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2、TIONThe DuKane Tru-Fidelity Model 11A200 Tape Recorder incorporates a single controlwhich operates the following mechanical functions: Fast Forward, Forward, Off, and Rewind.Four pushbuttons control the amplifier functions for play and record modes of operation.The DuKane is designed to record and p

3、layback two tracks of material on standard widthrecording tape, which doubles the playing time of a 5 or 7 reel, with no loss of frequencyresponse or quality. Recordings can be made from a radio, television receiver or phonograph ,in addition to those made directly from the rnicrophone. Recordings c

4、an be played back throughthe self-contained speaker or an external speaker through use of the Auxiliary Speaker Jack.This recorder has two tape speeds, 7 L/2 and 3 3/4 per second. Using both tracks ofthe tape. the recording time is as follows:=o(9iltFE fl-/=ci9 lllooSpeed3 V4t hour2 hoursModel 11A20

5、0 is designed to operate on 60 cycle,105-125 voltsg,C supply only.CAUTION: SevereDamageWilI Result If Connection Is Made To A Direct Current (DC) Line.Manufactured by:DuKane CorporationSt. Charles, Illinoisfhis moleriol compiled ond published bysAIYrS & CO., lNC., INDIANAPOLIS,Copyrighl 1956 . All R

6、ights ReservedDATI I -50INDIANAsrT 303TOLDTR 2HOWARDw.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Figure 2SPECIFICATIONSOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPreparing The Recorder For Use-1. Remove the power cord from the sioragecompartment and plug it into a 115 volt, 60 cycle, ACoutlet. Slide the switch marked Power up to theon posi

7、tion exposing the white dot and the pilot Lightwill glow.2. Select the desired recordingspeed by liftingthe knurled capstan sleeve (64) straight up and off thecapstan shaft for 3 3/4 speed or allow it to remainon the shaft for ? 1/2 speed. If the capstan sleeve(64) is removed, plaee it immediately i

8、n the CapstanStorage well.Threading The Tape-1. Place a reel of tape on the right hand spindleand an empty reel on the left hand spindle maling surethe reel slots engage the reel pin on the spindles2. Unwind about 18 of tape from the reel.Hold a section of tape straight with both hands anddrop the t

9、ape in the tape slot making sure the duilcoated side of thetape faces the rear of the recorder.NOTE: This recorder uses Type rAtr wound tape,i. e the dull magnetic coated side faces in-ward on the reel. If the tape to be used isTlpe 8 (coated side facing outward) ttrerecording will be made at a very

10、 Iow soundIevel and the playback will almost be inaudi-ble To change Type 8 to Type A wind,rewind the tape in a half twist.Rewind Time-Phones-High Impediance, Auxiliary Speaker -8 ohms.Page 2FuIi 7 reel - 80 secondsFast Forward Time-FulI 7 reel - 100 secondsFrequency Response - Pre-Amplifier-At 3 3/

11、4 per second + 1 L/Zdb b0 to ?b00 CpS.At 7l/2 per second +-1 l/zdb b0 to 10,000 CpSSignal To Noise Ratio-Recording from microphone - bbdbDistortion less than 17oFrequency Response - Booster Amplifier-Flat except in the Series of Serial 6000 which isdown approximately 4db at 50 cycles.Overall Distort

12、ion - Pre-AmpAnd Booster-Less than 570 at 5 Watts.Inputs-Microphone, Auxiliary, and Public Address.Outputs-RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Figure3. Insert the freeend of the tape into one of thethree radial slots in the hub of the empty reel Turnthe reel several turns until the tape is secured to thereel and

13、 all slack is taken up between reels.To Record From Microphone-Remove the microphone from its compartmentand plug it into the receptacle marked Microphone This automatically diseonnects the loudspeaker in thecase and eliminates any possibility of feedback orhowling Depress simultaneously the selecto

14、r keysmarked Micro and Record whereupon the MagicEye Level Indicator will glow. Next, stide theBass switch to in or out depending on the typeof response desired With the switeh at the outposition the bass notes are diminished. The Treblecontrol is inoperative during aII recording functionsand, there

15、fore, requires no adjustment. Now, speakor play into the microphone while turning up theVolume control until the Magic Eye Level Indicatoralmost flickers shut. Hold down the Micro andRecord keys while turning the Tape Motion Control(2) to the Forward position and the recording is inprocess.To Record

16、 From Radio Or TV-Remove the Radio Connecting Cord from its stor-age compartment. It has a black bakelite plug on oneend while the opposite end sptits into an insulated wireand a braided wire each equipped with an eyelet lug.The insulated wire should be connected to the insulat-ed voice coil termina

17、l of the radio or TV speaker andthe braided wire should be connected to the groundedIoudspeaker terminal. For convenience, two alliga-tor clips have been furnished with the DuKane. Insertthe black plug into the receptacle marked Auxiliary,3Depress simultaneously the selector keys markedAuxrr and Rec

18、ord. Slide the Speaker switch upto the on position and the Bass switch in or rroutrras desired Advance the recorder Volume controlto 5 and turn up the volume on the radio or TV untilthe Magic Eye Level Indicator almost closes. Holddown the Aux and Recordtselector keys while turn-ing the Tape Motion

19、Control (2) to Forward and therecording is in process.To Record From Phonograph-The Phono Connecting Cord is stored in the sameplace and is similar to the Radio Connecting Cord ex-cept that it is equipped witha nickel plated plug. Con-nect the insulated wire of the Phono Connecting Cordto the insula

20、ted wire from any crystal or high impedi-ance pickup cartridge and connect the braided wire tothe outer braid of the lead from the pickup cartridge.Insert the plug into the receptacle marked Auxiliary.Slide the Speaker switch up to the on position andset the Bass switch at Iinrr or out as desired. D

21、e-press simultaneously theAux and Record selectorkeys and advance the Volume?control until the MagicEye Level Indicator almost eloses when the phono-graph is operating. While holding down the Aux andRecord keys turn the Tape Motion Control (2) toForward andthe recording is in process.Dual Track Reco

22、rding-The DuKane is a dual track recorder. Only halfthe tape width is used for each recording track. Torecord the second track, remove the full reel fromthe left hand spindle, turn it over and place it on theright hand spindle. Place the empty reel on the lefthand spindleand proceedwith the recordin

23、g asbefore.3o9(trcIIn=2i.1 lrlooPage 3Figure 4To PIay A Recording-Place a reel of previously recorded tape onthe right hand spindle and an empty reel on the lefthand spindle. Thread the tape as described underThreading The Tape. Slide the speaker switch upand the Bagg switch in or routr as desired.

24、De-press the PIay selector key and simultaneously turnthe Tape Motion Control to Forward. Adjust theVolume and Treble controls to suit.Fast Forward-High-speed forward can be obtained by turningthe Tape Motion Control to Fast Forward. This isused primarily in locating a desired portion of arecording

25、in a few seconds.NOTE: To eliminate any possibility of tape break-age, theTape Motion Controlwill notgo fromthe Fast Forward position to the Forwardposition without first being returned to theStop positionTape Counter-The Tape Counter can be used in locating variousselections on a reel of tape. The

26、counter should beset at zero when a reel of tape is placed on the righthand spindle and the number appearing on the counterat theend ofeach selection should benoted on thebackof the reel carton along with the title sf the selection.To Splice Tape-1. On the case is mounted a tape splicer for cuttingt

27、he tape diagonally.2. Place the two pieces of tape, glossy side up, inthe channel so the two broken ends overlap.Page 43. Run a razor down the groove that crosses thechannelat an angle, making sure to eut both pieces oftape.4. Using a piece of splicing tape, fasten the twoends together while still i

28、n the channel. Trim off ex-cess splicing tape.To Edit Tape-NOTE: Since it is impossible to edit and splice onetrack without affecting the other, recordingswhich are to be edited should be limited toone track only.To edit, play the recording and cut the tape atthe end of the portion you wish to remov

29、e. Rewindthe tape on an empty reel and cut the tape at the startof the section you wish to remove. Splice together theends of the remaining tape. For precise editing, Iistento the recordingand by holdingthe right hand reel stopthe tape at the exact piace you wish to edit Turn theTape Motion Control

30、to Stop and cut the tape at theEdit Here mark.To Monitor With Headphones-Using a standard two circuit plug, connect anytype of high impedance headphones into the receptaclemarked Phones. The headphone leads should con-nect to the tip and shaft of the plug.To Use As A Public Address System-The DuKane

31、 canalso be used asa publicaddresssystem. Insert the microphone into the receptaclemarked P. A. Jack and depress the play selectorkey. The Volume cmtrol as well as both Trebleand Bass tone controls are operative so that anyvolume level and tone characteristic is available.To Use An External Speaker-

32、Anexternal speaker or speakers can be pluggedinto the 8 ohm Auxiliary Speaker receptacle using astandard two circuit phone plug whereupon the speakerin the case is disconnectedErasing Recorded Material -As a new recording is made, any previouslyrecorded material is erased from the track that isbeing

33、 recorded onl therefore, no special step isnecessary to erase recordings before new recordingsare made. The recording on the other half of the tapeisnot affected. If you wish toerase a recording with-out recording anything else on the tape, proceed asunder To Record From Microphone except turnthe Vo

34、lume control to 1 and do not plug in themicrophone.ADJUSTMENTSPlay-Record And Erase Head Adjustment-The record-erase head and bracket assembly(10)has been pre-aligned at the factoryand should notbetampered with. Whenordering a replacement, bothheadsmounted and pre-aligned will be supplied by themanu

35、facturer.Take-Up Spindle Adjustment-The take-up spindle (13) runs in a single bear-ing and, therefore, appears to be quite wobbly whencompared with the relatively rigid rewind spindle(15). The take-up spindl.e(13) has two principle func-tions These are to take-up the tape after it haspassed theheads

36、 or, to advance the tapeat a high rateof speed when selector control knob (2) is set in FastForward position.The diameter of the take-up reel is constantlychanging as the tape builds up on the spool and, it isthereforenecessary forthe reel torotate at aconstantdiminishing speed. In this reeorder thi

37、s is accom-plished by the use of a slipping clutch. The upperclutch plate (48) is coupled to the llywheel (66) bytake-up belt (46) and, power is applied in all positionsof the selector control knob (2) except Stop.When selector control knob (2) is set in thePIay position, the clutch actuating arm (7

38、1) raisesthe fast forward drum assembly (53) and, appliespressure against the upper clutch plate (48), thus,transmitting power from the upper clutch platq to thefast forward drunr which is coupled to the take-upshaft and bearing assembly (13 ) through spring washer(54).The adjustment of the take-up

39、action should besuch that tape will not spill from a full take-up reelwhenthe selector control (2) is turned to Play fromStop. The amount of pressure applied against theupper clutch plate (48) by the fast forward drum (53)is controlled by the adjustment of take-up nut (55). Itis essential that this

40、pressure never be greater thannecessary to keep tape from spilling from a full reel.When selector knob (2) is turned to FastForward, idler wheel (6?) eouples flywheel (60) tofast forward drum (53).When the Fast Forward is working properly,it is possible to hold the take-up shaJt (13) withoutstalling

41、 the motor and flywheel. But there must besufficient torque for the Fast Forward to operatereliably, even when the take-up reel is full of tape.The fast forward arm bracket (43) on which thefast forward idler (67) is mounted, and spring washer(54), which controls fast forward action have been setand

42、 locked at the factory. It is advisable to avoidchanging either one if possible.TROUBLESFails To Erase And Record-1. Pressure pad arm actuating spring (10B)broken, resulting in the tape not being held in contactwith the heads.No Drive In Forward Position-1. Capstan roller spring (38) loose or broken

43、resulting in the capstan roller (16) not being held incontact with the capstan shaft.2 Grease or oil on motor pulley and flywheel .Clean with alcohol.No Drive In Rewind Position-1. Rewind belt (47) loose. Replace belt.2. Grease or oil on rewind belt (4?). Cleanbelt and pulley grooves with alcohol.3.

44、 Grease or oil on motor pulley, flywheel,and rewind drive wheel (59). Clean driving surfaceswith alcohol.No Drive In Fast Forward Position-1. Take-up spindle assembly not adjusted pro-perly. See Take-Up Spindle Adjustment.2. Grease or oil on motor pulley, flywheel andfast forward drive tire (68). Cl

45、ean driving surfaceswith alcohol.Speed Variation or Wow-L Check capstan shaft, capstan roller (16),motor pulley, and flywheel (66) for oil or foreignmaterial. Clean these surfaces with alcoholTape Overruns Or SpiIIsr1. Brake arm springs (20) Ioose or brokenReplace defective spring or springs2, Brake

46、 arm assembly (18 or 19) out of ad-justment. These should be adjusted so that there is aclearance of approximately 1,/16 between the braketire and brake arm when selector control (2) is in theForward position. This adjustment is made byloosening screw (23) and turning eccentrie washer (25)to the pro

47、per position3o99EF =2itmooPage 5k-1-I6TA PHOTOFACT EXPLODED VIE7 Howard W. Sams & Co., lnc. 1956Figure 5. Exploded View Of Parts Above Baseplate.Page 63o(9|llF-Ix=,h,lnooil IAIIIlaIt- ?eE: &*f-Pq#;(jA PHOTOFACT EXPLODED VIEW Howard w Srmr & Co., lnc. 19561Figure 6. Expioded View Of Parts Below Basep

48、late.Page ?LUBRICATION1 This recorder has been.adequately lubri-cated during manufacture with special silicone oil andgreases and should, with normal usage, never requireadditional lubrication, except for the motor (see #2below). Do not use conventional oils or grease on themechanism for they will c

49、reep to the rubber drivingparts and cause irrepairable damage.2. Piace 2 or 3 drops of S. A E #20 oil on eachmotor bearing every three monthsCLEANINGThe play-record head, erase head, and capstanroller (16) are subject to an accumulation of tapecoating oxide which is worn off the tape as it passesthe

50、se parts Clean occasionally with a small pieceof cotton or soft cloth dipped in alcoholAfter recording at 3 3/4, speed there will be aminute coating of oxide power on the capstan. Beforeinstalling the 7 1/2 speed capstan, clean the g g/4,capstan with a soft cloth or tissue. Occasionally the3 3/4 cap


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