Knight-KN4060-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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1、cttc= l-Hffi-l l-et Lrlrvi,This recorder operates on 60 cycles, 105-120 volts AC only.Supplied By:Allied Radio100 N. Western AvenueChicago 80, lllinoisKNIGHTMODEL KN-4O6O (92RV774I 7/8 ips4 hours6 hours8 hoursPrinted in U.S. of AmericastT 537-oEmmE7L/2ipsI hourl. / 2 hours2 hoursrtIN3c,CloF tt.,IO9X

2、z+Y)vJlr|Ao=o(,IlFx?x5Z8aOE19*tcDGENERAL INFORMATIONKnight Model KN-4060 is a three-speed tape recorder and can play back both monauraland stereophonic recordings.Model KN-4060 will record and play back both monaural and stereo when connected to anappropriate amplifier system. Recordings can be made

3、 from a microphone, radio, phonograph,tuner, or TV set.This model has three tape speeds, 7 I/2, 3 3/ 4 and f ?/8 ips. A two-position equaliza-tion switch for 7 L/ 2 ips and 3 3/ 4 ot I ?l I ips is provided. Using both tracks, recordingtimes are as follow:Tape Lengt1200 ft.1800 ft.2400 ft.3 3/4 ips2

4、hours3 hours4 hoursHOWARD W. SATUS &The listing of any available replacement part herein doesnot constitute in any case a recommendation, warranty orguarantyby Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., as to the qualityand suitability of such replacement part. The numbers ofthese parts have been compiled from inf

5、ormation furnlshedto Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. , by the manufacturers ofcQ450G (o.r I t (C. lndlanapolls 6, lndlanathe particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-duction or use, without express permission, of edltorial orpictortal content, in any manner, ie prohibited. No patentliability ig

6、 asgumed with reepect to the use of the lnforma-tion contained herein. tS6t Howard W. Same & Co. , Inc. ,aI-l-lCJTCt.ilel-EFFI-CGIndianapolis 6, Indiana.DAIE 7 - 61r0tDtRRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库FUNCTION OF CONTROLSPower 0n-0ff, Volume Control #lTurns power on and off for the entire unit.Regulates vol

7、ume on monaural and first channel stereoplayback. Determines the recording level on monauraland first channel stereo recordings.Volume Control #2Controls the record level and volumefor stereorecording and playback on channel two.FUNCTION OFIn order for the pushbuttons to work properly,theyshould be

8、depressed firmly. All buttons lock intoposition when depressed except stop and pause. Therecorder can be ehanged from one function to anotherimmediately except from wind and rewind to play; inthis case, the stop button must first be depressed.StopApplies brake to botlt spindles and returns allpushbu

9、ttons to neutral.RecordMoves the play-record switch into record posi-tion.RewindReturns tape rapidly to supply reel. Moveswind-rewind pulley, increasing tension on rewind beltRotary Speed SelectorSelects the desired tape speed: 7-I/ 2, 3-3/ 4 ori-?/ 8 ips. This control cannot be turned unless thepus

10、hbuttons are in the Stop position.Equalization SwitchEqualizes the response f.or 7-L/ 2 ips speed inthe up position, for 33/4 and l-?/8 ips speeds in thedown position.PUSHBUTTONSwhich turns the supply sPindle.WindMoves tape rapidly in playand record direction.Moveswind-rewind pulley, increasing tens

11、ion on rvindbelt which turns the takeup spindle.PlayMoves the tape for playback (or recording, ifRecord button is depressed simultaneously). Bringspressure roller and pressure pads into position againstthe capstan and record head.PauseStops the tape by removing the pressure rollerf rom the capstan a

12、nd applying the brakes to the spindle.Record or playback settings are not disturbed.The input and output jacks are located on therear of the recorder. The top left jack is channel Iinput and lower left jack is channel 2 input. The twomiddte jacks are for monitoring; the upper for chan-OPERATI NGThre

13、ading the TapePlace a reel of tape on the left spindle; emptyreel on right spindle. Thread the tape in slot withshiny side toward the front of recorder. Insert looseend of tape into one of the slots in the empty reel andturn reel cowrterclockwiseto takeup slack inthe tape.To Wind or Rlvind TapeDepre

14、ss ttte Wind or Rewind button to move thetape in the desired direction. Depress the Stop buttonto stop the tape. The recorderwill stop automaticallyat the end of the reel.To Make a Monaural Recording Plug the microphone into the Low Level inputjack. Set the rotary Speed Selector to the desiredspeed.

15、 Turn the power on with the On-Off-VolumePage 2INPUT AND OUTPUT JACKSnel I and the lower for ehannel 2. The two jacks onthe right are the output jacksl the upper for channel Iand the lower for channel 2.I NSTRUCTI ONScontrol #1. Allowsulficient timefor the tubes towarmup. Depress the Record button a

16、nd adjust Volumecontrol #1 so the level meter will go into the red por-tion on the loudest passage. Ilold the Record buttondown anddepress the PIay button until bothare lockedinthe down position. If both buttons willnot stay downor a buzzing sound is heard, the tape is not properlythreaded. Depress

17、the Stop button at the end of a re-cordingl at the end of the tape, the recorder sriU stopautomatieally.Hold the microphone approximateiy eight inchesfrom themouth when recording voice. Place the mic-rophone two or three feet in front of the loudspeakerwhen recording from a radio, phonograph, or TV

18、set.Ilold the Pause button down to interrupt a record-ing briefly. The recorderwill continueto recordwhenthe Pause button is released.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库*ffiryF IG. 1 TOP V I EW OF MECHAN I SM W I TH ESCUTCHEON REMOVED3oIIrtF?-5Z8aOE-)o7CsIt is possible to record directly from a radio,phonograph

19、, tuner, or TV set by eonnecting a patchcord between the High Level jack and the desiredinstrument.To Play Monaural RecordingsThread the tape as deseribed under Threadingthe Tape. Connect the recorder to an amplifiersystem. Depress the Play button. Adjust Volume #1control. Turn Volume #2 fuffy count

20、erelockwise.To Play Stereophonic TapesConnect the recorder to a stereo amplifier.Thread the tape and turn the recorder on. Depressthe Play button and adjust Volume controls #t and #2until tte volume level meters are fluctuating equally.To Make a Stereophonic RecordingPlug one microphone into the upp

21、er input jackand another microphone into the lower input jack lo-cated on the rear of the recorder. Rotate the On-Off-Volume control #l clockwise to turn the power on-Adjust Volume control#l and Volume control#2 sotheLevel meters will register the same on the loudestpassage of sound. HoId Record but

22、ton down and de-press the Play button until both are locked into posi-tion. If both buttons will not stay down or a buzzingnoise is heard, the tape is not properly threaded.Hold the microphone approximately eight inchesfrom themouth when recording voice andtwo or threefeet from the loudspeaker when

23、reeording from aradio, phonograph, or TV set.Hold the Pause button down to interrupt a re-cording briefly. The recorder will continue to recordwhen the pause button is released.Head LifterPush left lever of headlifter down forfour-trackrecordings, and right lever down for two-traek re-cordings.To Ed

24、it and Splice TapeSinceone track cannot bespliced without affect-ingthe other, recordingsto beedited should belimitedto one track tapes. Unwanted portions can be cut outand the desired selections joined together. Tapesshould be cut at a slight diagonal and the ends joinedtogether with splicing tape

25、on the glossy side. Exeesssplicing tape should be trimmed from the sides of thetape.N0TE: Use splicing tape only. Do not useregular cellophane tape.OtrtFf1voPage 3,*t h,# g j: r$t dlt*$F*i*iEj*:1To Remove Recorder from CaseI. Remove the escutcheonf romjacks.2. Remove five screws fromfour bolts from

26、side.FIG.2BOTTOM V IEt/V OF MECHAN I SMDISASSEMBLY3.the input andoutputSet case on side and slide the mechanism for-ward.4. Reverse foregoing procedure to reassemble.Loosen mounting nuts at side of head mountingbracket assembly (42). Set top of upper gapeven with top of tape. Tighten mounting nuts.A

27、djust for maximum output by turning alignmentscrew, on right side of mounting bracket, whileplaying a prerecorded alignment tape.Repeat steps 2 and 3.bottom of case andADJUSTMENTSErase Head z.Loosen mounting nuts and set erase head sothattop of head gap is even with top of tape. Tightenmounting nuts

28、. 3.Record-Playback Headl. Put head in up position by pushing down on left of head mounting bracket assembly (42).CLEAN INGPressure roller (22), capstan, and recordinghead (25) should be cleaned oceasionally of dirt andforeign matterwith a soft cloth moistenedwith alcohol.Page 4LU BR I CATI ON

29、These recorders do not require lubrication undernormal use. When disassembled for repair, wipe allbearings andsliding levers with a clean soft cloth andapply a thin coat of oil to their suraces.TROUBLE CHARTSymptomCauseRemedyTape f ails to move when Playbutton is depressed.l. Worn or dirty pressure

30、roller(22).Supply spindle binds.Not enougli pressure to hold pres-sure roller (22) against flywheel(54).4. Idler wheel spring (55) weak or 4.missing.5. Posts of idler arm pivot (56) 5.rusted or plate bent.l. Clean or replace pressure roller(22).Clean supply spindle or loosenbrake cord.Increase tensi

31、on of back tensionspring (72). Pressure should beL6-24 oz.Replace idler wheel spring (55).Clean posts or straighten plate.2.3.23Tape fails to move whenWind or Rewind button isdepressed.Idler belt(63)slipping or missing.Brakes (12?) too tight.Wind or Rewind belts (64) brokenor too tight.4. Idler pull

32、ey assry. (65) binding. 4.l. Clean or replace idler drive belt(63).Loosen brake cord (12?) from themounting stud side.Replace wind or rewind belt (64).Idler pulley arm (61) should haveL/16! l/32 travel from left toright in idle position withoutstretching the belts.Remove i.dler pulley (65), cleansha

33、Jt on arm idler pulley assy.,oil, and replace pulley.l. in speed afterreeorder has been in opera-tion.l. Pressure roller (22) too tightagainst flywheel (54).Oil or dirt on flywheel (54), idlerwheel (58), idler pulley (65), ormotor pulley (i24).Wind-Rewind belts (64) too short.4. Pre

34、ssure pad springs (16) and(l?) 4.too tight.Adjust as mentioned in remedy 3of first symptom.Clean surfaces of these parts withan industrial cleaner.Adjust idler pulley arm (61) asmentioned in remedy 3 of preced-ing symptom.Loosen springs by bending anchorback.3oElltFx?-rz8ao-19FcIl. speed c

35、hange.Speed change bracket (lll) armjumpedout ofgroove ofidler arm(?5).Speed sliding post gummed up orcorroded.Support bracket of idler arm (?5)jumped to left of play lever andcam bracket (71).I.l.Reposition speed change bracket(l1I) arm in groove. Tighten leverretainer spring (92). Straightenspeed

36、change bracket (lU).Clean or replace sliding post andapply a thin film of oil.Bend support bracket (?5) down soit will clear top of play lever andcam bracket (?l). stop does notfunction.l. Solenoid arm (104) too far fromsolenoid.l. Bend solenoid arm (104) so thatthere is no more tha

37、n lrl 8 clear-ance between solenoid arm (I04)and solenoid.Incomplete Erase.Dirty erase head (3f).Defective electrical components.Clean erase head (31) with softcloth and alcohol.Check voltages and resistances.Replace defective part.I.2.l.2.Recording weakordistorted. l.2.Dirty record-playback head (2

38、5).Defeetive electrical components.Clean record-playback head (25)with a soft eloth and aleohol.Check voltages and resistances.Replace defective part.l.2.T1Oqf,noPage 5CHANNEL IA Howcrd w. sqmr !$SfS rmroPRINTTD BOARDSCIANNEL 2ARROWS INDICATING TUgE TOCATIONS AREPOINTING TO PIN I UNLE5S OTHERWISE IN


40、aOEr-r dIt9nceFIG.4 BOTTOM VIEW OF MECHANISM WITH MOTOR MOUNTING PLATE RTMOVEDO(frrtnoPage I IMECHANICAL PARTS LISTRef .No.PartNo.DescriptionRef .No.PartNo.DescriptionI2345678910llL2r3l41516l7I8192A2LTP-1249TS-2r525133-25TA-I488TB-2151TE-276-3TS-r993TS-1902TA-1349TS-19855133 -25On-Off -Volume Stereo

41、 KnobsVU MetersScrew, 6-32 x L/ 4 PhiL.Truss. Hd.Dress PlateEseutcheonEscrrtcheon ScrewSpindleWashersBall RaceRetaining RingWasher . 255 I. D. x l/ 2 O.D.x .0I0 Thick SteelPressure Roller Plate Assy.Motor BoardRear EscutcheonPushbuttonsErase Head Pressure PadSpringRecord Head Pressure PadSpringPushb

42、utton Assy. BracketPushbutton SpringRetaining RingWasher, .255 I.D. x L/ 2 O.D.x .0I02829303r3233343536373839404L42222324252627TR-r846TG-476TH-584TB-21305133-r2TB-2137TB.1067TG-461TL-354-rTA-1560TL-354TS-r9865133-r8TB.2I52TS-1984TB-2028Pressure RollerWasherRight Tape Guide PostRecord-Play Head L/ 4

43、TruckStereoRecord Head Pressure PadBracketScrew, 6 x 3/ 8 Hex Sheet MetalType ZRetaining RingErase Head Pad BracketPressure Roller Stop PlateBrkt.Erase Head - L/ 4 TrackLeft Tape Guide PostStop Pushbutton LeverRecord Switch LeverPushbutton LeverWasher . 203 I. D. x 3/ 8 O. D.xI/32Record Switch Sprin

44、gRetaining RingErase Head BracketTape Guide WirePushbutton Latch SpringRecord-Play Head Mtg. Brkt.MECHAN ICAL PARTS LIST ( CONT. 43444546474849505l52535455565758*59606r6263*646566676869?07L727374757677?87980BI82838485868?TC-1747TR-i614TA-1252TS-2085TA-u83265TB-2180TF-324TS-1993-rTA-II?4TW-424*TS-204

45、1TA-1225TA-1163TS-r981TR-1548*TB-1018TA-1489TW-4545r33 -25TS-I9BBTS-2086TS-r9llTA-1176-rTS-2244TA-ll?3-lTB-r050TA-?2TR-16r5TR-16155r33-25TR-14165r33 -r2TS-2245TS-1990TA-1i69Counter Assy.Counter Drive BeltFlywheel Thrust Plate Assy.No. 6 Lo-ckwasherScrew, 6-32 x f/ 2 Phif. Bdg.Brake Cord SpringCounte

46、p.dnd Brake Pulley AssySplndlg,Fulley for Drive BeItSet ScrewMotor Mounting BracketWasherFlywheelIdler Wheel SpringIdler Arm Pivot Assy.Fiber Washer*Idler WheelTakeup Compression SpringIdler Release Rod Assy.Idler Pulley Arm Assy.Wind Spring*Idler Drive BeItWind or Rewind BeltIdler PuJ.Iey Assy.Fibe

47、r Thrust WasherRetaining RingPause Linkage SpringSwivel Head Lifter ShaJtIdler Elevation ShajtPlay Lever and Cam Assy.Pressure Roller Tension SpringBrake Arm Assy.Brake Cord Retainer BracketIdler Arm Support Speed ChangeAssemblyPush RodPush RodWasherRetaining RingSwitch Cam RollerRetaining RingCam L

48、ever SpringBrake SpringAutomatic Stop ActuatorWasher, 6 x 3/ 8 xl/ 32 FL.SteelNo. 6 LockwasherScrew, 6-32 x 3/8 Phil. Bdg.Hd. Mach.B88990919293949596979899r00t0lr02103104r05106l0?108109110lilIl2lr31r4lr5lr6ll7118119r20TzLt22123124t25126r27TA-rU0-lTS-19935133 -12TS-r9805133 -18TS-1981TL-3465133-25TL-

49、36I5133 -25TS-2r?0TP-IOOBTA-125ITC-174rTA-1164265TL-36?TB-i093Automatic. Shutoff Bracket Ass yAutomatic Stop SpringRetaining RingSpeed Selector Lift Lever (Partof Item lll)Speed Selector SpringRetaining RingWasher, .I92 I.D. x 3/8 O.D.x .010 ThickFiber WasherRewind SpringWasher, No. 6I.D. x7/LGScrew

50、,6x3/8Hex. SheetMetal Type ZWasher, .225 I.D. xL/ 2 O.D.x .010 ThickWind Spring LinkFiber WasherWasher, . 225 I. D. x l/ 2 O.D.x .010 ThickRetaining RingSolenoid Arm LeverLockwasherScrewSteel WasherRetaining RingSpeed Selector Locking PlateSpacerSpeed Selector Locking PlateSpeed Selector Bracket Ass


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