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1、Pnoro FACT FolJ*ra:tEEel rgL,e1-ih EIEUtrEEBGENERAL INFORMATIONThe Concertone Model TR-100 is a two-speed, battery-operated tape recorder. The unitrecords on one hatf the tape $i&h vhich doubles recording time of a reel of tape. Standard 3reels are used along with standard-vidth recording tape,The r

2、ecorder speeds are 3 3/ 4 andL 7/ 8 ip6. Recording times for both sides of a stand-ard reel of tape are:Speed3 3/4 ipsi ?/8 ipsHOWARD W. SAilS &The listing of any available replacement part herein doesnot conatitute in any caae a recommendatlon, warrmty orglarantyby Horard W. Sems & Co., Inc., as to

3、 the qualityand Buitability of auch replacement part. The numbers ofthes parts have been compiled from lntormation lurniehedto llovard W. Sams & Co., hc. , by the manulacturers ofcQ52ITime34 min.70 min.G O.r I t C. Indtanapoll3 6, tndlanaThe poser supply consists of one 9-volt battery and six I V2-v

4、olt batteries vhich arecontained ln the tape recorder case. An external AC poner supply thich allows the unit to beoperated from an AC llne voltage is also available.Manufactured By:American Concertone, lncorporated9449 West Jefferson BoulevardCulver City, Californiathe particular type of replacemen

5、t part listed. Repro-ductlon or ue, without expresa permiaaion, of edltorial orpictorial content, in any mamer, is prohibited. No patentliability is aeeumed vlth reapect to the uae of the informa-tioncontainedherein. 1962 lrowardw, Sama & Co., Inc.,vaFFICJIcte,oE-CJIIndianapolk 6, Indiana.oAIE I - 6

6、2Printed in U.S- of AmericaCONCERTONEMODEL TR.IOO,.:,j.r-r -ialJr.rii:)tzi.iit1; Yi. 1:.i;: .),:. !:,3,.,.,lflao=sff 590 t00ER5.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Function SelectorThe function selector seleits the different modesof operation. Turning the control in a clockwise di-rection from the Stop position

7、places te unit in therewind mode. Turning the control counterclockwise,from the ftop position, the first posltion ptaces theunit in the Play mode. The second position in thecounterclockwise direction, places the unit in the re-cord mode.VolumeThis control varies the playback volume of trerecorder an

8、d determines the recording level whenmaking a recording.FUNCTION OF CONTROLSOPERATI NG INSTRUCT I ONSVU Meter Switch,The meter switch determines tte function of themeter. With the switch in the Volt position, the meterindicates the condition of the motor batteries. Withthe switch in the VU position,

9、 the meter is used tomonitor the recording level.AC-DC SwitchWhen the switch is in the DC position, the bat-teries are used to operate the unit. With the switchin the AC position, an external AC power supply mustbe connected to operate the recorder.Threading the Tapel. Place a full reel of tape on t

10、he supply spindleand an empty reel on the take-up spindle.2. Unwind about 8 inehes of tape from the supplyreel. Thread thetape into the headslot and pastthe capstan making sure that the dull sideof thetape faces the rear of the recorder.3. Insert the free end of the tape into one of theradial slots

11、in the reel and rotate the reel tosecure the tape and take up the slack.To Record f rom Microphonel. Insert the Microphone plug into the jack markedtMictt.2. Set the recorder up for the desired speed.3. Rotate the Function selector to theRecord posi-tion.4. Hold the microphone about 6 inches from th

12、emouth and speak in a normal, clear voice.5. Adjust the volume level so that the needle stayswithin tlte red portion of the scale.NOTE: Correct volume level on recording isvery important.Too weak a signal will result in weak playbackand high background noise. Too strong a signal willresult in distor

13、tion during playback.To Record from a Radio or TV ReceiverPlace the microphone about 6 to 12 inches infront of the radio or TV receiver speaker. Turn theradio volume control to a normal level. Set the re-cording level and record as deseribed under ToRecord from Microphone.Dual-Track RecordingThese r

14、ecorders are designed to record andplay on one-half the tape width at a time. After theflrst side of the tape is recorded, remove thefull reelfrom the take-up splndle, turn the reel over, andplace it on the supply spindle. Then record this sideof the tapePage 2RewindTorewind the tape, rotate the Fun

15、ction selectorcontrol to RewindTo Change Tape SpeedTo change the tape speed from 3 3/4 ips toI / 8 ips, remove the knurled thumbscrew (25) fromthe capstan shaft and lift off the capstan sleeve (18).Clean the eapstan shaftof any oil before threading thetape.To Play a Recordingl. Thread the tape as de

16、scribed under Threadingthe Taperr.2. Turn the function selector to the Play position.3. Adjust theVolume control to the desired listen-ing level.To Erase a RecordingIn the Record position, any recording on thetape is automatically erased before a new recordingis made. Should it be desired to erase a

17、 recordingwithout recording nern material, follow the normalrecording procedure but set theVolume control to thezero position and disconnect the microphone.To Edit and Splice TapeN0TE: It is impossible to edit and splice onetrack without affeeting the other. Record-ings to be edited should be limite

18、d to onetrack recordings only.l. Tape may be edited by cutting out unwantedportions, or by joining selections into anothersequence. Announcements can be inserted be-tween selections, etc. Unused tape can bespliced for reuse.2. For best results, cut the tape at a slight diag-onal, butt the ends.toget

19、her, and fasten on theglossy side with splicing tape. Trim off anyexcess width.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库To Rlmove the Mechanism f rom the CaseI. Remove two screws from the head cover andlift the head cover up from the transport.2; Remove four screws from the front plate.3. Remove the function selector

20、 knob. Set-screwcan be reached through tte front.4. Removetwo screwsfrom the frontand onebelowthe AC/DC switch and lift front cover up, beingcareful not to break any wires.5. Unsolder the meter wires and speaker wires.Tag these wires to insure proper replacement.Remove the AC/DC switch from the fron

21、t cover.6. Remove four screws from the transport coverplate. Remove the pressure roller and liftplateoff.7. Remove the transport from the case by remov-ing two screws from the front and five from thebottom of the case. Carefully lift the transportup out of the case.8. Removescrew from pressure pad a

22、ssembly andlay the assembly over to one side.9. Place the function selector in the Record posi-tion. Remove three screws holding the headandtape guide assembly. Remove the take-up belt(24) from the pulleys. Lift the head mountingptate (10) and lay to one side.10. To reassemble the unit, reverse the

23、foregoingprocedure.DISASSEMBLYADJUSTMENTSRecord-Playback Head HeightRemove the head from the head mounting plate(10) and place or remove fiber washers until properhead height is obtained-Erase Head HeightRemove the erase head (12) from the head mount-ing plate (10) and place or remove fiber washers

24、untllproper head height is obtained. Adjust the lead untilthe topedge of thepole piecesis evenwith the topedgeof the tape.Record- Playback Head Azim uthUslng a prerecorded tape, adjust the azimuthadjustment screws until maximum high frequencyls obtained.CLEANINGToinsure proper performance, clean the

25、 heads,tape guides, and all driving surfaces with a commer-cial head cleaner or alcohol.LUBRICATIONWhen the unit is dismantled for repair, all ro-tating parts should be lubricated Using a good gradeof light lubricating oil, place a drop on the capstanshaft, spindle shafts, pressure roller shaft, and

26、 drivepulleys. Wipe away all excess oi1.MECHANICAL PARTS LIST3aooE314?:63=-lOIla1nlI234567IIt01lt2I34726-464726-314?26-304726-454726-434726-34MotorMotor Tension SpringCapstan Drive WheelPressure Pad Tension SpringPressure RollerPressure Pad AssemblyFunctlon Cam Tension SprlngTake-up Arm Return Sprin

27、gFunction CamHead Mounting PlateTape GuideErase HeadRewlnd PulleyL4l5l6L7l8r9202L222324254726-324?26 -36 S4726-444726-404726-3674726-354726-334?26-39Rewind Drive BeltSupply Spindle AssemblySupply Spindle Brake ArmRecord-Playback HeadCapstan SleeveTake-up Actuating ArmTake-up Spindle AssemblyTake-up

28、Puffey (3)Brake Arm Tension SpringTake-up Spindle Brake ArmTake-up Drive BeltPage 3TO P V IEW OF MECHAN I SM WI TH COVERS REIV1OVEDTROUBLE CHARTSym ptomCauseRemedyTransport will not operateon any function.Dead motor batteries.Oil on capstan drive rvheel (3).Motor pulley tension spring (2)broken or d

29、isconnected.AC/DC switch in wrong posi-tion for power source beingused.Replace motor batteries.Clean capstan driv.e wheel (3).Connect or replace motor pulleytenslon spring (2).Set AC/DC switch to proper po-sition for power source beingused.l. or no volume.Amplifier battery weak or d

30、ead.Pressure pad tension spring (4)disconnected or broken.Record-Playback head (17) notproperly adjustedReplace the amplifier battery.Connect or replace pressure padtension spring (4).Adj ust Record-Playback head (l?)as described under Record-Playback Head Height.l.2.3.l.2.3.No rewind.I.2.Rewind bel

31、t (14) broken or offpulley.Oil on rewind pulley (13).Place belt (14) back on pulley orreplace.Clean rewind belt (14) andpulleys.l.2.No takeup.t.2.l.2.Take-up belt (24) broken.Oil on take-up belt (24).Replaee take-up belt (24).Clean take-up belt (24) and pul-leys.Wow and flutter.Oily or dirty driving

32、 surfaces.Worn pressure roller (5).Weak motor pulley tensionspring (2) weak.l.2.3.l.2.3.Clean all driving surfaces as des-cribed underCleaning.Replace pressure roller (5).Replace spring (2).Page 4l. Defective motor (l).l. Replaee motor (l).Motor is exceptionally noisy.2587725877258772587sCHASS IS TO

33、P VIEW - AMPLIFIER COMPONENT IDENT.3oooE3r lll4-_?:dg=-TtOIrf1ntrPage 5u,(fF(JlJJ-JJO(JI(JlJJo,A e,X5moorf;mzECLM,L&IFf-=u-lILt-lIo.3AHl-JI=lEEIEoUItTE)o-Page 6-rrooE3, lll-f n-T,dt#rnOl-tr7mntro-o2a-Fz?9ndFllt:Eoo(,-Es =gE E ul!(ll.6reGl-elrlLtshU=ts=3c)(J=atl(JaI(.)/a7I:)-vt. ,: oa FtHt- u IE/+EsI

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