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1、 Australian Monitor 1 Clyde Street, Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia +61 2 9647 1411 .au SERVICE INFORMATION SY800 POWER AMPLIFIER CONTENTS: OPERATION MANUAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 SY 400 SY 800 SY 1200 SY 1600 SY 400V SY 800V SY 6125 SY 4200 Operation Manual Professional Audio Amp

2、lifier RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 The rear panel of this amplifier has a number of markings and internationally recognized symbols relating to the hazards and precautions that should betakenwhenoperatingMAINSconnected equipment. The presence of a LIGHTNING FLASH with an arrowhead contained within the b

3、oundaries of an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user that dangerous uninsulated voltages may exist within the amplifiers enclosure. These voltages may be of a sufficient magnitude as to constitute the risk of an electricalshock. Thissymbolisreinforcedwiththetext: ThepresenceofanEXCLAMA

4、TIONMARK contained within the boundaries of an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user that there is important operating and maintenance literature that accompaniestheamplifier. The amplifier should not be operated in a situation where it may encounter the entry of water, rain, or anyflui

5、ds.Toexposetheunittotheaboveconditions may make the operation of the unit hazardous and increasetheriskofelectricalshock. IMPORTANT! Please read carefully. This operation manual contains important information regarding safety precautions, installation, performance, operation and maintenance of your

6、Synergy-Series power amplifier. You should familiarize yourself with the contents ofthismanualoperatingyouramplifier.before Safety Precautions and Labelling REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. The user should not attempt to service the amplifier. Onlyqualifiedan

7、dknowledgeablepersonnelfamiliar with the internal workings of the unit should attempt anyrepair,servicingorauthorizedmodificationtothe unit. The unit does not contain any parts which the user can service or re-use in this or any other product. If you are in need of special assistance and the informa

8、tion you require is outside the scope of this manual, please contact your nearest service agent orAustralianMonitordirect: THE TECHNICAL OFFICER AUSTRALIAN MONITOR C/- AUDIO TELEX COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD PRIVATE BAG 149, SILVERWATER. N.S.W. 1811 AUSTRALIA. PhoneFax Local(02)9647-1411(02)9748-2537 Int

9、ernational61-2-9647-141161-2-9748-2537 !CAUTION! RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK DO NOT OPEN !WARNING! DO NOT EXPOSE TO EITHER RAIN OR MOISTURE Rev 2 16/06/04 Rev 3 26/06/04 Rev 4 28/06/04 Rev B 28/06/04 AustralianMonitor Features: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Custom designed, 2RU heavy duty steel chassis. Op

10、en, modular construction for ease of servicing. Symmetrical layout - even weight distribution. High current power supply. High efficiency toroidal mains transformer. Binding post and 4 pole speaker output connection (no 4 pole speaker outputs on SY400V, SY800V, SY4200 Pin2=Hot(non-invertingorinphase

11、); Pin3=Cold(invertingorreversephase). Amale 3-pin XLR type connector is provided (not on SY6125) and wired in parallel with the female input XLR for strapping / looping signal between amplifiers. Whenthisswitchisengageditdisconnectssignal ground from the input connectors on both channels. It is int

12、ended to be used when “hum” is caused by earth loops (due to different ground potentials between source equipment and the amplifier) or stray magnetic field pick up on the input ground/shield wiring. (It does not interrupt signalgroundcontinuityonthestrapping connector). ThegroundliftfortheSY6125isa

13、DIPswitchand is located on the rear panel, one switch per channel.Itshouldbesliduptolifttheground. Touch proof binding posts (banana jacks) are provided for speaker output termination with banana plugs or bare wire. The red post is used asand the black post is used as .Forbridgeconnection,useonlythe

14、red posts. ( A 4 pole speaker connector is provided (not on SY400V, SY800V, SY6125, SY4200) as an additional speaker output. This standard of loudspeaker-to-amplifierconnectionallows access to both channels of the amplifier via the one connector for bi-amp applications. Channel- The amplifier should

15、 be turned off beforeengagingthisswitch! positive negative The ground lift for the SY4200 is a DIP switch and is locatedinsidetheamplifierandaccessed through the lid, one switch per channel. It should beslidtothereartolifttheground. The SY400V ensurethattherearenoopenor shortcircuitedconductors. Ens

16、ure that the power handling of your load (speakers) can adequately cope with the power outputoftheamplifier. your Synergy Series amplifier, ensurethat: -The attenuators are at the “OFF” position (fully anticlockwise). -The GROUND LIFT Switch is not engaged (shouldbeinthe“out”position). -The BRIDGE S

17、witch is not engaged if you arenot runningtheampinbridgedmode. REMEMBER The amplifier should be thepiece of equipment thatyouturnandthepieceofequipmentthat youturn. We recommend turning the attenuators on your amplifierwhenturningtheuniton. When you power up your Synergy Series, your your maybeyou B

18、efore making any connections Before operating last onfirst off down Powering Up amplifier goes through an initialising period before it will accept signal. The Inrush Current Suppression (ICS) circuit is in operation for the first 0.5 seconds. This limits the mains current, to prevent nuisance- trip

19、pingofcircuitbreakers. During this period you will hear a couple of relays “click”, indicating mains is now directly applied to the amplifierandthesignalpathisconnected. While the ICS circuit operates there is also a 30dB muteonthesignalinput.Aftertwosecondsthismute will release, allowing any applie

20、d signal to pass un- attenuated. When switching the amplifier off,a couple of seconds before switching the amplifier on again. ThisallowstheICScircuittoreset. The normal operating position for the attenuator is the max position (fully clockwise, no attenuation). In this position the amplifier operat

21、es at full gain. Turning the attenuator back (anticlockwise) reduces theinputsensitivity. NOTE: If full power output is required, you should operate your amplifier with the front panel attenuator above the half way (12oclock) position, otherwise clipping of the input circuitry and its resultant dist

22、ortion will occurbeforefulloutputpowerisachieved. Youramplifierisalineardeviceoperatingwithafixed input to output voltage gain (less attenuation). The maximum output voltage swing is determined by the applied mains voltage, load, load type and the duty cycleoftheappliedsignal. Thefor your Synergy Se

23、ries amplifierwhentheattenuatorisatmaximumposition (fullyclockwise)isnominally: +2.2dBu(1.0voltsin)forratedpowerintoa4ohm load. Each channel of your Synergy Series amplifier has a nominal balancedof 20kOhms (1kHz) and should not present a difficult load for anysignalsource. Your signal source (i.e.

24、the equipment feeding signal to the amplifier) should have an wait input sensitivity input impedance output impedance Level Matching Sensitivity 16 Operation AustralianMonitor Operation 17 of 600 Ohms or lower to avoid unwanted high frequencylossinthecabling. Inputoverloadoccursat+20.5dBu(8.25volts)

25、. Most equipment is designed for minimum hum when used under ideal conditions. When connected to other equipment, and to a safety earth in an electricallynoisyenvironment,problemsmayoccur. The three Es of hum and hum related noise which canplagueyouraudiosystemare: a)Electrostaticradiation, b)Electr

26、omagneticradiation,and c)Earthloops radiationcapacitivelycouplesto system elements, causing an interference voltage that mainly affects higher impedance paths, such as amplifier inputs. The source is generally a nearby highvoltage,suchasamainsleadoraspeakerlead. The problem can usually be reduced by

27、 moving the offending lead away, or by providing additional electrostatic shielding (i.e. an earthed conductor whichformsabarriertothefield). radiation induces interference currents into system elements that mainly effect lower impedance paths. Radio transmitters or stray magnetic fields from mains

28、transformers are often thecauseofthisproblem.Itisgenerallymoredifficult to eliminate this kind of interference, but again, moving the source away or providing a magnetic shield(i.e.asteelshield)shouldhelp. can arise from the interfacing of the variouspiecesofequipmentandtheirconnectionsto varioussaf

29、etyearths. This is by far the most common cause of hum, and it occurswhensourceequipmentandtheamplifierare plugged into different points along the safety earth where the safety earth wiring has a current flowing through it. The current flowing through the wire producesavoltagedropduetothewiresresist

30、ance. This voltage difference between the amp earth and source equipment earth appears to the amplifiers inputasasignalandisamplifiedashum. Therearethreethingsyoucandotoavoidearthloop problems: Hum Problems Electrostatic Electromagnetic Earth loops Ensure the mains power for the audio system is “qui

31、et” i.e. without equipment on it such as air- conditioning, refrigeration or lighting which may generatenoiseintheearthcircuit. Ensure all equipment within the system shares a common ground/ safety earth point. This will reducethepossibilityofcirculatingearth currents, as the equipment will be refer

32、enced to thesamegroundpotential. Ensure that balanced signal leads connecting to the amplifier are connected to earth at one end only. When proper system hook-up has been made, you may still have some hum or hum related noise. This may be due to any of the previously mentioned gremlins. Your Synergy

33、 Series amplifier has a “Signal Ground Lift” switch which disconnects the input ground wiring from the amplifier. A substantial drop in hum and/or hum related noise can result from the judicioususeofthisswitch. NOTE If the input ground lift switch is used, you must ensure adequate shielding of the i

34、nput wiring. If the signal source equipment does not provide adequate shielding (i.e. a definitive connection to ground), you mustdisconnecttheshieldfromtheinput connectors ground pin (Pin-1) and re-connect it to the drain contact on the input connector. This will ensure the shield on your input wir

35、ing actually goes totheamplifierchassisandsubsequentlytoearth. DO NOT CONNECT PIN-1 DIRECTLY TO THE DRAIN CONNECTION. You will defeat the amplifiers internal grounding schemeandpossiblycauseinstabilitytothe amplifier. Always ensure that your amplifier isand the attenuators arewhen you engage this sw

36、itch. Thisswitchshouldonlybeusedwhentheamplifieris operatedfromasignalsource. NOTE: Be wary ofoutputs, these areoftennomorethanfloatingoutputs. Signal Ground-Lift Switch off down balanced quasi-balanced unbalanced 18 Maintenance 5. Maintenance Onlyorpersons shouldattemptanyserviceor maintenanceofyou

37、ramplifier. competentqualified Your Synergy Series amplifier will need minimal maintenance. No internal adjustments need to be madetotheunittomaintainoptimumperformance. To provide years of unhindered operation we suggest a maintenance inspection be carried out on aregularbasis,sayevery12monthsorso.

38、 Due to the openness of the air path through your SynergySeriesamplifier,verylittledustshouldsettle within the amplifier. The unit has been designed so that any dust and/or foreign particles that do settle within the amplifier will not unduly hinder the cooling oftheamplifier. The grille in front of

39、 the fans will act to limit the amountofdustandlintenteringtheamplifier.Youwill findintimethattherewillbeabuildupofdustandlint on the grille which may start to hinder the airflow throughtheamplifier.Youshouldperiodically remove the dust and keep the grille clean. Removal ofdustfromthereargrillewilla

40、lsoaidcooling. Over time, dust may build up on the leading edge of the fan blades and reduce their cooling efficiency. The time taken for this to happen will depend on the environmentandtheamountofuse. Fans The fan blades are accessible once the lids are removed and can be easily cleaned. You need o

41、nly hold the fan rotor still and wipe the dust off the blades. Many usersthe fan and use compressed air to blow the dust off the fan blades. It is important to note that the fan blades must be held still whilst blowing air over the blades otherwise you mayburnoutthebearingsinthefan. Along with rear

42、panel mains fuse, there are four (4) rail fuses provided internally in the unit. These rail fuses are in series with the positive and negative output supply to each amplifier channel and provide overallprotectionfortheoutputstage.Iftheamplifier is subjected to heavy use such as short circuits, 2 ohm

43、 or bridged 4 ohm loads, these fuses will eventually fatigue and may require replacing to ensuretheydonotfailataninconvenienttime. NOTE Make sure the unit isand is unplugged from the mains. Give the main filter capacitors time to discharge before removing lids and inspecting the fuses. You should re

44、place the fuse if the element is . Only ever replace with the sametypefuseandcurrentrating. When checking for a failed fuse, do not rely on visual inspection alone. You should use an ohm meter to checkcontinuity. stall off sagging or discoloured Fuses AustralianMonitor 19 Distortion Input Impedance

45、Input Sensitivity Input CMRR (re 4ohm, 1dB below clip 20kohms ) THD ( 1kHz)0.02% IMD SMPTE (60Hz : 7kHz 4:1)80dB Signal/Noise Ratio Crosstalk Indicators Linear97dB A-Weighted104dB 70dB Power, Status/Clip (L/R), Overload, Thermal, Fault 20 Specifications Model: 4ohms0.1%THD Singlechanneldriven Bothch

46、annelsdriven200W (2ohmloadsnotrecommended) Bridgemode 8ohmload400W (4ohmbridgingnotrecommended) 28.3 1kHz375:1 40V/s 1KHz RatedPowerinto4ohm(-3dB) SY400 OutputPower VoltageGain OutputImpedance Dampingfactor Slewrate PerChannel 240W 15Hz-80kHz H,W,D=(87x482x400)mm ShippingWeight = 12Kg 575VA Frequenc

47、yresponse Dimensions InputPower Model: 4ohms 0.1%THD Singlechanneldriven430 Bothchannelsdriven375W (2ohmloadsnotrecommended) Bridgemode 8ohmload750W (4ohmbridgingnotrecommended) 38.7 1kHz430:1 40V/s 1KHz RatedPowerinto4ohm(-3dB) SY800 OutputPower VoltageGain OutputImpedance Dampingfactor Slewrate Pe

48、rChannel W 15Hz-70kHz H,W,D=(87x482x400)mm ShippingWeight = 15Kg 1065VA Frequencyresponse Dimensions InputPower Common Specifications (To all SYAmplifiers) AustralianMonitor Features of the SY Series ? ? ? ? ? Forced air cooled Equipped with XLR male/female inputs Dual output connectors, binding pos

49、ts and 4 pole speaker connectors GND lift facility Clip limiter circuit provided standard ? ? Toroidal mains transformer CE Approved (EMC & LVD) Specifications 21 Model: 4ohms0.1%THD Singlechanneldriven710 Bothchannelsdriven600W (2ohmloadsnotrecommended) Bridgemode 8ohmload1200W (4ohmbridgingnotrecommended) 49.0 1kHz450:1 41V/s 1KHz RatedPowerinto4ohms(-3dB) SY1200 OutputPower VoltageGain OutputImpedance Dampingfactor Slewrate PerChannel W 15Hz-75kHz H,W,D=(87x482x450)mm ShippingWeight = 17Kg Frequencyresponse Dimensions InputPower1650VA Model: 4ohms


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