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1、No. 1 PRELIMINARY MODEL SERVICE MANUAL DATE January 1977 Teclmicn.1 Data Track System 4 track 2 channel stereo/monaural system Reel Capacity Up to 7 reel Tape .Speed 7-1/2 ant1 3-3/4 ips Wow & Flutter Less than 0.0976 ItMS, 0.17% (DIN 15 500) at 7-1/2 ips Less than 0.18% RMS at 3-3/4 ips 14reqrlcncy

2、 Jlrslorse + 30 to 25,000 Ira -3 dB at 7-1/2 ips 4 30 to 19,000 Hz -3 dB at 3-3/4 ips Distortion Less than l/o I ,000 Hz 0 VU) Signal-to-Noisr Ralio Better than 56 tlU(measrrrecl via tape with peak recording level of +6 VU) Erase Ratio Better than 70 d l 3 Bias Frequency 100 kHz He ads (3): One GX p

3、layback, one GX recording and one erase head Mu tors (3): One 4/8 pole self lubricating hysteresis synchronous capstan drive mol,or and two eddy current outer-rotor reel drive motors FF and Rewind Time 90 sec using 1,200 ft tape Output Jacks ine(2) : 0.775V(0 W). Required 100 k ohms Phone(1) : 50 mV

4、/8 ohms Iriput Jacks Microphone(2): 0.3 mV/2.2 k ohms load impedance: more than Required microphone impedance: 600 ohms Line(2): 70 mV/100 Iuspended s p r i n g ( a ) . b ) Loosen screw ( b ) nni a i l l u s t t h e v e r t i c a l p o s l t l o n of s p r l n g s u s p e n s i o n rcetnl ( c ) . c

5、! Loosrri s c r e v ( d ) and a d j u s t t h e h o r i z o n t a l p o s i t i o n of brake band s u s p n s o n neta! ( F ) . d l 0111y t h r l e f t s l d v 1s s h o i n i n F l g . 1 4 , b u t t h e r l g h t s i d e must be a i j u s t e d i n t h e same ha!, . SOTE: I n maklng brake t e n s i

6、o n a d j u s t m e n t s , a t a l l modes r x c e p t s t i p mode, c o n f r n t h a t t h e h r a k e band completely s e p a r a t e s from t h r ? ; h r l Loose Play Adju+trnrrlt Turn t h e adjustment srrew t o ahtairi a 0.3 m m g a p between t h e s t e e l b a l l and b e a r i n g vhen t h

7、e fl.vhrel i s moved i n t h e d l r e c t l o n of t h e arrow a s shown i n F i g . 5. 1) Y t h caist,in motor r r v o l u t l o n s o p e r a t i n g a t Rev. wade, loosen s f t t l n g s c r e w and t u r n f l j x h r e l b p l t p o s l t i o n arljustmrnt s c r e v u n t l the f l y w h e e l

8、 h r l t comes t o t h i c r n r e r of t h e motor p u l l e y . (Refer t o F i g . 6 ) 2 ) T l g h t e n s e t t i n p s c r v t o m a n t a l n c e n t e r p o s t i o n i n : : of flywheel b e l t a t Rev. :-ode. 31 C o n f i r r t h a t t h e f l i i r l b e l t runs on t h e c e n t e r of the

9、 motor p u l l e y a t www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库BEARING PLATE L www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MODEL GX-2l5D NO 9 - - NO. 8 MODEL GX-21;D 3. Head Adjustment S t e p 1 7 3 4 5 6 7 X ERA

10、SE HEAD REC H E N PB HEAD E4-260 R4-240 P4-240 * 1. S e t Tape Speed t o 7-1 2 ips (19 cm/sec). 2 . Regarding Step 3, wheri replacing a head o r f o r s l i g h t head adjustment, do n o t move screw (G). Adjust with screws ( D ) ( E ) and ( F ) and then make t h e n e x t S t e p 4 adjustment. Fig.

11、 8 Regarks Vpper edge of Ch1 head c o r e i s 0 . 1 mm h g h e r than upper edge of t h e t a p e . llpper edge of Chl hvad c o r e i s th same h l g h t a s t h e upper edge of t h e t a p e . Same a s Step 2 . Lower edge of Ch2 head c o r e i s tho sane height a s t h e lowrr edge of t h e tape. M

12、aslmum out p u t , both channels. Adjust head gap s u r f a c e s o t h a t t h e r e i s no change In outrjut l e v e l when t e n s l o n 1s a p p l i e d t o t h e supply r e e l s i d e . Same a s S t e p 5 . Same a s S t e p 6 . Chart 2 Aijustnent Item Erase Head Height Adjustment Recording Hea

13、d Height Adjustment Playback Head Height AdJustment(FWD) Playbark Head tlelght d , t m e n t ( R Z V ) Playback H s d Azimut,h A1 ignment Playback Head Gap A1 lgnment Recording Head Azimrtt. A1 lgnmeilt Recording Heud Gap Alignment Yode lay lay P l a y RPY P l a y Fwd la Fwd lay Rec Rec Test Tape Su

14、pply Signal Opt lanal Optional Optional 0111 o n n l 8 (. 01 1 0 Hz 9.5 cmi;sec t e s t tape 8 ,000 Hz 9 . 7 cm/sec t c s t tape Scot1:11 #211 t a p e , 15.300 Hz -20 7 . PI nrdlni: Scotch $211 tape, 1 i .000 Hz -20 yli recnrding Adjustment Point A)(C ( D ) ( E ) ( F ) (G) (K) H ( l ) ( J ) (L) (E)

15、(M) www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库6. . .- .- .-. . .- . - 0 . -. . - , -. . . - . - . , FIR. 9 Amp P.C Roard MI1-ill6 www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库5. DC R e s i s t a n c e of Various C o

16、 l l s Main Motor Between PYK-BRN 180 ohms Between CRN-CRY 360 o h i s O s c i l l a t o r C v i l Bet-een 4-6 0 . 7 ahns 6 . C l a s s i f i c a t i o n of V a r i u u s P.C Boards 1 ) Amp P.C Board MU-5316 2 ) T r a c k S e l e c t o r P.C Board MU-5315 3) Power Supply P.C Board K-5314 4 ) System

17、Control P.C Board MU-1318 P a r t i No. BA2;21?02 BA772013 EIA27?(24 BA27?081 BA?iLh98 BA2T2711 BA272092 BA27218l BC?lQlbJ BF271934 BM2-1912 BS271923 BT249358 BTl44.101 BT3493C,O BR-7 144 5 RR171956 EC2 17898 EII2495Xl EL61906-1 Eh1666450 EOjP3365 EP149344 EPlJ964-i EPbjdT(13 ES5h2465 ESJIOJRi ES?i8

18、4h? ESzi823.l I ESLJ4254 ES 2-19276 ES221136 D e s l g n a t l o n Note S?scon P.C Board Cornp. HU-1318 U/T Syscorl P.C Board Cornp. ?lU-1318 LEE Syscon P.C Ro,ir? Cornp. MU-1318 CSA lp P.C Board Cnmp MU-5316 I! T Amp P.C Buard COI!,. ?1L-5116 CEE A71p P.C Board Camp. MU-5316 CSA Track S e l p c t o

19、 r P.C Bnard Crnp. MU-5315 P o r r r Supply P,C Board Cornp. Mil-i314 Wood Frame HL-6308 F l p h r e l Block Conp. Motor (IM2-16M) Block Cornp. SW. Block Cornp. Power Trans. MUT-5 Pocer Trdns. HUT-7 Po-er Trans. SILT-6 Reel Table (L) Blnck Comp. Reel Table (HI Block Cilrnp. T r m m r , C. T!I-110 1O

20、OPP Dlode SIQB2I) 1?.8A 20OV ( e d ) Lamp(, T) 2JV 35 m A VU Y e t e r DISA68R OSC C o l l UT-204 Reed Relay L24 Plunger Solenold SDC0840FHTl Re l a y YYI-0-CS DC?,IV ? I c r o 3W. K-1 Slide SW. 5-1 S l i d e SW. SSB-022 h l i d e SW. S-2930 Push SV. SIX-12 Push SW. SLX-14 Push SW. JPnl E5242346 Pus

21、h SW. LJP17 U/ T CEE CSA C2.C30(MU-i314) D2 (MU-5314) 1 h9901 M901 ,M902 T1 (MU-5316) RL1 (MtJ-5316) SL901 L1 (MU-1218) SW,05 SWY03 SX904 SWl (MU-1318) SWl (?I1 -7316) SW2 (ML-5316) U/T, CSA CEE www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MODEL GX-215D No. 1

22、4 MODEL EX-21iD NO 15 Parts No. EV249243 HE563220 HP271978 HR271980 MA541012 MB247104 MC259312 MP271170 SK2 19096 SK259345 SK631056 S k b J i c l Sh6344lIl SkbQ4ciha SPl47 1 1 2 Deslgnatlon Val. Y24LJ2PHS60R 15A jOk ERASE HEAD EL260 PB HTAD P4-2-10 REC fEAD R4-240 Drive Rrl t (I.l.r t ) MC-1209 C-un

23、ler Bcl t MI- 3 i l 2 Colnter Ell -3 Pinch Rolll- LC-321 Mecha I(n,li $11 -6103 Pausr Knob (:) XR-612 Slngli. Knob b11-6208 Selkt:tir hn,t f3 :1-60?(1 Push hutton Kr,li .I 91-5051 linol 1-710 p i r , l t p , l n 1 ?I: -0 307 8. Llst of Interchangrable Senlconductors As for as serx-lce n concerned, n

24、 case the nrllnal parts cannot be obtained, the interchangeable parts llsted below can be substituted. Parts Utilizinp P.C Board ML-5316 MI-5316 ?11-1318 MC-5316 W- 5314 MU-5316 M-5316 MU-1318 ML-1318 Ill-5314 NU-5314 hlC-ij18 Descriptlnn 2SC45$LG(C) (D) S C S L ( Q ) (R) 29451.i) (Q) 2SC1311S(G) (H

25、) :SD?34(Y) 1S3JA 182473 lS2473VE 1oD4 10D2 0.8A ?OOY YZ240 GL-3AR1 Interchangeable Parts Descrlptlon 2SC693U() (G j 2SC1000(RL) (GR) ZSC1312(F)(G) sc(E)(F)(G)(H) 2SC711(E)(F)(G)(H) 2SCl641(Q)(R) (S)(E) 2SC458LC(C)(D) 2SD313(D)(E)(F) 2SCl06O(B)(C) lSl88AM 1 N60 IS1588 WG599 1NJ004 1.14003 RD24A RD24

26、A (It?;) Orlginal Parts o. ET3c!176b ET635837 ET639437 ET603257 ET241390 ED219464 ED62490 3 ED56091 3 ED2245 50 ED224548 ED249581 ED711918 EDl4? 37; Parts No. ET.129647 ET622181 ET5 39987 E7246846 ET619727 ET603843 ET391768 El522911 ET3113414 ED562386 ED428204 ED5 57447 ED514721 ED570273 ED570295 ED

27、229072 ED315415 www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.inf

28、o1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadio

29、Fans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库18 H E A D ERAS HE-O E , 5 q 7 L E E T iZ HAW INDICATES LOW JOISE C HAPI( INDICATES LOW LEAKAGE CAQHITORS JLES OTHERWIJE SPECIFIED: i E 5 l S T D R S 111 OHMS l/rv (7) CAPACITOYS IN FD 50wd (J) f

30、c i C T Q O L I T l C C A P A c l T O R S - - 20.w. m 0.,.SOV*C I-? u :&-I L_,.i - - I ; ,- . - 9 I CI i:. i *.i . r,X-Z15D T-, .-I , * r- - r : ,. ,3 c:c LAY - . C I* 48 C H E M A T I C DIA GRAA LC- - - - -A : *) . . C:. i f - - : r - k 6 , t t . c s/? TYPE) - - - - I : : A r - L c - - 7 . kFJL-. -

31、. .- .- i I,? , , , - id0.000897 4 1 4 , . . - ; icn u I : v www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库GX-215D WARNING A INDICATES SAFETf CRITICAL COMPONENTS FOR CONTINUED SAFETY, REC HEAD ERASE L(EAD REPLACE SAFETY CRITICAL COHWNENTS ONLY WITH MANUFMTURER


33、R PC BOARD MU-5315 - - - - - - - - M i i n m SC,I)LGICYDI TRI to 1 rn. - 7 2XWIL(OYRI AMP f!C BOARD MU-5316 www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库I I S1300W 0W38 OW 3 3 3 . 0 03sn 3riv s r i o l s 1 s 3 ONW sclol13wm lN30N3d30NI ONV 1300YV WS3 ONV l/n

34、W 03Sn 3kJW SU3H3N3nO XUWS 2 1 3 H9nOCIHl 1113 9NlOriW93Cl jnn =d ( f ) AMOS jf NI WOll3WdV3 17V (f)MP/I SWHO NI SUOlSIS3 17V a313 133dS 3SIM&3HlO SS31Nn 310N www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库www.freeservicemanuals.info1/3/2015Digitized in Heiloo, HollandRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库


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