1、SERVICE MANUALGXpGrlFD-710Stereo Cassette DeckSPECIFICATIONSTrack System 4-track 2-channel, stereo recording lnput Sensitivity/and playback lmpedanceTape Speed . 1-ll8 i.p.s. (4.75 cm/sec.) MIC . . O.2bmyl12 kohmsWowand Flutter 0.07% (WRMS) LINE . . . . lOmyl25 kohmsFrequency DlN. .2mvl10kohmsBespon
2、se 30-16,000H2 (t3dB)/ Output Level20-17,000H2(FeCrtape) LINE. .350mV30-16,000H2(13d8)/ HEADPHONES.750mV20-1 7,000H2 (CrOz tape)30-14,000H2 (l3dB)/ GENERAL20-15,000H2 (Normal tape) Power(Dolby NR off) Consumption 40 wattsSignal-to-Noise Power SupplyRatio 53dB (Dolby NR off , CrO, or Power Supply 110
3、/22OV AC,50/60H2FeCr tape, CCIR/ARM weightedl kHz) Dimensions . 442(Wl x 354(D) x 133(H) mmThe S/N is improved by 9dB with Weight (Net) . . . . . . 7.2k9 (15.9 lbs.)Dolby NR on. Accessory . . Shielded Audio Cables (2) .Total HarmonicDistortion . 1.8o/o (at lkHz,OdB) * DOLBY NRErase Ratio 65d8 (at 40
4、0H2, +10dB) o Dolby NR under license from Dolby Laboratories.Bias Frequency . . . . 85kHz o The word DOLBY and Double-D-Symbol are trade-Fast Forward and marks of Dolby Laboratories.Rewind Time . . . . . . Tseconds (C-60tape)Specifications and design are subject to change without notice.RadioFans.CN
6、o be positionedDolby N REqualizerF unctionRec. VolumeBalance Volu meOFF120 sP LAYMax.CenterTest TapeProced ureMTT.11 41) Adjust the head screw in order to obtain max.V.M. indication.Controls to be positionedTest TapeProced ureDolby NR : OFFEqualizer :120sFunction : R EC.BlankNormal1) Apply 400H2,250
7、mV signal at the LINE lNterminal.2l Adjust R EC. and BALANCE volume to have580mV V.M. indication.3) Set blan k tape, then press the R EC. button.4l Set the VU meter indication to DOLBY LEVEL(double D mark position) witfr SVR 401 , 4O2.SV R601V.M 580mVControls to be positionedTest TapeProced ureDolby
8、 NR :OFFEqualizer :120sFunction : PLAYMTT.1 501) Set the V.M. indication to 5B0mV with SVR601602alignment.-1-RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE4l Bias Trap I eias VoltageR EC. AMP.TP603(TP604)V.M(FOR BrSVR681(sv R682). (B)AS VOLTAGE)orrrsrMENT (B)V.M. (A )(FOR BIAS TRAP)Proced ure632 to min.
9、 indication on theTest point of TP601 and 602.BIAS TRAPAdjusting L631,V.M. scale at theA) (T(-tItiI_tENADJUSTMTest TapeBlankNormalpos it io ned: OFF:70s: REC.: CrO2I-II controls to be pII ootby N RI rq ua lizerI FunctionI Tape Modett_ADJUSTMENT (B) (BIAS VOLTAGEDolby N REq ua lizerTape Mode: OFF:120
10、s: NormalICrO2.1.FeCrBlankNormalAdjust the bias voltages as follows.Tape ModeVoltageNormal3.7mVSVR681SVR 682CrO25.5mVt_FeCr4.ZmYSV R 683NOTE: Test tapes that required for the above alignment are all TEAC brand and please do not carry out these align-ment without test tapes.All uneven number of Test
11、points and Carbon trimmers aligns for the LEFT channel, and the other numbersal igns for the B I G HT channel .ALIGNMENT COMPONENTLAYOUTSx,8I. UE9euErSV R682#oSVR631TP6O4t!r TP606TP6O2t0SV R683SV R684SVR602aTP8O1!TP8O2Ad just-2-EQ: DOLBY NR,REC,AMP (DAM-I 66A)=66-ooJdt_lo=)$kst*r*H-3-LOGIC CONTROL (
12、DLC-I 38-1 B)lilSI+lssO+Js6O+s7O+Js8O-+ssHntw Pt,lJx6tRtt Ptux8tRItlT(lRI0T0R, !ltIr, tcT0 EQ: D9LBYNR. REC. AMP(DAM - 166)TO EQ:DOLBYNR. FI EC. AMP(DaM-166)O+ I lR R(lR L AIPo+ t,tcT swtlcHO+ Giloo+ tRAsE PRoIEcI sf,tlcrO+ rEroRY sutTcHO)+ HAtt tc oulo+ crsstlrt sf,rlcr 6r0Ft llll ttO+PLIY tXD ttD
13、tntw lll0 tt9lllRrc l;0 rro-Onzl.856588666tUllCTl0ll lryPOWER SUPPLY (DPS-I 83-1 )rc-Jll7Fl- - =-_:_-._-ra+,l ffiffilrrc(+(DDA-I 67A)stTO EQ:DOLBYNR. REC. AMP( DAM -16 6)?0;ilsnlcllilIfr rjff6-4-PARTS LISTPart No.DescriptionSymbol No.0tya setINTEGRATED C!RCUIT & TRANS!STORSTCg121PT A7 122APor TA7122
14、BPprPC4558N E6468N2SAs64(OR )254963(O R )25C828(OR)2SC 1 383(OR )25C2209 (OR )2SD592ANC(OR )N 13T1LSIICICICTransistorTransistorTransistorTransistorTransistorTransistorP.U.T.rc701tc601,602r c603I C80 1 ,802071 00731 ,733,7350204, 401 , 402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409 , 410, 451 ,601 , 602,603,604, 65
15、1 ,652,705,706,707,713,721,722,732,734,7364202,704,7090201 ,701 ,702,70307084711121213273411DIODES1 S1 88FM or 1 N60or 204901S 1 555 or MA1 50W03B or 1N40021N4002GP.1 58HZ6-3-AHZg-2-BHZ12-3-CHZ24-3G L-gP R2Germanium DiodeSilicon DiodeS ilicon D iodeSilicon DiodeSilicon DiodeZener D iodeZener D iodeZ
16、ener D iodeZener D iodeLEDD401 ,402, 403404D451,707,708709,710,711,721 ,722D201 ,202,203204, 209 ,21 1 ,212,213,214,701 ,702,703,704,705,706D210,216, 217D205 ,206, 207208DZ2O3DZ701D2202,702DZ2O1LED701 ,702,703 .704,70548153411115CONTROLSEWK-HW A332A24EWK-G4 A323703EVT R4AOOB242K (B) , g05K (B)10K (B
17、)100K (B)Pote ntio meterPotentiometerCarbon TrimmerCarbon TrimmerCarbon TrimmerCarbon TrimmerCarbon TrimmerV R6O1V R6O2svR601,602SVR684svR401 , 402,683svR631 ,632svR681 . 6821121322SW!TCHESESD-81541sw4235012sw4435013sw4635021ESL-2428LSA-1 139HKWo141-O1-010ESB7O97Slide SwitchLever SwitchLever SwitchL
18、ever SwitchLever SwitchLeaf SwitchFunction ButtonU nit AssyAC ON/OFF SwitchS1s2,4S3S5s6, 7s12s11s1312112111BIAS OSC. UNIT53T-003 or 191004Bias OSC. UnitosB6811FILTER12A-1120F ilter, 1 9k HzFt L801 ,8022Part No.DescriptionSymbol No.Otya setCOILS & TRANSFORMERSN PTO435S1 620051.8mH (MC129Yl1 .2mH (RCA
19、75)Power TransformerOutput TransformerVariable lnductorlnductorT401 ,402L631 ,6321633. 6341222CONNECTORS & TERMINALSH LJ -O294-O1-O2H LJ .264-01-03cs728-1-2N41 572MC03-021MC06-014MC07-015MC07-016MC09-017MC09-018171825-3171825-6171825-7171825-9S R3P.4PC-002ACC.Ol OHeadphone JackMic Jack8 Hole D lN So
20、cket4-Pin JackMicro ConnectorAssyMicro ConnectorAssyMicro ConnectorAssyMicro ConnectorAssyMicro ConnectorAssyMicro ConnectorAssyMicro Plug,3-PinMicro Plug, $-PinM icro Pl ug , 7 -PinMicro Plug,9-PinStrain Relief , LineCordAudio CableLine Cord3-Pin6-Pin7 -Ptn7-P in9-Pin9-Pin11211I1lrl1,l21PRINTED CIR
21、CUIT BOARDD.A. M-1 39D. L. C-1 38D. L. S-1 38-1D.P. S-1 40Amplif ier P.C.B.Logic Control P.C.B.Logic Switch P.C.B.Power Supply P.C.B.1111SOLENO!D1 80005So len oidSL31FUSES, METERS & LAMPSF U-520201-57F U-520202-57F U-5231 52-57F U-520501 -57K L-258T-680044-236334BO1 41-26404AP L1 2303003AFuse (200mA
22、)F use l2AlFuse (3.1 5A)Fuse (500mA)Level Meter (Silver)LampLamp, MeterLampFU1 ,2FU5FU6,7FU8,9LA903,904LA901 ,902LA903, 904LA9O521222221IFUSE HOLDERSs-N5053Fuse Holder14RESISTORS%w 3.3K07W 39rMetal Film ResistorWire-Wou nd ResistorR81 1 ,812R702,70322CAPACITORS2OpF200pF27OpFMCO.01pFSCO.05pFCeramic C
23、apacitorCeram ic CapacitorCeram ic CapacitorCeramic CapacitorCeram ic Capacitorc607, 608,659660c647, 648,681ffi2c825,826c713,714,715716c201 ,202,20320444244l-5-holEcleclrcI roI ro,gBl;.I roI roI ro1,.I roI roI rolzslzslzsl,uPARTS LISTPart No.DescriptionSymbol No.Otya setECO-P 1472F2ECO-P 1562F2ECO-P
24、 1273F2560pFECNC4A 1 O3M50V 0.0012pF50V 0.0068pF50V 0.0082pF50V 0.01pF50V 0.01 2pF50V O.O47 pFsOV 0.056pFsOV 0.1pFUov o.o33pFECEAsOM R33ECEASOM R47 RECEAl6M 1ORl OTW 47 pF1OTW 100pF,Offi 22OpF1OTW 47OpF1OTW 33pF1OTW 1000pF1OTW 22OOqF16TW 4.7 pF1 6TW 1 OpF16TW 47 pF1 6TW 1 00pF1 6TW 22OpF16TW 1000pF2
25、5TW 3.3pF25TW 1pF25TW 4.7 pF25TW 1 OpF$ut* 47rffII 25TW 100pFII 25TW 22OpFI gslru 22opF.lrlSrw 10OpFPolypropy lenePolypropy lenePo ly pro py le nePolystyreneoirMylar lt5o/olMylar ftS%lMylar (t5o/olMy lar lt5o/olMylar (t1o/olMylar G5o/olMy lar lt5o/olMy lar (t1o/olMylar lt2Oo/olE lectrolytic (0.33M )
26、Electrolytic (0.47M)Electrolytic (10M)E lectrolyticElectrolyticElectrolyticE lectrolyticE IectrolyticE lectrolyticElectrolyticE lectrolyticE lectrolyticE lectro lyticE lectrolyticElectrolyticE lectrolyticElectrolyticE lectrolyticElectrolyticE lectrolyticElectrolyticE lectrolyticE lectrolyticElectrol
27、yticE lectrolyticc815,816c817, 818c8 1 9 ,820c603, 604,645646c251 ,252c645, 646c61 5, 61 6, 649650, 656c662c655, 661c65 1 , 652c653 ,654, 809810c657,658c633, 634, 805806c452, 709c803, 804c81 1 ,812c601 ,602c21 6c637,638c215c61 1 ,612,217c407, 408 ,643644c218c219c667,668c212,403,404631 ,710,807,813,8
28、14,821,823,824,822,808 , 632,665,666c704c705c802c21 4c707c663 ,664c401 ,402,641642c213, 609, 61 0639,640c208,605,606635, 636,669c210 , 617, 61 8683,801c209 ,21 1c250c731 .732.7332224225122424222212134112161111124565213NOTE: 1. Part orders must contain Model Number, Part Number and Description.2. Ord
29、ering quantity of screws and/or resistors must be multiple of 10 pcs.3. Resistorsnotdetailedinpartslistareall carbontype%watt,withregardtothevalue,refertotheschematicdiagram.Part No.DescriptionSymbol No.Otya sst35TW 1 OO0pF50TW 0.1pF50TW 1pF50TW 2.2pF50TW 22OpFElectrolyticElectrolyticElectrolyticE !
30、ectrolyticElectrolyticc205c7 21c405, 406, 684,706,711,712c708c20611611APPEARANCE PARTSN 101 14N41095N20395-8 KN30252-2N 30252-1N30209-1 B KN41 232N41 233N41281-SN41 265N302544N41 291N41 661N41 660N30248-8 KN 30251 -B K rN41266-8KN41 293N41 443N41 250-TN41 109tJ203g8T.CFront Pane!Cass Window Mtg. BCa
31、ssHolderKnob GuideK nob GuideKnob GuideSide Cap, RightSide Cap, LeftPush Button, PowerPush Button, EjectKnob, LeverReset ButtonKnob 21Knob 44Cass CompartmentMeter PlateTop CoverAlum. PlateMeter WindowCassWindowCounter WindowCaseFootTimer,Memory SwitchBias, EO,lnput SwitchDolby N R SwitcPower ON/OFFS
32、witchPowerEjectRec. BalanceRec. LevelCass H olderLogic Cont.11114111116111111111114MISCE LLANEOUSN41 31 0N41 261N41262N41 2834N41 294N41 295N41 258oM-1 52Switch ShaftShaft CouplerShaft CouplerEject SpringSpring ASpring BCassHolding Springlnstruction BookPowerFrontRear11111111PACKING MATERALN41 31 8N
33、40487N20389N203904N41 424N41 662Poly.BagPoly. BagPad, R ightPad, LeftPad, TopCarbonFor UnitFor lnst. Book111111-6-PARTS LIST CASSETTE DECK MODEL CT.33O9BParts No.DescriptionOtyA0170A0180A0190A02000A0230c0390E1 360E1310F01 30G0430G1340G1350J01 00J0280JO440J0460J0640J0650J0670K1630K1640K1660K2090K21 0
34、0K2360K2440P01 30o0240019900201002020o2050o2060o2080o2100021 1042140o2150022600231 0s0340T021 0T0220u01 70u0340u0600u0840u0850u0860u0890u1080u1300u1310u1500v2910Drive Arm AssyReel Assy SAReel Assy TADrive Pulley AssySoft Dumper AssyCounterS, K BinderHall GeneratorFly wheel ME rase HeadR/P HeadMotol:
35、Pinch RollerRew. ldler APinch Roller ArmShaft Supporter GCass Guide LACassGuide RAPu lley (For String)FF ldler Arm AssyFF Action Arm AssyAction Plate AssyChassis AssyHead Panel AssySub Chassis BF F Lever Assy ASolenoid AssyR/P Head Spring BPinch Roller SpringFF Action Arm SpringRew. Arm Spring ABrak
36、e Arm Spring RABrake Arm Spring LAAction Plate SpringDrive Arm SpringAction Lever SpringAction Lever SpringAction Plate SpringErase Head SpringBack Tension SpringMicro Switch SS-SG L13String AssyRec. Sensor Assy ACounter BeltR ubber Cush ionAd justing Screw Brake LBrake RRubber (For Brake)Reel Cap C
37、Drive BeltR ubber C ush ion CMain BeltFelt 1 x6x4Collar 2.8x3.5x51111111111111111111111111121111111111111112131112212111-7-Parts No.DescriptionOtyv3210v3960v 4470 x1920 x4110 x4580 x4910 x4970 x4980 x 5040 x6330 x6340 x6350 x6370 x6380 x6390 x6400 x6410 x6460 x6570 x7140 x7160 x7180 x7210 x722001 10
38、501 111011440115101 16604085171651 80861 808819145191 46191 49191 5519166201 4821 04621 050230072301 427026301 26322013225233077351 043601 5360203602542025FF !dler Arm CollarCase Lock Arm CollarMotor Pu lleyLug EWasherPressing MetalAction Arm Bracket AAction Arm AHead Panel Pushing Plate GRew. ArmHe
39、ad Panel Pushing Plate JFlywheel Supporter OM icro Switch BracketCassHold Back Spring PlateHead Panel Pushing Plate KSolenoid Arm Guide ASolenoid Arm RBSolenoid Arm LBMotor Holder RlC Board Bracket ARew LeverLock Bracket BBack Tension Brake CDrive Arm Pushing Plate ASupporting Plate For Brake AScrew
40、 2.3x4Screw 2.3x1OScrew 2.6x3Screw 2.6x10Screw 3x5Screw 2x4Screw 3x5Bind Screw 2x5Bind Screw 2x7Screw W/Spring Washer 2.6x4Screw W/Spring Washer 2.6x5Screw W/Spring Washer 2.6x8Screw W/Spring Washer 2.6x14Screw W/Spring Washer 3x5Screw W/Flat Washer 2.6x7Screw W/Flat Washer 2.6x4.5Screw WlFlat Washe
41、r 2.6x6.5Tapping Screw 2.6xGTapping Screw 2.6x5Spring Washer M2.6F lat Washer 2.8x7.5x0.5P.S.W 2.1x4xO.13P.S.W 2.6x4.7x0.25Spring Pin 3x 1 6R ivet 2x3E Rins E-1 .5E Ring E -2.OE Ring E -2.5steel Ball MEXPLODED DIAGRAMl.tlY-i_rysio -J- - -_ _-4fo_rra f-I r!r-I rsrosY-/Y.-/I(i,9) rr+-!+LtNHi D -f-.-%-
42、srcs : .).?. -orru JIJol,-U .l-L- o: -A6o.2o:*rM-il=-.,LI xrs2o -8-MODEL CT-33098,4-/ ,zK_j-LEq! |-,gg_r-E&-rl-rre-l-EI6- L,qlqltC-rrdaoJ.-.1I ozrcol )tot%,ooI,setE4-.-f xzzo|l=_-teerq-9-CIRCUIT DIAGRAMTlIGIG GOXTRllTmtG -t38BlBllARIItIl0ItrII0 rl3o=-r9I60=o=l.0s rc s;tICl!0r10(0ts ll!)rl,l,rB-t!s;l
43、rIilltn .s6?Sslr rrorrlIiIloolrL:l:=rtrott st0 tI tcI -rIUIll0t /0i1c563:ft33 I rirlrr Yr*I oc rolorlo,*r 0I?02lrurz!l/P 00t BY xRsl , s5 I1_r- -SSI Jrrrr I full IUI(IIIR6r3330rooc6*r6t-GR663tltll-Tll:fItot05-=i-t-l 3c.-s5 500t 0Y xls56ll(lTBY ITuooor. tr lIY?tv +l3Yt,P s;ttcttDIPS(lR60r;_ t 00trYrr
44、_ _ _E0rlUzCr130 0|oo-9t3Eirc I0rt uxcl l0rttYcoxIr0t0clcrc!*:tjffi=g,.ot,0,oE+o:croc-0.033!=lril,#ltlvv(5 5) (J 6)ro to. lloBy xt. ntc rrpP C.80lR0R6r5 =!-U rrPur Er P505 c605 R60lcE0lt2t.56tsr9 slll 00061 20 - st13rt? RlP s3 | to xtpSlll :+ 3-ll,- (J I o,i ,7 l, iil li , ,l s, 6s3 3 t0ll? X/? Jr J
45、 1l?- 10-ilo6ooo25lal R65 |cSa l rrxR553 c0l3i;- o* 8=oOo_-Er-;t=3I-e-rAg,1ooq,o, !/f orol ooe-=6E,6EYU ITITR3E I rror t63?E- I cots ltac5r2 2lrRsil C6a1oeRt rl2.110601-o- -?o er,aE:lto,o-E-o-9eFO71O?orEn suPPtY B0AID (lIPs - t83 Ittc/ lttt srrrcttIIPUI STTTCI SIIICHt0 stttcr srtlcrBrAS StttcI sflIc
46、H00tlr tt I IPI frt s:lIcHnrtn sfrrcH ttc,/ttttrtr0rY turclr0r srrlcllrtr0lY 0tttcI sIlIcllttlsurt Pt0rtcI srtIcIrulorlnc ot/ott srr IGtttrlr clsstlltfurclr0t rtY sfllclltrtcr srrIcIP0itn sttIcH!.tiAR/6.-x Pr r#15 stt001r -rLtrj17p Sl 15Ilrsrs?s3sts5s6s,sts9sr0s lls 12s 13uPil55!CIA I?2?rt55I C 91 2
47、 t P0rt!r2Srllt?srr6r2SCt2l030r 50?t0t. (02.,?1,65r.652,493, a69. r?2.,32.r3 , tr.,35?sc t3t3 0?sc ?209 0I l3I r 0rsrtttl 0cr 9?n2 ttoIl r50( tst555) It0 3 B I I lt0e2) 0trt002 0 ?t06PI5BIlt50,0r. ,0t02, ,03 -,0t. ,02. ,03. r01F-*oiii-oii-lvfi - -1s5 r s5 ? .t, I,31-J?0 l.103. 20 r, 20tI 21.t22, .12
48、 5r;:| ,0L- -Jc635 EstlSlll00l (l)III!IIIIIIIIJ?5Ya,R63333V? S;lICilt0 +2 3 tJ,.5t t l0lr oltI lctocioc03tlom tr,rPt , c. B0AR0I( RtrtR r0tttI st0r )ocsrs E-ul E?5V. R63a33osr 5- t-o -JlllUztB, D0t8r, tEc ltt ttrtD fltAtt- t66tF(Joc53?-1 1-Push ButtonPowerN41 281 -SCase Cassette W indowN20398 N41250
49、-T r-rCassette W indowMtg.Bkt.N41 095Meter PlateN30251-BK1Front PanelN 101 14Knob GuideN30209-1BKPush ButtonEj ectN41 265Headphone JackH LJ-0294 01-O2Knob GuideN30252-2QiQEEEEEEReset ButtonN41291K nob LeverN302544Knob GuideN 30252- 1K nob 44N41 660Knob 21N41 661LEVE LMETE RM1F ootT.CBLOCK DIAGRAMMIC