Yamaha-R50-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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2、M .9PARTSLTST. .10-19SINCEI87 YAMAHANIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. HAMAMATSU, JAPANPrinted in Japan 83.3. 2.5k 474 lllRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库aR-5()I TO SERVICE PERSONNEL(Pr:epared in accordance with UL Standard12701Before service of this appliance by you, pleasecarefully read this service manual.Please make

3、 Leakage-current or Resistancemeasurements by suitable meter to determine 1that exposed parts are acceptably insulatedfrom the supply circuit before returning theappliance to the customer.A PROBE WITH SHIELDED LEAD.B SEPARATED AND USED AS CLIP WHENMEASURING CURRENTS FROM ONEPART OF APPLIANCE TO ANOT

4、HER.Confirm that the leakage current is not morethan 0.5mA AC.I SPECIFICATIONSPhono O.42mVAux,Tape 20mVMaximum lnput Signall kHz 0.01% THD Phono 85mVOutput Level/lmpedanceRec Out 120mV/1ko0.015% THD o59v1220aPhono (lV)0.015%LEAKAGE CURRENT MEASUREMENT ClRCUITSGROUNDAppliance intended for connection

5、to a 1 20 volt power supply.30dB Ouietinq 75rl 0.8lrv (9.3dBf)Usable Sonsitivity (DlN)Mono (S/N 26dB) o.8pv (9.3dBfl (G)(B)(A)85dBMono SOdB (G(B)(A)Stereo 76dB (G)(B)(A)Mono tkHzo.1%nal toMonoStereo lkHz 0.15%Harmonic Distortion l4OkHz DevlStereo lkHz 0.15% (G)lkHz 4OdB30Hz to 15kHz -1.5Frequenry Re

6、sponse20Hz to 100kHz Aux, Tape -3dBRIAA Equalization DeviationPhono lo.sdBTotal Harmonic Distortion513 to 1620kHz (G)(A)(B)510 to 1620kHz orAux, Tape to SP Out 1W8o 0.008%t ntermodulation DistortionUS & Canadian ModelsGeneral ModelEuropean Model120V AC,60Hz110 - 120V ACl220 -240V AC,50/60H222OV AC,

7、SOHZBass boost/cutTreble boost/cuttlOdB (at 50Hz)tlodB (at 2okHzlBritish & Australian Models 240V AC,50HzPower Consumption 180W (U)(C)100w (R)(Ul . U.S.A. model(C) . Canadian model(A) . Australian model(G) . European model(Bl . British model(Bl . General modelSpecifications subject to change without

8、 notice.Attenuation -20d8 (at lkHz)FM 10O%mod lkHzFM 40kHz mod500mV/5ko380mv/5ko (G)1Mono 1.6pV (15.3d8f)stereo 22sV (38.1dBflo.8pv (9.3dBfl (G)(B)(A)852 1.8d80.02%THD 17.5W8r2.5mYl47kt80dB (G)(B)(A)to(SmV lnput Shorted) 88dB/80dB (G)Aux, Tape 5.1kO Shorted lkHz 60dBTone Control CharactotistiGSwitch

9、ed 200W max.Unswitched 200W max.7-118x4x1RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库R-5()I REAR PANELv U.S.A. & Canadian modetsv General modelv British & Australian modelsv European modelATTEilTloi:miloro t20 eeo aao vcElmwAre solaoHz,rpto c fir co,uD.+- -O+o2r INTERNAT VIEWRemoving Top Cover. . . .Removing Front Panel

10、 . . .Removing Bottom Coverr DISASSEMBLY PR.OCEDURES (Remove parts in order of disassembty as numbered.)* Replacement of the parts of almost circuit boards in this unit is possible by removing the top and bottom cover.R-5(,Q eowen TRANsFoRMERU.S.A. & Canadian models: cA66400European model:GA66410Aus

11、tralian & British models: GA66420General model: GA66430O ELEcrRoLYTrc cAP.: 68oopF 46Votooe BRTDGE: s4vB2o or RB4O2or 4D4841eu roor ANTENNArnorur END PAcK tr tC: ttPC577H E,Fleowen swrrcHnowen tc: STK-4873unrru ctRcutr BoARD (1)uex lc: LA338ourcno coNPUTER rc: LC65o2c-604rururruc coNTRoLLER tc: LC72

12、1oCup Screw 4x8 FNM3-3gBinding Head TappingScrew 3xB FCRM3-BBinding Head Tapping Removing Heat Sink . . . . Binding Head TappingScrew 3x8 FCBM3-BQ Screw 3x8 FCM3-BIg r-or. pWPipe Fixture3Block Heat SinkFig. 1Fig.2I ADJUSTMENTSBefore adjustmentNote 1: After the power switch is pushed on, wait for 5 m

13、inutes before measuring, to be sure of the most stable operation.StepConfirmationTest pointRating or standardAdjustment methodRimark1Power supply voltage+B-E_B-E+20-E+12-E+9-E-9-E+5.6 - EFB-EAB-E+36V t 5V-36V tsv+20v t2v+12.5V t lV+9.5V +O.sV-8.9V t0.5V+5.6V t0.5VAt FM reception mode+12V t 1VAt AM r

14、eception modeless than +1VAt FM reception modeless than +1 VAt AM reception mode+12V + lVMake sure that AC line voltagecomes withinModelsAC line voltaseu-c120V t 10%G?/i20v L,10%A,B240V + 10%No load2DC offsetSpeaker terminalor pin 5 ol 1C112(L ch) and Pin 12(R ch)OV t50mVl-/oBefore adjustmentNote 1)

15、 After the Power switch is pushed on,wait for 5minutes before measuring, to be sure of themost stable operation.Note 2) Adjust the OSC coil and IFT with a nonferrousscrew driver.Note 3) Do not forget to keep the bottom cover on.1. FM TUNER SECTIONoUse 200H2 to lskHz bandpass filter to measure theREC

16、 OUT.On step 1 and 2 connect the auxiliary center meter(J|0OO36 or similar) in series with the resistor 1OkObetween TPI (S OUT) and TP2 (NVcc).Auxiliary center metero Measu ring inslruments abbreviationFM SGSSGAM SGOSCDIST. MFCACVMFM signal generatorStereo signal generatorAM signal generatorOscillos

17、copeDistortion meterFrequency counterAC volt meteroSet the switches to the following positions.INPUT . TUNERBandSelect . FMTUNING/MODE . AUTOVOLUME . . Min4StepAdiustment itemConnectionterminaltnstrument requiredAdiustmentlocationsAdiustment methodRating orstandardBemarks1Detuned noiseconfirmationT1

18、01(ST DISTAdjust noise level tomaximum at detunedpoint.2Discriminatorbalance adjust-mentTPl -TP2(S out)(NVcc)Auxiliary centermeterT102(DISCRICENTERAdjust so that thepointer of the auxil-iary center meter pointsto 0 at detuned point.3station center setconfirmation300s FMANTTP1 -TP2(S out) (NVcc)FM SG

19、gguH, t tttt, Ilzoosrr (75.2dBr) |IMONO lkHz Iroox uoo Auxiliary centermeterTUNING SW+UP or DOWIConfirm that the auxil-iary center meterdeflects to 0 at tunedthe signal of FM SG4Monaural distor-tion adiustment300r FMANTREC OUT(TP7, TP8FM SG98MHz t 1tHz Ilzoaep l75.2dBtl II monaural 1 OOHz orlL+oon 1

20、oo% MoD_.jDIST. M. OSCBPFvc101(MONO DIST)Reduce distortion tominimumLess than-64d8Confirm thatall signal OindicatorslishtAdiustmentlocationsVB102(vco)Stereo indicatorAdiustment methodRating orstandardBemarksStepAdiustment itemConnectionterminaltnstrument requiredO Connect resistor2.2Mo between TPs(i

21、9M) and 1p6 (+12)and force the set instereo mode. Adiust so that VCofrequency is at lgkHz19kHz IlOHzConfirm thatstereo indi-cator lightsup.After adlust-ing, removethe FC and2.2MAresistor.5VCO adiustment300s, FMANTTPs -TP611gtvl) (+12)TP3 - TP4(19kHz) (G)FM SGfgSMHztttHz II zoasp (7s.2dBf) II Unmodul

22、ated -lhesistor 2.2MoFCT101(ST DIST)Less than-48dBG modelonly Lessthan -35dBNot adiustT101 , when itis withinspecifications.6Stereo distortionconfirmation300s, FMANTREC OUT(TP7, TP8)FM SG, SSG98MHz t lkHz I70dBp (75.2d8f) ISTEREO L, R I1kHz, 100% MOD.IDtsr- M, OSCBPFConfirm that the leak-age level o

23、f theopposite channel isminimumLess than26dB7Separation confir-mation300s) FMANTREC OUT(TP7. TP8)FM SG, SSGlsstrHi f ttlz II zoaer, (7s.2dBf) |I STEBEO L or R II rtnz, toox rrltoo-lbsc, acvNlt, ePr3000 FMANTREC OUT(TP7, TP8)FM SG. SSGlg8MHz t 1tHz II zoaep (75.2d8f) ILprlor 9% MoD -loscni.annnant RP

24、FVRl01(PILOTCANCELObserve waveform onthe OSC and adjust sothat carrier leakagelerel reduced tominlmumMore than34dBIPilot canceladlustmentConfirm that theauxiliary center meterpoints to 0 at tuned thesignal of FM SGlf it is notpoints to 0,start alloverfrom step 2.IDiscriminatorbalance confirmation .T

25、fi -TP2(S out)(NVcc)300s, FMANTAuxiliary cente meterFM SGl-98MHz i lkHz Il-roac, t-15-2dBfllVR103(FM FINE)By shorting TESTterminals, the countershifts by one digit, thenadiust so that thelowest effective digitcomes to I or 0.r-This figureI -8O.Og8.0MHz-1*79 EWhen shiftingAfter adiust-ing, open theTE

26、ST termi-nals.10lf offset adiustment300a FMANTTEST termi-nals(K4, T6)FM SG98MHztlkHz Izoaeu (75.2d8f) -ShortTUNING SW+UP orDOWNConfirm that autosearch recePtion ispossible with the tuning button.Confirmthat mutingis performedat auto recep-tion.11Auto searchreception confir-mation3000 FMANTFM SG9BMHz

27、 t t tHzlzoaar l25.2dBtlI ruoNo t tgzIrooga mooJJ2. AM TUNER SECTIONoConnect the AM dummy antenna for adiustmentoWhen once the test terminals are shorted in adjustingFfU, tt,. frequency of 630kHz, 1440kHz -and 1080tH, it memo;ied at each AM preset position 1 2 and 3JAdlustmenllocationsPRESETP1P2P3Ad

28、iustment maftodRating.or$andardRemarksStepAdjustment itemConnectionterminallnstrument requiredConfirm the maximumsensitivitYless than55dB,r1SensitivitY confirmationAM ANTBEC OUT(TP7, TP8)DST. MACVMAM dummY antennaAM SGl-1O8OkHz t 0.1 kHzlfsoaar PRESETP3Signal OConfirm that all signalO indicators lig

29、ht.Confirm thatall signal Oindicatorsgoes out atdetunedpoint.2Signal O indicator confirmationAM ANTTUNING SW+UP orDOWNConfirm that autosearch recePtion ispossible with thetunning button.3Auto searchrqception confirmationAM ANTAM dummY antennaAM SG1 oSokHz i 0.1 kHz Iooaar 3. DIGITAL CONTROL SECTION.

30、TEST POINT6StepAdiu3tmont itomConnectionterminal!nstrument requiredAdjustmentlocationsAdiustmont methodRating otstandardRemarksIPreset memoryconfirmation3000 FMANTAM ANTFM SG98MHz i lkHz Ilzoaep 7s.2dBtl Iluoruo trxz ILroox rvroo IAM dummy antennaAM SGro8orxz io.lkHzllsodep IL+ooxz,30% MoD lFM/AM SW

31、TUNITG SWMEMOBY SWPHESET SWO Memoring the PRE-SET Pl at FM SGfrequency. Memoring the PRE-SET P2 at AM SGfrequency. Confirm that the fre-quency memorized isrecalled.O Press the FM button andtuned the 98MHz withAUTO seachJPress the Memorybutton.fThe Memory indicatorlights about 3 secondsJPress the PRE

32、SET Plduring the Memoryindicator lights.l.The PRESET LED ofPl lights. Press the AM button andtuned the 1080kHz withAUTO seach.+Press the Memory button.1.The Memory indicatorlights and the PBESETLED of Pl flash6s.TPrCSS thE PRESET P2.1.The Memory indicatorgoes out and the PRE-SET LED of P2 lights.2La

33、st channelmemory confir-mationPOWER SWO Press the PRESET Pl Turn the powerswitch off. After about 5seconds, turn the powerswitch on. Confirm that thePRESET Fl memorizedis recalled. tnepRg-SETof Pl dbe:not lightslel ffifll!h ,3. -srDsr(-) ffiran Q_-r,0.-., ,ffitl qssB/ffi _ 8Hffl;wE C$3 l-rcr.4 1 R2o

34、4t/r =ful-#,1118 ltsJJD-miffiii vEi6zr* mi-&-&- vco ,6tr#g*3*H QI ,os I r;lFrom MAIN C.BOARO(/6)IBOAR.D (Pomern side)I PRINTED CIRCUIToKey circuit boardoMain circuit board 1216 - 6/6)To MAIN C.BOARD(116,To MAIN C8OAR0l/6).7a F.an MAIN C.BOARD(l/6)Main C. Board(5/61To MAIN CMain C. Board(6/6)FromFrom

35、 MAIN C.BOAR0(l/6)From i/tAlN C. BOAfrO t ll5)TUN_UI|_G- TUNING/MODEMEMORY FMAM DOWNTo MAIN C.$0ARS(llS)MATq MAIN C.B0ARD(l/61From i,lAlN C. BOARD(116)Frorn MAIN C.BOARDil/6)3cgL.i, r,-oJc3co.3-. !rvc,ur*,fri.R1 71HF8561801.8k4 ilR297.298HF85 62 202.2kf) ,R244,247,339,340HF85 63 303.3kO nilR167,175,

36、235,255,257HF85 63903.9kO ilR31 7-320HF85 64 704.7 ko ilnR1 01,1 33,1 34,1 56,1 77,2412A1-282HF85 66 806.8kA ilR109,1 1 0,1 78HF85: 68208.2ko ilRl 81HF i8571oo10ko ilR1 23,1 24,1 62,1 63.1 69,1 521 6,236,237.242.256303.304.359.368HF857r i50lsko ilR1 1 r,203HF85722022ka ilR1 10,21 3,21

37、1,224,233,24 6276,249HF85727027k9- ilR164,249,311 ,312HF85733033ko ilRl42,230,243HF85739039ko ilR246,366HF851747047kA nR157 ,229,234,305,306HF85756056ko nR259,260,279,280HF85768068kA ilR1 80HF857A2082kO ilR369,292HF8581ooIOOkA ilfr 25.124,15t,742,t54,2,2 1 A - 224,239,2 4 0,2 6 1.2 8 5,2 86, 3 2 3,

38、32 4.347 )348.3e5HF858180l80kO ilR360HF85a22022OkA ilRl 38.1 49.1 52.1 53,226,234HF85 83 3033OkO nR227 .245,24a,29 1,3 1 3,3 1 4HF85a47047OkO ilR1 59.1 2082OkO ilR309,31 0HF8591 iOOlMO ilR197 .251 .261-264.31 5,31 6HG3092 202.2MA RDsOSR373U,CHL7134 70Metal oxide Film Resistot4.7

39、 a 1P*fl8frtR345.346.349.350HL75150150fi lPR355HL752 20220a 1PR371,372HL7245 6055() 2PR363,364HL3353903900 3PR356HU5781o0Metal Film Resistor100kofElfrtrff-fltR217HV35422AFlame Proof Carbon Resistor22a RDF2SSF4*IYh - t r*,ilER332HV3551o0lOOo nR331HV35i 48: 2082a ilR354HZo0i 29i 20Metal Plate Resistor

40、o.47 a 3Perrfi*frR337,338HT37: OOr 5CSemi Variable Resistor85ka+Et*EfrtvRl 03 |, IlntethangeableHT5osi 7cBSkaHT37ooi 2cBl okavR1 02 l, I lnterchangeableHT57! 058CB1 okQHT37i OO3CB1 00kOVR1 O1HS4184CVR unitVRr:vlVR1 04HS4185(Variable ResistorEI *. iE fr ITVR1 05IW3941ooFuse Resistor1Oo l/4WEr-/8,fr,F

41、R1 O1Ao970ooTransistor2SA97O (GR,BL)lrr7,TRT16iAo999lo2SA999 (E,F)TRI 1 0, r 1 3,1 20,1 21,124.127,129,1 30-l 32,1 37 - I 40,r 44,! 55,1 56lnter-changeableA127oo2SA1I27(R,S,T)iA1262oo2SA1262(O.Y,G)TR1 49 r, I lnterchangeableBo8 34 oo258834x New Parts (#AI8E)At2R-not)tItIRf.No.Psrt No.Description $ &

42、 4R6marksCommonModelMarkotsic19i 23i O(Transistor2SC1 923l.ry,TRl11ic20; 88!o(t,2SC2088(BL,V)TRI 47.1 48 ), I lnterchanoeableic22tro: o(2SC2240(GR,BL)ic2320i 1,t2SC2320(E,RlnEr-cttangsbhic26134i O(2SC2634(R,S,T)ic28: 78: O(2SC2A7ATRl45,146 ), flnterchanoeableiD13:02: O(il2SD13O2(R,S)iD06: 55: O(t,2S

43、D655 (D,E,RTRl03,1,109ulnterchangeableiDto: 12: (x2SD1012(G.HliD13! 02i O(il2SD1302(R.S)iD()4: ooi 2(il25D400(F)TRI 52,1 53iDogt 72: O0u2SD972ilTRl57 l, I lnterchangeableiDooi 36i 0O2SD635Foo:oo40DiodelSl 555,IlJFD102.103F00:oo40il1 Sl 555DDtor.tg.t6-rrl,rl3-122, _t2a-t2G.!3O,r32,t33 | lnter-, I han

44、geableF :OO 10670t,152473ttF iOOI i4OZener DiodeRD3.OEB2Y z*-r.l rl- FDl05,1 12Fi3320t,HZgC-3o128,129F ioo1670RD6.8EB2D131F loo 44 30,tHZ12C2D127H :OOo8oDictdo BridgolB4B4t,1zl-frt)vYD134H iOO iO870il4D49,1otit i,*onnno,H iOOo 40ilRB4O2(LFD),tH :OOo i90s4vB20iGoo12.70tcTC/IO66BPcrcl10 ), I lnterchan

45、oeabletso892 iOO,tLCrtOo6BiGoo13 !gO,tNJM4558DVt,rc103iGi0292i20t43380t,tc104Gi03i45 ioo,rPC577H(E,Rtc 101,102Gio411ioo,tM544591tc105G lo4 isl ioo1C7210,ttc107G !O8 ior i00,LC781 5,trcl 09G io8 :s3 ioot,LC6502C-604rc106c io8i89ioo,tsTK4873cl12G :O9i21iooilM521 9Ltcl11G :O8i52 iOOltAN6557trc108 ), l

46、lnterchangBableG :O8:29 i(x)t,NJM2O43SDKA&o9 40Slide Switchss&o227r.1F,(.lvswl06RKA80 2Ai2APush Switch2circuit2poim/y2t71v,sw107KA803740nswl08KA902930Switch,rl1.t7swl01 -105(Bioo !o3 isoFusoT2.OA 250VEa/,F1 01R(B ioo16 EOT1.6A 250Vt,A,G,B(B iOO10 30,t2.OA 250Vttt,U,CKC iOOiooRelayDCl2VUvRYlOlR,A,G,B

47、KC aOO1a boil,It,U,CLB2022igoPin Jack2?C+t2PJl 01,103* New Parts (f,rf,te)r3a-xR-50Ref.No.Part No.Descriptionilfr4RemarksCommonModelMarketsB401030Pin Jack4PeY+y?PJ102K-100oLB301750Headphone JackGrayy Frira,y,JK1 O1A-500B,UA,G,C,BLB301760BlackR,GPA iOOo75CFront End PackFE529U1 27ala2F.ly2PKl O1ou i o

48、oi 39i o(OuarE Crystal Unit32kHz7kEfrt+TAooi39.9(Antenna Terminal5P7it*+&R,U,A,CLAooi 40i o(5PG,BLAooi42 5(Speaker Terminal7c-h-t - a.tttR,A,BLAooi 43i 3(,tU,G,CAooi 211(Wrapping TerminalP=52P i-Typei 8.7y Erl*&U,G,CLAool20i o(P=7.5 2P i-TypeLAooi 23i 2(P=7.5 3P i-TypeR,U,A,C,BLAoo: 25i 7cPi7.5(0) 3

49、P i-TypeGLB20; 13i 9C2.5 Pitch Base PinTE82P.SHF2.5 t vAB20t8:80Fuse Holder PinPC-FH1E a- /,b)vr - C,B92i10140Connector Plug4P(i-Type)a*2r-rr,B9210i 505P(i-Type)B9210i606P1i-Type)B9210:808P(i-Type)B92ro! 909P(i-Type)NAo810!80AM Coil PackAMf-fw,t.y2AA6170i r0Sealed Plate40 x30tvliffiAA6169i 9060 x30B

50、A08! 40i o0Radiatolftll#K-1000BA0857i 50Radiation Blockfr.*rav)R-30BBo6i 83:70Ground Plate77tftECBo6 88! 80Plastic Rivet,77rv2ly IBinding Head Tapprng Screw3x8 FCM3-B,.1 2F9vEr/*23x14 FCM3-8,cB io6 !92 50Bindinq TieBK-112!ray2?1)* New Parts (rrESB)t4I EXPIODED VIEW (All-over)brMG)VNMrt)xJ_-r-rir3Il#


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