《Knight-96RZ940-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Knight-96RZ940-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、PnoToFACT* FolJ*tSIZE5 reel (600 ft.)7 reel (1200 ft.)KNIGHTMODEr 96Rz94oorfosN+40t2tYsoo=GENERAL I NFORMAT IONThe Knight Model 96R2940 uses pushbutton control, Two tracks of material can be record-ed and played back on standard width recording tape This doubles the playing time of a standard5or 7re
2、el of tape with no loss of qualityor frequencyresponse. ReCordingscan bemadefroma radio, television receiver or phonograph. Recordings can be played bacli through either theself-contained speaker or through an external speaker by using the Externat Speaker Jack,using both channels of the tape, the r
3、ecording time is as follows:3oEmXe2TE-+p5o3 3/ 4 SPEEDI hour2 hours71l2ll SPEEDL/ 2 hourI hour.The Knight is designed to operate on 60 cycle, 115V. AC supply only. Before connectingto a line supply, be absolutely certain that it agrees with the above specifications.Supplied by:Atlied Radio Corporati
4、on833 W. Jackson BIvd.Chicago 7, IllinoissIhis msterial compiled and published byw. sAms & co., lNC.,INDIANAPOlIS,INDIANAydght 1957 . All Righb RsarvedllITE g-57stT 360HOWAR,Dt0tDtn 5RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库FIGURE 1OPERATI NG INSTRUCTIONSPreparation For Operationl. Remove the AC power cord, 5 reel of
5、 tape,empty reel and the microphone from the storage com-partment.2. Depress the stop button until it locks.3. Plug the AC cord into a convenient wall re-ceptacle of the proper rating.4. Set speedchange knob to Slowor nFastasdesired.CAUTION: Do not turn speed change knob unlessS-iopl-ffiton is depre
6、s sed.When the Forward or Reverse buttons are de-pressed, thePlay andRecord buttons arelocked intheup position, This prevents the possibility of spillingthe tape. AII buttons should be depressed firmly untilthey latch. The Stop button must be depressed be-fore changing functions or speeds of the rec
7、orderIMPORTANT: Always depress the Stop,buttonwhenreconder Is not in use.Speed Change KnobThe arrow on the speed change knob (I) shouldpoint at Fast or Slow according to the speed de-PAGE 2sired. This recorder has two speeds Fastr - 7 I12,per second and Slow -3 314 per second tape speed.CAUTION: Tur
8、ning the speed change knob while theunilratingwill not change the speed. The Stopbutton must be depressed before the speed can bechangeFThreading The Tape1. Place a full reel of tape on the left (feed) reelplate (8), making sure the slots in the reel areseatedonthe pan protrusions. Unwind about 14of
9、 tapefromthe reel.2. Hold a section of the unwound tape straightwith both handsand insert the tape inthe tape slotbe-tween the escutcheons making certain thg dull (coated)side of tape is facing the back of the relorder.3. Insert thefree end of thetape into oneof thethree slots in the hub of the empt
10、y (take-up) reel Placethe take-up reel on the take up spindle (?)and windupthe tape until it is secured on the reel.To Record From Microphonel. Turn the On-Off -Volume control (9) to therightuntil a click is heard, then allowabout 30 secondsfor theunit towarm up. The Redilitetwill glowwhenthe unit i
11、s turned onRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3oElllx-2=O. !n+N-I5oF I GURE2. Insert the microphone plug into the,Micro-phone jack.3. Move the record lock button downward withthe left hand. This releases the safety lock whichprevents accidental erasures.4 While holdingthe recordlock button, depressthe Record bu
12、tton with the right hand until it latches.5. Adjust the IVolume Control until the Re-cord level indicator just flashes while speaking intothe microphone. When the volume control is advancedtoo far, distortion will result.Note: The Tonecontrol does notoperateduringre-cording. When recording from a ra
13、dio, set the radioTone control to maximum treble.To Record From Radio. TV. or Phono1. Insert the phonograph pickup plug into theRadio-P. A. -Phono Jack.2, For radio or TV recording, connect patchcord, (part C-20.233) to the voice coilof the radio orTV receiver speaker by means of the atligator clips
14、.Plug into the Radio-P.A.-Phono Jack.3. Proceed as described under tTo RecordFrom Microphone.NOTE: Remove patch cord after recording is com-pleted.2To Use Second Track1. When alL the tape has wound on the take-upreel, depress the Stop button.2. Remove reel containing tape and place it onfeed spindle
15、.3. Place empty reel on take-up spindle.4. Thread tape as described under ,ThreadingThe Tape.To Play Recordingsl. Turn unit on withVolumecontrot knob (9).2. Thread tape as described under IhreadingThe Tape.3. Set the speed change knob (l) to the speed atwhich the recording was made.4. Depress Play b
16、utton until it latches.5. Adjust Volume and Tonecontrols to de-sired listening level.High Speed Forward or Reverse$hould it bedesired to play a portionof the tapeit is not necessary to rewind the entire tape. By de-pressing the Forward or Reverse button the tapewill advance or rewind at a rapid spee
17、d to the desiredsection.PAGE 3To Edit and Splice TapeNOTE: It isimpossible to editand spliceone trackoftape without affecting the second track, therefore re-cordings to be edited should be iimited to one trackonly.1. Tape recordings may be edited by cutting outunwanted sections, or by joining select
18、ions into anothersequence. Announcements can be inserted betweenselections etc. Unused sections of tape can be splicedtogether for reuse.2. For best results cut tape on a slight diagonal,join ends together with splicing tape on the glossy sideand trim off any excessive width.Erasing Recorded Materia
19、lWhen the Record button is depressed, theerase head is positioped automatically erasing any pre-vious recording before a new one is made. Materialno longer needed may be erased without recording bydepressing the Record button and turning the Yol-ume control to the minimum, (or extreme counter-clockw
20、ise position). Only one track is erased at atime. To erase the second track reverse the reelsand repeat the above operation.To Use Recorder As a Public Address SystemInsert the microphone plug into the Microphonejack. Plug in an extension speaker and depress theRecord button. Set the Tone and Volume
21、 con-trols to the desired level. A recording can be madeat the same time by placing a tape on the unit in thenormal manner.NOTE: When using the public address feature keepthemicrophone as laraway from thespeakers aspos-sible to prevent Teedback squeal.ADJUSTMTNTSRecord-Play Head AdjustmentWFor maxim
22、um frequency response, adjust therecord-play head (56) as follows;l. Remove the rear escutcheon (4).2. Thread an alignment tape or good recordedtape in the usual manner.3. Set the controls as described under ITo PlayRecordings.4. With the unit playing turn head adjustmentscrew (56A) clockwise or cou
23、nter-clockwise untilmaximum high frequencies are obtained.Pressure Pad AdJustment1. Remove the front escutcheon (13).2, Depress the Play button, Do not turn therecorder on.3, Using a pencil type postal scale, check theamount of pressure necessary to just pull the padPAGE 4away from the tape. The tes
24、t should be made on theend of the pressure pad mounting spring (59). Adjustthe pressure pad for I 3/4 oz. + I/4 oz. pressure asfollows:(a) Therecord headpressurepad isadjustedby the locked adjustment screw (42).(b) Tne guide postpressure pad(al)bybend-ing the pressure pad spring. It must be adjusted
25、 forminimum pressure against the tape.4, After the adjustments are completed de-press the Stopbutton and replace the frontescutch-eon.Erase Head Adjustmentl. With tape properly threaded, turn recorderon and depress the Recordbutton. Allow tapetoruna few seconds then turn recorder off, but leave theR
26、ecord button depressed.2. With the escutcheons (4) and (13) removedcheck the erase head (44)to see if it is paraliel tothetape.3. Check to see if the top edge of the tape coin-cides with the top end of the diagonai slot in the erasehead (junction of the diagonal slot and short verticalslot). To adju
27、st level of tape, loosen set screw (34),(exploded view), and rotate tape guide post (35) to movetape up or down to correct height. Tighten set screw(34).4. After this adjustment has been made, gheckto see if tape movesforwardapproximatelyl/64 whenthe Record button is depressed. If not, loosen thefor
28、ward adjustment screw (44A), exploded view, andturn the screw in or out as required to obtain 1,/64movement. Tighten the locknut. Replace escutcheous.Brake Shoe Adjustmenti. Toadjustthebrakeshoes thecompletemech-anism must be removed from the carrying case, andthe speaker disconnected.2. With aU pus
29、h buttons in the up position thebrake shoes (99A) should clear the drums by approxi-mately 1,/ 8.3. Depressthe Stoptbuttonwhile observingthebrake shoes. Both brake shoes must contact the drumsat the same time and with equal pressure.4. Adjust by bending spring arm (99).Adjustment for Slow Take-Up Re
30、eil. Occassionally the spring drive belt (51)stretches after a period of time. This results in in-sufficient drive torque to wind the tape properly onthe take-up reei. Replace belt as follows:(a). Remove rear escutcheon(4) and take-upreet pan (?). Depress the Stop button and removeold belt from arou
31、nd the pressure roller (50). Liftclear of recorder. Install new belt by reversing theabove procedure.Bias AdjustmentThe bias voitage can be checkedwithout dismantl-ing the unit by connecting a VTVM across the top lugqqwry*m; :r*;1 .;i. ; :.1=oHxFzTEn+Nq5oF IGURE 3of therecording head andchassis. Usi
32、ngnotape, turnthe recorder on and depress the Record button. If75 to 100 volts are present no adjustment is necessary.If the reading is outside this range, proceed asfollows:l. Try a new 12AY7, I2AX7, 6AQ5, and 5Y3.2. If still notwithin range, remove chassisandconnect a low capacity VTVM from test p
33、oint ttArr toground. Using low scale adjust trimmer C18 to obtainmaximum reading. This provides the optimum in per-formance.Neon Record Level IndicatorThe neon record indicator firing level adjustmentis required only if a neon bulb is replaced. The neonindicator is adjusted for correct firing level
34、by meansof the trimmer capacitor. To adjust proceed asfollows:I. Connect a short jumper lead across the biasoscillator coil, Ll, to disable the oscillator.2 Turn the recorder on and depress the Re-cord button.3. PIug an audio oscillator, set at 1000 cycles,into the microphone input jack. Set oscilla
35、tor outputto .01 volt (A one voltoutput can beused byconnect-ing a 100 to I resistor reduction pad between the os-cillator output and microphone input.4, Connectprobeof lowcapacitytype AC VTVMto test point 8 (Junction of coupling capacitor C20and 330K resistor R22 on terminal strip near volumecontro
36、l).5. Adjust volume control to obtain a reading of36 volts on the AC VTVM. Leave volume control setand VTVM connected6. Remove shorting lead from across bias os-cillator coil.7. Turn indicator trimmer C22 fully clockwiseand then turn slowly counter-clockwise so that uponloosening the trimmer the bul
37、b barely lights. Thisadjustment must be made loosening the trimmer. Re-move VTVM.Important: Do not readjust the recording oscillatorafter setting the indicator light.TROUBLESPush Buttons FaiI To Latch In PositionI. Lock plate spring (33) loose or broken, r-sulting in lock plate not being held agains
38、t the hingebracket (29),PAGE 5ceg/bl-m-ffili+ffiI.:.:.: llrFIGURE 4A _ EXPLODED VIEW OF PARTS ABOVE BASEPLATT.PAGE 6E$loded View of Motor And Pulley MountingAssembly (Top Viewl3oHxFzTEfi*soFIGURE 48 - EXPLODED VIEW OF PARTS BELOW BASEPLATE.PAGE 7f)I(oca-,FlrlI.,FXgo;-tF_Fc;O,.rz4o-dE5;iFT,r;FL, OIl!
39、O()FoI.LEOc)UF-n= Ll,-zol4lC)=OVIalrleoAE/ oeEo(YEEO+gl.OAy:ZcJCJ/t59cooNoGiJO6d-F11 zFO=(JuOE=()U)t!oCstl!oFzo-i=;o=EYt!F6. (-)r.rFU=22de6*(JUlJJo-OLL=- q)NOEA-L6!-o.av a:l.6 E H-E o= =OL)JL5 L:n: cFL (JEq e= Cia Li: o-r L- -.- G,-L o =.f z.;(J O. o-r-)d=-sE7C6oo _v-LL)H=34LF.-aAoEBoo=EE$ EE q):o:o
40、) L-E3Eoo-?i E-r 59(raoz.O:rA-Io6E.t:(Do)E=o(D-oEf(-,(gE=o)v(oc(l)F.(DfGo)Eq)cr!rt=oOo-iEEeR6rrfx i-=d-i-rd:qa;=r!-i: ;-:-a+=a-zaa$lTIo-8eOFc8stsS*IELrJ!lLrJo-vFxlrI=i*6Nxg=c*6=LnrE *= 3=oHcooc)qFAF/E, F:EE-5b(t -cl3i f s I-r I Rgi;*;EL_9_-_PAGE 8Fails To Erase1. Spring (39) loose or broken resultin
41、g in theerase head (44) not being pulled forward toengage thetape.2. Erase head (44) not aligned propgrly. SeeErase Head Adjustment.No Fast Forward Or Reverse1. Idler lever tension spring (67) may be looseor broken, not allowing idler lever (101) to beactuated.2. Checkidler drive belt (106) for prop
42、er oper-ation.No Drive On Record Or Playback1. Idler tension spring (93) loose or broken,thereby not holding idler wheel (129) in solid contactwith motor pulley (92) and flywheel (113).2. Idler slide plate (131) binding on slide bushing(142) preventing idler wheel (129) rom moving intoposition.Tape
43、Fails To Wind On Take-Up Reel During Recordor Playbackl Reel drive spring (51) loose or broken. SeeAdjustment For Slow Take-Up Reel.2. Brakedrumshaft(ll2) binding. Cleanforeignmatter from bearing surface.Speed Variation or Wowl. Check Capstan (61), pinch roller (50), idlerwheel (129), motor pulley (
44、92) and flywheel (113) foroil or foreign matter on the driving surfaces. Cleanthese surfaees with a good cleaning fluid.2. Check motor pulley (92) to see if it is securedto motor shaft.3. Checkidler tension spring(98)to see if it isholding idler wheel (129) in firm contact with motorpulley (129) and
45、 flywheel (113).4 Idler slide plate (131) bindingonslide bushing(142) preventing idler wheel (129) from makingpositiveconnection with motor pulley (129) and flywheel (ll3)CLEAN INGThe record head (56), capstan (61) and pressureroller (50) are subject to an accumulation of tape coat-ing residue, whic
46、h is worn off the tape as it passesthese parts. Use a soft cloth and alcohol to clean thehead surfaces, pressure roller and capstan.CAUTION: Donotuse abrushormetalobjecttocleanthe record head as this could mar themetal pole piece.LUBR ICAT IONAll rotating parts are provided with generoussize oilite
47、bearings, lubricated at the factory and re-quiring no further attention.An occasional cleaning out of foreign materialunder theplastic pushbuttoncover isdesirable. Also,a small drop of oil on the sliding members is advisable3oHxFZtEfi+I5oMEPARTS LISTRefNo.Part.No.Descriptionftet.No.PartNo.Descriptio
48、nI2345678Il0l11213l4l5l6t7l8c-13.253-r873-2254-35? -3494 -0D-13.264-l13-223t-457 -2049-4B-13.262-8B-r3.262-8c-13.254-13c-13.254-1373-2254-357 -2624-5E-13.265-2B-13.25857 -2t09-273-2231-4B-19. 85857 -247r-rSpeed Shift KnobFelt Washer , 3/ 4 O.D X l/ 4r. D x l/16Screw #6-32 X I OHMS Brass,PhillipsRear
49、 Escutcheon#6 Int. Lockwasher, Stl. C.P(2 Used)Screw, 6-32 X l/ 4 B.H. M. S.Stl. Br. Pltd. (2Used)Reel Pan for Take-Up ReelReel Pan for Feed ReelVolume Control KnobTone Control KnobFelt Washer, 3/ 4 O.D X t/ 4I. D. x l/ 16 (2 Used)Screw, #6-32 X 3/ I BHMSPhillips Stl. (2 Used)Front EscutcheonPush Bu
50、tton, Gray, (5 Used)Screw, #6-32 X 3/16 BHI,SSt. Stat. Bronz Phillips#6 Int. Lockwasher Stl. C. P.Pushbutton Retainer Bracket.Screw, #8-32 x ry4 RHMSSll a D Dhillinol9202l2223242526212829303132333435363138t3-223r-513-224t-t48F57-3586-1B-31.3388B-35. ?5848-4r0-173-2234-3D-35. 861-15? -3496 -lB-32.282