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1、Gt:)e-HcGt Lrlrvai.,1,+1 ft;.#s .d,:.:,w_,ffiGENERAL INFORMATIONThe Fujiya Model MTR-252 is a two-speed, dual-track, battery powered tape recorder.It will take reels up to three inches in diameter.A level meter is provided for telling the condition of the motor batteries and recordingle vel.Pushbutt

2、ons are provided for each mode of operation; Rewind, Stop, and Play-Record.Speed change is accomplished by remcving the large diameter capstan.The two tape speeds are L 1/ 8 and 3 3/4 ips. The playing or recording time for a 300 ft.reel at 3 3/ 4 ips is 28 minutes and at I ?/ B ips is 56 minutes.Sup

3、plied By:Fujiya Corporation, Ltd.Suite 3 20 2, Chrysler Building405 Lexinglon, Avenue,New York I7, New YorkHOWARD W, SAmS &The lieting of any available replacement part herein doesnot constitute in any case a recommendation, warranty orguarantyby Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. , as to the qualityand su

4、itability of such replacement part. The numbers ofthese parts have been compiled lrom information lurnishedto Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. , by the manufacturers ofcQ48?G (o., I t (C, lndianapolis i, lndianathe particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-duction or use, without express permissi

5、on, of editorial orpictorial content, in any manner, is prohibited. No patentliability is assumed with respect to the use of the informa-tion contained herein. tS0Z Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc ,vt-t-lCJI-l(=Erft-cs)Indianapolis 6, Indiana.oATE 3 - 62Printed in U.S. of AmericasET 571TOTDERFUJIYA ANODE

6、LMTR252-tl,ttoOcr=Rx)saEmFRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库PREPARING FOR OPERATI ONl. Install 6 penlight type batteries in each case in 2. Remove the accessories from the storage com-the battery eompartment. partment.FUNCTION OF CONTROLS AND JACKSHi,l:.StopDepressing the Stop button will stop the modeof opera

7、tion and remove the power to the amplifierand motor.RewindDepressing this button will rewind the tape ontothe supply reel.Play-RecordThis eontrol has two functions. Depressing thebutton wlth the record button pushed in places therecorder in the record mode. Depressing the buttonbut leaving the recor

8、d button out, places the recorderin the play mode.RecordThis button must be pushed in and held until thePlay-Record button is depressed to make a recording.It serves as a safety lock during playback to preventaccidental erasure.VolumeRotating the knob in the direction of the arrow,Page 2increases th

9、e volume level. Rotation in the oppositedirection, decreases the volume.Level MeterThe level meter has two functions:I. It serves as a recording level indicator whilerecording.2. It indicates the condition of the batteries.External SpeakerA patch cord may be plugged into the jack andthe other end co

10、nnected to the voice coil terminals ofan external speaker. Earphones may be plugged intothis jack also.MicrophoneThe mic jack has two functions. The first func-tion is to make a reeording. Secondly, the mierophoneis equipped with a switch so the power to the motorcan be cut off or on, at any time, d

11、uring a recording.FIG.I TOP VIEW OF MECHANISMRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库FIG.2 BOTTOMOPERATI NGThreading the Tapel. Depress the stop button.2. Open the lid.3. Unwind about 14 inches of tape from a full reeland place the reel on the supply spindle.4. Place an empty reel on the take-up spindle.5. Hold a se

12、ction of tape taut and insert it in thetape slot.6. Insert the free end of the tape into one of thethree slots in the take-up reel. Turn the reel afew turns to secure the tape to the reel and totake up all slack between reels.RecordingI. Thread the tape, see Threading the Tape.2. Plug the microphone

13、 into the microphone jack.3. Make sure themotor control switch on the mic-rophone is in the Off position.4. Depress the reeord safety button and the play-record button.5. Depress the motor eontrol switch on the micro-phone and slide it to the On position.6. Talk into the mierophone in a normal manne

14、rand adjust the volume eontrol until the needle ofthe level meter is between the red and whiterange. This gives the correct volume level forrecording.7. To stop the tape motion temporarily, slide themotor control switch to Off.8. To stop the reeorder, depress the Stop push-button.Playback1. Thread t

15、he tape, see Threading the Tape.VIEW OF MECHANISMI NSTRU CTI ONS2. Depress the Play-Record button.3. Adjust the Volume control.4. II earphones are used, plug them into the ex-ternal speaker jack. The self-contained speakeris disconnected when the earphones are pluggedin.5. If the microphone is plugg

16、ed in during playback,the motor control switch can be used to startand stop the tape motion.To Erase a RecordingThe tape is automatically erased when making arecording. If it is desired to erase a tape withoutputting newmaterial onit, proceedas described underRecording, but, turn the Volume sontrol

17、to its mini-mum position.Dual-Track RecordingDual-track recordings are made on one-half ofthe tape at atime. After making a reeording, and tapeis wound onto the take-up reel, remove the reels.Turn the full reel over, plaee on the supply spindle,rethread the tape, and continue the recording.External

18、SpeakerPlug apatch cord into the external speaker jackand connect the other end to the voice coil of the ex-ternal speaker. The self-eontained speaker is dis-connected when the pateh cord is plugged into theexternal speaker jack.Speed ChangeSpeed change is accomplished by changing thecapstan diamete

19、r. The larger diameter is the 3 3/4speed. To change to I 1/ 8 speed, remove the knurledscrew and remove the larger diameter capstan bush-ing.cL3=id=loEmFol-Irrl7oPage 3To Remove the Recorder from the Casel. Remove pressure roller (17).2. Remove head cover (I).3. Remove pushbutton escutcheon.4. Remov

20、e two screws holding the top dress plate.Lift top dress plate up, unsolder the speakerwires, and remove the top dress plate.5. Remove two screws from the front and back ofthe case and one from the storage compartment.6. Lift recorder out of case.7. Disconnect the level meter leads.8. Reverse thefore

21、going proeedure toreassemble.To Remove Amplifier f rom Tape Transportl. Remove the input and output jacks.2. Disconnect the play-record and erase heads.3. Remove one screw and one stud hotding thepush-button assembly.4. Remove four screws holding the printed boardto the tape transport.5. Diseonnect

22、the motor leads.6. Remove three screws holding the battery term-inals.7. Remove all clamps holding any leads.8. To reassemble, reverse the foregoing proced-ure.DISASSEMBLYTROUBLE CHARTSym ptomCauseRemedyNo takeup during record orplayback.Takeup tuive belt (I3) broken.Felt clutch defective.Clutch ten

23、sion spring weak orbroken.l. Replace.2. Replace clutch assembly undertakeup reel (ll).3. Replace cutch tension spring.I.2.3.No rewind-1.2.Rewind idler tension spring (5)olf or broken.Rewind drive belt (25) off orbroken.l. Replace rewind idler tensionspring (5).2. Replace rewind drive beft (25).Pregs

24、ure roller does not en-gage the capstan when play-record button is depressed.1. Pressure roller tension spring(16) off or broken.1. Replace pressure roller tensionspring (16).Motor does not disengagetheflywheel whenthe stop buttonis depressed.l. Stop lever tension spring (7) offor broken.l. Replace

25、stop lever tensionspring(7).No record or playback.t.2.Play-reeord head (19) def eetive.Defective amplifier.Replace play-reeord head (19).Check amplifier for defectivecomponents.1.2.Does not erase.l. Defective erase head (21).2. Broken wire going to the erasehead.3. Slide switch on printed boarddefec

26、tive.Replace erase head (21).Check wires and replace anybroken ones.If switch is defective, replace.l.2.3.Motor runs but flywheel andcapstan does not rotate.l. Motor tension spring (26)off orbroken.1. Replace motor tension spring(26).Motor does not run and am-plifier is dead.l. Batteries ai-il defec

27、tive.l. Replace batteries with ones knownto be good.Pressure pads do not makefirm contacts with the heads.l. Pressure pad tension springbroken.I. Replace pressure pad tensionspring.Page 4The play-record head (18), erase head (21),pressure roller (17), tape guides, and capstan aresubject to tape resi

28、due which is nrorn off the tape asit passes these parts. Use a soft cloth and alcohol toclean these parts.CLEAN INGLU BRI CATI ONMECHAN I CAL PA RTS L I STUse a soft cloth and alcohol to clean oil or greasefrom the pressure roller (17), rewind idler wheel (24),and drive belts.AII rotating parts are

29、provided with oilite bear-ings. They are factory tubricated and should requireno further lubrication. If lubrication is required, uselight weight oil sparingly.cE=lrr d=)rogrllFRef.No.DescriptionRefNoDescriptionI2345678I10uL213L4t5I6Head CoverSupply ReelRewind Idler LeverRewind Lever Tension SpringR

30、ewind Idler Lever Tension SpringBase PlateStop Lever Tension SpringRec.ord Lever Tension SpringRecord LeverStop LeverTakeup ReelRewind Actuating LeverTakeup Drive BeltPressure Roller Actuating LeverPressure Roller LeverPressure Roller Tension SpringL718l9202I2223242526272829303132Pressure RollerPlay

31、-Record HeadPlay-Record Head Pressure PadErase Head Pressure PadErase HeadTape GuideHead Mounting PlateRewind Idler WheelRewind Drive BeltMotor Tension SpringBattery Holder Tension SpringMotor Mounting BracketFlywheel and CapstanFlywheel and Capstan Mounting PlateMotor Mounting HousingMotorEA Howcrd

32、 w.Somr !$ffifS ruroPR INTED BOARD-loEf,rrlFoPage 5=l.Llo-o0Lrla(/)(-)o-=tN6LONdv1stnNEvtoNNovtrlPage 6JglagfiEt3ILea+ lt-9e-(-)d=r!OeJOtleg :E 3t3 t; Ic(ao -ro6rE3EEoo2(aE:e.r-o5FFd.-e-Jo-LJz(9tt)OzIC;E6z()Lrtzo:to-&Uet5bo- Itl=c-oJlrlEsad9(Jq)og2E=IJcoJo-uA-o;-LFixU=L dthrnta: !OiKe-oITITTtTITITIT

33、LJFC)F6/AL9ctEooae.x(5VJheHqz.ir-o=87) FYta/lEul3 *=EF=L4EoFUI=d.trl-FcooocozoFtlo-!zC)cod r-(o!f)+ c4rl- Q =xo o o o o og-Q.o = :T- - r ecal l:r-l-t l-t E =lJ_ou_o.odTo tlto-) OO f (O La, t f) ctroz=o=;IEEo;o9z:oFoI:izHozddJ:Eetl,teozoz=-9*o?izFoANFZAozoz:.9pF?;:to9FzhlsiHFFoc:;FFozFozz.aZ.9 podd.6

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