tt-l top and bottom lAntenna termina , I through dummy + I (o.t uF) ,4 b,OU

16、.cc il 500 kc n L1lL12 and T- ) ? n 5 1400 kc 5 ,-r- I1400kc I rl !l :l il i1 L no further irnlrovement i CT- , CT, )+ iand CT- t) -s -possibLe RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Noter 1) Posltion of Switchr SELECTOR FM AFC OFF 2) Position of Volume Controlc IVIINI1vIUM 1) Connect VTVIVi and. Oscil-loscope in

17、parallel at STEpS 9, 10 I I STEPS SLgRal. Generator Input _ Coupl ing I Frequency ii,lod_u. Dial Setting Connect VTVl . . Alignment Adjum I Pin I 1/ l4 ( 5ra6 ) of :5: 107 mc 100 d.b None Point of no inter- ference as near as BB mc DC VTV!,T to Pin 5 of TA -T ,5. Top of T -4 Ad-just to get zero volt

18、s (between pos and- neg 2 il 10, mc 100 d.b ilil il Bottom of T. /t -f Ad-just to get Maximu:n def lection 1 4 ll *tt t I 11mc I roo d-b I I IEPS 1, 2 l I r,nd- 1 il everal tim It Uto get Lil I a st_mt-Ia Ad-just to get Maximu-m d.efl-ection (Neg. read-ing) _ curve as Fig.2 5 Pin I v_ L) (

19、eru5) of tri: 10 7 100 mc mc ilil DC VTVII to Pin 2 of T- t ibl Top and- bottom of T- ) Ad.just to get Maximum d.ef lection (Ng, 6 Pin 1 of oLz ( 5ra5 ) ,1 10.7 mc 70 db ilil il Top and bottom of T ) L-CL t? t-7 I Fin 7 vtt ( 5nqe ) of .9 107 mc 60 d.b il il lt Top and- bottom of T- L-a ll

20、 BRepeat STIEPS 5, 5 and- 7 several time to get? simil arcrrrro 2s ficn 4 9 FM antenna terrninal 90 mc 20 db lkc toTi 90 mc AC VTWI to output - . / nt tl) Lr j r fllot - EO2 ry)- - 501 Ad.just to get Max d-eflectio fron Tq., to 5 )w) and 501 revers repeating seve times 6Pilot phase It 50 d.b

21、Composite Signal each channe I 19 kc Pilot lO/ J-KC )O/o ar jzL X- or r .; :! r *t, T - 501 Ad-just to get iWax. output an lfin, d-istortio Confirm each channel 7 B 9 Separation Control Repeat STI - LJ UUJ- UU ind-i-cator light t? 6 and 7 9l Tre it several t 1A d.b I O lrn pilo t il MAO L9 kc I ( u/

22、 iltrp 5c1 un5ot Ad-just -i;o get I,in. outpu-t of reverse channe Confirn each channel Ad-just to glow 1t501 when 19 Filot signal i n a) I ol rr ral d Yrt t, kc S signa,l :appliecl RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 lrJ (9 flt+ J o F l (L F f o () lrJ (, F J o F f (L F f q () o B(B (+) o (-) trJ (,0 5 o F R t-


24、P A MODERATE AMOUNT OF TENSION ON CORD THROUGHOUT STRINGING PROCEDURE TIE END TO SPRING DR IVE SHAF T 4 3 TURNS D-5 PO I NTER RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 PAETS LIST OF SX-82 CAPAC TORS fn uF , IV tolerance for all f ixed- capaci-tors, unless otherwise noted. p = lluF Synbol cL e2 C1 ,4 C5 ,5 C7,B C9,10

25、c1l,12 cl1,r4 c15,18 c15 r 77 ,79 ,2O , 2I,22 c21 ,24 c25 ,26 c27 ,28 c29 c50 ClL c52 c11 ,54 c15 ,16 C37 ,18 c19 ,40 C4I ,42 c41 ,44 ,45 ,45 c47 C4B c49 c50 c51 c52 c51 ,54 c55 c55 c57 c5e,59 c50 c51 c52 c61 ,64 c65 c56 c57 C5B c6g c70 c7t c72 c75 ,7 4,75 c76 c77 C7B c7g CBO CBl Description Mica Mi

26、ca 0i1 paper Mica Electrolytic Mylar 0i1 paper Cerami-c Vacant 0i1 paper lVlica 0i1 paper Mica 0i1 paper Mlca 0i1 paper 0i1 paper 0i1 paper Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic lVlylar Ceramic Cerami-c Ceramic 0i1 paper Ceramio Cerami-c Ceramic Cerami-c Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic M

27、ica Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Mi-ca Cerami-c Vacant 0i1 paper Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Cerami-c 0i1 paper Ceramic 5oop OOp 0. 02 llOOp 20 0.1 0. 02 5op 0. 05 2OOp 0,05 lOOp 001 lOOp 001 o.o2 0005 10 7 ) JOp na ruup 1op 0005 0. 05 00c5 0001 0005 lop 2p 1op 0. 002 001. 0.01 5op 1OOp 001_

28、5op 0. 01 0. 005 2OOp ICOOp 2OOp 0. 05 1op 45op lOOp 2op 0 05 1op OOv OOv 0Ov 0Ov 1)Ov OOv OOv OOv OOv 00v O0v 00v OOv 0Ov 0Ov OOv COv 6v 1)Ov O0v OOv O0v OOv OOv O0v OOv OOv 0Ov OOv 00v OOv 0Ov 0Ov OOv 00v OOv O0v O0v OOv OOv OCv 0Cv 0Ov O0v O0v OOv 0Ov OOv OOv OOv Part No )q 2q 2q 2q, 2q 2q, :_q 2

29、q 2q 2q, zd 2q i I N-rr0 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 CB2 CBl C84 NQtr cB5, 87 CBB CB9,9O c9I r92 rgl cg4 c95 cg5,g7 C98,99 c100 c101 c102 Crc1 cl04 c105 ,to5 Lq t olerance k = kilohm, Syrnbol R1 R2 rJ R4 R5 5 R7, B R9,10 Rl1 Rl2 R CT4 R15 ,15 R17 e 18 R-g,2C T?I CD ILLL, LL R23,24 R?_5 ,26 127 tO pra )a

30、 rLLvgL/ RlI,12 R11 ,14 R55,15 Rt7 ,38 R1g u 40 R4L ,42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 ,48 R49,50 Rrl-,52 R55,54,55 ,56 P,57 ,58 59 ,50 R51 R52 Ceramic Ceramic C eramic Ceramlc Ceramic Ceramic Cerami-c 0i1 paper Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytlc Cerami-c

31、 Mi-ca Ceramic RES ISTORS L, j watts, r-rnless m = Megohm. lescriptlon Composition Composi-tion Composition Composition Composition Carbon Comp sition Carbon Composition Carb on Carb on Composition Carb on Composition Composltion C-R network Composition Composition Composition Conposition Compositio

32、n Composition Composition Conposition Carbon Composition Carbon Composition Composition Composition Composi-tion Composition Carbon Composition 0 c02 5op lop 0,01 0,002 c.01 0. 002 0,002 40-20-20 AA-2a-) 100 5C0 100 2C 7 ) 2OOp 2OOp 0. 01 2q 2q 2q 2q, 2q 2q OOv 00v 00v OOv OOv OOv CCV OOv 45ov 15ov

33、2JOv 25v 25v lOOv 1v O0v OOv OOv otherwisemarked_ or not ed_, Part No. 47 0k 220k /7 l1- +/wr 100k 1Ock 4k I tr/1- -L -, Vlr 100k 150k 100k 200k ca a- o CIIL 100k L7k I I - 11ak 100k 2,2m .)t- aoLr, 100k 5tk 220k 1m 47 C ohm 100 ohm 47C ohm 100 ohm 1m 220k 47k 47k 100k 5k o D1. C- c Lts 5/ 2C4 Radio

34、Fans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 7 R5t ,54 R65 R66 R57 R6B ,59 R70 R7L,72 n-z nl) R74 ft() RT5 Fl I R7B R7g RBO RBl RB2 RB R84 RB5 RB5 RB7 RBE pao rtv ) R90 por Lt ) L R92 Rgl Rg4 Rg5 I-? (JA Rg7 R9B R9g R100 R101 R102 R10, ,IO4 R105 R05 R07, 108 R10g m-10 R11 Rl12 Rl1 R114,II5 R116 R117 Rl1B Rl1g R120 elzr RIZ2

35、RL21 RI24,I25 Synb o 1 VR1 w2 r3 VR4,5 w5,7 VRB Composition Compos j_tion Carbon Composition Composition Composi_tion Irilirewound Compositlon Composition Compositi-on Coniposition Composition Composltion Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition

36、 Composi_tion Composition Composition Composi-tion Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Conposition Conposi_tion Composition Conposition Composition Composition Composition Vacant Carb on Carbcn Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon lAIi-rewound irervound Inlirer,vound V/irewound

37、 Composition Carb on Vacant Cornposition Carbon Carbon 27k a a1 - aLr 5k .) at- aaLt . -7t - a lrt 2.2k 20 ohrn 1m /_7k I I - 1m 5e ohn 4 ,7k 470 ohn 100 ohm 2 2k aal- LLT 2)V 15k a a1- a- o Lf 5e ohm 2.2m Al 1_ 6 a_I AAl ztK 100k 47k 58 ohm 100k n tzK fO ohm 100 ohm 22Ak 2.2m I 71- tf . lA a a_ a,

38、tK 100k )m L 6 CILL 220k 15k l-5k 10k / - bUUK 47k 7 71- ) )t 10k 15k 2,5k 1.5k 50 ohm aa a_ a alIr 1k 27 Ok 1k 1k 2q 2q 2q t/+ 2q 2q, 2q 2q, 2q 2q, 2q 2q, 2vl Zw 2q 2q 2q 2q, 2q, 2q 2A/ 2V/ 2q, 2q 2q, 2q 2q, 2q 2q 1w 2w 2q Bw 4ow 2Ow 20w 2V/ 2q, f g POTENf IOI,/IETERS lescription AUX, TEVEL 50Ok du

39、al_ tandem TREBTE -:-.1 aud io anp ) phase inv) power amp) FM RF amp) Nuvistor F1VI RF gOSC AFC MIX) 1,Uamp AIvl RF amp) AM OSC, MIX) tuning ind.icator ) Fl,i DET ) AM DET) silicon rect) selenium rect) S/ITCHES Input selector switch lVlocle selector switch Slide switch Slid-e switch Por,rrer swi tch

40、 ( push button ) Dial Pointer Front panel Dial scale Dial pu11y lial spring Fuse hold-er AC consent Foot Knob, input sel-ector I0rob, mod-e Ihob u double insid-e Krob, double outsld_e ?ftrob, tuning Terminal, speaker output 4p Terminal FiVI/AlJl Ant 1p AGr01 AGlrlo AS1615 AS1528 AS62U AS6216 AS5105

41、AA1L47 /JlJttzL76 AL1241c AM4102 AE4102 AKg5ol AKB2Ol aftr51ol AA11t1 AA11r1 A41015 AA1016 AA101 1 AP1TL1 APJ111 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 7-/ Symbol Terminal input Fuse 5 ampere Pilot light Screw, to fix metal cover Screw, to fix bottom plate 6p PARTS LIST OFMULTIPTEX SECTION RESSTERS tV tolerance t/

42、z% watt, unless otherwj,se marked- k=kilohmr m=Megohm 46 1;/ Part No. AP2213 A81005 R501 R502 R501 R5 04 R505 R506 R507 R5OB R50g T)tr1r rL, rv R511 R5-2 R5T1 R514 R515 ,5L6 R5U ,5IB R51g ,520 In uFr p= c501 c502 C5OJ c504 c505 c506 c507,5OB c50g c5 0 c511 c512 C5T1 C5T4 C515 C5M C5L7 c51B C5T9 c520

43、 c52L c522 Composition Composition Composition Cornposition ComposJ-tion Cornposition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composition Composi-ti-on Composition Carbon Carbon 47 0k 10k 1k 10k 47k oat- a ar 10k 470 ohm 771- ) )r 220 ohm 100k 47 0k 27Ok 1k 10k 40k CAPAC IfORS 0.

44、 05 0.5 2)OOp 41op 2Jo0p 20 001 0, 01 lOOp 41op 0.1 002 0.05 1000p 0, 05 0.007 15op 2J0Op 15op 2!OOp -l tr* J-) P or noted_. 5% 5% uuF lVlylar lVlylar Polyethylene Polyethylene Polyethylene Electrolytic Mica Mylar Iica Po lyethylene Mylar Stirol Mylar Polyethylene Mylar Stirol Mica Polyethylene Mica

45、 Polyethylene lilica 2q, 2q 5% 5% / 2C4 7q, 2q Lq 5/, 2q qal 2q 5/, 2q 5/ 1q 5% rq 5/, rc/ 15Ov 1!0v OOv O0v OOv JO0v OOv JOOv OOv OOv 1)Ov O0v J OOv OOv 1)Ov O0v OOv 0Ov OOv OOv OO.r RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 I - TRANSFORMERS Symbol Description Part No. T501 1!kc double tuned- AT9B0B T502 1!kc single

46、 tuned. AT9BO9 T5Oj JBkc multiplier AT9B10 t501 ,5A2, 501 ,504 JBkc traP coil COITS TUBES AL9B07 v501 v502 v501 Nrr0l I rx rt,t uuu I 5aQe 6w5 Neon lightAV74C1 DIODES D5 01 ,5O2 , iol,io4 otBlf rN14 POTENTIO/MTERS VR501 Separati-on control AR0011 VR502 Ind-icator light adjustment AR0012 TROUBLE SHOO

47、TING POIER CIRCUIT SII/IPTO/IiS POSSIBI,E CAUSE TO BE CIIECTGD Does not light 1) No power up or function CIGI Does not function i) Power amplifier Eo Severed. output transformer(s) section windings (primary and- second-ary) b . Power output tube s d-amaged or heaters burned- out co Plate load resist

48、ers between each stages burned. out d-. Bias resister in cathod-e circuit burned- out 2) freamplifier -.,.i+ lr Do,1 . 1 l-, Pilot arnptifying circui-t I t lleaCjustnient (Af geOe: Poor separation Excessive d.istortion in stereo reception Distortion prevalent at points of high i I J I I (Arlft in se

49、paration control; d-rift tn 18 kc coil1 oa othet faulty I Pilot amplifier circrrit 2, Composite circuit (5csZ, etc. ) 1. Drop in line pol4rer voltage 1. fnadequate pil-ot level- ?- Drop in line power vol-tage. AIIBIC ) ; replacenent of com- separation control; read.justnent of conponents 1- Re ad- j us tment or replacement of components 2. Vicinity of 6Ce7 1. Provid-e supply of proper v


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