Hitachi-DE7-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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2、;CTCR SWITCHffECORDINC LEVEL CONTROLKNOB SiiEC MUTE BUTTONAUTO/TdAMORY REW S1f./ITCI-ITIMER SW1TCHPOVER SWITCHFEATUfi ESi. 3-Fiead SYstenr for Metal TaPe2. Sr:iit-ln DolbY lJ f; 3lC Circuit3. Feather-J-ouch sivitches controlledpuier I ogic gil6r-iit4.AutomaticCue,AuiomaticRervindPeet PiaYback in Acc

3、oriance withRe ad Out f rom Clmputer lviemeiYiSPTCI F iCATICIJSby lntegrateci Com-and Automatic RePrese t Reryi;-rd Datag. Automatic Rec MUTr ro procluce Four second ElankTape Fartion ai a TouchS. J-aPe StandbY Mechanisin7 . Tape counter Automatic ffeset Mechanisrir8. Remote Control Jack g. Timer sw

4、itch and Tape Selector switch lndicatcrsTrack SYstem:Tape:Tape Speed:fiecording sysrern andSias FrequeacY:4.Erasing SYstern:Erase Ratio:FrequencY ResPonse:Signal to Noise Ratio:lnpurn SanritivitYani lmpudanc:4 track 2 channel stereoCassette tape4.5 crn/sAC bias, 85 klizAC erase65 dB (at i kHz) or rn

5、oreNOR-I: 2A Fa to i8 kHz30 Hz to 17 kHz:3 dB) ,CrOr -I: 2O Hz lo 2O kHr3O Hz to 18 kHat3 dB MTALIV: 2O l-iz to 21 kHz30 Hz to 19 kHzr3 dB *Dolby B NR ON: 69 dBDolby C Nff ON: ?5 dBDolby NR OFF; 6l dB*A weighted, Ref erence 39T.H.D.fulicroPhon: O.3 mVtsuitabte rnicroPhoneirnpedance 300 ohmr to5 kohr

6、ns)Waw and Flutter:0utput leveland lmpedance:Oistortion:Crosstalk:Power Supply:Pcvrer Consumptlon:Dimensic,rs: .Weight: ,.: ,-, According to DIN 45 5OO:Sr:ecif ications are sublect toperiornlans irnProvet-nen t.Line in: 30 rF,V, 50 kohrnscr rnore0.0360;l $JRMSI0.1%L.ine out: 5O0 mVSu iiable Load lmp

7、edance50 kohrns or more)iieadphone: 80 rnVtSu itabie Lr:ad I mP*:danceB ohrns ttr 2 kohrns)0.8% t1 kHz, 160 n!Yb/m)S0 dE tat 1 kHz) or.rnor*AC 1?OV, 6O Hz for U.S.A. *Y- 240V, 50 Hz for U.K- andAusralia2?W for U -S.A. -?5!V or tJ.K. and Ausrralia43Stvl x I iO1l x272D mm4.6 kschange without notice fo

8、rr1III.ttIi1!II-.tsgffiffiffi# ffi$essffiYYffi T-&ffiffi ffiffiffiffiRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库ADJUSTMEhITSs Adjustm*nt PointsI ies curre nt ad iustnrenti -*-+w?*_.-*-*.-ffiPlaylrack ievel adjusinre ntMeter adiustmentalcclhol, according tCI the following pro-ttItFiecord ing level adjustr-nerltMeasuring

9、 Equiprnent1. Low-frequency oscillator2. flectronic vcitmeter3. Attenu ator4. Frequency corrnterJig, Test Tapes and Check Tape1. HeacJ adjustment jig2. Dolby tape 400 Hz3. Azimuth correction tape t 10 kHz)4. Tape speed adjustrnent tape 3,000 Hz5. h4irror tape tape transport check6. Normal tape Un ta

10、pe7 . Chrome tape (EX iape)B. Lo-D nreial iape tC-/i6)s Control anci Switch PositiansSet the switches and controls to the fcllor,virrg levels.Recording level acijustment RV20i MAXOutput level adjustrrent iRV101)MAXDolby NR switch 5301OFFTape selecior switch iS202 5204)Ncte 1MPX switch S201iCFFMonlto

11、r switch tS303).TAPEFig. ttare cleaned withcedu re -Adjustments must be performed after the cassetteremoved and the magnetic heads, pinch,rlier and1. Tape Speed AdjustmentAdjustrnent Procedu reConnect the frequency counter to LINE OUT, and play-back a test tape after the unit has been operated for 2

12、Aminutes or rnore. Adjust thE tape speed at an interrnediatepofiion cf the tape.2. Azimuth ,Adjugtrnent cf Reccrdinq/Playback HeaciAdjustnrent Proceduret1) Adiust the front/rear pcsition of the head only afterthe head support has bcen renroved). Adiust the heightand orientation oi the head using the

13、 head adjustnrentiig.tzl Connect an electronic valtrneter to LINE OUT andplayback the test tap.When the maxinrum valrres iar the right and left chan-nels are dif ferent, u se the rnaximum value of the leftLl channel as the rtfeience At the same time, be suretcl check that the dif fe rence be tween .

14、the rnaxirnumvalues for the two charrnels is within 2 dB. lf the dif-ference is large, readjust tiie azimuth of the head.3 When alignment of the azirrruth is at an extrerne posi-tion, read just the azirnutlt using the head adiustrnentiig.lJote i The tape selector switch istion in accordailce with th

15、eused as follcrnrs.set to a proper posl-magnetic tape tobecover tscapstantI nputTape speedadiustment tapeAdiustrnentvalueAdjustmentpointSemi-fixed volumeinside of the rnotorlnputAdiustme ntAdiustmentva luepornttilax irnumo.r 1pU tAzimuth adjust-ment screwTape seiector switch 5202 5204Chrome tape i C

16、rO3 -llCassette TapeNo tape is usedTest tapeNormal tapeHITACHI METAL tapeMETAL.IVRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库i H3-il?I3. Adjustrnents af Reprocfuction Gair: Lltlg OUT gain and Metert1) Adjustnrent of Reproduction Gaind:flolby NR cperation check o Doby B type +i1 ) Record using r:netal tape ME C46 at 5 kH

17、z,-40 dB with resp*ct to the Dolby level. Continuously r*card witft $clby O:F and D;lby B;.Play back with Daiby O F F and check th at theoutput dif ererice betwee n ilclby O F F and DolbyB. is approx. 10,JB.a Dolby C type : -1 Record using rnetal tape M E C46 at 1 k H z.-4C dB with resoect to ttre t

18、lolby level. Continu-ously record with Dclby OFF and Dolby C-tzl PlaVback with Dclby OF F and check that theoutput dif ference between Dolby O F F andDolby C is approx. i6 dB-6. Ccarse Adiustment o Recording Levell ;. itA tefi$d5.i%I Inpttt i trdiustnrentI i - i- valuef_* -. -i-*I . DclbrY i n:io nr

19、v to.z crgLj.T-lg.rlc- trpe_iHLsciAdl.r*-ntl_f:jI_ _J2iJ,qdj u strneni Pro ced ureConnect the electronic voltrneter to LINE OLJT, piaybackthe Dolby tape, antJ ad jr-rst so that the electrcnic voltnrterreads the adlustrnsnt value.t2) Acijustrnent af Mete r1) Connect the low-frequency oscillator to LI

20、NI lNth rough an attenu ator, and set the u nit in the record ing mode.2) Set the rncnitor switch to the SOJ RCE positionand apply a signal of 400 Hz to LtNf lN. Adiustthe rneier usinq ihe attenuator so that the outputvoltage appeared at LlNf OUT is 520 mV *0.5 dB.3l Adjust RTi02L and R so that the

21、0 dB point of thenteter correspc;nds to a transient point from OFF toCftl.Adjustment e,f Bias Osciilation FrequeilcYl Set the iape selector srryitch to the MEIAL position,and insert a fileas;uring probe in the terrninals of anerase head connectcr HP1.21 Adjust L-50i so that the oscillatiorr frequenc

22、y is85 k lz 10.5 k Hz.Jvr4-rt- To the frequenc? counter10ck aHP I4.lnput1u strnentrialu ej_ rzo fy -lo l_i_ lr?01f,-lAdjustment ProcedureConnect the lowfrequeficlr oscillator to LINE lN andapply a signal _of 1 .2 kHz 50 as to initiate the recordingmode. Then, set the rnCInitor switch to the logflggp

23、osition and acijust the output from the low-frequencYoscillator so that the voltmeter reads 520 mV *10 dB attlre output terminal. Then, set the monitor switch to theTAPE position and adjust RT201 t- and R so that the out-put voltage is 52G mV -10 dB.rl7. Fine Adjustment of Bias Current & Adjustment

24、of Recording LevelRecord at the following recording levels r.rsing the types of tapes indicated to adiust and check the playback levels.flecording levelPlayback levelI F reqLrencyLeve ILeve Iii-izi520mV -23d8frT501 L, RATT520mV -23d8520mV -23d81 .2k/12kAd ju sttnert tpointi no;ustrnentI I oca iionAd

25、 iu strnen tpot ntAArrg. t tAd jus trne n tp rocedu rewithin r0.5d8 | RT201L,ATT I wi th in + 1 .Oci8within t3dBwittrin t3dBwithin + l dBHITACHIf ETALtaPe1 .2kl12k1 .21:/12k1 .2k /t?kMITAL520rnV -?3dB.If.nd. s# *a ird g*, I Itd*d t,Ire#Adjustment Prccedure 1 F ine ,ciju strnnr cf Eias Cu rrentt Conn

26、ect rhe low-f reqilency oscillator -to t_lN f, lN- _through the.attenuator and the electronic voltmeterro LINI oL.T. Apply a signal of 1.2 kiz $ LINIlN to initiate the recording mocje. Tlren, set tlremonitor switch to the SoL, fiCE position rc ac justr-he output frcnr the low-frequency oscillatr:r s

27、o ihatthe voltmeter reads szO mv -10 dB at LINE our.Ad just the attenuator so that the electron ic volt-rrreter reads 520 mV -23 dB.2l set the rilonitor :witch ta the TAPE position toalternately apply signals of 1.2 kHz and 12 kHzfrom the low-frequency oscillator. Adjust RT501 Land R so that a diffe

28、rence between the two outputsfalls within +1 dB. only the chrorne and metal tapes shor:ld be used forthis check. Horryevcr, it the playback level deviatesfrom t3 cjB, readjust the recording and playbacklevels ilsino the normal tape.B. check and ,Adjustrnent of cassette chassis sectionCheck ltemi- Pt

29、*trrt;pr-tr- f.;driving force:Adju:trnent of FlecorCiriE Level1 ) Connecr the k:rq-f re quency ascillator to L I N E lNand apply a signal of i.2 kHz to iniriaie the recbrd,ing rnode set the monitor switch to rlre scu RCgposition to adju*t th* outprt frcrn the lo,*.frequefl-cy osciliator s(J that the

30、 v*ltmeter reacJs S20 m V-10 dB at LINE OUI-.2l $et the rnonitor switch o ths TAPE position andadjust RT2c1L and R so that the electronic volt-mter reads 520 mV -10 dB at LINE OUT.2Reerence valueilmarks330 - 420 gNote 1 .;l i,:il ;,.*# ; *;Take-up torque35 - 65 g-cnr iFF torsue75* rR EW torqueL_1!_1

31、10:l6 I Supirly back-tensionjIgla-*-l2.5 * 4 g-cm i ftote 2. lnitiateplayback morJe7 | Take-up back -te nsion1 .l * 5 g-crn I trtote 3. lnitiateplayback nrodeB I Spply braiing rorqueTake-uir biaking torque11i0Head plate restoratiorr forceNote 5. lnitiare stop rnodeAllowable locking forceI over 3C0 g

32、Note 6. lnitiate playback modeyppjv !:r.ig ,:lqiu _j_ l?-Jgg g : i igt-ake-uir biakirrg torque I 5C - 100 g-cm I Note 4. lniriate stop modead u rging Jorce _t_ .1 S : 25 S .i N;tu rBraking forceNote 1Note 2 /7tuitr I i; -r at a u | | ooooq: d; O c o ! a I i; -r 1, d ! | looooqt: 9oo+ _rg 3 Eh :r4 -r

33、ttxgRj?q ;I9 r.:i*-* g li, lgci s* a*X t d#j-titiir; F+ .FslEEYdhrqjffi iE ,= b I i + I i*l(!l ; i -1, rntoufttlw6u.)riirt0llruuqjdrer llf ioiuf e A ril 1i0l-*x4u9li.g-L I Fq iegr*T=e*;i: ffHru.ig l:glnl i I I lug;56+-*-lni* -lf=fi;i ls*iJio6lc-tzP_!pt-F,-Lff-o1*i l l: l I 4:- Y. . l ; + E u=iil_ _q

34、 ldEl lh tar_-t+lt_s_I ooI ruoI .-e trl-aI-ii:es_$*.*#i;:it :i L*l ;J_s rlffiTi;L*r-* g i5iEriF KE trl; ii i i ir- lL; r-r *-,1.-,ffisr-;iilr Hldf :11 i I l-f #;d-i ft?si #-1 T-*roaitn ililLS.tqt$, gi I i lHi ct; bi fll=;-r .g. sO1 -4*iFes_Elril_* *,lgg g_.- or ir I m-3 -:L- fu i InLt; -Xi ocr=.5 cn

35、( nl I I | ql li l*.5(rn!ilI Yusrqj-tlbg#l iqJj#ll ;iaF+ + T s, x l*-+_*ri*li:j lfl l *-ij:!_t_-j_!-: : LTTwisE! ll l3tp-e:=:-J_f H;!_1SJF. *T-ft I I rfg.F-r I + lll:i-., - ; q: .&-s-alI!lT1f1111 t i 1:_t i 1 Hllg:I I IlTr9*ttryry_.|t38;A-iTTllll lllFr i i *iffttfl.g -F,i-l I I iil ilffiTl lll!il35

36、5 b *;l ll+_l+gl I i I f_=*g_-er_5;_ o,3| d*mffi*,fllll llll;*atFrrl i-lilH1e llti lilFl rydJh;* $; :# ii;.*-o -Eu :l lllil/t I I i I I ql rl/l.=1-&*Jwf)-r L) Zq. i*gH*,Thlljsllffi:* uui;,i,$-,4 -*i f*ffiJJLffifffi -*:aaxi- I *H ji _T:i*ry l:;i 3Hx; T-. seUJ Iriirusgq ; IIA ffii*ffioiilSl lotl :orrS

37、* 16+i i i 5 g-.F*T l!&tc-Ft/ t I I to!, T- L-.-* e*.l/ J I I -j :s f I -L,?-F d8*rr li tr- ilx;rifil$i i !* ll tr$eo3il1l ?E ET li L-=X;tgru- FGr + lir -.lHd ltt. t ,rt3 I -r-l I I I I -:i* 11;$ EEiil*ffi G.aEL-iouratu ? ndf,k$oes,.lourau,r T n.Jf,pu$ts uor iJ3l.?s i lau:tz/Zi q:a:Ii. II,I.f;I ri,;

38、tottIIIt.,i, .,r,.,1sxte*# f*+r-*-.f-.rgrf*;tri-i6- tt-? qi$ *;fr:.+i_*-+I_i;*.*-t#r*-r L*ribtxl:,: s,$rEs3.a+ .,13 1fi!:.f, :&1.iS.Jtgfilitr:rJtT *tAGftAr,4Tiltilc trrrC * iI L RUt+lAL i F )G*tt kgiR3ffidL-rF * L* Ie : Ci:-i;al l:eJ r:Vir.i#f ieat *rrfr.trici L*:-i*_a*ij t,9*_-lt- t* -r:j*l* rclCI?

39、+htt-Gl i i J gFCgS:t:.:sts- *i * * * * t*j*, * -*;* *i*-*,#-+ itq%Itx:Jdl , ,O._ag;*i i rl* i +tai, Fqx1f Ar*qi ? cbr? $srer*roOr, l,_T:4:;r?flQi Il.3J-*J I I Itt(r i:t r_6 4 -ali a,h*lti; & f*;-:asol 1 ; r*+j*-i ; ; i*rsfr3lT*;-1 : r:l-c13 -;c:si i STA8 ,r, i i oG:;trr* j + Frra i $tgr, :?:r r , itT& I1 I ll .L -,rt Iq 3A?p 31 d 6_- :l.-1;,j$r*irIiJ*.tlg.f


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